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毛叶茶茎插穗生根的解剖研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对毛叶茶茎插穗不定根形成进行了显微研究。观察发现,不定根起源于木射线薄壁细胞和韧皮部起源的愈伤组织。愈伤组织起源的不定根是由伤组织中部的细胞直接产生维管分子或者先产生形成层,再由形成层分化纤管分子。愈伤组织是孕育不定根的前提。韧皮部外侧近乎连续的厚壁的韧皮纤维束不妨碍不定根的发育。 相似文献
辽河三角洲滨海湿地景观规划各项预案对指示物种生态承载力的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
在对辽河三角洲滨海湿地进行规划“预案”设计以及相应的生境分析基础上,运用景观生态决策与评价支持系统(LEDESS-model)对批示物种丹项鹤和黑嘴鸥繁殖生境的生态承载力进行了空间模拟和定量分析,结果表明:在大规模农业开发的背景下,预案A通过湿地调整以及生境补偿措施,不仅可以维持湿地生境面积“无净损失”(No-net-loss),而且可以相当程度地提高指示物各上繁殖生境的生态承载力;预案B通过一系列减轻生境破碎化影响的生境管理措施,也显著的提高了丹顶鹤繁殖生境的生态承载力,但对黑嘴鸥繁殖生境的生态承载力的改善不如前者显著;预案C的模拟结果说明采取“滚动”开发模式,可以有效减轻区域农业开发对物种生境的负面影响,在本研究限定的开发规模下(8000hm^2),对指示物种丹顶鹤、黑嘴鸥繁殖生境的生态承载力没有明显影响。 相似文献
桔梗水浸提液对小麦幼苗的化感作用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用培养皿滤纸法研究了不同浓度桔梗水浸提液对小麦的幼苗生长及生理生化指标的影响,探讨桔梗植株水浸提液对小麦的化感作用,推测其可能的生理机制。结果表明:桔梗植株水浸提液对小麦幼苗的地上部生长表现为低浓度(≤1mg/mL)促进、高浓度(5—20mg/mL)抑制作用;对根部生长为抑制作用,且抑制强度大于地上部。随处理浓度的升高,小麦幼苗体内POD活性、脯氨酸含量、MDA含量逐渐升高;CAT活性、根系活力、光合色素含量先升高后降低;可溶性蛋白含量和伤害率先降低后升高。桔梗植株水浸提液对小麦总体的化感效应表现为低促高抑,小麦可作为桔梗的轮作作物种植。 相似文献
In present paper,one of the T-DNA insertional embryonic lethal mutant of Arabidopsis is identified and designated as acd mutant.The embryo developmant of this mutant is arrested in globular stage,The cell division pattern is abnormal during early embryogenesis and results in distubed cellular differentiation.Most of mutant embryos are finally degenerated and aborted in globular stage,However,a few of them still can germinate in agar palte and produce seedlings with shoter hypoctyl and distorted shoot meristem.To understand the molecular basis of the phenotype of this mutant,the joint fragment of T-DNA/plant DNA is isolated by plasmid rescue and Dig-labeled as probe for cDNA library screening.According to the sequence analysis and similarity searching,a 936 bp cDNA sequence(EMBL accession #:Y12555)from selectoed positive clone shows a 99.8%(923/925bp) sequence homolgy with Alanyl-tRNA Synthetase(AlaRS) gene of Arabidopsis thaliana.Furthermore,the data of in situ hybridization experiment indicate that the expression of Ala RS gene is weak in early embryogenesis and declines along with globular embryodevelopment in this mutant Accordingly,the reduced expression of Ala RS gene may be closely related to the morphological changes in early embryogenesis of this lethal mutant. 相似文献
Red-light-induced swelling of the protoplasts isolated from hypocotyl of etiolated mung bean(Phaseolus radiatusL.)was observed only when Ca^2 ions were present in the medium.The optimal CaCl2 concentration was 250μM,Swlling response declined when Ca^2 was supplied into the medium after red light irradiation.The Ca^2 -chelator EGTA eliminated the red-light-induced swelling and 45Ca^2 accumulation in the protoplasts.In conltrast,A23187,a Ca^2 -ionophore,could mimic the effect of red light in darkness.These results indicate that Ca^2 may play a role in light signal transduction.In addition,swelling response was prevented by TFP and CPZ(both are CaM antagonists),implying the involvement of CaM in red-light-induced and Ca^2 -dependent protoplast swelling. 相似文献
竹叶精油和头香的OGC—MS—DS研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文以阔叶箬竹,毛金竹和四季竹为代表,用SDE法和大孔树脂顶空吸附法联合收集芳香成分,用毛细管气相色谱/质谱/计算机用(CGC/MS/DS)技术,对竹叶的精油和头香进行剖析,共检出144种挥发性化合物,其中22种为三种竹叶所共有,芳香成分以醛,醇,呋喃,酮类为主,C5-C8中等链长的含氧化合物占主导地位,是竹叶清香的物质基础,其中C6化合物起了关键作用,重要的C6尬发有(E)-2-乙烯醛,(Z)-3-乙烯醇,2-乙基-呋喃,己醛和己烯等。 相似文献
N-ras is one of the transforming genes in human hepatic cancer cells.It has been found that N-ras was overexpressed at the mRNA and protein level in hepatoma cells.In order to explore the biological roles of N-ras in human hepatic carcinogenesis and the potential application in control of cancer cell growth,a preudotype retrovirus containing antisense sequence of human N-ras was constructed and packaged.A recombinant retrovirus vector containing antisense or sense sequences of N-ras cDNA was constructed by pZIP-NeoSV(X)1.The pseudotype virus was packaged ang rescued by transfection and infection in PA317 and ψ 2 helper cells.It has been demonstrated that the pseudotype retrovirus containing antisense N-ras sequence did inhibit the growth of human PLC/PRF/5 hepatoma cells accompanied with inhibition of p21 expression,while the retrovirus containing sense sequence had none.The pseudotype virus had no effect on human diploid fibroblasts. 相似文献
半干旱黄土高原地区春小麦地膜覆盖研究概述 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
在黄土高原半干旱地区春小麦上进行的地膜覆盖试验表明,地膜覆盖通过改善耕层土壤生态环境条件,即通过改善水,热状况,活化土壤养分,对提高水分和养分利用效率,实现粮食增产具有重要作用,但近年来在生产实践和科学实验中发现,不合理的长期全生育期地膜覆盖,因在作物生长前期和中期覆膜作物较不覆膜作物生长好,覆膜作物在生长期水分蒸腾损失严重,土壤水分的蒸散(蒸发+蒸腾)损失远比不覆膜土壤严重,在作物生长后期降水少或没有补充灌溉时,会产生严重的水分肋迫现象,显著抑制小穗分化和灌浆,最终导致收获得指数和产量下降,同时,地膜覆盖的增产作用在一定程度上是以耗竭土壤肥力,特别是在有机物质为代 的,因此,不正确的地膜覆盖(如全生育期的地膜覆盖),不仅有时起不到显著的增产作用,而且易造成土壤养分,特别是土壤中硝态氮的累积和损失,肥料利用效率降低,土壤生态条件恶化,下降,难以持续高产,因此在确定地膜覆盖范式时,必须要考虑底墒,作物生育期降水,地膜覆盖的阶段性和氮肥的施用等。 相似文献
目的 构建我国区域医疗联合体发展困境的多级递阶结构模型,阐释各阶层间的内在逻辑,旨在为推进我国整合型服务体系的建设提供策略性建议。方法 采用文献法,总结并归纳当前我国医联体发展进程中的制约因素。采用解释结构模型方法,辅助卫生政策与管理专家判别与核检,揭示各因素间的层级关系及传导环路。结果 我国医联体发展进程的19类制约因素存在一个“四阶梯结构”与“一条传导环路”。外显因素为“医生积极性不足”及“患者参与度低”,内核要素是“政策-立法宏观调控”,并通过“顶层没规则-内部缺机制-运行无规范-个体欠协同”逐级递阶,共同阻滞着我国医联体健康发展。结论 推进与完善医联体顶层设计并辅以配套机制,驱动医联体稳定、可持续运行,激活参与主体间协同及联动,推进我国医联体全面健康发展。 相似文献