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采有Griffing交配设计,对30个高梁恢复系的杂种一代及其6 个亲本进行两年(1989—1990)比较试验,探索高梁亲本遗传距离与F1产量的杂种优势和组合特殊配合力的关系,结果表明:亲本遗传距离与杂种优势、遗传距离与特殊配合力均呈显著或极显著的抛物线回归关系。遗传距离在一定范围内 (0相似文献   
高粱九个性状遗传参数的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1991─1992连续两年,在水、旱地两种环境条件下,对20个品杂种,9个性状进行了3个遗传参数的分析。从遗传进度的估算中确定了较高增量的性状。在遗传相关的分析中,又得出14对性状遗传相关系数较高,表现型相关系数水、旱地都达到显著水准。但在相关遗传进度的估算中,其增量幅度旱地明显地小于水地,这说明旱地培育高产品种的困难较大。通过对12 4个指数项目的分析,提出了水、旱地育种各自应采用的较好的选择方案。  相似文献   
吉林爆玉米遗传距离与杂种优势关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据吉林省80个爆玉米自交系数量性状的表现,估算了它们之间的遗传距离。又估算了这80个自交系间随机组配的67个杂交组合F1代小区产量、爆粒率和膨胀倍数的杂种优势。相关和回归分析表明,F1代产量的对照优势与其双亲之间的遗传距离呈显著的二次曲线关系,而F1代品质特性爆粒率和膨胀倍数的对照优势与其双亲之间的遗传距离无确定性关系。因此,可以根据亲本间数量性状的综合遗传差异——遗传距离来预测吉林省爆玉米杂种一代的产量优势。 An experiment was conducted in 1990 to 1991 at the university,to study the relationships between genetic distance,cluster analysis and heterosis in popcorn(Zea mays var.everta).Results showed that there is no sense in cludtering parental lines for prediction of yield heterosis,but blood pedigree can beidentifed from cluster analysis.The relation between genetic divergence or distance and yield heterosis of F1 hybrids can be predicted from the genetic distances of their parental lines according to this model,but no definite relation could be found between parental genetic divergence and the quality heterosis of F1 hybrids.  相似文献   
水稻的胚囊处于胚珠组织的包围之中,外面还有子房壁,以往观察子房都是用切片的方法.切片制作的过程相当繁杂,并且需要掌握熟练的染色技术。根据连续切片来建立立体概念也需要经验。为了寻找观察胚囊结构的简便方法,人们曾提出过胚珠水解压片法、整体解剖法、酶分离法等,但也需要精细的手工操作,并且不能保证每个子房或胚珠都可获得其中的胚囊。整体透明是个比较好的方法,Herr采用胚珠整体透明法在相差和干涉显微镜下观察一些植物的大孢子母细胞、大孢子和早期的胚囊;Young用此法鉴定buffelgrass的无融合生殖过程  相似文献   
INTRoDUCTIONDuchenneandBeckermusculardystrophy(DMD,BMD)areX-linkedrecessivedisorders,affectingabout1in33OOlivebornmales[1].ThegenehasbeenlocatedatXp21byidentificationofunusualpatientswithcytogeneticallyvisibledeletionofXp21l2]orbalancedX:autosometranslocation[3].SubsequentlinkagestudiesusingrandomlyclonedDNAprobesfromthisregionconfirmedthelocalizationofthegenetoXp21[4-5].DeletionsoftheDMDgenein17%ofindividualswithDuchennemusculardystrophy(DMD)werefirstdetectedwiththesingle-copyD…  相似文献   
果胶酸裂解酶P56在番茄花粉管伸长过程中起着重要的作用,为了制备番茄P56蛋白的抗体,进行番茄花粉管萌发过程中P56蛋白的免疫组织化学研究,对P56基因在大肠杆菌系统的重组表达进行了研究。先采用Overlap-PCR的方法,从番茄基因组DNA中克隆了成熟P56蛋白的cDNA序列(LAT56),再构建重组表达质粒pET28a(+)-LAT56,转化大肠杆菌BL21-CodenPlus(DE3)-RIL,得到了重组表达工程菌pET-28a(+)-LAT56-BL21-Co-denPlus(DE3)-RIL。在0.5 mmol/L IPTG、15℃和180 r/min条件下,经过60 h的诱导培养,重组蛋白表达量为细胞总蛋白的30%左右,主要以包涵体形式存在,重组蛋白经Ni2+-nitrilotriacetate-agrose亲和柱层析,得到了SDS-PAGE显示为单一蛋白带的纯化蛋白。  相似文献   
来自米曲霉(Aspergillus oryzae)和黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)的果胶酸酯裂解酶(pectinlyase)一直被用于传统发酵食品的生产,但自然条件下A.oryzae和A.niger的果胶酸酯裂解酶产量较低。通过RT-PCR的方法,获得不含信号肽的A.oryzaePel1cDNA,将Pel1cDNA连入pET-28a( )载体,构建pET-28a( )-pel1质粒。pET-28a( )-pel1转化Turner(DE3)placⅠ细胞,得到转化子pET-28a( )-pel1-Turner(DE3)placⅠ,表达与6个组氨酸融合的Pel1。进一步对Pel1在E.coli系统中表达的条件进行了研究,在37℃,220r/min条件下,培养pET-28a( )-pel1-Turner(DE3)placⅠ细胞,当OD600至0.8左右时,用500μmol/Lisopropylβ-D-thiogalactogalactop-yranoside(IPTG)进行诱导表达,在15℃和170r/min条件下,继续培养60h后,表达效果最好,产酶可达到400u/mL,是A.oryzae自然条件下产酶量的4000倍,也高于已报道的真菌果胶酸酯裂解酶在真菌体系中重组表达的效果。  相似文献   
Food resources play an important role in the regulation of animals’ physiology and behavior. We investigated the effect of short-term food restriction on metabolic thermogenesis of Chinese bulbuls(Pycnonotus sinensis) by measuring changes in body mass, body fat, basic metabolic rate(BMR), and organ mass of wild-caught Chinese bulbuls from Wenzhou, China. Short-term food restriction induced a significant decrease in body mass and body fat but body mass returned to normal levels soon after food was no longer restricted. Food restriction caused a significant reduction in BMR after 7 days(P<0.05), which returned to normal levels after food restriction ceased. Log total BMR was positively correlated with log body mass(r2=0.126, P<0.05). The dry masses of livers and the digestive tract were higher in birds that had been subject to temporary food restriction than in control birds and those subject to continual food restriction(P<0.001 and P<0.05, respectively). There was also significant differences in the dry mass of the lungs(P<0.05), heart(P<0.01), and spleen(P<0.05) in birds subject to short-term food restriction compared to control birds and those subject to continual food restriction. BMR was positively correlated with body and organ(heart, kidney and stomach) mass. These results suggest that the Chinese bulbul adjusts to restricted food availability by utilizing its energy reserves, lowering its BMR and changing the weight of various internal organs so as to balance total energy requirements. These may all be survival strategies that allow birds to cope with unpredictable variation in food abundance.  相似文献   
利用F1花药培养、EMS诱变和耐盐性反复筛选后已稳定9代的小麦耐盐突变体RH8706-49、H8706-34、H8706-44、H8706-48、H8706-57及其亲本濮农3665、百农3039为材料,用生化标记(醇溶蛋白)及分子标记(RAPD)分析了各材料间的差异,发现突变体与亲本相比,不仅发生了蛋白质水平的变异,而且也在DNA水平上证明了突变的发生,从而为耐盐突变体的真实性提供了有力的证据,排除了盐适应的可能性; 经用218 个引物对5个突变体之间的多态性进行RAPD分析,结果表明,它们之间的差异很小,其遗传背景相似,因而它们是一系列耐盐性不同的近似等位基因系。 Abstract: In this paper, 5 wheat salt tolerant mutants(H8706-34、H8706-44、H8706-48、RH8706-49、H8706-57)derived from anther culture、EMS induction and salt tolerance selection and their parents (Punong3665、Bainong3039)were used as materials, all the mutants have inherited stably for 9 generations. Differences were revealed between the mutants and their parents using chemical marker(gliadin)and molecular marker(RAPD), the results showed that compared with the parents, the mutants varied not only on the protein level,but also on the DNA level,which supplied hard evidence of the truth of the mutants and ruled out the possibility of salt adaptation. RAPD analysis were conducted among the 5 mutants by 218 primers,which proved they were a series of near isogenic lines of different salt tolerance because of their little difference and similar genetic background.  相似文献   
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