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Common displays such as CRT or LCD screens have hmlted capabilities in displaying most color spectra correctly. The main disadvantage of these devices is that they work with three primaries and the colors displayed are the mixture of these three colours. Consequently these devices can be confusing in testing human color identification, because the spectral distribution of the colors displayed is the combined spectrum of the three primaries. We have developed a new instrument for spectrally correct color vision measurement. This instrument uses light emitting diodes (LEDs) and is capable of producing all spectra of perceivable colors, thus with appropriate test methods this instrument can be a reliable and useful tool in testing human color vision and in verifying color vision correction.  相似文献   
每年春天.成千上万只琴海豹和帽海豹从北极迁游到加拿大东海岸,在圣劳伦斯湾清新纯净的浮冰上繁殖后代。那时,万里冰原变成了海豹的育婴园。雪白、毛绒绒的小海豹沐浴在初春的阳光下,依偎在妈妈的身旁吸吮乳汁。刚出生的小海豹不会游泳,为了抗拒严寒,它们必须大量地吃极富脂肪的奶水,以每天增长两公斤的速度成长。春末夏初,冰面融化,  相似文献   
康乃馨红色素的提取研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了用树脂吸附和分离康乃馨红色素 ,比较了 4种树脂对康乃馨红色素的吸附。结果表明 ,四种树脂对康乃馨红色素的吸附效果均较好。本实验选用AB 8树脂作吸附剂。洗脱剂用 6 0 %的乙醇 ,洗脱效果好 ,产品杂质少 ,色价高 ,且使用 2 0次后其吸附性能稳定 ,所以选用AB 8树脂吸附康乃馨红色素  相似文献   
Periss0dactyla0wen,laseTaPiroideaGill,lgy2?tophiaiedaeMathedthenger,1925(Radhay,l%5)Ampeqhu!~gco'etsp'nov'TypeAfragInentaryrightmaxillawithcomPleteP2-MlandanteriorpartofM2twvlo7o2)'~andhothenCountyMine,2kmeastofWutUVillageofChangleCounty,Shandong;Eariyhee,WutUFonnahon'Inagn0dsApdrihveandmedium-edtapiroid'UPpercheekdrilow-crownedandmoderatey1ophodont,withdishnCtcuSPs;MlAnconeequalt0paraconeinfor;parastylerelativefysmall,anddosetoparacone;labialandlingUalcusPsinclinedt0ndd-dleakisof…  相似文献   
Testes removed from Schistocerca gregaria, injected with 5 or 7&mgr;g azadirachting(-1) body wt on day 0-2 of the Vth instar and killed by decapitation 20days after treatment, showed significant reductions between the widths, lengths and volumes of the treated groups, compared to control insects. Under cytological examination these testes, from insects exhibiting classical signs of azadirachtin poisoning, showed arrested spermatogenic meiosis at Metaphase I.  相似文献   
1IntroductionOneofthemOStnit~tingquestionsinrnathernaticalbiologyconcernsthesurvivalofspeCiesinecologiCalmodels.Perslstenceisanimportantconceptindabingwiththeseproblems.Therearemanyliteraturesaboutthedy'ndricsofdiffuSivecompetingspeCies,butthefunctionalresPOnseofthisfOITnhasnotbeenst'Udiedtoomuchyet.Inthispaper,weconsiderthepersistenceproblemforanonautonomoussystemoftwOcompetingspecieswithfunctionalreSPOnse,themodelweconsiderinthispaperishereallri(t),ail(t),D,(t)anda(t)areassumedtobecon…  相似文献   
动物寄生线虫种类很多,有不少种类严重地危害人畜的健康,对医学和农业都有密切关系。研究寄生线虫可以帮助我們了解各种寄生线虫的种类、分布及其对人畜的危害情况,借此作出防治措施,逐漸予以消灭,以增进人畜的健康。检查动物寄生线虫的检查,通常采用下面两种方法: 1.完全剖检法在准备剖检动物以前,先仔細观  相似文献   
根据与水稻抗白叶枯病基因Xa-4紧密连锁的分子标记M55的序列设计引物,通过对国际水稻研究所育成的抗白叶枯病近等基因系和基因累加系的叶片DNA、半粒种子提取物及Xa-4基因的杂合体DNA的PCR特异扩增,初步建立了Xa-4的PCR标记体系。进而用该标记体系对我国籼型杂交水稻常用的亲本材料进行分析,揭示出了Xa-4在这些材料中的分布情况。 Abstract Based on the sequence of a DNA marker tightly linked to the rice bacterial blight(BB) resistance gene Xa-4, two primers were designated and synthesized to develop a PCR marker for the gene. Specific amplified polymorphism analysis was carried out with these primers on a set of BB resistance isogenic lines and pyramided lines developed by IRRI. Two PCR bands were revealed corresponding to lines with dominant Xa-4 and those with the recessive allele, respectively, regardless the lines pyramided with other resistance genes. A hybrid with heterozygous Xa-4 produced both of the two allele PCR pattern. Then, the PCR marker was used to survey a range of hybrid rice germplasm. The results of the germplasm survey will be useful in hybrid rice breeding programs aimed at exploiting Xa-4.  相似文献   
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