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SUMMARY. 1. Invertebrates and fish were surveyed during October 1976 in thirty-four stony riffle stream sites in Ashdown Forest, Sussex.
2. A variety of physicochemical factors were also measured in an attempt to assess the importance of each in determining the distribution of species and the structure of communities.
3. Three analytical techniques—stepwise multiple regression analysis, ordination and community classification—revealed that the structure of these communities was strongly related to variation in stream pH. Acid sites had low numbers of individuals, low species richness and low equitabilities. Summer temperature and stream discharge also appeared to play significant roles. The pattern of catchment land use was shown to have an important bearing on stream pH.
4. In the most acid sites only collectors, shredders and predators occurred. In more basic sites the number of species in collector and predator categories increased and these were joined by grazer/scrapers and filter feeders.
5. A theoretical basis for explaining stream community structure is discussed.  相似文献   
1. In a field experiment we examined the interactive effects of two common predators of zooplankton, bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) and Chaoborus spp. on the growth rate and habitat use of three congeneric prey species (Daphnia). Bluegill and Chaoborus both consume Daphnia, but bluegill also prey on Chaoborus. The prey species, Daphnia pulicaria, D. rosea and D. retrocurva, differed in body size and vertical distribution. We expected the largest species, D. pulicaria, to be most vulnerable to fish predation and the smallest species, D. retrocurva, to be most vulnerable to Chaoborus predation. 2. As we expected, the population growth rate of D. pulicaria was significantly reduced by fish. However, Chaoborus also significantly reduced the growth rate of this species. No significant interaction effect was detected, indicating that the effect of these predators was additive. The growth rates of D. rosea and D. retrocurva were significantly reduced by Chaoborus, but a significant interaction effect indicated that the effect of Chaoborus was stronger in the absence of fish than when fish were present. Therefore the impact of Chaoborus and fish on D. rosea and D. retrocurva was non-additive. The interactive effect of the two predators on D. retrocurva was greater in magnitude than on D. rosea. 3. In the absence of predators, the three Daphnia species showed no differences in mean habitat depth between day and night. Both predators significantly affected diel habitat use of D. pulicaria and D. rosea. Fish caused both of these Daphnia species to move deeper during the day, whereas Chaoborus caused Daphnia to move into shallower water at night. Daphnia retrocurva tended to migrate upwards at night in all predator treatments, but no significant differences in migration were observed among the predator treatments. The effects of predators on habitat use were not interactive for any prey species. 4. Our results suggest that body size, habitat use and the diel migratory response to predators are important factors mediating the interactive effects of multiple predator types on zooplankton.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Based on its characteristic oral apparatus, the ciliate subclass Peritrichia has long been recognized as a monophyletic assemblage composed of the orders Mobilida and Sessilida. Following the application of molecular methods, the monophyly of Peritrichia has recently been questioned. We investigated the phylogenetic relationships of the peritrichous ciliates based on four further complete small subunit ribosomal RNA sequences of mobilids, namely Urceolaria urechi, Trichodina meretricis, Trichodina sinonovaculae , and Trichodina ruditapicis . In all phylogenetic trees, the mobilids never clustered with the sessilids, but instead formed a monophyletic assemblage related to the peniculines. By contrast, the sessilids formed a sister clade with the hymenostomes at a terminal position within the Oligohymenophorea. We therefore formally separate the mobilids from the sessilids (Peritrichia sensu stricto) and establish a new subclass, Mobilia Kahl, 1933 , which contains the order Mobilida Kahl, 1933 . We argue that the oral apparatus in the mobilians and sessilid peritrichs is a homoplasy, probably due to convergent evolution driven by their similar life-styles and feeding strategies. Morphologically, the mobilians are distinguished from all other oligohymenophoreans by the presence of the adhesive disc, this character being a synapomorphy for the Mobilia.  相似文献   
Although there have been few studies of self‐scratching in primates, some have reported distinct differences in whether hands or feet are used, and these variations seem to reflect the evolutionary history of the Order. Monkeys and prosimians use both hands and feet to self‐scratch while African great apes use hands almost exclusively. Gibbons represent an evolutionary divergence between monkeys and great apes and incidental observations at the Gibbon Conservation Center pointed to a difference in self‐scratching among the four extant gibbon genera (Hoolock, Nomascus, Symphalangus, and Hylobates). To validate and further explore these preliminary observations, we collected systematic data on self‐scratching from 32 gibbons, including nine species and all four genera. To supplement gibbon data, we also collected self‐scratching information from 18 great apes (four species), five prosimians (two species), 26 New World Monkeys (nine species) and 20 Old World Monkeys (seven species). All monkeys and some prosimians used both hands and feet to self‐scratch, whereas one prosimian species used only feet. All African great apes used hands exclusively (orangutans were an exception displaying occasional foot‐use). This appears to represent a fundamental difference between monkeys and great apes in limb use. Interestingly, there was a clear difference in self‐scratching between the four gibbon genera. Hylobates and Symphalangus self‐scratched only with hands (like all African great apes), while Hoolock and Nomascus self‐scratched with both hands and feet (like monkeys and prosimians). This difference in gibbon behavior may reflect the evolutionary history of gibbons as Hoolock and Nomascus are thought to have evolved before both Hylobates and Symphalangus. What evolutionary pressures led to this divergent pattern is currently opaque; however, this shift in limb preference may result from niche separation across the order facilitating differences in the behavioral repertoire associated with hind and forelimbs. Am. J. Primatol. 74:1035‐1043, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Three distantly related genera of land snails, Amplirhagada Iredale, 1933, Quistrachia Iredale, 1939, and Westraltrachia Iredale, 1933, overlap in distributions only in the Napier and Oscar Ranges, east of Derby, Western Australia. The first two remain allopatric, Quistrachia having a more eastern range, while Westraltrachia overlaps both ranges. In the zone of sympatry, with changes proceeding from east to west, Westraltrachia diverges in feeding, and there is massive, gradual convergence in shell size, shape and colour between Amplirhagada and Westraltrachia. Shells of both genera depart markedly from their distinctive allopatric appearances to form a new morphotype in the north-west Napier Ranges. The species there are so similar in appearance that the two genera cannot be identified at a distance of 0.5 m. Thirteen species-level taxa are involved in these changes, four allopatric Amplirhagada , seven allopatric Westraltrachia, Quistrachia monogramma and Rhagada basedowana.
Westraltrachia species, the only large land snails in their main area of distribution (south-east Kimberlcy), are pre-adapted to graze on an occasionally present food resource, algal-fungal blooms on limestone seepage faces. They entered the Oscar and Napier Ranges, where this food resource is more abundant, and large land snails that are generalized feeders, Amplirhagada or Quistrachia , were already present and abundant. Hence feeding divergence occurred. Such specialization by Westraltrachia to minimize competition is readily understandable.
The selective pressures that led to the striking convergence in shell features in north-west Napier taxa are unknown.  相似文献   
In order to learn more about how young pistil primordia assimilateor produce the regulatory information influencing further growthand development and how the information is collated and processedwithin the primordium, young pistil primordia from two speciesof Nicotiana were excised and placed on the surface of a developmentallyneutral medium. The pistils of one type of tobacco seemed tobe almost fully autonomous for its growth and development becauseit typically grew to a size and stage of development comparableto in vivo grown pistils. Pistils of the other type did notfare so well. Other potential influences were tested; the degreeof injury to, or exposure of, the placentas, the effects ofculturing while attached to other floral members in every combination,and the effects of kinetin were investigated. Each of theseprovided clues relating to how the plant regulated pistil development.  相似文献   
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