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The calcium antagonists diltiazem and verapamil at 100 μM caused considerable inhibition of the glycolysis system in recently fertilized eggs of the echiuroid, Urechis unicinctus . The levels of glycolytic intermediates in eggs were found to be higher 5 min after insemination than before fertilization while the levels of adenine nucleotides and inorganic phosphate were almost the same before and after fertilization. Addition of diltiazem or verapamil 30 sec after insemination did not inhibit fertilization, but resulted in maintenance of as low levels of glycolytic intermediates as in unfertilized eggs. The apparent mass action ratio in the phosphorylase step, calculated from the levles of glucose-1-phosphate and inorganic phosphate was normally higher in fertilized eggs than in unfertilized eggs, but was maintained at as low a level as in unfertilized eggs by adding these compounds 30 sec after insemination. Phosphorylase a activity also normally increased after insemination, but was maintained at a low level in fertilized eggs by adding these compounds. These compounds also inhibited the increased 45Ca2+ uptake normally observed after fertilization. These results suggest that after fertilization, the Ca2+ level increases associated with fertilization-induced Ca2+ influx and that this stimulates Ca2+ dependent protein kinase to phosphorylate phosphorylase b , resulting in an increased rate of the phosphorylase reaction.  相似文献   
An embryonal carcinoma (EC) cell line having the ability to form chimeric mice was isolated from embryo-derived teratocarcinomas experimentally induced in BALB/cCrSlc mice. This EC cell line, B242 g, was one of the 5 EC cell lines pre-selected based on the ability to incorporate into blastocysts by means of aggregating with 8-cell mouse embryos.
Using the B242g EC cells, the effectiveness of producing chimeras was compared between two currently available techniques, aggregation and injection, by examining chimerism of the midgestationally recovered conceptuses and live-born mice. The present result revealed that EC cells studied here were able to form chimeras more efficiently by injection as compared to aggregation method.  相似文献   
Spermatozoa of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , showed marked decrease in respiration, and arrested movement after interaction with the fixed eggs. Immotile spermatozoa that had reacted with fixed eggs contained higher levels of long chain fatty acyl-CoAs than normal motile spermatozoa. On treatment with carnitine, the immotile spermatozoa became motile again and their intracellular concentrations of long chain fatty acyl-CoAs decreased. On incubation with anti-mycin A or CN for 20 min, the motility of normal spermatozoa decreased gradually but their long chain fatty acyl-CoA content changed only slightly. The decrease in sperm motility in the latter case was probably due to decrease in the level of ATP, resulting from inhibition of respiration by antimycin A or CN. The motility of spermatozoa extracted with Triton X-100 was restored by ATP and their movement was inhibited by long chain fatty acyl-CoAs, such as myristoly CoA and palmitoyl-CoA, but was not by short chain fatty acyl-CoAs, such as acetyl-CoA, propionyl CoA and butyryl-CoA. Na-palmitate, Na-myristate and CoA did not inhibit the reactivation of extracted spermatozoa by ATP.  相似文献   
Spermatozoa can enter the separated blastomeres of 8- and 16-cell stage embryos, the cells of blastulae and even somatic cells of the oesophagus wall of an adult sea urchin, under certain conditions. In the presence of egg jelly solution, the rate of entrance of spermatozoa is remarkably increased. In the case of the blastomere of 8-cell stage embryos, characteristic cytoplasmic protrusions are formed at the sites of sperm entry, in succession to the formation of the cytoplasmic bulge. These protrusions elongate until 4 min after insemination, and then they retract gradually. The nucleus of penetrated sperm swells and decondenses to form a pronucleus. In most cases, the pronucleus seems to fuse with the preexisting diploid nucleus of the blastomere. When the dissociated oesophagus cells were inseminated, a certain type of the cells was found to fuse with spermatozoa, although the percentage of fused cells was very low.  相似文献   
Sea urchin embryos, which were treated with 5 × 10−3 M chloramphenicol for 1 to 4 hr at certain stages before hatching, developed to several types of abnormal embryos. No significant effect on the shape of the embryo was observed when the concentrations of chloramphenicol used in the short-period treatment were lower than 2 × 10−3 M. Embryos up to the 2-cell stage, treated with 5 × 10−3 M chloramphenicol for a short period, became small blastulae filled with mesenchyme-like cells (type A). A similar effect of puromycin (2 μg/ml) was also observed at this stage. When the chloramphenicol treatment (for 1 to 4 hr) was applied at 8 ∽ 32-cell stages, vegetalized larvae were produced (type B). Embryos treated with chloramphenicol at 7 hr after insemination at 20°C, developed to another type of abnormal larva different from the previous types (type C). A concentration of puromycin (2 μg/ml) which inhibited protein synthesis to the same degree as 5 × 10−3 M chloramphenicol, induced only type A. Between these chloramphenicol-sensitive stages, there were chloramphenicol-insensitive stages for forming abnormal embryos.  相似文献   
The respiratory rate of spermatozoa of the sea urchin, Pseudocentrotus depressus and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , became quite low and spermatozoa was immotile, after sperm suspension containing glutaraldehyde-fixed eggs of homologous species was stirred at 20°C for 15 min. The respiratory rate of fresh spermatozoa, introduced to the suspension of immotile spermatozoa thus obtained, was also reduced markedly. The respiration of fresh spermatozoa was not inhibited by adding them to suspension of intact or acrosome reacted spermatozoa. A heat stable and non-dialyzable substance, which inhibited sperm respiration, was removed from the fixed eggs by vigorously stirring the egg suspension for 10 min, when unfertilized eggs were fixed with insufficient amount of glutaraldehyde (10 ml of 1% glutaraldehyde solution to 1 ml egg pellet).  相似文献   
Cell cycles have been analyzed in 10 divisions up to the time of hatching in the embryos of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. In the first 5 cleavages, division synchrony is very high. On the average, TGC= 55.4 min, TG1= 0 min, Ts= 12 min, TG2=±0 min, TM= 42 min. In the remaining 5 cleavages, TGC becomes longer: 70 min for the 7th to 246 min for the 10th cleavage. G1 and G2 become definitely recognizable and become longer along with Ts. TM stays more or less constant. Plots of the changing lengths of the four compartments (G1, S, G2, M) on the Y-axis against TGC (X-axis) can be fitted to the following 4 regression equations; TG1= 0.28TGC - 19.7, Ts= 0.609TGC - 15.2, TG2= 0.104TGC - 4.72 and TM= 0.007TGC+ 39.6.  相似文献   
To test the resource remobilization hypothesis, i.e. the hypothesisthat some trees sprout from root-collars or from the lower partof trunks using resources obtained from above-ground parts ratherthan from resources reserved in their roots, we conducted cuttingexperiments forEuptelea polyandra, a frequently sprouting treespecies with little carbohydrate reserves in its roots,Quercusserrata,a frequently sprouting tree species with large reservesin the roots, andMallotus japonicus, a rarely sprouting treespecies. Trees of each species were cut down in winter leavingtwo kinds of stumps, those approx. 1.5 m in height and thosecut off near the ground. The number and total dry weight ofnewly sprouted shoots per stump were compared between the twotreatments and among the three species at the end of the followinggrowing season. InE. polyandra,both the number and total dryweight of sprouts per stump were very small for both treatmentsand were similar to, or less than, those ofM. japonicus. Onthe other hand,Q. serratasprouted abundantly in both treatments.These results indicate thatE. polyandracannot sprout sufficientlywithout a considerably large volume of above-ground parts orthat additional structures such as foliage and branches maybe necessary for sprouting. We conclude that the resource remobilizationhypothesis is supported for this species.Copyright 1998 Annalsof Botany Company Euptelea polyandraSieb. et Zacc,Quercus serrataThunb,Mallotus japonicus(Thunb.) Muell. Arg., tree sprouting, cutting experiment, resprouter, resource movement, carbohydrate allocation, ground-surface disturbance, root stock, resource remobilization hypothesis.  相似文献   
Adventitious buds were induced on intact, undetached leaves, isolated leaves, and both green and etiolated leaf fragments excised from young plants of Heloniopsis orientalis (Thunb.) C. Tanaka (Liliaceae) in darkness. Morphactin promoted bud initiation on undetached leaves. The regeneration loci on excised leaves were different in darkness and in light, and they were also modified by etiolation and by morphactin or benzyladenine. Experiments with pre-incubation in darkness, with successive treatments by sorbitol and sucrose, and with DCMU-treatment in light, led to the conclusion that bud formation on isolated leaves and leaf fragments is controlled by a photosynthetic system as well as the hormonal level.  相似文献   
The developmental morphology of seedlings and shoots of Dalzellia zeylanica was examined with reference to the meristem in order to understand the dorsiventral, foliose shoot. In seedlings, no obvious primary shoot and no root are formed. Subsequent to disappearance of the vestigial primary shoot meristem, two shoot meristems are established in the axils of the cotyledons, one of which grows into a secondary shoot. Microtome and SEM examinations of mature plants show that the shoot meristem is complex, comprising three zones along the shoot margin. The organogenetic zone, equivalent to the shoot apical meristem, produces dorsal leaves proximally and much fewer marginal leaves distally. During development, the zone repeatedly changes into a dorsal zone, while a new organogenetic zone is formed in an area between developing marginal leaves, resulting in the alternation of the organogenetic and dorsal zones, which allowed development of the coenosomic structure of the shoot. The dorsal and ventral zones do not produce leaves, but contribute to shoot expansion. The ventral zone also forces the marginal leaves to shift to the lateral side of the shoot. The rosette with tufted leaves might be a modification of the short shoot (ramulus) of other Tristichoideae.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144 , 289–302.  相似文献   
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