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Hourly development during a normal day of photosynthesis, transpiration, leaf and root respiration, and of N.P.K nutrition in Zea mays. Metabolism of Zea mays L. cv. INRA F7×F2 can be measured hourly with the “C23A system”, under favourable and constant growth conditions. The photosynthesis is especially stable and is submitted only to a development linked with the leaf surface growth. During the vegetative stage the leaf surface increases regularly both in the day and in the night. The water loss does not change during the diurnal period and remains important during the night if humidity is less than 100%. The leaf respiration is nearly stable. The root respiration, measured with O2 and CO2, fluctuates according to a typical rhythm with two maxima. Day and night mean rates were about the same. The respiratory quotient is about one during the vegetative stage. There is no decrease in the rate of phosphate absorption during the night, and a very small decrease in the rate of nitrate absorption. Ammonium is totally consumed in the first hours after renewal of the nutrient solution. At the same time the potassium consumption is decreased, and then presents a maximum followed by a night reduction. Under our conditions, all of the observations allowed us to assume the presence of an adequate reserve of assimilates and suggest the existence of a precise regulation process, which can ensure an even day night functioning of the plant metabolism, but which does not preclude the presence of internal rhythms, as indicated by the oscillation of the root respiration.  相似文献   
The habitat fragmentation that characterizes agricultural systems made up of an array of sympatric crop and weed biotopes might be a major determinant of the population structure of plant‐feeding arthropods. Spider mites are interesting in this regard as several species are highly polyphagous, possibly generating homogenization by plant shifting, but also have the potential of forming host plant races which promotes specialization. This study analyses genetic diversity and structure in natural populations of a spider mite pest, Tetranychus turkestani, collected on both crops and weeds. Five microsatellite markers were used to genotype 283 individuals collected from 15 samples in four locations in southern France. The markers revealed considerable genetic variation, with an average heterozygosity of 0.68. Pairwise ΦST estimates calculated between localities showed differentiation in all comparisons. Although geographical distance appears to be a factor that influences T. turkestani population genetic structure at a regional scale, there was no clear evidence for differentiation between mites living on different host plants. A hierarchical analysis of the distribution of the genetic diversity within and between habitats showed that more than 97% of the observed genetic variation accounted for the differentiation between mites collected on the same host plant in a given locality. Significant heterozygote deficiency was found in 11 out of the 15 samples studied. Considering the biology of the mite, a Wahlund effect and inbreeding might explain such an excess of homozygosity. The data support the view that the plants in a given locality are colonized by mites that originate from diverse sources. They also support previous data suggesting that the demographic structure is made up of small demes of inbred individuals. The agricultural‐level implications of the data are discussed, notably the fact that mites may well be capable of moving between host plants, making weeds surrounding the crop fields potential reservoirs for the pest. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 82 , 69–78.  相似文献   
Increasing ocean temperatures due to global warming are predicted to have negative effects on coral reef fishes. El Niño events are associated with elevated water temperatures at large spatial (1000s of km) and temporal (annual) scales, providing environmental conditions that enable temperature effects on reef fishes to be tested directly. We compared remote sensing data of sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies, surface current flow and chlorophyll‐a (Chl‐a) concentration with monthly patterns in larval supply of coral reef fishes in nearshore waters around Rangiroa Atoll (French Polynesia) from January 1996 to March 2000. This time included an intense El Niño (April 1997–May 1998) event between two periods of La Niña (January–March 1996 and August 1998–March 2000) conditions. There was a strong relationship between the timing of the El Niño event, current flow, ocean productivity (as measured by Chl‐a) and larval supply. In the warm conditions of the event, there was an increase in the SST anomaly index up to 3.5 °C above mean values and a decrease in the strength of the westward surface current toward the reef. These conditions coincided with low concentrations of Chl‐a (mean: 0.06 mg m?3, SE ± 0.004) and a 51% decline in larval supply from mean values. Conversely, during strong La Niña conditions when SST anomalies were almost 2 °C below mean values and there was a strong westward surface current, Chl‐a concentration was 150% greater than mean values and larval supply was 249% greater. A lag in larval supply suggested that productivity maybe affecting both the production of larvae by adults and larval survival. Our results suggest that warming temperatures in the world's oceans will have negative effects on the reproduction of reef fishes and survival of their larvae within the plankton, ultimately impacting on the replenishment of benthic populations.  相似文献   
We evaluated the direct and interactive effects of food and age on reproduction in the Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus , to test whether variation in food supply was likely to affect age-specific breeding probability or success. Younger females were more frequently non-breeders than older females. When breeding, older females laid earlier, produced larger clutches, failed less often and had higher number of fledglings than younger females. Probability of breeding was higher, laying was earlier, and clutch size and number of fledglings per pair increased with increasing food abundance. A significant interaction between food and age was observed in both breeding probability and breeding performance: older females were more likely to breed than younger females when food abundance was low, and younger females performed less well in good food conditions than older females. Overall, differences between age groups were most marked in extreme food conditions, regardless of the quality of the conditions.  相似文献   
The relationship between organic matter (OM) lability and temperature sensitivity is disputed, with recent observations suggesting that responses of relatively more resistant OM to increased temperature could be greater than, equivalent to, or less than responses of relatively more labile OM. This lack of clear understanding limits the ability to forecast carbon (C) cycle responses to temperature changes. Here, we derive a novel approach (denoted Q10?q) that accounts for changes in OM quality during decomposition and use it to analyze data from three independent sources. Results from new laboratory soil incubations (labile Q10?q=2.1 ± 0.2; more resistant Q10?q=3.8 ± 0.3) and reanalysis of data from other soil incubations reported in the literature (labile Q10?q=2.3; more resistant Q10?q=3.3) demonstrate that temperature sensitivity of soil OM decomposition increases with decreasing soil OM lability. Analysis of data from a cross‐site, field litter bag decomposition study (labile Q10?q=3.3 ± 0.2; resistant Q10?q=4.9 ± 0.2) shows that litter OM follows the same pattern, with greater temperature sensitivity for more resistant litter OM. Furthermore, the initial response of cultivated soils, presumably containing less labile soil OM (Q10?q=2.4 ± 0.3) was greater than that for undisturbed grassland soils (Q10?q=1.7 ± 0.1). Soil C losses estimated using this approach will differ from previous estimates as a function of the magnitude of the temperature increase and the proportion of whole soil OM comprised of compounds sensitive to temperature over that temperature range. It is likely that increased temperature has already prompted release of significant amounts of C to the atmosphere as CO2. Our results indicate that future losses of litter and soil C may be even greater than previously supposed.  相似文献   
Twelve microsatellite markers were isolated from chub Leuciscus cephalus Linné, 1766 (Cyprinidae), a freshwater fish widely distributed in Europe. We assessed the level of genetic diversity for these loci in 24 individuals sampled in the Rhone river watershed. Nine loci were polymorphic, displaying from two to 13 alleles per locus with expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.160 to 0.887. Simultaneous migration of different polymerase chain reaction products was developed for routine analysis of L. cephalus populations.  相似文献   
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