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The Australian Sphenomorphus group is a morphologically and ecologically diverse clade of lygosomine scincids, collectively comprising more than one‐half of the Australian scincid fauna. A previous phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA, and ND4 and adjacent tRNA sequences for a series of Australian Sphenomorphus group scincids recovered several well‐supported, major clades, although these were generally separated by relatively short branches associated with low support values. Applying a recently described methodology for inferring lineage‐level polytomies, I employ ATP synthetase‐β subunit intron sequences and the existing mitochondrial (mt)DNA data set (with sequences for additional taxa) to assess the hypothesis that the poorly resolved basal relationships within the Australian Sphenomorphus group are a consequence of the major clades having originated essentially simultaneously. Phylogenetic analyses of the separate mtDNA and intron sequence data reveal a number of congruent clades, including Anomalopus, Calyptotis, Ctenotus, Lerista, the Eulamprus quoyii group, the Glaphyromorphus crassicaudis group (including Glaphyromorphus cracens, Glaphyromorphus darwiniensis, and Glaphyromorphus fuscicaudis), Glaphyromorphus gracilipes + Hemiergis, Coeranoscincus reticulatus + Ophioscincus truncatus + Saiphos, and Eulamprus amplus + Eulamprus tenuis + Gnypetoscincus + Nangura. The relationships among these clades indicated by the two data sets, however, are generally incongruent. Although this may be partially ascribed to error in estimating phylogenetic relationships due to insufficient data, some incongruence is evident when uncertainty in inferred relationships is allowed for. Moreover, the congruent clades are typically separated by very short branches, several having a length insignificantly different from zero. These results suggest that initial diversification of Australian Sphenomorphus group scincids was rapid relative to the substitution rates of the mtDNA and intron fragments considered, if not essentially simultaneous. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92 , 347–366.  相似文献   
Sexually dimorphic traits are likely to have evolved through sexually antagonistic selection. However, recent empirical data suggest that intralocus sexual conflict often persists, even when traits have diverged between males and females. This implies that evolved dimorphism is often incomplete in resolving intralocus conflict, providing a mechanism for the maintenance of genetic variance in fitness-related traits. We used experimental evolution in Drosophila melanogaster to directly test for ongoing conflict over a suite of sexually dimorphic cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) that are likely targets of sex-specific selection. Using a set of experimental populations in which the transmission of genetic material had been restricted to males for 82 generations, we show that CHCs did not evolve, providing experimental evidence for the absence of current intralocus sexual conflict over these traits. The absence of ongoing conflict could indicate that CHCs have never been the target of sexually antagonistic selection, although this would require the existing dimorphism to have evolved via completely sexlinked mutations or as a result of former, but now absent, pleiotropic effects of the underlying loci on another trait under sexually antagonistic selection. An alternative interpretation, and which we believe to be more likely, is that the extensive CHC sexual dimorphism is the result of past intralocus sexual conflict that has been fully resolved, implying that these traits have evolved genetic independence between the sexes and that genetic variation in them is therefore maintained by alternative mechanisms. This latter interpretation is consistent with the known roles of CHCs in sexual communication in this species and with previous studies suggesting the genetic independence of CHCs between males and females. Nevertheless, direct estimates of sexually antagonistic selection will be important to fully resolve these alternatives.  相似文献   
In the debate over modes of vertebrate diversification in tropical rainforests, two competing hypotheses of speciation predominate: those that emphasize the role of geographical isolation during glacial periods and those that stress the role of ecology and diversifying selection across ecotones or environmental gradients. To investigate the relative roles of selection versus isolation in refugia, we contrasted genetic and morphologic divergence of the olive sunbird (Cyanomitra olivacea) at 18 sites (approximately 200 individuals) across the forest–savanna ecotone of Central Africa in a region considered to have harboured three hypothesized refugia during glacial periods. Habitats were characterized using bioclimatic and satellite remote‐sensing data. We found relatively high levels of gene flow between ecotone and forest populations and between refugia. Consistent with a pattern of divergence‐with‐gene‐flow, we found morphological characters to be significantly divergent across the gradient [forest versus ecotone (mean ± SD): wing length 60.47 ± 1.81 mm versus 62.18 ± 1.35 mm; tarsus length 15.51 ± 0.82 mm versus 16.00 ± 0.57 mm; upper mandible length 21.77 ± 1.09 mm versus 23.19 ± 0.98 mm, respectively]. Within‐habitat comparisons across forest and ecotone sites showed no significant differences in morphology. The results show that divergence in morphological traits is tied to environmental variables across the gradient and is occurring despite gene flow. The pattern of divergence‐with‐gene‐flow found is similar to that described for other rainforest species across the gradient. These results suggest that neither refugia, nor isolation‐by‐distance have played a major role in divergence in the olive sunbird, although ecological differences along the forest and savanna ecotone may impose significant selection pressures on the phenotype and potentially be important in diversification. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 821–835.  相似文献   
We characterized 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci from Nematostella vectensis, a burrowing anemone recently introduced to estuaries along the Pacific coast of North America and the southeast coast of England. Preliminary results indicate high variability and significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, the latter likely the result of population genetic structure and reproductive plasticity. Both results are consistent with earlier genetic analyses. These markers will be useful for resolving global patterns of introduction and for describing spatio‐temporal genetic structure at local and regional scales.  相似文献   
In Lupinus shoots an electrical stimulus (d.c.) produces a potentialwave analogous to the action potential wave (AP) in stimulatedsimple plant cells or in nerves. The method used (Paszewskiand Zawadzki, 1973a, b) is similar to those applied in neurophysiologyin research on the excitability of nerves. In the present paper the strength-duration relation (Eqn. (1))of the excitation in Lupinusitalic has been used to calculatethe values of the rheobase, chronaxie, and useful time of pulse.The rheobase, as a threshold value of the stimulus, is examinedin terms of the applicability of the all-or-nothing law. The results suggest that the origin and propagation of AP inplants and in nerves may occur in a similar way. The analogybetween the impulse propagation in nerve trunks and in Lupinusshoots is discussed.  相似文献   
We tested the performance of molecular markers and biometric traits in the identification of hybrids between closely related mountain pine (Pinus uncinata) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). A plastid DNA marker and a set of morphological and anatomical needle traits were applied in analyses of individuals from several sympatric stands of the species and a single‐species' population from southern Europe, used as a reference. A polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR‐RFLP) marker from the plastid trnLtrnF region and morphological and anatomical traits clearly discriminated between the pure species. Significant differences were found between P. uncinata and P. sylvestris, mostly in the shape of epidermal cells and the number of stomata. Four putative hybrids with P. sylvestris morphology, but with P. uncinata plastid DNA haplotypes, were found in a population from Sierra de Gúdar near Valdelinares, the southernmost locality of the latter species in eastern Spain. Discrimination analyses between and within populations placed these individuals on the edge of an agglomeration of P. sylvestris individuals. The results suggest that hybridization between the species is rare, but can result in cryptic hybrids morphologically similar to the maternal species. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 473–485.  相似文献   
The hydrogen ion-sensitive liquid-membrane micro-electrode,as described by Amman, Lanter, Steiner, Schulthess, Shijo, andSimon (1981) has been developed further and made applicablefor turgescent plant cells even with tough cell walls, by treatmentwith polyvinylchloride (PVC). Such an electrode is slower (t=5–10s) than the untreated electrode (t=2–6 s), but displays55–59 mV/pH-unit between pH 4·3 and 9·0,and is almost insensitive towards different buffers and K+.The electrodes are usable on more than one cell and have stillgood recalibration properties. Testing the electrodes on 11different cell types of Riccia fluitans, Sinapis alba, Zea mays,Avena sativa, Kalanchöe daigremontiana, Lemna gibba andChara corallina, we find the internal pH slightly alkaline (7·1–7·6)in ten cases (exception: old rhizoids of Riccia, pH1=4·8).From that we conclude that the pH-electrode measures in thecytosol. According to the different plant material, severalprocedures for internal pH-measurements are presented and supportedby data: Application of cyanide and acetic acid causes internalacidification. Light-off transiently alkalinazes, light-on transientlyacidifies the internal pH. The advantages and limitations ofthe method are critically discussed, and it is concluded thatthis electrode is a powerful tool in plant physiology. Key words: Internal pH, pH-sensitive micro-electrode  相似文献   
Abstract In March 2000, Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) were listed as a federally threatened species in 14 states at the southern periphery of their range, where lynx habitat is disjunct and snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) densities are low. Forest conditions vary across lynx range; thus, region-specific data on the habitat requirements of lynx are needed. We studied lynx in northern Maine, USA, from 1999 to 2004 to assess quality and potential for forests in Maine to sustain lynx populations. We trapped and radiocollared 43 lynx (21 M, 22 F) during this period and evaluated diurnal habitat selection by 16 resident adult lynx (9 M, 7 F) monitored in 2002. We evaluated lynx selection of 8 habitats at multiple spatial scales, and related lynx habitat selection to snowshoe hare abundance. Lynx preferred conifer-dominated sapling stands, which supported the highest hare densities on our study site (x̄ = 2.4 hares/ha), over all other habitats. The habitats where lynx placed their home ranges did not differ by sex. However, within their home ranges, males not only preferred conifer-dominated sapling stands, but also preferred mature conifer, whereas females singularly preferred conifer-dominated sapling stands. Approximately one-third of Maine's spruce-fir forest and nearly 50% of our study area was regenerating conifer or mixed-sapling forest, resulting from a disease event and intensive forest management (e.g., large clear-cuts). Our findings suggest that current habitat conditions in Maine are better than western montane regions and approach conditions in boreal forests during periods of hare abundance. We recommend that forest landowners maintain a mosaic of different-aged conifer stands to ensure a component of regenerating conifer-dominated forest on the landscape.  相似文献   
Landscape genetics is an emerging discipline that utilizes environmental and historical data to understand geographic patterns of genetic diversity. Niche modelling has added a new dimension to such efforts by allowing species–environmental associations to be projected into the past so that hypotheses about historical vicariance can be generated and tested independently with genetic data. However, previous approaches have primarily utilized DNA sequence data to test inferences about historical isolation and may have missed very recent episodes of environmentally mediated divergence. We type 15 microsatellite loci in California mule deer and identify five genetic groupings through a Structure analysis that are also well predicted by environmental data. We project the niches of these five deer ecotypes to the last glacial maximum (LGM) and show they overlap to a much greater extent than today, suggesting that vicariance associated with the LGM cannot explain the present-day genetic patterns. Further, we analyse mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence trees to search for evidence of historical vicariance and find only two well-supported clades. A coalescence-based analysis of mtDNA data shows that the genetic divergence of the mule deer genetic clusters in California is recent and appears to be mediated by ecological factors. The importance of environmental factors in explaining the genetic diversity of California mule deer is unexpected given that they are highly mobile species and have a broad habitat distribution. Geographic differences in the timing of reproduction and peak vegetation as well as habitat choice reflecting natal origin may explain the persistence of genetic subdivision.  相似文献   
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