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Abstract We used a network of 20 carbon dioxide- and octenol-supplemented light traps to sample adult mosquitoes throughout Russell Island in southern Moreton Bay, south-east Queensland. Between February and April 2001, an estimated 1365 564 adult female mosquitoes were collected. In contrast to an average catch of 9754 female mosquitoes per trap night on Russell Island, reference traps set on Macleay Island and on the mainland returned average catches of 3172 and 222, respectively. On Russell Island, Ochlerotatus vigilax (Skuse), Coquillettidia linealis (Skuse), Culex annulirostris Skuse and Verrallina funerea (Theobald), known or suspected vectors of Ross River (RR) and/or Barmah Forest (BF) viruses, comprised 89.6% of the 25 taxa collected. When the spatial distributions of the above species were mapped and analysed using local spatial statistics, all were found to be present in highest numbers towards the southern end of the island during most of the 7 weeks. This indicated the presence of more suitable adult harbourage sites and/or suboptimal larval control efficacy. As immature stages and the breeding habitat of Cq. linealis are as yet undescribed, this species in particular presents a considerable impediment to proposed development scenarios. The method presented here of mapping the numbers of mosquitoes throughout a local government area allows specific areas that have high vector numbers to be defined.  相似文献   
The long (4.6-kb) A+T region of Drosophila melanogaster mitochondrial DNA has been cloned and sequenced. The A+T region is organized in two large arrays of tandemly repeated DNA sequence elements, with nonrepetitive intervening and flanking sequences comprising only 22% of its length. The first repeat array consists of five repeats of 338-373 bp. The second consists of four intact 464-bp repeats and a fifth partial repeat of 137 bp. Three DNA sequence elements are found to be highly conserved in D. melanogaster and in several Drosophila species with short A+T regions. These include a 300-bp DNA sequence element that overlaps the DNA replication origin and two thymidylate stretches identified on opposite DNA strands. We conclude that the length heterogeneity observed in the A+T regulatory region in mitochondrial DNAs from the genus Drosophila results from the expansion (and contraction) of the number of repeated DNA sequence elements. We also propose that the 300-bp conserved DNA sequence element, in conjunction with another primary sequence determinant, perhaps the adjacent thymidylate stretch, functions in the regulation of mitochondrial DNA replication.   相似文献   
Galectins, beta-galactoside-binding lectins, are extensively distributed in the animal kingdom and share some basic molecular properties. Galectin-3, a member of this family, is generally associated with differentiation, morphogenesis, and metastasis. In this study, galectin-3 was isolated from ovine placental cotyledons round the middle of the gestation period by lactose extraction followed by affinity chromatography on lactosyl-agarose, and separated from galectin-1 by size exclusion chromatography on a Superose 12 column. Under native conditions this lectin behaved as a monomer with an apparent molecular weight of approximately 29,000 and an isoelectric point of 9.0. The partial amino acid sequence of the peptides obtained by tryptic digestion of this protein followed by HPLC separation showed striking homology with other members of the galectin-3 subfamily. Furthermore, ovine placental galectin-3 exhibited specific mitogenic activity toward rat spleen mononuclear cells. Besides, this protein strongly reacted with a rabbit antiserum raised against a chicken galectin. Results obtained by Western blot analysis showed that its expression was greatly decreased in term placenta with respect to the middle of the gestation period, suggesting a regulated expression throughout development.   相似文献   
Determination of predictive biomarkers by immunohistochemistry (IHC) relies on antibodies with high selectivity. RNA in situ hybridization (RNA ISH) may be used to confirm IHC and may potentially replace it if suitable antibodies are not available or are insufficiently selective to discriminate closely related protein isoforms. We validated RNA ISH as specificity control for IHC and as a potential alternative method for selecting patients for treatment with MET inhibitors. MET, the HGF receptor, is encoded by the MET proto-oncogene that may be activated by mutation or amplification. MET expression and activity were tested in a panel of control cell lines. MET could be detected in formalin fixed paraffin, embedded (FFPE) samples by IHC and RNA ISH, and this was confirmed by sandwich immunoassays of fresh frozen samples. Gastric cancer cell lines with high MET expression and phosphorylation of tyrosine-1349 respond to the MET inhibitor, BAY-853474. High expression and phosphorylation of MET is a predictive biomarker for response to MET inhibitors. We then analyzed MET expression and activity in a matched set of FFPE vs. fresh frozen tumor samples consisting of 20 cases of gastric cancer. Two of 20 clinical samples investigated exhibited high MET expression with RNA ISH and IHC. Both cases were shown by sandwich immunoassays to exhibits strong functional activity. Expression levels and functional activity in these two cases were in a range that predicted response to treatment. Our findings indicate that owing to its high selectivity, RNA ISH can be used to confirm findings obtained by IHC and potentially may replace IHC for certain targets if no suitable antibodies are available. RNA ISH is a valid platform for testing predictive biomarkers for patient selection.  相似文献   
不孕不育患者解脲脲原体菌株血清型别的检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以解脲脲原体标准菌株1-14型免疫家获得UU1-14型抗血清。用IDT法对48株自不孕不育患者分离的地方株作分型试验。结果在1.和12血八个清型中出现强阳性反应,其中4型最多。另有4株混合型。对四种血清型无反应。  相似文献   
Isospora dawadimiensis n. sp. is described from the jerboa, Jaculus jaculus, from Dawadimi, Saudi Arabia. Sporulated oocysts of I. dawadimiensis n. sp. were ovoidal or nearly subspherical 22–26.5 times 20.5–22 μm (24.4 times 21.4 μm). Oocyst wall had one layer. Micropyle, oocyst residuum, and polar granule were absent. Sporocysts were ellipsoid 12–16.5 times 9–10.5 μm (14.6 times 9.9 μm). Sporocyst residuum was present. The sporocysts lack a Stieda body. Sporozoites 8–11 times 2–3 μm (10 times 2.6 μm) were sausage-shaped, slightly curved, and tapered at one end.  相似文献   
Food waste is one of the major global challenges that have adverse socioeconomic and environmental impacts. Therefore, studying food waste utilization potentials and minimizing its negative consequences becomes imperative. This study aims to assess the technical and economic potentials of substituting corn with unconventional extruded dried Arabic Bread waste (EDABW) in broilers’ diets, in terms of broilers’ performance, carcass characteristic, economic net returns, and income over feed cost (IOFC). One hundred eighty unsexed one-day-old broiler birds of Ross breed were distributed randomly in six treatments (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% EDABW group) of isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets in a completely randomized design with six replicated (5 chicks/replicate). The investigated traits were broilers’ performance (live body weight, total feed intake, total feed conversion ratio, and total weight gain. Other traits such as carcass weight, abdominal fat, edible offal (liver, heart, and gizzard), eviscerated (breast muscles, drum and thigh muscles, and wings) were weighed and expressed based on a live body weight. Results showed that the 20% replacement level of corn with EDABW generated the highest increase in the live body weight and the eviscerated carcass at about 4.24% g and 4.90%, respectively. On the other hand, the economic analysis showed potential reductions in the broilers’ diet cost and the total broilers' production cost as the levels of corn substitution with by unconventional EDABW increased. The reductions were estimated at 5.1%, 6.3%, 8.4%, 9.3%, and 9.9% at substitution levels of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%, respectively as compared to the control diet. The results also showed a potential increase in the net economic returns of broiler meat as the increase in substitution levels ranged between 3.5–06.8% and 4.3–8.3% as compared to the control diets using the average retail and wholesale prices of broiler meats, respectively. In addition, the maximum IOFC was estimated potentially at a 20% substitution level of corn with EDABW. Conclusively, the study results show promising technical and economic potentials for unconventional EDABW in broilers’ diets that could lead to a thriving industry of unconventional broilers’ diets with high net economic returns and maximum IOFC.  相似文献   


In contemporary biology, complex biological processes are increasingly studied by collecting and analyzing measurements of the same entities that are collected with different analytical platforms. Such data comprise a number of data blocks that are coupled via a common mode. The goal of collecting this type of data is to discover biological mechanisms that underlie the behavior of the variables in the different data blocks. The simultaneous component analysis (SCA) family of data analysis methods is suited for this task. However, a SCA may be hampered by the data blocks being subjected to different amounts of measurement error, or noise. To unveil the true mechanisms underlying the data, it could be fruitful to take noise heterogeneity into consideration in the data analysis. Maximum likelihood based SCA (MxLSCA-P) was developed for this purpose. In a previous simulation study it outperformed normal SCA-P. This previous study, however, did not mimic in many respects typical functional genomics data sets, such as, data blocks coupled via the experimental mode, more variables than experimental units, and medium to high correlations between variables. Here, we present a new simulation study in which the usefulness of MxLSCA-P compared to ordinary SCA-P is evaluated within a typical functional genomics setting. Subsequently, the performance of the two methods is evaluated by analysis of a real life Escherichia coli metabolomics data set.  相似文献   
We report here the new ‘creodont’ Lahimia selloumi gen. et sp. nov. from the late Palaeocene of the Ouled Abdoun Basin (Morocco) as the oldest known Hyaenodontidae with Tinerhodon from the Ouarzazate Basin (Morocco). By contrast to Tinerhodon, Lahimia is unexpectedly derived. Most of its specializations, such as the shortening of the anterior dentition (e.g. loss of P1) and the talonid reduction and simplification, are strikingly shared with Boualitomus from the Ypresian of the Ouled Abdoun Basin, and are distinctive from other hyaenodontids, including ‘proviverrines’. They are interpreted as synapomorphies evidencing a precociously specialized early African hyaenodontid lineage. Although Lahimia and Boualitomus remain known only by the lower dentition, their relationships with Koholia are suggested by comparison of their molar occlusal pattern. Lahimia and Boualitomus are referred to the Koholiinae, which is representative of an old African endemic lineage, as initially recognized. This remarkable lineage is characterized by synapomorphies of Lahimia and Boualitomus, and also by a shared original prevallum/postvallid shearing. The discovery of Lahimia provides direct evidence for the antiquity of the African evolution of the Hyaenodontidae. This is in agreement with an African origin of the Hyaenodontidae, and with the probable diphyletism of the ‘Creodonta’. Lahimia and the Koholiinae, as well as the diversity of the first Laurasian hyaenodontid lineages, emphasize our poor knowledge of the striking early African hyaenodontid radiation.  相似文献   
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