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Androdioecy (the coexistence of two genders, cosexuals and males, in a single population) is a rare breeding system. In terms of functional gamete production, androdioecy has been reported in a small number of wind-pollinated and insect-pollinated species. In this study we examine the floral biology, stability of gender, and fruit and seed production after self-pollination and outcrossing pollination in a potentially androdioecious tree, Fraxinus ornus , in southern France. Individual trees have either hermaphrodite flowers or male flowers, the latter lacking a well-developed gynoecium. The two genders produce morphologically similar pollen and were present in 1:1 or slightly male-biased ratios. Only hermaphrodites set fruit during 2–4 yr of observation at four different sites in southern France. Experimental pollinations of eight trees in two different sites showed that hermaphrodites produce viable pollen in dehiscent anthers and viable seeds. Thus, in terms of functional gamete production, F. ornus is a new case of functional androdioecy. Seven hermaphrodites were self-compatible, and such self-compatibility of hermaphrodites might improve the colonizing ability of F. ornus in a region where this species is actively expanding its range.  相似文献   
The present field study compared the degree of defoliation of three Guianian melastome, two myrmecophytes (i.e. plants sheltering ants in hollow structures) and Clidemia sp., a nonmyrmecophytic plant serving as a control. Maieta guianensis Aubl. hosted mostly Pheidole minutula Mayr whatever the area, whereas Tococa guianensis Aubl. hosted mostly Azteca bequaerti Wheeler along streams and Crematogaster laevis Mayr or Azteca sp. 1 in the understory where it never blossomed. Only Tococa , when sheltering A. bequaerti in what can be considered as a truly mutualistic relationship, showed significantly less defoliation than control plants. In the other associations, the difference was not significant, but P. minutula is mutualistic with Maieta because it furnishes some protection (exclusion experiments) plus nutrients (previous studies). When devoid of ants, Tococa showed significantly greater defoliation than control plants; therefore, it was deduced that Tococa probably lacks certain antidefoliator metabolites that control plants possess (both Tococa and control plants are protected by ground-nesting, plant-foraging ants, which is termed 'general myrmecological protection'). Consequently, plant-ants other than A. bequaerti probably also protect Tococa slightly, thus compensating for this deficiency and permitting it to live in the understory until treefall gaps provide the conditions necessary for seed production.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 91–98.  相似文献   
Given the importance of interleukin-1 in both rheumatic diseases and the modulation of cell metabolic activities, we studied the action of this cytokine on the neutral amino acid transport A system on rheumatoid synovial cells. In these cells IL-1 (1ng/ml) induced amino transport stimulation from 5min to 5h. This effect was obtained only after a starvation period. No concentration-related effect was found for IL-1-stimulated MeAIB uptake, and the IL-1-mediated MeAIB uptake stimulation is independent of protein synthesis. Neosynthesis or post-translational maturation of protein transport is a prerequisite for obtaining this effect. In conclusion, rheumatoid synovial cells exhibit a higher sensitivity for IL-1 than osteoarthritic ones, probably related to their intense metabolic activity.  相似文献   
The carbon balance of a winter wheat crop in Lonzée, Belgium, was assessed from measurements carried out at different spatial and temporal scales between November 2004 and August 2005. From eddy covariance measurements, the net ecosystem exchange was found to be ?0.63 kg C m?2 and resulted from the difference between gross primary productivity (GPP) (?1.58 kg C m?2) and total ecosystem respiration (TER) (0.95 kg C m?2). The impact of the u* threshold value on these fluxes was assessed and found to be very small. GPP assessment was partially validated by comparison with an estimation scaled up from leaf scale assimilation measurements. Soil respiration (SR), extrapolated from chamber measurements, was 0.52 kg C m?2. Net primary productivity, assessed from crop sampling, was ?0.83 kg C m?2. By combining these fluxes, the autotrophic and heterotrophic components of respiration were deduced. Autotrophic respiration dominated both TER and SR. The evolution of these fluxes was analysed in relation to wheat development.  相似文献   
1. Earlier spring warming as predicted for climate change will alter combinations of water temperature and photoperiod that act as emergence cues for zooplankton resting stages. As a result, water temperature cue thresholds will be experienced at shorter photoperiods, a variable independent of weather variations. Also, light intensity, another potentially important cue for zooplankton emergence, could decrease in many lakes if symptoms of climate change resemble those of eutrophication. 2. We designed a laboratory experiment to test the effects of three factors, temperature (6, 9 and 12 °C), photoperiod (13L : 11D and 16L : 8D) and light intensity (20 and 35 μE m−2 s−1) on hatchling abundance and timing of hatching of daphniids (Daphnia ambigua) and rotifers (Keratella spp. and Synchaeta pectinata) from resting eggs. Further, we investigated the implications of potential changes in hatching dynamics, following variations in hatching cues, on zooplankton spring population development using predator–prey simulation models. 3. For hatchling abundance and timing of hatching, photoperiod had a significant effect for D. ambigua but not rotifers. Daphnia ambigua hatchling abundance decreased by 50% when incubated at conditions mimicking early spring (12 °C + 13‐h photoperiod) compared to a later spring (12 °C + 16‐h photoperiod). Light intensity has a significant effect only for S. pectinata, producing greater hatchling abundance at lower light intensity. 4. Simulation models suggest that in contrast to a later spring, an early warming produces a shift in spring zooplankton community composition, from daphniid to rotifer dominance. These patterns are primarily driven by differential zooplankton emergence response with variations in temperature–photoperiod cues. 5. Overall, our laboratory experiments and simulation models suggest that lakes with strong dependence on the ‘resting egg‐bank’, characteristic of many shallow north‐temperate lakes or in years with low winter survivorship of adult zooplankton, may be most susceptible to climate change. Further, fewer large grazers such as daphniids with an earlier spring may result in less control of cyanobacterial blooms in eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. The biology of most invasive species in their native geographical areas remains largely unknown. Such studies are, however, crucial in shedding light on the ecological and evolutionary processes underlying biological invasions. 2. The present study focuses on the little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata, a species native to Central and South America that has been widely introduced and which has become invasive throughout the tropics. We characterise and compare several ecological traits of native populations in French Guiana with those in one of its introduced ranges, New Caledonia. 3. We found ecologically heterogeneous populations of W. auropunctata coexisting in the species’ native geographical area. First, we found populations restricted to naturally perturbed areas (particularly floodplains) within the primary forest, and absent from the surrounding forest areas. These populations were characterised by low nest and worker densities. Second, we found dominant populations in recent anthropogenic areas (e.g. secondary forest or forest edge along road) characterised by high nest and worker densities, and associated with low ant species richness. The local dominance of W. auropunctata in such areas can be due to the displacement of other species (cause) or the filling‐up of empty habitats unsuitable to other ants (effect). With respect to their demographic features and ant species richness, the populations of native anthropogenic habitats were to a large extent similar to the invasive populations introduced into remote areas. 4. The results point to the need for greater research efforts to better understand the ecological and demographic features of invasive species within their native ranges.  相似文献   
We describe primer sequences for five microsatellite markers in Cardiocondyla elegans, an ant species with ergatoid males. Polymorphism of these loci was investigated using 236 individuals from 22 colonies from four locations. The microsatellites are dinucleotide repeats with four to 16 alleles, and the observed heterozygosity ranges from 0.244 to 0.720. We characterized these markers for the study of the population as well as the social structure of colonies.  相似文献   
Rhamnolipids produced by the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa are known as very efficient biosurfactant molecules. They are used for a wide range of industrial applications, especially in food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical formulations as well as in bioremediation of pollutants. In this paper, the role of rhamnolipids as novel molecules triggering defence responses and protection against the fungus Botrytis cinerea in grapevine is presented. The effect of rhamnolipids was assessed in grapevine using cell suspension cultures and vitro-plantlets. Ca2+ influx, mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and reactive oxygen species production form part of early signalling events leading from perception of rhamnolipids to the induction of plant defences that include expression of a wide range of defence genes and a hypersensitive response (HR)-like response. In addition, rhamnolipids potentiated defence responses induced by the chitosan elicitor and by the culture filtrate of B. cinerea . We also demonstrated that rhamnolipids have direct antifungal properties by inhibiting spore germination and mycelium growth of B. cinerea . Ultimately, rhamnolipids efficiently protected grapevine against the fungus. We propose that rhamnolipids are acting as microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) in grapevine and that the combination of rhamnolipid effects could participate in grapevine protection against grey mould disease.  相似文献   
Ant-fed plants: comparison between three geophytic myrmecophytes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In their association with myrmecophytes (i.e. plants that shelter a limited number of ant species in hollow structures), ants sometimes provide only poor biotic protection for their host plants, but may supply them with nutrients (myrmecotrophy). We studied three geophytic myrmecophytes growing in the understorey of Guianian rain forests. Allomerus ants build spongy-looking galleries rich in detritus and insect debris over the stems of their host plants [ Cordia nodosa Lamark (Boraginaceae) and Hirtella physophora Martius & Zuccharini (Chrysobalanaceae)], while Pheidole minutula Mayr colonies deposit their waste in the leaf pouches of their host plant [ Maieta guianensis Aublet (Melastomataceae)]. This waste is more nitrogen-rich than that found in the Allomerus galleries, themselves containing more nitrogen than the plant leaves. Using stable isotope analysis we noted a significant difference in δ15N between ant-occupied and unoccupied plants only for Maieta , for which 80% of the host plant nitrogen is derived from Pheidole waste. Experiments on all three plants using a 15N-supplemented solution of NH4Cl confirmed these results, with an increase in this isotope noted between control and experimental plants only for Maieta . The internal surfaces of Maieta leaf pouches bear protuberances whose likely role is to absorb nutrients from the Pheidole waste. The alternative hypothesis, that these protuberances play a role in provisioning ants, was rejected after comparing their structure with those of extrafloral nectaries and food bodies in a histological study.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 433–439.  相似文献   
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