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There is compelling evidence that a general erosion of the global ozone layer is occurring. Since ozone in the stratosphere absorbs much of the shortwave solar ultraviolet radiation (UV-B), diminished ozone means that more UV-B of a very specific wavelength composition will be received at the earth's surface. Evaluating the implications for vegetation involves consideration of the wavelength specificity of biological photochemical reactions and their sensitivity to the extant and future solar spectrum. Recent research suggests the occurrence of direct damaging reactions and of indirect morphological and chemical responses with implications at the community and ecosystem levels.  相似文献   
Many marine invertebrates have a planktonic stage of their life history during which widespread dispersal and much mortality occur. The numbers surviving to recruit into habitats occupied by adults are therefore very variable in time and space. Models for the structure and dynamics of benthic assemblages tend to focus on processes causing death - often assuming consistent arrivals of recruits. Supply-side ecology is a newly fashionable term to describe recent interest in the long-realized consequences of variations in recruitment. Such variations have important influences on theory and empirical research in these assemblages.  相似文献   
Chaotic dynamics emerge when positive/negative feedback systems are dominated much of the time by positive feedback growth processes. Although all ecological systems contain the seeds of chaos (positive feedback), empirical evidence and evolutionary/ecological reasoning support the view that ecosystems do not normally behave chaotically. They may, however, be driven to chaos by human actions that increase growth rates or induce delays in the regulatory (negative feedback) processes.  相似文献   
鸟类核型研究集形目9种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了蜂鹰、鸢,苍鹰、雀鹰、松雀鹰、普通鸷、鹊鹞、燕隼和猎隼9种鸟类的核型。鹰科鸟类具有与其它鸟类截然不同的核型。其特点为多而短的大染色体,长度匀称的棱型。谜种匀称的核型是由一般鸟类不匀称核型的大染色体发生了一系列着丝点分裂而形成  相似文献   
两种捕食马尾松毛虫鸟类的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大山雀和白颊噪鹛是马尾松毛虫的最重要捕食性天敌。大山雀营巢于墙洞、土洞和树洞中,每窝产卵4—9枚。孵卵期平均14.8天,育雏期15—18天,幼鸟出窝率56.06%。白颊噪鹛营巢于浓密的杉树树冠及荆刺丛中,每窝产卵2—5枚,孵卵期平均14.6天,幼鸟出窝率36.36—44.26%。大山雀对1龄松毛虫为吞食,对2龄以上的松毛虫只啄食虫体的一部分;白颊噪鹛对各龄松毛虫均为吞食。在林间松树上人工放虫后3—4天,鸟对松毛虫的最高捕食率达94.84%。对已驯化的鸟在笼内做捕食量测定,大山雀和白颊噪鹛对1龄松毛虫每小时的捕食量分别为187和951条。  相似文献   
鸟类核型研究 隼形目9种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道了蜂鹰、鸢、苍鹰、雀鹰、松雀鹰、普通鵟,鹊鹞、燕隼和猎隼9种鸟类的核型。鹰科鸟类具有与其它鸟类截然不同的核型。其特点为多而短的大染色体,长度匀称的核型。这种匀称的核型是由一般鸟类不匀称核型的大染色体发生了一系列着丝点分裂而形成。  相似文献   
红斑羚和斑羚几种常见行为的比较观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者对上海动物目3头红斑羚和5头斑羚进行了观察研究。主要地就取食行为,反刍行为,饮水行为,休息行为,舐痒和搔痒行为,威胁行为,排粪和排尿行为进行了比较,初步找到了这两种同属的动物在这些行为上的一些异同之处,对它们在形态和生理上的异同之处作了行为上的补充,说明了这两个近缘物种之间由于生殖隔离和对不同环境的适应,在行为上也是有异同之处的。  相似文献   
桂西北红水河中上游流域鸟类考察初报   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
1985—1986年,对广西西北部红水河中上游流域的鸟类作了初步考察,共采集到标本175种和亚种,分隶于13目33科,其中有17种和亚种为广西新纪录。在动物地理区划上,调查区归属于华中区,但据调查结果分析,其鸟类区系组成以华南区成份为主,结合该地植被和气候情况,作者认为,华南区的北界在桂西段应北移至沿红水河和南盘江北岸划线较为合适。  相似文献   
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