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A new variant of concern for SARS-CoV-2,Omicron(B.1.1.529),was designated by the World Health Organization on November 26,2021.This study analyzed the viral genome sequencing data of 108 samples collected from patients infected with Omicron.First,we found that the enrichment efficiency of viral nucleic acids was reduced due to mutations in the region where the primers anneal to.Second,the Omicron variant possesses an excessive number of mutations compared to other variants circulating at the sam...  相似文献   
Targeted protein degradation(TPD) has rapidly emerged as a therapeutic modality to eliminate previously undruggable proteins by repurposing the cell’s endogenous protein degradation machinery. However, the susceptibility of proteins for targeting by TPD approaches, termed‘‘degradability”, is largely unknown. Here, we developed a machine learning model, model-free analysis of protein degradability(MAPD), to predict degradability from features intrinsic to protein targets. MAPD shows accurate perf...  相似文献   
论计算机化的病虫害管理系统的原理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于现代系统理论引入害虫防治的领域,并结合计算机技术的发展,害虫管理系统也有了飞跃的进步。本文不仅讨论了发展现代害虫管理系统的原理和若干理论问题,而且还比较了中国传统的预测预报网与现代建立在计算机网络上的联机(on line)害虫管理系统,并对今后发展提出了作者的看法。 害虫综合管理(或防治)的概念,随着时代的发展,也赋予新的含意,系统理论引入害虫防治的相关领域,则是认识论上的一大提高,也是学科发展和学科互相渗透的必然结果。  相似文献   
物种多维生态位宽度测度   总被引:56,自引:6,他引:50  
经典的生态位宽度测度式基于物种在单一生态位维上各资源状态的分布比例量,而难以应用于物种在多维生态位空间的宽度测度,本文在N维生态位空间分割为分室的基础上,定义物种生态位宽度为物种在分室上分布与样本在分室的频率分布之间的吻合度,根据最小差别信息统计量,推导出一可基于物种分布比例量也可基于实测值的生态位宽测度式,并以华南鼎湖山自然保护区的厚壳桂群落中物种与土壤因子数据为例加以说明,结果表明优势树种具较  相似文献   
植物激素对草莓叶片不定芽形成的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用试管内生长的草莓幼嫩叶片作外植体,培养在MS基本培养基上附加1.5—2.5毫克/升6—BA和0.1毫克/升NAA,可直接诱导成不定芽,诱导率可达20%。如果不定芽继代培养在同样浓度的培养基上,继而可形成大量的丛生芽。能使叶外植体形成不定芽的植物激素组合而不能使其愈伤组织分化成芽。IAA与6—BA的不同浓度组合对不定芽形成效果不明显。  相似文献   


1986年11月,在武汉植物所的3个池塘及东湖附近的池塘内采集的标本中,含有大量的具硅质磷片的金藻,共11种,分别隶属于Spiniferomonas, Paraphysomonas, Chrysosphaevella, Mallomonas和Synura 5个属。本文提供了这些藻的硅质磷片、刺及毛的电镜照片。这些藻在中国研究得很少,许多种都是第一次报道,它们中的大多数在世界上其它一些地区也是普遍出现的,有些则毫无疑问地属于世界性分布。  相似文献   
序言 基因组的结构和功能的研究,很大程度上依赖于特定的DNA片段的分离和分析。凝胶电泳是一种以DNA片段大小为依据的,简单而且分辨力很强的一种分离特殊DNA片段的方法浓度为2.5%-0.1%的琼脂糖凝胶电泳可分辨出从150到880000硷基对的DNA片段,而在20%-3%的丙烯酰胺凝胶上,对20-2000硷基对的DNA片段分辨效果更好。  相似文献   
包含两个不同重叠式样的花序在被子植物几个较进化的类群中,花序由两种式样组成,这两种在各自的构造和发育上,都有根木的区别,菊科和禾本科就是最好的例子。在菊科中,基本单位是头状花序,花无柄,长在花序托上,周围由特化的苞片形成花序总苞,向顶式发育。这些构造是由总状花序经过伞房花序的中间状态,由于简化而演化出的(图1.M)。许多菊科植物中,包括最一般的向日葵族 Heliantheae 的种,头状花序是单生的,或由  相似文献   
An invasive new biotype of the tomato/potato psyllid (Bactericera [Paratrioza] cockerelli [Sulc.]) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) recently has caused losses exceeding 50% on fresh market tomatoes in western North America. Despite these extensive losses, little is known regarding the threshold levels at which populations must be suppressed in order to prevent economic losses. A series of experiments were therefore designed using combinations of two common tomato cultivars (QualiT 21 and Yellow Pear), five pest-densities (0, 20, 30, 40 and 50 nymphs/plant), and three feeding-duration (5 days, 10 days, and lifetime) treatments to test the relative importance of pest density, feeding period, and cumulative psyllid-days to establish economic threshold levels for psyllids. The cultivars differed considerably in their response to the toxin injected by the psyllid nymphs. ‘Yellow Pear' plants could recover from feeding by up to 40 nymphs for as long as 10 d, whereas ‘QualiT 21' plants were irreparably damaged by densities of 20 nymphs feeding for only 5 days. On ‘Yellow Pear', all plant measurements such as the number of yellow leaves and plant height were significantly better correlated with cumulative psyUid-days than with either pest density or feeding duration. On ‘QualiT 21 ', all plant measurements other than the number of yellow leaflets and leaves were significantly better correlated with pest density than with feeding duration or cumulative psyUid-days, and pest density was a better predictor of psyUid damage. Potential reasons for the variable responses between cultivars and the implications for psyllid sampling and integrated pest management are discussed.  相似文献   
菜蚜种群抽样理论的蒙特卡洛试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北京地区秋白菜上蚜虫种群在其一定发展阶段的空间格局是可以用Pearson Ⅲ型分布拟合的。用蒙特卡洛试验研究这种分布的三个参数——平均数Ex,变异系数Cv和偏态系数Cs的估计误差同样本容量的关系是有效的途径。本文介绍了该试验的设计思想和实施步骤,并得出初步结论:以一株菜为一个样本单位计数白菜上的蚜虫头数,则在允许误差不大于5%的情况下,样本容量为50时,用矩法便可足够准确地估计Ev和Cv值了;但对于估计Cv值,则样本容量应为500左右。  相似文献   
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