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We recently demonstrated that 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE) constricts rat aortic rings. The contractile response was partially dependent on the presence of endothelium and was abolished by pretreatment of the rings with either indomethacin or the endoperoxide/thromboxane receptor antagonist, SQ29548. Addition of GSH or SnCl2 to the organ bath diminished the contractile response of 20-HETE, whereas preincubation of the rings with a thromboxane synthase inhibitor did not affect the 20-HETE induced contractions. Short time incubation (2 min) of 20-HETE with ram seminal vesicle microsomes in the presence of p-hydroxymercurybenzoate yielded metabolites which migrated similarly on thin layer chromatography to the known arachidonate endoperoxides prostaglandin (PG) G2 and PGH2 and possess vasoconstrictory properties. The vasoconstriction was dose-dependent with a half-life of approximately 6.3 +/- 0.6 min. Addition of SQ29548 to the aortic ring bath 1 min after metabolite elicited vasoconstriction produced immediate relaxation. Furthermore, pretreatment of the rings with SQ29548 totally abolished the contraction. SnCl2 reduction of the metabolites produced in incubation of rat seminal vesicles with 20-HETE and p-hydroxymercurybenzoate resulted in a single radioactive peak which was further identified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry as 20-hydroxy-PGF2 alpha. The inhibitory effect of SQ29548, the appearance of labile metabolites with a half-life of approximately 6 min and the production of 20-hydroxy-PGF2 alpha by SnCl2 reduction clearly indicate that the vasoconstrictor metabolites of 20-HETE are the labile endoperoxides of 20-HETE, 20-hydroxy-PGG2, and 20-hydroxy-PGH2.  相似文献   
The bacterial diversity in pulque, a traditional Mexican alcoholic fermented beverage, was studied in 16S rDNA clone libraries from three pulque samples. Sequenced clones identified as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus strain ASF360, L. kefir, L. acetotolerans, L. hilgardii, L. plantarum, Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides, Microbacterium arborescens, Flavobacterium johnsoniae, Acetobacter pomorium, Gluconobacter oxydans, and Hafnia alvei, were detected for the first time in pulque. Identity of 16S rDNA sequenced clones showed that bacterial diversity present among pulque samples is dominated by Lactobacillus species (80.97%). Seventy-eight clones exhibited less than 95% of relatedness to NCBI database sequences, which may indicate the presence of new species in pulque samples.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the conserved regions of the gene coding for the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) in 12 species of Plasmodium, the malaria parasite. The closest evolutionary relative of P. falciparum, the agent of malignant human malaria, is P. reichenowi, a chimpanzee parasite. This is consistent with the hypothesis that P. falciparum is an ancient human parasite, associated with humans since the divergence of the hominids from their closest hominoid relatives. Three other human Plasmodium species are each genetically indistinguishable from species parasitic to nonhuman primates; that is, for the DNA sequences included in our analysis, the differences between species are not greater than the differences between strains of the human species. The human P. malariae is indistinguishable from P. brasilianum, and P. vivax is indistinguishable from P. simium; P. brasilianum and P. simium are parasitic to New World monkeys. The human P. vivax-like is indistinguishable from P. simiovale, a parasite of Old World macaques. We conjecture that P. malariae, P. vivax, and P. vivax-like are evolutionarily recent human parasites, the first two at least acquired only within the last several thousand years, and perhaps within the last few hundred years, after the expansion of human populations in South America following the European colonizations. We estimate the rate of evolution of the conserved regions of the CSP gene as 2.46 x 10(-9) per site per year. The divergence between the P. falciparum and P. reichenowi lineages is accordingly dated 8.9 Myr ago. The divergence between the three lineages leading to the human parasites is very ancient, about 100 Myr old between P. malariae and P. vivax (and P. vivax-like) and about 165 Myr old between P. falciparum and the other two.   相似文献   
Approximately four-fifths of the land area of Baja California (BC) in Mexico are occupied by arid and semiarid soils, the mycobiota of which is virtually uncharacterized. In the first culture-independent study of the mycobiota of BC, we collected soil from five different locations in the region and constructed a Dikarya-specific gene library for the ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Clones were analyzed by RFLP, were sequenced for phylogenetic analyses, and diversity and similarity indices were calculated. The ascomycete Penicillium dipodomyicola was the most frequent fungus found in soil at the most arid location studied, and the basidiomycete Coprinellus radians was the most frequent at the location receiving the highest rainfall. Other frequent members of the soil mycobiota were identified as Alternaria spp., Ceratobasidium sp., Coniozyma leucospermi, Nematoctonus robustus, Penicillium griseofulvum, Tulostoma kotlabae and uncultured members of the Dikarya. Several sequences were identified as those of uncultured fungi, one of which was previously reported from other hot deserts. Arid soils and the transitional zones between arid and semiarid soils had the most similar fungal diversity, with the former soils having a community from which basidiomycetes were absent, and the soil receiving the highest precipitation having a community dominated by basidiomycetes.  相似文献   
Sphingomonas pituitosa excretes the capsular exopolysaccharide PS-EDIV into the culture broth augmenting considerably its fluid viscosity. Since this change particularly affects key processes like mixing and transport during the microbial production, this work was aimed at the rheological characterization of the polymer-containing culture broth of S. pituitosa. The study included investigations on basic properties of the culture broth, but also on the dependence of the biomass–polymer-solution properties on different physicochemical post-cultivation treatment steps like variations of temperature, pH-value or concentration of salts. The essential result is the characterization of the viscoelastic behavior of the culture broth, which was more gel-like than sol-like and exhibited slight elastic properties. This rheological behavior showed that the PS-EDIV culture broth formed non-Newtonian fluids, indicating that it is a pseudoplastic biopolymer, with yield stress appearance and exhibits thixotropic properties. Rheograms were fitted to the Herschel–Bulkley model. The amplitude sweep revealed a deformation of 21% as the limiting value of the linear viscoelastic interval. Furthermore, the PS-EDIV culture broth showed a high viscosity which was strongly influenced by salt type and concentration but weakly influenced by temperature and pH-value within the investigated experimental boundaries.  相似文献   
Rep68 is a multifunctional protein of the adeno-associated virus (AAV), a parvovirus that is mostly known for its promise as a gene therapy vector. In addition to its role as initiator in viral DNA replication, Rep68 is essential for site-specific integration of the AAV genome into human chromosome 19. Rep68 is a member of the superfamily 3 (SF3) helicases, along with the well-studied initiator proteins simian virus 40 large T antigen (SV40-LTag) and bovine papillomavirus (BPV) E1. Structurally, SF3 helicases share two domains, a DNA origin interaction domain (OID) and an AAA+ motor domain. The AAA+ motor domain is also a structural feature of cellular initiators and it functions as a platform for initiator oligomerization. Here, we studied Rep68 oligomerization in vitro in the presence of different DNA substrates using a variety of biophysical techniques and cryo-EM. We found that a dsDNA region of the AAV origin promotes the formation of a complex containing five Rep68 subunits. Interestingly, non-specific ssDNA promotes the formation of a double-ring Rep68, a known structure formed by the LTag and E1 initiator proteins. The Rep68 ring symmetry is 8-fold, thus differing from the hexameric rings formed by the other SF3 helicases. However, similiar to LTag and E1, Rep68 rings are oriented head-to-head, suggesting that DNA unwinding by the complex proceeds bidirectionally. This novel Rep68 quaternary structure requires both the DNA binding and AAA+ domains, indicating cooperativity between these regions during oligomerization in vitro. Our study clearly demonstrates that Rep68 can oligomerize through two distinct oligomerization pathways, which depend on both the DNA structure and cooperativity of Rep68 domains. These findings provide insight into the dynamics and oligomeric adaptability of Rep68 and serve as a step towards understanding the role of this multifunctional protein during AAV DNA replication and site-specific integration.  相似文献   
The aim of this work is the taxonomic characterization of three biosurfactant-producing bacterial isolates from the Churince system at Cuatro Ciénegas Basin (CCB) in the Mexican State of Coahuila, and the study of the possible role of biosurfactant production in their ecology and evolution. We determined that these isolates belong to a Pseudomonas koreensis lineage endemic to CCB, using standard taxonomical techniques, phylogenetic analysis of three chromosomal loci and phenotypic characterization. This new lineage has the distinct capacity to produce a biosurfactant when compared with previously reported P. koreensis isolates recovered from agricultural soils in Korea. We present evidence suggesting that the biosurfactant secreted by CCB P. koreensis strains is involved in their ability to compete with a CCB Exiguobacterium aurantiacum strain (m5-66) used as a model organism in competition experiments. Furthermore, the ethyl acetate extract of culture supernatant of CCB P. koreensis strains results in growth inhibition not only of E. aurantiacum m5-66, but also of a Bacillus subtilis type strain (ATCC6633). Based on these results we propose that the production of biosurfactant could be of ecological importance and could play a role in the separation of the P. koreensis CCB lineage.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial (mt) genes and genomes are among the major sources of data for evolutionary studies in birds. This places mitogenomic studies in birds at the core of intense debates in avian evolutionary biology. Indeed, complete mt genomes are actively been used to unveil the phylogenetic relationships among major orders, whereas single genes (e.g., cytochrome c oxidase I [COX1]) are considered standard for species identification and defining species boundaries (DNA barcoding). In this investigation, we study the time of origin and evolutionary relationships among Neoaves orders using complete mt genomes. First, we were able to solve polytomies previously observed at the deep nodes of the Neoaves phylogeny by analyzing 80 mt genomes, including 17 new sequences reported in this investigation. As an example, we found evidence indicating that columbiforms and charadriforms are sister groups. Overall, our analyses indicate that by improving the taxonomic sampling, complete mt genomes can solve the evolutionary relationships among major bird groups. Second, we used our phylogenetic hypotheses to estimate the time of origin of major avian orders as a way to test if their diversification took place prior to the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary. Such timetrees were estimated using several molecular dating approaches and conservative calibration points. Whereas we found time estimates slightly younger than those reported by others, most of the major orders originated prior to the K/T boundary. Finally, we used our timetrees to estimate the rate of evolution of each mt gene. We found great variation on the mutation rates among mt genes and within different bird groups. COX1 was the gene with less variation among Neoaves orders and the one with the least amount of rate heterogeneity across lineages. Such findings support the choice of COX 1 among mt genes as target for developing DNA barcoding approaches in birds.  相似文献   
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