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雄性不育嵌合基因的构建及番茄转化研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
用从烟草里克隆的TA29启动子分离自Bacillus amyloliquefaciens的核糖核酸酶基因barnase,构建成雄性不育嵌合基因。再用农杆菌介导法转化番茄子叶,获得了具有雄性不育特征的转基因植株。 Abstract:The utilization of heterosis based on male sterility has great significance in raising crop yeld and improving quality.A tapetum-specific promoter TA29 from tobacco young leaves,and a Rnase gene-barnase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens have been cloned for the construction of male sterile chimeric gene.Transgenic tomato plants with male sterile property have been obtained after transformation with this gene.  相似文献   
魏刚徐宁  李德俊  WEI  Gang  XU  Ning  LI  De  JUN吴    WU  Min 《遗传》1994,16(1):23-15
中亚林蛙(Rana asiatica)的核型为2n=26,NF=52。第2号染色体短臂有一条近端着丝粒区C带。第10号染色体长臂上有一对标准NORs。本文认为,田野林蛙(Rana arvalis)起源于欧洲,是欧洲林蛙群与亚洲2n=24的林蛙群间的过渡种类。The diploid number of Rana asiatica is 2n=26, NF=52,with an acrocetric C-band on 2p and a pair of standard NORs on 10q. The paper holds that Rana arvalis,originated in Europe, is a interim species between Rana group in Europe and Rana group in Asia with 2n=24.  相似文献   
WANG  HONGQINGZHANG 《Cell research》1992,2(2):119-128
By using Hoechst 33342,rabbit anti calmodulin antibody,FITC-labeled goat anti rabbit IgG and SR101(sulfo rhodamine 101)simultaneously to stain individual normal and transformed cells,the microspectrophotometric analysis demonstrated that 3 markers which represented the nucleus,calmodulin and total protein respectively,could be recognized in individualj cells without interference,The phase of the cell cycle was determined by DNA content(Hoechst 33342),We found that in transformed cells(NIH3T3) tsRSV-LA90,cultured at 33℃ and transformed C3H10T1/2 Cells),the ration of calmodulin to total protein (based on the phases of cell cycle)was higher than that in normal cells (NIH3T3 tsRSV-LA90 cells,cultured at 39℃ and C3H10T1/2 cells)in every cell cycle phase,This ration increased obviously only from G1 to S phase in either normal or transformed cells.The results showed that calmodulinreally increased during the transformation,and its increase was specific.In the meantime when cells proceeded from G1 to S.the intraceollular calmodulin content also increased specifically.  相似文献   
FⅧ的结构与血友病甲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
凝血因子Ⅷ(FactorⅧ,F_Ⅷ)先天性缺陷而引起血友病甲,是临床上常见的一种遗传性出血性疾病.F_Ⅷ基因位于X染色体上,全长186kb,包括26个外显子及25个内含子.F_Ⅷ是一个分子量很大的糖蛋白(分子量为320kD),由具有相同N末端氨基酸顺序且分子量为90—200kD之间不同大小的一条重链和一条分子量为80kD的轻链组成,二链之间通过金属离子连结。在血浆中F_Ⅷ与血管性假血友病因子(von Willebrand factor  相似文献   
More substances leaked from a higher-vigor seed sample than from a lower-vigor sample. This indicates that, in some cases, electric conductivity does not represent seed vigor level very well, especially for high-vigor seeds. Results from germination, germination index, leachate conductivity, and the ratio of K^+/Na^+ from three-seed lots of Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis (Louv.) Rupr) showed that K^+/Na^+ correlated well with germination and germination index. The ability of K^+/Na^+ to indicate well changes in vigor was further supported by investigation in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) seeds and another cultivar of Chinese cabbage seeds. Thus, seed leakage of K^+/Na^+ can accurately indicate seed vigor, whereas the conductivity test failed to do so. Furthermore, K^+/Na^+ showed up bigger quantitative differences in vigor level than did the conductivity test. This findings provide a more sensitive and accurate index for the assessment of seed vigor. The mechanisms of Na^+ and K^+ ion transport are also discussed.  相似文献   
中国春小麦株高、育性近等基因系的建立及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以矮败小麦和中国春小麦为材料,经过杂交和连续回交,得到了中国春小麦遗传背景的分别表现矮秆不育、矮秆可育、高秆不育、高秆可育的近等基因系。根据近等基因系各成员系的株高表现,计算出矮秆基因Rht10的降秆强度是69.8%。借助于赤霉酸处理,在幼芽期就可分出矮败中国春小麦后代的不育株与可育株。 Abstract: Use Dwarfing Male-sterile Wheat and cv. Chinese Spring as parents, after cross and continuously back cross, the isogenic lines with Chinese Spring background were developed. These lines include dwarfing male-sterile line, dwarfing fertile line, tall male-sterile line and tall fertile line. The dwarfing intensity of gene Rht10 was calculated to be 69.8% according the differences between the isogenic lines. Treated with GA3solution, the male-sterile and fertile plants in Chinese Spring Dwarfing Male-sterile Wheat can be identified clearly when they are seedlings.  相似文献   
本研究选用枸杞体细胞胚发生体系中的继代愈伤组织(对照)、胚性愈伤组织和早期胚体为实验材料,提取细胞总RNA,在12种锚定真核生物mRNA3'末端的OligodT12VN中,随机选用OligodT12GA为引物合成了以上三种材料的cDNA第一链,以此cDNA为模板,用随机引物进行PCR扩增,选择差别表达的片段。我们选用了OPA、OPH、OPK和OPB四组的60个随机引物对所得的c DNA进行了PCR扩增,得到了三个在体细胞胚发生早期组织中基因特异表达的片段。结果表明,在体细胞胚发生早期有胚胎发生特异性基因的表达,而且这种特异表达的基因在继代愈伤组织中没有表达,说明植物的体细胞胚发生过程就是细胞内基因差别表达的结果。 Abstract:Embryogenic calli and early embryo can be obtained from both auxin and auxin-free medium.The analysis of differential gene expression in early somatic embryogenesis has been hindered by above-mentioned material.The modifications of the recently described mRNA differential display method were reported and differential gene expression in early slmatic embryogenesis was analyzed.We have obtained three differential bands of cDNA in early somatic embryogenesis.The results indicate that gene expression has temperal and spalil order in early somatic embryogenesis of Lycium barbarum L.Plant somatic embryogenesis is the results of differential gene expression in cell.  相似文献   
小麦种子贮藏蛋白的遗传学研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王罡  季静  胡含WANG Gang  JI Jing  HU Han 《遗传》1995,17(1):45-48
AdvanceofGencticStudiesonSeedStoragcProteininWheatWangGang;JiJing;HuHan(InstituteofGenetics,AcadcmiaSinica,Beijing100101)小麦是世界上最重要的粮食作物之一.对其品质的研究具有十分重要的意义.多年来,人们一直在寻求改良小麦品质的途径,以满足不同食品加工对小麦各种品质的需求.但只是近10年里,对决定小麦品质位点的遗传及生物化学的研究才取得了突破性的进展(主要集中于英国、美国及澳大利亚).本文将着重介绍目前国际上对小麦种子贮藏蛋白的遗传学及生物化学研究现状,至于如何将这些研究成果结合到育种工作…  相似文献   
本文分析了锯缘摄龟和齿缘摄龟的核型与Ag-NORs,结果:2FKn均为52,核型模式9+5+12。但锯缘摄龟AN=78, 其NOR位于A组No.4的长臂上,而齿缘摄龟AN=76,NOR位于A组的No.7的长臂。作者对这两种摄龟核型的结构特点和NOR位置差异的细胞分类学意义进行了讨论。G[2]G[-2] Abstract:In this paper, the karyotypes and Ag-NORs of FKPyxidea mouhtiiand FKCyclemys dentatafrom China were studies. It was found that the 2FKn=52, the karyotypic formula is 9+5+12 in this two species. But FKP. mouhtiihas AN=78, its NORs located on the No.4 q of group A, while AN=76, NORs located on No.7 q of group A in FKC. dentata. The cytotaxonomical value of the features of karyotypic structure and the positinal differentiation of NORs between this two spepies is preliminarily discussed.  相似文献   
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