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Attempts to improve hematopoietic reconstitution and engraftment potential of ex vivo-expanded hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) have been largely unsuccessful due to the inability to generate sufficient stem cell numbers and to excessive differentiation of the starting cell population. Although hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) will rapidly expand after in vivo transplantation, experience from in vitro studies indicates that control of HSPC self-renewal and differentiation in culture remains difficult. Protocols that are based on hematopoietic cytokines have failed to support reliable amplification of immature stem cells in culture, suggesting that additional factors are required. In recent years, several novel factors, including developmental factors and chemical compounds, have been reported to affect HSC self-renewal and improve ex vivo stem cell expansion protocols. Here, we highlight early expansion attempts and review recent development in the extrinsic control of HSPC fate in vitro.  相似文献   
We used structural genomic resources for Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench to target and develop multiple molecular cytogenetic probes that would provide extensive coverage for a specific chromosome of sorghum. Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones containing molecular markers mapped across sorghum linkage group A were labeled as probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Signals from single-, dual-, and multiprobe BAC-FISH to spreads of mitotic chromosomes and pachytene bivalents were associated with the largest sorghum chromosome, which bears the nucleolus organizing region (NOR). The order of individual BAC-FISH loci along the chromosome was fully concordant to that of marker loci along the linkage map. In addition, the order of several tightly linked molecular markers was clarified by FISH analysis. The FISH results indicate that markers from the linkage map positions 0.0-81.8 cM reside in the short arm of chromosome 1 whereas markers from 81.8-242.9 cM are located in the long arm of chromosome 1. The centromere and NOR were located in a large heterochromatic region that spans approximately 60% of chromosome 1. In contrast, this region represents only 0.7% of the total genetic map distance of this chromosome. Variation in recombination frequency among euchromatic chromosomal regions also was apparent. The integrated data underscore the value of cytological data, because minor errors and uncertainties in linkage maps can involve huge physical regions. The successful development of multiprobe FISH cocktails suggests that it is feasible to develop chromosome-specific "paints" from genomic resources rather than flow sorting or microdissection and that when applied to pachytene chromatin, such cocktails provide an especially powerful framework for mapping. Such a molecular cytogenetic infrastructure would be inherently cross-linked with other genomic tools and thereby establish a cytogenomics system with extensive utility in development and application of genomic resources, cloning, transgene localization, development of plant "chromonomics," germplasm introgression, and marker-assisted breeding. In combination with previously reported work, the results indicate that a sorghum cytogenomics system would be partially applicable to other gramineous genera.  相似文献   
RNA-based silencing strategies in plants   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Fluid transport across epithelial and endothelial barriers occurs in the neonatal and adult lungs. Biophysical measurements in the intact lung and cell isolates have indicated that osmotic water permeability is exceptionally high across alveolar epithelia and endothelia and moderately high across airway epithelia. This review is focused on the role of membrane water-transporting proteins, the aquaporins (AQPs), in high lung water permeability and lung physiology. The lung expresses several AQPs: AQP1 in microvascular endothelia, AQP3 in large airways, AQP4 in large- and small-airway epithelia, and AQP5 in type I alveolar epithelial cells. Lung phenotype analysis of transgenic mice lacking each of these AQPs has been informative. Osmotically driven water permeability between the air space and capillary compartments is reduced approximately 10-fold by deletion of AQP1 or AQP5 and reduced even more by deletion of AQP1 and AQP4 or AQP1 and AQP5 together. AQP1 deletion greatly reduces osmotically driven water transport across alveolar capillaries but has only a minor effect on hydrostatic lung filtration, which primarily involves paracellular water movement. However, despite the major role of AQPs in lung osmotic water permeabilities, AQP deletion has little or no effect on physiologically important lung functions, such as alveolar fluid clearance in adult and neonatal lung, and edema accumulation after lung injury. Although AQPs play a major role in renal and central nervous system physiology, the data to date on AQP knockout mice do not support an important role of high lung water permeabilities or AQPs in lung physiology. However, there remain unresolved questions about possible non-water-transporting roles of AQPs and about the role of AQPs in airway physiology, pleural fluid dynamics, and edema after lung infection.  相似文献   
The effect of sleep deprivation by 'carousel' method on spatial memory consolidation in a Morris water maze was studied in Wistar male rats after one-day learning (in accordance to a protocol by Frick et al., 2000). It was found that after fast 3-hr learning the memory trace retains during 24-hr. Twenty four hour sleep deprivation followed learning impaired consolidation of spatial memory. So the rat model of a one-day learning is suitable for the studying of neurophysiological mechanisms of sleep deprivation effects on spatial memory consolidation.  相似文献   
Vav2, like all Dbl family proteins, possesses tandem Dbl homology (DH) and pleckstrin homology (PH) domains and functions as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rho family GTPases. Whereas the PH domain is a critical positive regulator of DH domain function for a majority of Dbl family proteins, the PH domains of the related Vav and Vav3 proteins are dispensable for DH domain activity. Instead, Vav proteins contain a cysteine-rich domain (CRD) critical for DH domain function. We evaluated the contribution of the PH domain and the CRD to Vav2 guanine nucleotide exchange, signaling, and transforming activity. Unexpectedly, we found that mutations of the PH domain impaired Vav2 signaling, transforming activity, and membrane association. However, these mutations do not influence exchange activity on Rac and only slightly affect exchange on RhoA and Cdc42. We also found that the CRD was critical for the exchange activity in vitro and contributed to Vav2 membrane localization. Finally, we found that phosphoinositol 3-kinase activation synergistically enhanced Vav2 transforming and signaling activity by stimulating exchange activity but not membrane association. In conclusion, the PH domain and CRD are mechanistically distinct, positive modulators of Vav2 DH domain function in vivo.  相似文献   
The influence of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) formulation from Astragalus Root (Radix astragalin seu Hedysari) and Chinese Angelica Root (R. Angelicae Sinensis) at a ratio of 5:1 (w/w) on non-specific immunity of Jian carp, Cyprinus carpio var. Jian was investigated. The number of NBT-positive cells in the blood and lysozyme and complement activities in the serum of Carp fed with commercial feed supplemented with 1.0% (diet 1) and 1.5% (diet 2) TCM at 10 day of post-feeding were not different from those of the control group fed with feed unsupplemented TCM 10 days post-feeding (P>0.05), but at 20 and 30 days they increased significantly (P<0.05). The values of diet 1 group and diet 2 group at 20 day and at 30 day were not significantly different (P>0.05) from each other. In addition, the TCM formula increased body weight of experimental fish by about 16.84% (diet 1) and 19% (diet 2) above that of the control group. Therefore, these data suggest that the TCM formula could elevate the function of non-specific immunity of Jian carp. The optimal dosage added to commercial carp feed was 1.0% (w/w) and the oral administration time as a course of treatment was 20 days.  相似文献   
Treatment of tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants with lithium induces the formation of necrotic lesions and leaf curling as in the case of incompatible pathogen interactions. Further similarities at the molecular level include accumulation of ethylene and of salicylic and gentisic acids, and induced expression of pathogenesis-related PR-P, PR5 and PR1 genes. With the exception of PR1 induction, lithium produced the same effects in transgenic tobacco plants that do not accumulate salicylate because of overexpression of the bacterial hydroxylase gene nahG. On the other hand, inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis with aminoethoxyvinylglycine prevented lithium-induced cell death and PR5 expression. These results suggest that lithium triggers a hypersensitive-like response where ethylene signalling is essential.  相似文献   
Current evidence suggests that a strong induced CD8 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-specific cell mediated immune response may be an important aspect of an HIV vaccine. The response rates and the magnitude of the CTL responses induced by current DNA vaccines in humans need to be improved and cellular immune responses to DNA vaccines can be enhanced in mice by co-delivering DNA plasmids expressing immune modulators. Two reported to work well in the mouse systems are interleukin (IL)-12 and CD40L. We sought to compare these molecular adjuvants in a primate model system. The cDNA for macaque IL-12 and CD40L were cloned into DNA vectors. Groups of cynomolgus macaques were immunized with 2 mg of plasmid expressing SIVgag alone or in combination with either IL-12 or CD40L. CD40L did not appear to enhance the cellular immune response to SIVgag antigen. However, more robust results were observed in animals co-injected with the IL-12 molecular adjuvant. The IL-12 expanded antigen-specific IFN-gamma positive effector cells as well as granzyme B production. The vaccine immune responses contained both a CD8 component as well a CD4 component. The adjuvanted DNA vaccines illustrate that IL-12 enhances a CD8 vaccine immune response, however, different cellular profiles.  相似文献   
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