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火棘(pyracantha)属蔷薇科灌木,主要分布于亚洲东部至欧洲南部,在我国则主要产于南方各省区,是一种储量十分丰富而尚未开发的野生植物资源。研究表明,火棘果中各种营养成份丰富,其中八种人体必需的氨基酸、不饱和脂肪酸、V_C、V_B族、V_K、K、Ca、P、Zn、蛋  相似文献   
辽宁东部山区是我省重点林区,它包括桓仁、本溪、抚顺、清源、新宾、凤成、宽甸七县。森林属长白山森林植物区系,是温带针阔混交林的一部分,原生森林植物群落是以红松为主的针阔混交林。该区气候属温带湿润大陆性气候型,由于气候湿润、雨量充沛、土壤肥沃,适合植物生  相似文献   
1.世界香料工业市场动态随着世界各国工业的迅速发展,人民生活水平的日趋提高,近年来,世界各国的香精香料生产、销售迅速发展和增长。据报导:全世界香精香料总销售额1970年为13亿美元,1976年为23亿美元,1977年为30亿美元,1978年为36亿美元,1979年为40亿美元,1985年为78亿美元,到1988年已突破100亿美元大关。全世界70年代的递增幅度为10%、八十年代为13%,其中日、美的递增幅度达15%以上。  相似文献   
给家兔喂以1%胆固醇及10%菜油(A组)或猪油(B组)50多天后A组血胆固醇水平(824.2±265.1mg/dl)明显低于B组(1666±693.8mg/dl);A组甘油三酯水平(51.9±19.1mg/dl)亦低于B组(104±40.2mg/dl)。二组家兔的β—VLDL的脂类组成无差别,但A组β—VLDL的apoE高于B组,分别为45.2%及37.5%。高分子量apoB(apoB_h)为33.6%,低于B组β-VLDL(47.3%)。A组β-VLDL促进小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞胆固醇堆积的程度大于B组,可能与apoE含量高有关。我们认为多不饱和脂酸减轻动脉粥样硬化(As)的作用不在于改变脂蛋白构成后阻碍泡沫细胞的形成而是促进β—VLDL从体内清除。  相似文献   
一九八一年在荔波县果树资源调查中,发现玉屏区时来乡石灰砌村水架村民组拉哑湾森林内零星和连片分布。群众称为野桔,经鉴定为野生宜昌橙,当地群众采集入药,近几年来用于甜桔育苗砧木。宜昌澄(Citrus ichangensis),别名:宜昌柑、罗汉柑,当地土名叫野桔。属于蟹橙类的一种。植物形态:为常绿多刺小乔木或灌木。树高1.5~4米;主杆皮色为灰绿色,征枝干上有坚锐长刺,幼技有棱角及短刺,刺长1.5~3厘米,结果枝常无刺或少刺。叶片卵圆形或长卵圆形,先端渐尖,基部圆形,长3—6.5厘米,宽1.5~3.5厘米;叶柄长,有宽大  相似文献   
中华猕猴桃Actinidia Chinensis Pianch原产我国。它以含维生素C很高而著名,受到当今世界各国的普遍重视,成为很有发展前途的新兴水果。中华猕猴桃在我国有两个变种,即硬毛变种(A.Chinensis Var.hispida)和软毛变种(A.Chinensis Var.chinensis)。目前世界各国栽培的均为硬毛猕猴桃,其表面粗糙、外皮较厚、感观欠佳。因此培育无毛猕猴桃新品种已是育种家们十分重视的课题。  相似文献   
Retinoic acid (RA) inhibited the in vitro growth of the mouse mast cell tumor line P815 in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The inhibition was accompanied by an increase in the amount of neutral intracellular mucopolysaccharides. Study of cell cycle kinetics showed that exposure to retinoic acid led to a slowing-down of the cell-cycle progression possibly related to a more differentiated cell population disclosed by microscopy with a lower proliferative capacity. In vivo, delays in both tumor appearance and mouse mortality were observed after injecting RA into mice bearing mastocytomas. These results suggest that RA could be of interest in the treatment of human malignant systemic mastocytosis with proliferation of immature mast cells.  相似文献   
We have determined, by immunohistochemical and biochemical techniques, the distribution of an endogenous beta-D-galactoside-binding lectin between the early primitive streak stage and the 5th day of embryonic development of the chick.The lectin, which was purified from the pectoral muscle of 16-day-old chick embryos, migrates on SDS-PAGE as a single polypeptide of relative molecular mass 15 x 10(3). Antibodies to this pure lectin interact with the 15K (K = 10(3) M(r)) polypeptide as well as with a 6.5K polypeptide; this second component appears to be antigenically related to the 15K lectin, as antibodies affinity purified on the 15K band recognize both polypeptides. In early stages of development, lectin immunoreactivity was present in most cells of the epiblast and hypoblast in the region of the primitive streak, while towards the edge of the area pellucida the epiblast was stained less intensely. During gastrulation, strong immunoreactivity was present also in migrating cells and in the mesoblast, while at the margin of the area pellucida the epiblast was negative. Up to the 10-somite stage, lectin immunoreactivity was present in the somites, neural tube and presumptive cardiac region; the non-neural ectoderm and the extracellular matrix were not labeled; the predominant immunoreactive component at this stage of development was the 6.5K polypeptide. Later in development, the lectin immunoreactivity gradually disappeared from the dermamyotome and nervous system to reappear conspicuously as soon as a differentiated myotome could be detected. Immunoreactivity was very high in the myotome, skeletal and cardiac muscles and transient in smooth muscles. The only region of the nervous system that continued to express the lectin throughout development was the trigeminal (semilunar) ganglion; in all regions of the nervous system, the lectin immunoreactivity disappeared early in development to be re-expressed only much later. The lining epithelium of the digestive tract and other endodermal derivatives expressed the lectin transiently. In the extraembryonic membranes, immunoreactivity to the lectin was observed in the yolk sac and in both layers of the amnion. The striking regulation of the expression of this endogenous lectin suggests that its functions are linked to cell proliferation and/or to the selective expression of a developmentally-timed cell phenotype.  相似文献   
德国小蠊的小群体饲养新方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 德国小蠊Blattella gerrmanica(L.)是重要的卫生害虫之一。我们于1985~1986年对德国小蠊的饲养方法进行了研究和改进,收到较好效果,现介绍如下。 (一)试虫 从重庆白蚁防治研究所引进成虫,选用第二代若虫。  相似文献   
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