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Cell differentiation and organism development are traditionally described in deterministic terms of program and design, echoing a conventional clockwork perception of the cell on another scale. However, the current experimental reality of stochastic gene expression and cell plasticity is poorly consistent with the ideas of design, purpose and determinism, suggesting that the habit of classico-mechanistic interpretation of life phenomena may handicap our ability to adequately comprehend and model biological systems. An alternative conceptualization of cell differentiation and development is proposed where the developing organism is viewed as a dynamic self-organizing system of adaptive interacting agents. This alternative interpretation appears to be more consistent with the probabilistic nature of gene expression and the phenomena of cell plasticity, and is coterminous with the novel emerging image of the cell as a self-organizing molecular system. I suggest that stochasticity, as a principle of differentiation and adaptation, and self-organization, as a concept of emergence, have the potential to provide an interpretational framework that unites phenomena across different scales of biological organization, from molecules to societies.Edited by R.J. Sommer  相似文献   
The ability to modulate feeding kinematics in response to prey items with different functional properties is likely a prerequisite for most organisms that feed on a variety of food items. Variation in prey properties is expected to reveal variation in feeding function and the functional role of the different phases in a transport cycle. Here we describe the kinematics of prey transport of two varanid species, Varanus niloticus and Varanus ornatus. These species were selected for analysis because of their highly specialised hyolingual system and food transport mechanism (inertial food transport). In these animals, tongue and hyoid movements are expected to make no, or only a minor, contribution to prey transport. We observed statistically significant prey type effects that could be associated with prey properties such as mass, size and mobility. These data show that both species are capable of modulating the kinematics of food transport in response to different prey types. Moreover, not only the kinematics of the jaws were modulated in response to prey characteristics but also the anterior/posterior movements of the tongue and hyoid. This suggests a more important role of the tongue and hyolingual movements in these animals than previously suspected. In contrast, head movements were rather stereotyped and were not modulated in response to changes in prey type.  相似文献   
The high versatility of the mode of reproduction and the retention of a pollen recognition system are the factors responsible for the extreme complexity of the genome in Poa pratensis L. Two genetic maps, one of an apomictic and one of a sexual genotype, were constructed using a two-way pseudo-testcross strategy and multiplex PCR-based molecular markers (AFLP and SAMPL). Due to the high ploidy level and the uncertainty of chromosome pairing-behavior at meiosis, only parent-specific single-dose markers (SDMs) that segregated 1:1 in an F1 mapping population (161 out of 299 SAMPLs, and 70 out of 275 AFLPs) were used for linkage analysis. A total of 41 paternal (33 SAMPLs and 8 AFLPs) and 47 maternal (33 SAMPLs and 14 AFLPs) SDMs, tested to be linked in coupling phase, were mapped to 7+7 linkage groups covering 367 and 338.4 cM, respectively. The comparison between the two marker systems revealed that SAMPL markers were statistically more efficient than AFLP ones in detecting parent-specific SDMs (75% vs 32.4%). There were no significant differences in the percentages of distorted marker alleles detected by the two marker systems (27.8% of SAMPLs vs 21.3% of AFLPs). The pairwise comparison of co-segregational groups for linkage detection between marker loci suggested that at least some of the P. pratensis chromosomes pair preferentially at meiosis-I. Received: 31 August 2000 / Accepted: 12 January 2001  相似文献   
The growth of a murine non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) tumour has been shown to be reduced by incorporating mistletoe lectin (ML-1) into the diet. The morphological characteristics of NHL tumours in mice fed ML-1-supplemented diets were different from those in LA (control)-fed mice. The degree of mitotic activity was lower and nuclear area reduced. The degree of lymphocyte infiltration was increased in tumours from ML-1 fed mice and this was accompanied by a high incidence of apoptotic bodies. Visual observation of NHL tumours from individuals fed ML-1 diet showed a poorly developed blood supply in contrast to control-fed mice. A major reduction in number of blood capillaries in NHL tumours was confirmed by microscopic evaluation of tumour sections. The results suggested an anti-angiogenic response in ML-1-fed mice. The feeding of ML-1 compared to control diet thus provided several identifiable changes in the morphology of NHL tumours which were consistent with the observed reduction in tumour weight. There was no longer histological evidence of viable tumour in 25% mice fed the ML-1 diet for 11 days. Morphological studies of the small bowel indicated (a) that the lectin induces hyperplasia, and (b) that the lectin binds avidly to lymphoid tissue of Peyer's patches. There was evidence of limited endocytosis of the lectin. An experiment where ML-3 was added to the diet of mice three days after inoculation of tumour cells showed that the lectin was able to slow down further growth of an established tumour. The results show that ML lectins induce powerful anti-cancer effects when provided by the oral route.  相似文献   
Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP+) is an intracellular second messenger releasing Ca2+ from intracellular stores in different cell types. In addition, it is also active in triggering [Ca2+](i) increase when applied extracellularly and various underlying mechanisms have been proposed. Here, we used hP2Y(11)-transfected 1321N1 astrocytoma cells to unequivocally establish whether extracellular NAADP+ is an agonist of the P2Y(11) receptor, as previously reported for beta-NAD+ [I. Moreschi, S. Bruzzone, R.A. Nicholas, et al., Extracellular NAD+ is an agonist of the human P2Y11 purinergic receptor in human granulocytes, J. Biol. Chem. 281 (2006) 31419-31429]. Extracellular NAADP+ triggered a concentration-dependent two-step elevation of [Ca2+](i) in 1321N1-hP2Y(11) cells, but not in wild-type 1321N1 cells, secondary to the intracellular production of IP(3), cAMP and cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR). Specifically, the transient [Ca2+](i) rise proved to be related to IP(3) overproduction and to consequent Ca2+ mobilization, while the sustained [Ca2+](i) elevation was caused by the cAMP/ADP-ribosyl cyclase (ADPRC)/cADPR signalling cascade and by influx of extracellular Ca2+. In human granulocytes, endogenous P2Y(11) proved to be responsible for the NAADP+-induced cell activation (as demonstrated by the use of NF157, a selective and potent inhibitor of P2Y(11)), unveiling a role of NAADP+ as a pro-inflammatory cytokine. In conclusion, we provide unequivocal evidence for the activation of a member of the P2Y receptor subfamily by NAADP+.  相似文献   
Interdependence between sperm concentration, motility, morphology, and the percentage of aneuploid sperm was explored to test whether oligoasthenoteratospermia (OAT) may have a multiple origin in idiopathic infertile males. A total of 174 men (age, 35.8 +/- 4.3 yr) with idiopathic infertility were studied. Seven patients had nonobstructive azoospermia, 55 had severe OAT, 30 had OAT, 27 had isolated alterations of motility, 45 had alterations of morphology and of motility, and 10 had isolated alterations of morphology. The sperm morphology was assessed with strict criteria. The percentage of aneuploid sperm was assessed with fluorescent in situ hybridization for chromosomes X, Y, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, and 22. Relationships between sperm features, and the relationship between sperm features and aneuploidies were analyzed with multivariate regression analysis. Statistical analysis did not find any significant relationship between the percentage of typical forms and sperm concentration or between morphology and motility. On the other hand, a positive and significant relationship was found between sperm concentration and motility. The percentage of aneuploid sperm was inversely and significantly related to the percentage of typical forms but not to motility and concentration. Sperm morphology is an independent characteristic with respect to concentration and motility, whereas it showed a significant inverse relationship with respect to the percentage of aneuploid sperm. This means that idiopathic OAT may occur by means of at least two independent pathways, the first affecting concentration and/or motility and the second affecting morphology.  相似文献   
One hundred and ten Listeria sp. isolates from sewage sludge were identified according to phenotypic and genotypic methods. The Listeria sp. strains isolated from five types of sludge from three sewage treatment plants in Angers (France) and the surrounding area included L. monocytogenes (55.5%), L. innocua (29.1%), L. seeligeri (13.6%) and L. welshimeri (1.8%). The majority of L. monocytogenes strains belonged to serotypes 4b, 1/2b and 1/2a. Moreover, a heteroduplex mobility assay based on the 16S rRNA sequences was tested for its ability to identify the six species of the genus Listeria. This study, performed on 283 Listeria sp. strains from human, food and sewage sludge samples, showed that all the species were distinguishable from one another. L. innocua and L. seeligeri showed respectively three and two distinct banding patterns. Within L. monocytogenes, four groups (I-IV) were defined. The majority of food and environmental isolates were clustered in group I and it is noteworthy that group IV clustered epidemiologic isolates and strains belonging to serotypes 4b, 1/2a and 1/2b.  相似文献   
Glycogen synthase kinase (GSK) 3beta is a negative regulator of stress-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. It is not clear, however, if GSK-3beta plays any role in regulating normal cardiac growth and cardiac function. Herein we report that a transgenic mouse expressing wild type GSK-3beta in the heart has a dramatic impairment of normal post-natal cardiomyocyte growth as well as markedly abnormal cardiac contractile function. The most striking phenotype, however, is grossly impaired diastolic relaxation, which leads to increased filling pressures of the left ventricle and massive atrial enlargement. This is due to profoundly abnormal calcium handling, leading to an inability to normalize cytosolic [Ca2+] in diastole. The alterations in calcium handling are due at least in part to direct down-regulation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA2a) by GSK-3beta, acting at the level of the SERCA2 promoter. These studies identify GSK-3beta as a regulator of normal growth of the heart and are the first of which we are aware, to demonstrate regulation of expression of SERCA2a, a critical determinant of diastolic function, by a cytosolic signaling pathway, the activity of which is dynamically modulated. De-regulation of GSK-3beta leads to severe systolic and diastolic dysfunction and progressive heart failure. Because down-regulation of SERCA2a plays a central role in the diastolic and systolic dysfunction of patients with heart failure, these findings have potential implications for the therapy of this disorder.  相似文献   
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