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Feather mites (Astigmata: Analgoidea and Pterolichoidea) are among the most abundant and commonly occurring bird ectosymbionts. Basic questions on the ecology and evolution of feather mites remain unanswered because feather mite species identification is often only possible for adult males, and it is laborious even for specialized taxonomists, thus precluding large‐scale identifications. Here, we tested DNA barcoding as a useful molecular tool to identify feather mites from passerine birds. Three hundred and sixty‐one specimens of 72 species of feather mites from 68 species of European passerine birds from Russia and Spain were barcoded. The accuracy of barcoding and minibarcoding was tested. Moreover, threshold choice (a controversial issue in barcoding studies) was also explored in a new way, by calculating through simulations the effect of sampling effort (in species number and species composition) on threshold calculations. We found one 200‐bp minibarcode region that showed the same accuracy as the full‐length barcode (602 bp) and was surrounded by conserved regions potentially useful for group‐specific degenerate primers. Species identification accuracy was perfect (100%) but decreased when singletons or species of the Proctophyllodes pinnatus group were included. In fact, barcoding confirmed previous taxonomic issues within the P. pinnatus group. Following an integrative taxonomy approach, we compared our barcode study with previous taxonomic knowledge on feather mites, discovering three new putative cryptic species and validating three previous morphologically different (but still undescribed) new species.  相似文献   
In Arabidopsis, pre‐mRNAs of serine/arginine‐rich (SR) proteins undergo extensive alternative splicing (AS). However, little is known about the cis‐elements and trans‐acting proteins involved in regulating AS. Using a splicing reporter (GFP–intron–GFP), consisting of the GFP coding sequence interrupted by an alternatively spliced intron of SCL33, we investigated whether cis‐elements within this intron are sufficient for AS, and which SR proteins are necessary for regulated AS. Expression of the splicing reporter in protoplasts faithfully produced all splice variants from the intron, suggesting that cis‐elements required for AS reside within the intron. To determine which SR proteins are responsible for AS, the splicing pattern of the GFP–intron–GFP reporter was investigated in protoplasts of three single and three double mutants of SR genes. These analyses revealed that SCL33 and a closely related paralog, SCL30a, are functionally redundant in generating specific splice variants from this intron. Furthermore, SCL33 protein bound to a conserved sequence in this intron, indicating auto‐regulation of AS. Mutations in four GAAG repeats within the conserved region impaired generation of the same splice variants that are affected in the scl33 scl30a double mutant. In conclusion, we have identified the first intronic cis‐element involved in AS of a plant SR gene, and elucidated a mechanism for auto‐regulation of AS of this intron.  相似文献   
Obesity is a major health problem that courses with severe comorbidities and a drastic impairment of homeostasis and function of several organs, including the prostate gland (PG). The endocrine–metabolic regulatory axis comprising growth hormone (GH), insulin and IGF1, which is drastically altered under extreme metabolic conditions such as obesity, also plays relevant roles in the development, modulation and homeostasis of the PG. However, its implication in the pathophysiological interplay between obesity and prostate function is still to be elucidated. To explore this association, we used a high fat–diet obese mouse model, as well as in vitro primary cultures of normal‐mouse PG cells and human prostate cancer cell lines. This approach revealed that most of the components of the GH/insulin/IGF1 regulatory axis are present in PGs, where their expression pattern is altered under obesity conditions and after an acute insulin treatment (e.g. Igfbp3), which might have some pathophysiological implications. Moreover, our results demonstrate, for the first time, that the PG becomes severely insulin resistant under diet‐induced obesity in mice. Finally, use of in vitro approaches served to confirm and expand the conception that insulin and IGF1 play a direct, relevant role in the control of normal and pathological PG cell function. Altogether, these results uncover a fine, germane crosstalk between the endocrine–metabolic status and the development and homeostasis of the PG, wherein key components of the GH, insulin and IGF1 axes could play a relevant pathophysiological role.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of contemporary and historical factors on the spatial variation of European dragonfly diversity. Specifically, we tested to what extent patterns of endemism and phylogenetic diversity of European dragonfly assemblages are structured by 1) phylogenetic conservatism of thermal adaptations and 2) differences in the ability of post‐glacial recolonization by species adapted to running waters (lotic) and still waters (lentic). We investigated patterns of dragonfly diversity using digital distribution maps and a phylogeny of 122 European dragonfly species, which we constructed by combining taxonomic and molecular data. We calculated total taxonomic distinctiveness and mean pairwise distances across 4192 50 × 50 km equal‐area grid cells as measures of phylogenetic diversity. We compared species richness with corrected weighted endemism and standardized effect sizes of mean pairwise distances or residuals of total taxonomic distinctiveness to identify areas with higher or lower phylogenetic diversity than expected by chance. Broken‐line regression was used to detect breakpoints in diversity–latitude relationships. Dragonfly species richness peaked in central Europe, whereas endemism and phylogenetic diversity decreased from warm areas in the south‐west to cold areas in the north‐east and with an increasing proportion of lentic species. Except for species richness, all measures of diversity were consistently higher in formerly unglaciated areas south of the 0°C isotherm during the Last Glacial Maximum than in formerly glaciated areas. These results indicate that the distributions of dragonfly species in Europe were shaped by both phylogenetic conservatism of thermal adaptations and differences between lentic and lotic species in the ability of post‐glacial recolonization/dispersal in concert with the climatic history of the continent. The complex diversity patterns of European dragonflies provide an example of how integrating climatic and evolutionary history with contemporary ecological data can improve our understanding of the processes driving the geographical variation of biological diversity.  相似文献   
Reconstructing the colonization and demographic dynamics that gave rise to extant forests is essential to forecasts of forest responses to environmental changes. Classical approaches to map how population of trees changed through space and time largely rely on pollen distribution patterns, with only a limited number of studies exploiting DNA molecules preserved in wooden tree archaeological and subfossil remains. Here, we advance such analyses by applying high‐throughput (HTS) DNA sequencing to wood archaeological and subfossil material for the first time, using a comprehensive sample of 167 European white oak waterlogged remains spanning a large temporal (from 550 to 9,800 years) and geographical range across Europe. The successful characterization of the endogenous DNA and exogenous microbial DNA of 140 (~83%) samples helped the identification of environmental conditions favouring long‐term DNA preservation in wood remains, and started to unveil the first trends in the DNA decay process in wood material. Additionally, the maternally inherited chloroplast haplotypes of 21 samples from three periods of forest human‐induced use (Neolithic, Bronze Age and Middle Ages) were found to be consistent with those of modern populations growing in the same geographic areas. Our work paves the way for further studies aiming at using ancient DNA preserved in wood to reconstruct the micro‐evolutionary response of trees to climate change and human forest management.  相似文献   
Complex networks of species interactions might be determined by species traits but also by simple chance meetings governed by species abundances. Although the idea that species traits structure mutualistic networks is appealing, most studies have found abundance to be a major structuring mechanism underlying interaction frequencies. With a well‐resolved plant–hummingbird interaction network from the Neotropical savanna in Brazil, we asked whether species morphology, phenology, nectar availability and habitat occupancy and/or abundance best predicted the frequency of interactions. For this, we constructed interaction probability matrices and compared them to the observed plant‐hummingbird matrix through a likelihood approach. Furthermore, a recently proposed modularity algorithm for weighted bipartite networks was employed to evaluate whether these factors also scale‐up to the formation of modules in the network. Interaction frequencies were best predicted by species morphology, phenology and habitat occupancy, while species abundances and nectar availability performed poorly. The plant–hummingbird network was modular, and modules were associated to morphological specialization and habitat occupancy. Our findings highlight the importance of traits as determinants of interaction frequencies and network structure, corroborating the results of a previous study on a plant–hummingbird network from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Thus, we propose that traits matter more in tropical plant–hummingbird networks than in less specialized systems. To test the generality of this hypothesis, future research could employ geographic or taxonomic cross‐system comparisons contrasting networks with known differences in level of specialization.  相似文献   
Parasites comprise a significant percentage of the biodiversity of the planet and are useful systems to test evolutionary and ecological hypotheses. In this study, we analyze the effect of host species identity and the immediate local species assemblage within mixed species colonies of nesting seabirds on patterns of genetic clustering within two species of multihost ectoparasitic lice. We use three genetic markers (one mitochondrial, COI, and two nuclear, EF1‐α and wingless) and maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees to test whether (1) parasites show lineage sorting based on their host species; and (2) switching of lineages to the alternate host species depends on the immediate local species assemblage of individual hosts within a colony. Specifically, we examine the genetic structure of two louse species: Eidmanniella albescens, infecting both Nazca (Sula granti) and blue‐footed boobies (Sula nebouxii), and Fregatiella aurifasciata, infecting both great (Fregata minor) and magnificent frigatebirds (Fregata magnificens). We found that host species identity was the only factor explaining the patterns of genetic structure in both parasites. In both cases, there is evident genetic differentiation depending on the host species. Thus, a revision of the taxonomy of these louse species is needed. One possible explanation of this pattern is extremely low louse migration rates between host species, perhaps influenced by fine‐scale spatial separation of host species within mixed colonies, and low parasite infrapopulation numbers.  相似文献   
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) possess an immunoregulatory capacity and are a therapeutic target for many inflammation‐related diseases. However, the detailed mechanisms of MSC‐mediated immunosuppression remain unclear. In this study, we provide new information to partly explain the molecular mechanisms of immunoregulation by MSCs. Specifically, we found that A20 expression was induced in MSCs by inflammatory cytokines. Knockdown of A20 in MSCs resulted in increased proliferation and reduced adipogenesis, and partly reversed the suppressive effect of MSCs on T cell proliferation in vitro and inhibited tumour growth in vivo. Mechanistic studies indicated that knockdown of A20 in MSCs inhibited activation of the p38 mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, which potently promoted the production of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)‐α and inhibited the production of interleukin (IL)‐10. Collectively, these data reveal a crucial role of A20 in regulating the immunomodulatory activities of MSCs by controlling the expression of TNF‐α and IL‐10 in an inflammatory environment. These findings provide novel insights into the pathogenesis of various inflammatory‐associated diseases, and are a new reference for the future development of treatments for such afflictions.  相似文献   
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