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PP333(Paclobutrazol)是一种强烈的生长延缓剂,已知对多种水果的成熟有关。本试验旨在探明PP333作采前处理对芒果釆后成熟特性、酶活性以及果实品质的影响。 用印度勒克瑙北部平原园艺研究所试验农场的15年生Dashehari芒果嫁接树为试材,于1987年10月15日花芽分化期和1988年5月13日采前20天,用脚动喷雾器喷施浓度为250、500、1000、2000和3000mg/l的PP333至药液从植株滴下为止。每个处理均加入0.1%Teepol作为表面活性剂,对照树仅喷含0.1%Teepol的水溶液。试验采用随机  相似文献   
本书第一版于1969年问世以来,已出了4次增订版,还出了俄文版、西班牙文版和波兰文版。特点是内容全面系统,论述简明扼要,附图清新,深入浅出,堪称图文并茂。本书不仅对于微生物学的教、学均极有益,也是与微生物学有关专业的师生和研究工作者了解普通微生物学基本知识的良师益友。  相似文献   
在实验生物学科中,植物生理占有较为特殊的地位,这是因为它有比较悠久的历史和大量的发现和成果。确实,如果从1790年Priestley发现光合作用时算起,植物生理学作为研究植物生活过程的科学,它的历史已经靠近200年了。在这段漫长的时间里,植物生理学并非没有成果的。这些成果有:作为物质与能量的基本改造者的光合作用以及嗣后呼吸作用的发现,植物对矿质营养元素需求的阐明;豆科和某些其他植物能与  相似文献   
印度枳(Aegle marmelos(L.)Correa)属芸香科(Rutaceae),是印度的一种土产水果,生长在整个印度半岛,和斯里兰卡、巴基斯坦、孟加拉、缅甸、泰国等东南亚大多数国家。印度枳是一种相当耐寒的亚热带落叶果树,在各种土壤、气候条件下(沼泽土——干旱土)都能生长良好,并能耐碱性土,气温低至-7℃也不致受冻害。在印度,这种果树尚未有生产性栽培,因此种植范围不广,目前主要是野生或种在  相似文献   
本文旨在探讨体内微量金属如铅、锰、铜、锌、铁、镍、铬、镉等和激素之间的生理、生化和临床的相互关系。微量金属对激素的作用微最金属对内分泌系统的影响,可发生在该系统的各主要水平上。某些微量金属浓度的增高或减低可能影响下丘脑-垂体系统和垂体-靶腺体系统的激素分泌、激素前体进入靶腺体、靶腺体激素合  相似文献   
用等电聚焦层析方法从酶制剂Pectinex Ultra SP-L中分离获得制备标准的内切果胶裂解酶(PL),并测定了这个内切-PL的一些重要物理、化学及生物化学特性。用分析用等电聚焦电泳,生物化学反应及薄层层析证明所制备的PL为纯品。所制备的内切-PL的一些特性数据如下:pl∶pH=3.9,Km=1.91 mg/ml,Vmax=0.88单位/min。用苹果果胶(酯化度为71%)为底物时,PL的最适pH为6.0,最适温度是60℃。用H-果胶(酯化度为  相似文献   
洪湖水体藻类藻相特征及其对生境的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
藻类是水生态系统的重要成分,它的群落结构、细胞密度变化与水环境相适应,随水环境的变化而改变,因此藻相变化是评价水体质量的一项重要指标。2009—2010年在洪湖水面不同方位布点采样,对水体的浮游藻类藻相(群落结构、密度)和水质状况(水位(water level,H)、水温(water temperature,tw)、透明度(transparency,SD)、总氮(total nitrogen,TN)、总磷(totalphosphorus,TP)、高锰酸盐指数(permanganate index,CODMn)和叶绿素含量(chlorophyll a,Chl-a)等)进行了逐月的调查、监测,采用湖库营养状态指数法对湖泊富营养化评价,并运用多元逐步回归方法建立水体藻类与生境因子的回归方程。结果表明:洪湖水体总体上已达到轻度富营养化状态;藻类以蓝藻门、硅藻门和绿藻门为主,共鉴定出7门65属,藻细胞密度为1.14×106—3.24×107个/L,藻相季节变化特征明显。藻类组成以蓝藻门密度最高(52.93%),硅藻门(25.96%)和绿藻门(16.83%)次之,隐藻门(1.98%)、金藻门(1.64%)、裸藻门(0.42%)和甲藻门(0.25%)相对较低。藻类藻相及优势种在不同季节有所差异,冬春季节(12—5月)以硅藻门的直链藻、小环藻和针杆藻为优势种,夏秋季节(7—11月)以蓝藻门的鱼腥藻和微囊藻为优势种;湖泊藻类细胞密度与tw、CODMn呈正显著相关关系,与H、TN、TP、SD相关关系不显著;藻细胞生长逐步回归方程为y=3.7815+0.0794tw+0.5670CODMn-1.3467SD,藻细胞生长主要受水温和有机污染物等的影响,氮磷不是藻类生长的控制因子;在湖泊不同区域,环境条件存在差异,导致藻类生长过程中起主导作用的环境因子存在一定的差异,蓝藻生长主要受tw、CODMn和SD控制,绿藻生长主要受H、tw和CODMn影响,而硅藻生长决定于水体CODMn。  相似文献   
Cellular metabolism is a very complex process. The biochemical pathways are fundamental structures of biology. These pathways possess a number of regeneration steps which facilitate energy shuttling on a massive scale. This facilitates the biochemical pathways to sustain the energy currency of the cells. This concept has been mimicked using electronic circuit components and it has been used to increase the efficiency of bio-energy generation. Six of the carbohydrate biochemical pathways have been chosen in which glycolysis is the principle pathway. All the six pathways are interrelated and coordinated in a complex manner. Mimic circuits have been designed for all the six biochemical pathways. The components of the metabolic pathways such as enzymes, cofactors etc., are substituted by appropriate electronic circuit components. Enzymes are related to the gain of transistors by the bond dissociation energies of enzyme-substrate molecules under consideration. Cofactors and coenzymes are represented by switches and capacitors respectively. Resistors are used for proper orientation of the circuits. The energy obtained from the current methods employed for the decomposition of organic matter is used to trigger the mimic circuits. A similar energy shuttle is observed in the mimic circuits and the percentage rise for each cycle of circuit functioning is found to be 78.90. The theoretical calculations have been made using a sample of domestic waste weighing 1.182 kg. The calculations arrived at finally speak of the efficiency of the novel methodology employed.  相似文献   
Water striders are insects living on the water surface, over which they can move very quickly and rarely get wetted. We measured the force of free walking in water striders, using a hair attached to their backs and a 3D strain gauge. The error was calculated by comparing force and data derived from geometry and was estimated as 13%. Females on average were stronger (1.32 mN) than males (0.87 mN), however, the ratio of force to weight was not significantly different. Compared with other lighter species, Aquarius paludum seems stronger, but the ratio of force to weight is actually lower. A. paludum applies about 0.3 mN·cm-1 to 0.4 mN·cm-1 with its mid-legs, thus avoiding penetrating the surface tension layer while propelling itself rapidly over the water surface.We also investigated the external morphology with SEM. The body is covered by effectively two layers of macro-and micro-hairs, which renders them hydrophobic. The setae are long (40 um-60 um) and stiff, being responsible for waterproofing, and the microtrichia are much smaller (<10 um), slender, and flexible, holding a bubble over the body when submerged.  相似文献   
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