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The society finch, a little passerin, was purposed to be utilized in embryological studies. Under control of the breeding cycle in 20 pairs, 4 to 6 eggs were used to be laid daily for several repeating week in a year. Average incubation time was 17 days in contrast to 21 in the domestic fowl. The eggs weighed 1.1 g in average and expected smallness of the embryo was regarded as favorable for morphological studies including the scanning electron microscopy. We present the first report of the complete development of the society finch. A number of embryological characteristics are described with special reference to the peculiarity of the altricial finch as compared with the precocial domestic fowl.  相似文献   
The percentage of pectic substances in the cell wall of riceleaf decreased with the ageing of the leaf but other componentsin the cell wall changed little during leaf growth. Cell wallcomponents were not affected by a nutritional deficiency ofcalcium. At the beginning of the growth of rice leaf, calciumin the cell wall existed only in the pectic substance fractionboth in the calcium sufficient and deficient leaves. However,in the cell wall of the mature leaf, a considerable amount ofcalcium was found in the lignin fraction. The amount of calciumin this form was larger in calcium sufficient leaves than indeficient leaves. Calcium seems to occur in two forms in the cell wall, combinedwith pectic substances and with ligneous substances. This assumptionwas further supported by calcium distribution in enzymaticallydegradated fractions of the cell wall. Calcium seems to be combined with pectic substances by a strongerchemical bond than with the ligneous substances. 1Present address: Tohoku Agricultural Experiment Station, Omagari,Akita.  相似文献   
1. From leaves of barley and spinach, cellular components wereisolated and brought together under various conditions to investigatethe fate of ascorbic acid as affected by the components in thelight and dark. 2. A new colorimetric method for assaying ascorbic acid andsome other reducing substances was devised, measuring the colorof molybdenum-blue developed by the substances in the presenceof excess amounts of phosphomolybdate and inorganic acid. 3. The photooxidation of ascorbic acid by green and yellow filtrates,prepared from green and etiolated leaves of barley, was studiedby the ordinary as well as the new colorimetric method. In thepresence of oxygen, the oxidation of ascorbic acid was foundto be accelerated by light in the green filtrate, but not inthe yellow filtrate. 4. The oxidation of the endogenous reducing substance containedin the supernatant fraction of spinach leaf extracts was studiedin the presence of washed chloroplasts (spinach). In the presenceof oxygen, the rate of oxidation in the light was markedly higherthan in the dark. From the changes in absorption spectrum accompanyingthe reaction, the endogenous reducing substance in questionwas identified as ascorbic acid. 5. The occurrence of an endogenous precursor of ascorbic acidin spinach leaf extracts was disclosed. The photoreduction ofthis precursor into ascorbic acid was studied in the precenceof spinach chloroplasts. A specific inhibition of this reactionby phosphoglycerate and glycerophosphate was discovered. 6. The experimental results obtained were discussed in connectionwith the role of ascorbic acid in photosynthesis. (Received September 13, 1960; )  相似文献   
The effect of γ-butyrobetaine alone and with the addition of carnitine on the development of the early excised chick embryo has been studied. γ-Butyrobetaine in appropriate amounts exerts an inhibitory effect which can be relieved or annulled by the inclusion of appropriate amounts of carnitine. This has been interpreted as a metabolite-antimetabolite relationship, in which the normal metabolite, carnitine, is antagonized by the structurally closely related γ-butyrobetaine, and is regarded as evidence of an important role of carnitine in the metabolism of the developing chick embryo.  相似文献   
Mammalian melanins exist in two chemically distinct forms: the brown to black eumelanins and the yellow to reddish-brown pheomelanins. They can be quantified by HPLC analysis of pyrrole-2,3,5-tricarboxylic acid (PTCA) and aminohydroxyphenylalanine (AHP). We recently developed a spectrophotometric method for assaying the total amount of eu- and pheomelanins by dissolving melanins in Soluene-350 plus water. In this study, we examined whether absorbance at 500 nm (A500) of the Soluene-350 solution reflects the total amount of melanins obtained by the HPLC methods, and whether the ratio of absorbances between 650 and 500 nm reflects the eumelanin/total melanin ratio in mouse hair, sheep wool, and human hair. Our findings were as follows: (1) Total melanin levels calculated from A500 values correlate well with those obtained from PTCA and AHP values by multiplying with the following factors: for mice, PTCA × 45 + AHP × 2.5; for sheep, PTCA × 40 + AHP × 15; and for humans, PTCA × 160 + AHP × 10. (2) The A650/A500 ratios were higher (0.25–0.33) in black to brown hair while they were significantly lower (0.10–0.14) in yellow to red hair. These results indicate that (1) the A500 value can be used to quantify the total combined amount of eu- and pheomelanins, and (2) the A650/A500 ratio can serve as a parameter to estimate the eumelanin/total melanin ratio. The present method provides a convenient way to qualitatively characterize eu- and pheomelanins in melanins produced in follicular melanocytes.  相似文献   
When Xenopus embryos were treated continuously with cytochalasin B (3–10 μg/ml) from the 8 cell stage, cleavage arrested embryos in various degrees were observed. In 3–5 μg/ml cytochalasin B, cytokinesis was inhibited at the midblastula stage and pigment granules remained at the cell cortex of the animal pole. These cells showed epidermal like action potentials when the control embryos (St. 26/28) generated epidermal action potentials. In 5–7 μg/ml cytochalasin B, furrows, following their formation at early cleavage stages, regressed and no further cleavage from the 16 cell stage to morula stage took place. The pigment granules were dispersed throughout the interior of the cytoplasm. These cells showed no epidermal action potentials. Thus, it is considered that cytokinesis per sé , following the midblastula stage, is not a prerequisite for the genesis of epidermal action potentials, and that chronological times corresponding to the tailbud larva stage and a stable structure of the cellular cortex are required to bring about these potentials.  相似文献   
The effects of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and fructose 2, 6-bisphosphate (fruc-2, 6-P2) on the key-enzyme of gluconeogenesis, fructose 1, 6-bisphosphatase (fruc-P2ase; D-fructose 1, 6-bisphosphate 1-phosphohydrolase, EC in spermatid extract from rat testes were studied. The fruc-P2ase activity in the spermatids of rats was suppressed by AMP and fruc-2, 6-P2. The inhibition of fruc-2, 6-P2 was much stronger at low than at high substrate concentrations, and enhanced synergistically with AMP. The substrate saturation curve was changed by fruc-2, 6-P2 hyperbolic to sigmoidal. Furthermore, the concentration of AMP that decreased the activity to 50% was much lower in the presence than in the absence of fruc-2, 6-P2. These results indicate the possibility that gluconeogenesis in spermatids of rats is controlled by AMP and fruc-2, 6-P2.  相似文献   
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