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Adults of the human parasitic trematode Schistosoma mansoni, which causes hepatosplenic/intestinal complications in humans, synthesize glycoconjugates containing the Lewis x (Lex) Galbeta1-->4(Fucalpha1-- >3)GlcNAcbeta1-->R, but not sialyl Lewis x (sLex), antigen. We now report on our analyses of Lexand sLexexpression in S.haematobium and S.japonicum, which are two other major species of human schistosomes that cause disease, and the possible autoimmunity to these antigens in infected individuals. Antigen expression was evaluated by both ELISA and Western blot analyses of detergent extracts of parasites using monoclonal antibodies. Several high molecular weight glycoproteins in both S. haematobium and S. japonicum contain the Lexantigen, but no sialyl Lexantigen was detected. In addition, sera from humans and rodents infected with S.haematobium and S.japonicum contain antibodies reactive with Lex. These results led us to investigate whether Lexantigens are expressed in other helminths, including the parasitic trematode Fasciola hepatica , the parasitic nematode Dirofilaria immitis (dog heartworm), the ruminant nematode Haemonchus contortus , and the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans . Neither Lexnor sialyl-Lexis detectable in these other helminths. Furthermore, none of the helminths, including schistosomes, express Lea, Leb, Ley, or the H- type 1 antigen. However, several glycoproteins from all helminths analyzed are bound by Lotus tetragonolobus agglutinin , which binds Fucalpha1-->3GlcNAc, and Wisteria floribunda agglutinin, which binds GalNAcbeta1-->4GlcNAc (lacdiNAc or LDN). Thus, schistosomes may be unique among helminths in expressing the Lexantigen, whereas many different helminths may express alpha1,3-fucosylated glycans and the LDN motif.   相似文献   
Two strains of Methanosarcina (M. Barkeri strain MS, isolated from sewage sludge, and strain UBS, isolated from lake sediments) were found to have similar cellular properties and to have DNA base compositions of 44 mol percent guanosine plus cytosine. Strain MS was selected for further studies of its one-carbon metabolism. M. barkeri grew autotrophically via H2 oxidation/CO2 reduction. The optimum temperature for growth and methanogenesis was 37°C. H2 oxidation proceeded via an F420-dependent NADP+-linked hydrogenase. A maximum specific activity of hydrogenase in cell-free extracts, using methyl viologen as electron acceptor, was 6.0 mol min · mg protein at 37°C and the optimum pH (9.0). M. barkeri also fermented methanol andmethylamine as sole energy sources for growth. Cell yields during growth on H2/CO2 and on methanol were 6.4 and 7.2 mg cell dry weight per mmol CH4 formed, respectively. During mixotrophic growth on H2/CO2 plus methanol, most methane was derived from methanol rather than from CO2. Similar activities of hydrogenase were observed in cell-free extracts from H2/CO2-grown and methanol-grown cells. Methanol oxidation apparently proceeded via carrierbound intermediates, as no methylotrophy-type of methanol dehydrogenase activity was observed in cell-free extracts. During growth on methanol/CO2, up to 48% of the cell carbon was derived from methanol indicating that equivalent amounts of cell carbon were derived from CO2 and from an organic intermediate more reduced than CO2. Cell-free extracts lacked activity for key cell carbon synthesis enzymes of the Calvin cycle, serine path, or hexulose path.Abbreviations CAPS cycloaminopropane sulfonic acid - CH3-SCoM methyl coenzyme M - DCPIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - DEAE diethylaminoethyl - dimethyl POPOP 1,4-bis-2-(4-mothyl-5-phenyloxazolyl)-benzene - DNA deoxyribonucleic acid - dpm dismtegrations per min - DTT dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - F420 factor 420 - G+C guanosine plus cytosine - NAD+ nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - NADP+ nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate - PBBW phosphate buffered basal Weimer - PMS phenazine methosulfate - PPO 2,5-diphenyloxazole - rRNA ribosomal ribonucleic acid - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - Tris tris-hydroxymethyl-aminomethane - max maximum specific growth rate  相似文献   
Clomazone reduced the chlorophyll and carotenoid contents of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medik.), and soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) seedlings. The order of species sensitivity was velvetleaf > spinach > barley > soybean. Clomazone (100 micromolar) did not affect the in vitro activities of spinach isopentenyl pyrophosphate isomerase or prenyl transferase. Clomazone also did not affect the synthesis of isopentenyl pyrophosphate from mevalonic acid. Thus, clomazone had no direct in vitro effect on the synthesis of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate from mevalonic acid. Greening seedlings of both soybean and velvetleaf metabolized clomazone. No qualitative differences in the metabolites were detected between soybean and velvetleaf. Thus, differential metabolism of clomazone to a toxic chemical that inhibits terpenoid synthesis is unlikely. Clomazone has either a mode of action not yet identified or a metabolite that is selective in that it is much more active in sensitive than tolerant species.  相似文献   
The use of spacers to distance an immobilized antibody from the surface of a support matrix introduces flexibility, which can reduce steric interferences between antibodies leading to a higher antigen capture efficiency. In this paper we investigated the use of a spacer molecule, poly-ethylene glycol (PEG), between the matrix surface and antibodies for the capture of Bacillus globigii, E. coli O157:H7, and ovalbumin. The antigen capture efficiency was determined using a surface ELISA method. Antibodies against the antigens were covalently immobilized either directly or via PEG to glass surfaces using a one-step EDC reaction. The amount of antibody immobilized was determined before blocking the nonspecific binding sites with bovine serum albumin. Antibodies immobilized via a PEG spacer showed a higher capture efficiency compared to direct immobilization, which was more pronounced with large antigens. Antibodies immobilized on glass supports were stable at 65 degrees C for at least 80 min, and the capture efficiency increased with heating at 65 degrees C for 20 min.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas fluorescens RO98, a raw milk isolate, was inoculated into McKellar's minimal salts medium and incubated at 25 degrees C for 48 h to allow production of protease. A zinc-metalloacid protease was purified from the cell-free concentrate by anion exchange and gel filtration chromatography. The purified protease was active between 15 and 55 degrees C, and pH 4.5 and 9.0, and was stable to pasteurization. The enzyme had pH and temperature optima for activity of 5.0 and 35 degrees C, respectively. It was heat stable with a D55 of 41 min and a D62.5 of 18 h. Molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be 52 kDa by SDS PAGE and size exclusion chromatography. Values for kM of 144.28, 18.73, 110.20 and 35.23 micromol were obtained for whole, alpha-, beta- and kappa-casein, with a Vmax of 8.26, 0.09, 0.42 and 0.70 micromol mg-1 min-1, respectively. The enzyme hydrolysed kappa-casein preferentially when incubated with artificial casein micelles.  相似文献   
Current methods for measuring ethanol yields from lignocellulosic biomass are relatively slow and are not well geared for analyzing large numbers of samples generated by feedstock management and breeding research. The objective of this study was to determine if an in vitro ruminal fermentation assay used in forage quality research was predictive of results obtained using a conventional biomass-to-ethanol conversion assay. In the conventional assay, herbaceous biomass samples were converted to ethanol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultures in the presence of cellulase enzymes. Cultures were grown in sealed serum bottles and gas production monitored by measuring increasing head space pressure. Gas accumulation as calculated from the pressure measurements was highly correlated (r2>0.9) with ethanol production measured by gas chromatography at 24 h or 7 days. The same feedstocks were also analyzed by in vitro ruminal digestion, as also measured by gas accumulation. Good correlations (r20.63–0.82) were observed between ethanol production during simultaneous saccharification and fermentation and gas accumulation in parallel in vitro ruminal fermentations. Because the in vitro ruminal fermentation assay can be performed without sterilization of the medium and does not require aseptic conditions, this assay may be useful for biomass feedstock agronomic and breeding research.Disclaimer: Mention of specific products is for informational purposes only and does not imply a warranty or recommendation of such products to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.  相似文献   
Because archaea are generally associated with extreme environments, detection of nonthermophilic members belonging to the archaeal division Crenarchaeota over the last decade was unexpected; they are surprisingly ubiquitous and abundant in nonextreme marine and terrestrial habitats. Metabolic characterization of these nonthermophilic crenarchaeotes has been impeded by their intractability toward isolation and growth in culture. From studies employing a combination of cultivation and molecular phylogenetic techniques (PCR-single-strand conformation polymorphism, sequence analysis of 16S rRNA genes, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and real-time PCR), we present evidence here that one of the two dominant phylotypes of Crenarchaeota that colonizes the roots of tomato plants grown in soil from a Wisconsin field is selectively enriched in mixed cultures amended with root extract. Clones recovered from enrichment cultures were found to group phylogenetically with sequences from clade C1b.A1. This work corroborates and extends our recent findings, indicating that the diversity of the crenarchaeal soil assemblage is influenced by the rhizosphere and that mesophilic soil crenarchaeotes are found associated with plant roots, and provides the first evidence for growth of nonthermophilic crenarchaeotes in culture.  相似文献   
A novel microbial-screening procedure was developed for separate detection of 1,4-butanediol, ethylene glycol, and adipic acid, three commercially important oxychemicals potentially derivable from bacterial omega-oxidation of n-butanol, ethanol, and hexanoic acid, respectively. The screening method involved postproduction addition of one of several specific Pseudomonas strains which produce a soluble fluorescent pigment during growth on the product of interest. A mutation and selection procedure was developed for isolation of specific strains with phenotypes for growth and pigment production on the desired product (e.g., 1,4-butanediol), but not on its bioconversion substrate (e.g., n-butanol), common by-products (e.g., n-butyrate), or product isomers. Pigment production was growth associated and required cultivation of the screening strains under limiting Fe3+ concentrations. The pigments resembled well-characterized, iron-chelating siderophores produced by other fluorescent pseudomonads. The sensitivity of the assay for product accumulation was enhanced by (i) conducting the screening in microtiter dishes to permit examination of individual isolates of putative producers and to control product diffusion, (ii) using a wavelength cutoff filter to reduce background source light, and (iii) using adapted screening strains which grew at lower (0.3 mM) concentrations of test compounds. The potential utility of the method for detecting a variety of oxidative catabolic products is discussed.  相似文献   
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