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美国飞迪亚-乔治城神经科学研究所所长、美国科学院院士E.Costa博士,1989年1月10日来北京接受北京医科大学授予名誉教授衔。Costa教授在该仪式上所作的报告指出了当前神经递质研究的新方向,具有重要的学术意义。特予介绍,以飨读者。  相似文献   
“‘列宁遗训’集体农荘的展览台在哪里?”这个问题,在全苏农业展览会“谷物展览馆”和“乌拉尔展览馆”的工作人员,每天都得回答几百次。天才的实验家、新土壤耕作法的创造者特连齐·谢米诺维奇·马尔采夫,就是在这个集体农荘里出色地工作的。马尔采夫的保证土壤肥力不断提高和谷物高额与稳定产量的革新工作,使农学家、农业专家、集体农荘荘员、国营农场和机器拖拉机站的工作者,都感到极大的兴趣。不久以前(1954年8月7—10日一译者),在“列宁遗训”集体农荘召开了一个专为研究和推广马尔采夫耕作法的全国性会议,到会的有1,000  相似文献   
棕黄色的家蚁(Monomorium pharaonis L.)原是热带生存的。由於交通与商业发展的关系,他在地球上传播极广。在前世纪家蚁已经在欧洲的许多城市中,如伦敦、巴黎、汉堡、哥本哈根、里昂、马赛等地著名了。在温带气候的地方这种喜热的昆虫完全移住人室内,变成了典型的家庭害虫。家蚁大概是很普通的,在我们的某些城市尤其如此. 这些迅速繁殖的,小而活泼的昆虫会钻进食物,同时弄(?)食品,特别是荤的和甜的菜。  相似文献   
许多著作者确定,在光合作用的过程中,植物有机物质的形成,不仅能利用被葉片所同化的空气中的碳酸气,而在某种程度上,也可能利用被根系所吸收的土壤中的碳酸气。现代研究者所注意的方向,主要在於阐明碳酸气的根部固定对植物新陈代谢各别方面的影响。顯然,被植物根部所吸收的土壤碳酸气的生理作用,不僅局限於作篇碳的補充来源,而某些作者在其工作中却把主要的注意力放在这一方面,大概,是根部吸收土壤中碳酸气对植物所有的新陈代谢的活化作用都有极大的影响之故。  相似文献   
植物根营养的范围是极其广阔的。它包括着有关於吸收和同化土壤中礦物物质和有机物质的问题,有关於水分的吸收和用水分供应地上器官的问题,有关於根系活动的和根系同周围环境条件相互作用的许多其他表现的问题。在本概述中,我们只谈论属於植物对矿物质的吸收和同化的问题以及属於阐明各个器官在这个过程中的作用的问题。同时,我们将用主要的注意来阐明根系在同化营养物质中的作用。植物同化土壤中的营养物质是极其复杂的过  相似文献   
在这篇论文中,引用了在不同生长期内马铃薯块茎提取液水解作用与磷酸化作用以及合成酶与磷酸葡萄糖变位酶活性的研究材料。用马铃薯块茎製备提取液,在两个时期来研究该提取液:第一次是在七月,即马铃薯开花的时候,那时马铃薯具有小的块茎;第二次是在收穫之後,与测定磷酸化酶和磷酸葡萄糖变位酶的活性的同时,测定块茎中澱粉含量,而且在提取液中测定还原性物质的含量。试验是用三个马铃薯品种进行的,即“劳尔赫”、“普列斯库里斯基”和“十月儿童”。对块茎提取液磷酸解作用的研究表明:块茎提  相似文献   
The effects of the variability of individual prey locomotory performance on the vulnerability to predation are poorly understood,partly because individual performance is difficult to determine in natural habitats.To gain insights into the role(s)of individual variation in predatory relationships,we study a convenient model system,the neotropical sandy beach gastropod Olivella semistriata and its main predator,the carnivorous snail Agaronia propatula.The largest size class of O.semistriata is known to be missing from A.propatula's spectrum of subdued prey,although the predator regularly captures much larger individuals of other taxa.To resolve this conundrum,we analyzed predation attempts in the wild.While A.propatula attacked O.semistriata of all sizes,large prey specimens usually escaped by'sculling',an accelerated,stepping mode of locomotion.Olivella semistriata performed sculling locomotion regardless of size,but sculling velocities determined in the natural environment increased strongly with size.Thus,growth in size as such does not establish a prey size refuge in which O.semistriata is safe from predation.Rather,a behaviorally mediated size refuge is created through the size-dependence of sculling performance.Taken together,this work presents a rare quantitative characterization in the natural habitat of the causal sequence from the size-dependence of individual performance,to the prey size-dependent outcome of predation attempts,to the size bias in the predator's prey spectrum.  相似文献   
Glucocorticoids(GCs)are involved in the regulation of an animal's energetic state.Under stressful situations,they are part of the neuroendocrine response to cope with environmental challenges.Animals react to aversive stimuli also through behavioral responses,defined as coping styles.Both in captive and wild populations,individuals differ in their behavior along a proactive-reactive continuum.Proactive animals exhibit a bold,active explorative and social personality,whereas reactive ones areshy,less active-explorative and less social.Here,we test the hypothesis that personality traits and physiological responses to stressors covary,with more proactive individuals having a less pronounced GC stress response.In wild populations of invasive gray squirrels Sciurus carolinensis,we measuredfecal glucocorticoid metabolites(FGMs),an integrated measure of circulating GCs,and 3 personality traits(activity,sociability,and exploration)derived from open field test(OFT)and mirror image stimulation(MIS)test.Gray squirrels had higher FGMs in Autumn than in Winter and males with scrotal testes had higher FGMs than nonbreeding males.Personality varied with body mass and population density.Squirrels expressed more activity exploration at higher than at lower density and heavier squirrels had higher scores for activity exploration than animals that weighed less.Variation in FGM concentrations was not correlated with the expression of the 3 personality traits.Hence,our results do not support a strong association between the behavioral and physiological stress responses but show that in wild populations,where animals experience varying environmental conditions,the GC endocrine response and the expression of personality are uncorrelated traits among individuals.  相似文献   
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