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独花兰野生种群研究——开花与营养体状态的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对安徽省天堂寨自然保护区独花兰野生种群的花果期节律和营养体状态研究表明 ,开花植株占观察样本的 3 7 5 %,个体是否开花与假鳞茎数目、地下茎总体积和叶面积呈极显著相关关系。绝大多数开花个体具有 3个假鳞茎且其总体积通常达 8cm3,叶面积达 3 3cm2 。个体较大的植株开花持续期较长。花葶在花果期具有不同的生长时相 :开花期中止生长 ,幼果期呈逻辑斯谛型生长。面对日益增长的人类采掘风险 ,独花兰开花与大型植株的关联可能是其生活史中影响种群生存的脆弱点之一。  相似文献   
采用随机扩增多态 DNA(RAPD)分析研究了中国3种珍稀濒危兰科植物硬叶兜兰(Paphiopedilum micranthum Tang et Wang)、麻栗坡兜兰(P. malipoense S.C.Chen et Tsi)和独花兰(Changnienia amoena Chien)的遗传多样性与群体遗传结构.12个RAPD引物在2种兜兰中共扩增出131条带.对4个硬叶兜兰群体的检测表明其物种水平的多态条带百分率(PPB)为 71.6%,Nei 的基因多样度(h)为 0.217 1,Shannon多样性指数 (I) 为 0.330 1;4个群体的平均多样性水平为 PPB = 45.2%,h = 0.145 7,I = 0.220 4,低于远交兰花的平均水平.在总遗传变异中,群体间遗传变异占20.31%,略高于远交物种的平均水平.在物种水平上,麻栗坡兜兰的PPB为49.5%,h为0.117 4,I为0.176 4,均大大低于硬叶兜兰.对11个独花兰群体采用16个RAPD引物共扩增出119条带.物种水平PPB=76.5%,h=0.194 1,I=0.305 8;在群体水平上,上述3个指标的平均值则分别为37.2%、0.119 7和0.181 0,均低于远交兰花的平均水平.群体间的遗传变异占45.27%,遗传分化明显高于远交物种的平均水平.导致3个物种遗传多样性偏低而群体间遗传分化较高的主要原因在于人为的过度采挖和生境的片断化.研究结果为兰花保护策略和措施的制定提供了理论基础.  相似文献   
泡沙参同工酶基因位点的遗传分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术 ,对来自天然群体 (居群 )的泡沙参 (Adenophora potaninii Korsh.)及其人工杂交子代进行了 8种同工酶的电泳检测和谱带遗传分析 ,以确定编码这些酶系统的基因位点和等位基因。选用 4种不同的凝胶缓冲系统 ,对下列不同酶系统进行了酶谱的遗传分析 :天冬氨酸转氨酶 (AAT)、酯酶 (EST)、甲酸脱氢酶 (FDH)、谷氨酸脱氢酶 (GDH)、异柠檬酸脱氢酶 (IDH)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、苹果酸酶 (ME)和超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)。结果表明 ,这 8种酶系统至少由 1 8个基因位点编码 ,其中 1 2个位点为遗传稳定的等位酶位点 ,是可靠的遗传标记。酶谱的分离式样表明 ,EST为单聚体结构 ,AAT、FDH、IDH、SOD为二聚体结构 ,GDH为六聚体结构。最后对同工酶的器官和发育特异性以及同工酶基因位点的遗传分析进行了讨论  相似文献   
重复基因的进化--回顾与进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙红正  葛颂 《植物学报》2010,45(1):13-22
基因重复是普遍存在的生物学现象, 是基因组和遗传系统多样化的重要推动力量, 在生物进化过程中发挥着极其重要的作用。基因重复有何利弊, 基因发生重复后, 2个重复子拷贝的保留在基因功能方面是否存在偏好性, 子拷贝在表达和进化速率上如何分化, 以及重复基因为什么会被保留下来一直是进化生物学领域研究的热点问题之一。该文对以上重复基因研究的热点问题进行了介绍, 并对重复基因的进化机制和理论模型及其近年来的一些主要研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   
云南松及其近缘种的遗传变异与亲缘关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The authors investigated the genetic diversity of 29 natural populations representing Pinus yunnanensis Franch. and its two close relatives, P. densata Mast. and P. kesiya Royle ex Gordn. var. langbianensis (A Chey.) Gaussen. Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis was performed for macrogametophytes collected from populations in Yunnan, Sichuan and Guangxi. Allozyme data for 33 loci of 14 enzymes demonstrated high levels of genetic variation at both population and species levels in comparison with other conifers, with the mean values for populations being P=0.694, A=2.0 and He=0.145 for P. yunnanensis; P=0.714, A=2.0 and He=0.174 for P. densata; and P=0.758, A=2.1 and He=0.184 for P. kesiya var. langbianensis. Based on Wright's F-statistics, the fixation index of P. yunnanensis, P. densata and P. kesiya var.langbianensis were 0.101, 0.054 and 0.143, respectively, indicating that the populations were largely under random mating. Based on Nei's genetic distance, the genetic differentiation was not obvious among the three species (i.e. the genetic distance was less than 0.075). Because of the wider distribution of P. yunnanensis with greater variety of habitats, it was shown that the genetic differentiation among the P. yunnanensis populations was larger than that of the populations of the other two species. According to morphological, geographic and allozymic evidences, the authors suggested that the three species be better treated as varieties under a single species. In addition, the extensive gene flow among the three pine species resulted in great genetic diversity and evolutionary potential. Also, high level of genetic variation of P. yunnanensis provides important basis for its genetic improvement and breeding in future.  相似文献   
葛颂 《植物分类学报》1999,37(6):622-627
本刊1998年第6期刊登了王中仁先生《术语“Biosystematics”和“Complex”的概念和中文译法辩析》一文(以下简称《术语》),读后颇受启发,同时也深有感触。正如《术语》一文的编者按所述,科学术语“所代表的意义必须力求准确,应用必须力求统一,只有这...  相似文献   
濒危植物独花兰的形态变异及其适应意义   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
采用ANOVA和UPGMA等方法对濒危植物独花兰(Changnieniaamoena)分布于庐山、新宁和神农架3个地点的12个自然居群的形态变异进行了研究,探讨其形态多样性水平和地理变异式样及其可能的适应机制。结果表明,庐山居群13个性状的平均观测值均高于新宁和神农架居群。在物种水平上各个性状存在较丰富的变异,变异系数(CV值)为0.02–0.30。尽管同一性状在不同居群中的变异程度较大,但总体而言,花部器官的变异性比营养器官低。单因素方差分析显示3个地区间多个形态性状存在极显著差异(P<0.01);UPGMA聚类分析也表明这3个地区分别形成明显不同的分支。值得注意的是,神农架地区龙门河和关门山两个地点间存在明显的形态分化,而这种形态分化是以传粉者为媒介自然选择的结果。相关性分析显示,营养器官之间、花部器官之间,以及营养器官与花部器官之间均存在较高的相关性。上述结果对进一步了解独花兰的适应机制以及制定科学的保护策略提供了有益的资料。  相似文献   
The F(1) component of mitochondrial ATP synthase is an oligomeric assembly of five different subunits, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon. In terms of mass, the bulk of the structure ( approximately 90%) is provided by the alpha and beta subunits, which form an (alphabeta)(3) hexamer with adenine nucleotide binding sites at the alpha/beta interfaces. We report here ultrastructural and immunocytochemical analyses of yeast mutants that are unable to form the alpha(3)beta(3) oligomer, either because the alpha or the beta subunit is missing or because the cells are deficient for proteins that mediate F assembly (e.g. Atp11p, Atp12p, or Fmc1p). The F(1) alpha(1) and beta subunits of such mutant strains are detected within large electron-dense particles in the mitochondrial matrix. The composition of the aggregated species is principally full-length F(1) alpha and/or beta subunit protein that has been processed to remove the amino-terminal targeting peptide. To our knowledge this is the first demonstration of mitochondrial inclusion bodies that are formed largely of one particular protein species. We also show that yeast mutants lacking the alpha(3)beta(3) oligomer are devoid of mitochondrial cristae and are severely deficient for respiratory complexes III and IV. These observations are in accord with other studies in the literature that have pointed to a central role for the ATP synthase in biogenesis of the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   
叶绿体DNA片段的RFLP分析在黄精族系统学研究中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对广义百合科黄精族6属23种及铃兰族1属1种的叶绿体基因组trnK和rpl16两个基因片段进 行了PCR-RFLP分析,结果表明:trnK基因的PCR产物在各类群间几乎不存在长度变异,均约2600bp,而rpl16基因则在各属之间及黄精属内表现出长度变异,变异范围在1140~1320bp之间;限制性酶切位点的同源性分析显示,黄精属、竹根七属、鹿药属和舞鹤草属构成的狭义黄精族与铃兰族中的铃兰属有较近的亲缘关系,并支持将扭柄花属和万寿竹属从广义百合科黄精族中分出的观点;在狭义黄精族内,黄精属与竹根七属聚成一支,鹿药属与舞鹤草属聚成另一支,为探讨族内属间的系统演化关系提供了分子生物学方面的证据。另外,本研究结果支持将金佛山黄精从鹿药属转隶至黄精属的观点。  相似文献   
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