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农业生产是将自然资源不断转化为农产品的过程。简单的说就是将阳光、空气、水和土壤等无机资源转化为可以供人类消费的有机产物。农业生态系统必须对全球气候变化、市场竞争、自然环境的恶化、经济等政策法规和人民的需求等因素做出灵活的应对策略,同时还要保证自然生态系统的稳定性。在发展中国家,有超过20亿的人口每天收入低于2美元,他们收入中绝大部分都用于解决温饱。这些人大部分生活在干旱、半干旱地区,并以农业生产作为生活的主要来源。由于这些地区水资源匮乏、土壤贫瘠,粮食安全问题一直是该地区人类生存的关键。中澳两国都把干旱、半干旱地区的农牧业发展作为研究的重点。两国的专家都致力于恢复和维护干旱半干旱地区脆弱的农业生态系统。气候变化正在使农业生态系统可持续发展面临严峻挑战。因此,迫切需要农学,生态学,环境学,社会经济学等多学科的共同发展和融合解决这一问题。2010年7月20—25日在兰州大学举办了以“气候变化和旱区农业生态系统管理”为主题的“第二届生态系统评估与管理(EAM)国际会议”。国内外众多知名专家参与了此次会议,并共同讨论在全球气候变化背景下如何提高干旱半干旱地区脆弱农业生态系统生产力与可持续性。本次会议的议题是:(1)半干旱地区旱作雨养农业生态系统评估与管理,(2)干旱地区绿洲农业生态系统评估与管理。此次会议由兰州大学和澳大利亚西澳大学联合主办,中国科学院生态环境研究中心协办,由国家教育部和国家外专局联合支持、兰州大学干旱与草地生态教育部重点实验室承担的“旱寒生态学”学科创新引智基地和西澳大学农业研究院、FAO属下的叙利亚国际旱地农业研究中心(ICARDA)联合提供资金支持。会议期间,25位专家就干旱、半干旱地区植物土壤互作关系作了报告。另外还有18位在干旱半干旱地区科研一线工作的青年学者汇报了研究进展,并与专家进行了广泛交流。报告会之后,大会组织专家分别对典型旱区农业进行了考察,分别是兰州大学黄土高原旱地农业生态实验站(榆中)和甘肃武威市民勤绿洲农业生态系统。此次大会遴选出35篇学术论文,以专刊的形式发表于《生态学报》第31卷第9期。会议遴选出的其它英文文章将于2011年在《Plant and Soil》和《Crop and Pasture Science》上发表,敬请期待。我们相信,本专刊的出版将会对气候变化背景下旱区农业生态系统的研究和发展产生重要的推动作用。  相似文献   
Comparison of cDNA libraries derived from the spinal cord with those derived from the visual cortex by means of forward and reverse subtractive hybridization resulted in the cataloguing of 60 genes differentially expressed in the spinal cord. 1. The differentially expressed genes represent a mixture of novel and known sequences with known and unknown protein products. 2. The possibility that the subtraction process was simply overwhelmed by background sequences was significantly reduced by several observations including comparisons between suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) and mirror orientation selection (MOS). 3. Nearly half of all genes up-regulated in the spinal cord are of myelin origin. 4. Twenty-five percent of all up-regulated clones in the spinal cord versus the visual cortex are for proteolipid protein. 5. Ten percent of all up-regulated clones in spinal cord versus visual cortex are for ferretin heavy chain, which is known to be produced in oligodendroglial cells in the CNS. 6. Two of the up-regulated sequences, proteolipid protein and N-myc down-regulated gene 4, are identified with genes known to directly affect neuron survival. 7. Two of the up-regulated genes, ferritin and transferrin, are indirectly associated with apoptosis through their ability to sequester iron and reduce free radical formation.  相似文献   
小鼠基因组研究进展李善如1,2王冬平1陈永福2(1.军事医学科学院实验动物中心,北京100071)(2.中国农业大学生物学院,北京100094)TheDevelopmentofMouseGenomeResearchLIShanru1,2WANGDon...  相似文献   
RFLP(限制性片段长度多态)技术应用于遗传病的诊断始于1981年。在十年时间里,这一基因诊断技术和分析方法不断得到发展和改进。随着越来越多的致病基因和连锁DNA多态片段的分离和克隆,该技术在分析缺陷基因性质,携带者检出和产前诊断等方面将发挥重要作用.然而,RFLP技术复杂,耗费时间和费用较大,使其向临床推广应用面临很大局限性。因此,基因诊断的方法简化和技术改进大有必要。1985年首创的多聚酶链  相似文献   
yggG是从大肠杆菌全基因组文库中钓取并克隆的Era结合蛋白基因,研究表明该基因表达的YggG294(amino acids 1-294)蛋白对宿主菌的生长具有强烈的抑制作用。为了阐明YggG与Era间的相互关系,构建可同时可控性表达Era和YggG294蛋白的双启动子表达载体。利用所构建的双启动子表达载体在同一细胞中同时可控性地表达YggG294与Era蛋白。结果显示,在不表达和少量表达YggG294的细菌细胞内,Era 的表达量与总蛋白量的比值随着诱导时间增加而增高,而YggG294大量表达的细菌内Era 的表达量与总蛋白量的比值基本保持不变;Era 蛋白的预表达对YggG294表达所引起的细菌生长率下降无影响。由此可以推论,YggG294的过表达引起宿主菌生长抑制进而影响了Era蛋白的进一步表达,而YggG294的过表达引起宿主菌生长抑制与YggG和Era蛋白间的相互作用无关  相似文献   
Liao Yan  Chen Guizhu 《生态学报》2007,(6):2208-2214
The impact of salinity on three arboreal mangrove plants, Sonneratia apetala (Sa), S. caseolaris (Sc) and Rhizophora stylosa (Rs), was studied. The three mangrove species were treated with different salinity levels over a three-month period. The response and adaptation of these three mangrove species to salinity were shown to be different. Net photosynthesis rate, stomata conductance and transpiration rate of leaves decreased and soluble sugar content in leaves increased, with salt concentration in all three mangrove species. The malondial dehyde (MDA) content in stems and leaves of Sa and Sc somewhat decreased when the salinity was lower than 10, but rapidly increased with increasing salt concentration. The MDA content in stems and leaves of Rs increased only when salinity was greater than 40. No changes were observed in the MDA content of roots in the three mangrove species. The adaptabilities of Sa and Sc to salt tolerance were limited. The more salt tolerant the mangrove Rs, the more likely the free oxygen radicals were eliminated through the increase in activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD). Results of this experiment identified salinity levels best suited for the growth and metabolism of the species, which provides information necessary for maintaining mangrove forestation along the South China coast.  相似文献   
A novel amperometric immunosensor for determination of human serum chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) was constructed by immobilization of HCG with titania sol-gel on a glassy carbon electrode and the direct electrochemistry of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) labeled to HCG antibody (HRP-anti-HCG). The morphologies of the HCG membrane were characterized to be chemically clean, porous and homogeneous. HRP-anti-HCG was functionally conjugated with the immobilized HCG after incubation in phosphate buffer (PBS) containing HRP-anti-HCG. A direct electron transfer of HRP with a rate constant of 1.35+/-0.40 s(-1) was observed at the HRP-anti-HCG-HCG/titania sol-gel membrane modified electrode in 0.1 M PBS pH 7.0. With a competitive mechanism the differential pulse voltammetric peak current of the immobilized HRP decreased linearly with an increasing HCG concentration from 2.5 to 12.5 mIU/ml in the incubation solution. The HCG immunosensor showed a detection limit of 1.4 mIU/ml, a good accuracy and acceptable precision and reproducibility with an intra-assay CV of 4.7% at 5.0 mIU/ml and an inter-assay precision of 8.1% obtained at 10 mIU/ml. The biosensor displayed a good stability in a storage period of 30 days.  相似文献   
PNAS-4 is a novel pro-apoptotic protein activated during the early response to DNA damage; however, the molecular mechanisms and pathways regulating PNAS-4 expression in tumors are not well understood. We hypothesized that PNAS-4 is a p53 down-stream target gene and designed this study. We searched online for putative p53-binding sites in the entire PNAS-4 gene and did not find any corresponding information. In HCT116 colon cancer cells, after being transfected with small interfering RNA to silence p53, the expressions of PNAS-4 and other known p53 target gene (Apaf1, Bax, Fas and Dr5) were determined by real-time PCR. We found that PNAS-4 was up-regulated while Apaf1, Bax, Fas and Dr5 were down-regulated. We then examined the expression of PNAS-4 and p53 mutation in colorectal cancer patients. PNAS-4 expressed both in colorectal cancers and normal tissues, but compared with paired control, PNAS-4 was up-regulated in cancers (P = 0.018). PNAS-4 overexpression ratios were correlated to the p53 mutant status (P = 0.001). The mean PNAS-4 expression levels of p53 mutant homozygote group and heterozygote group were higher than that of p53 wild type group (P = 0.013). The expression ratios of PNAS-4 (every sample in relative to its paired normal mucosa) were different between negative lymph node metastasis (66% up-regulated, 34% down-regulated) and positive metastasis (42% up-regulated, 58% down-regulated). Taken together, these findings suggested that PNAS-4 was not a p53 target, but overexpression of PNAS-4 was correlated to p53 inactivity in colorectal cancer.  相似文献   
73例中国人血友病甲基因突变的分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
我们用Southern blotting、PCR、变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)和DNA测序等方法对73例血友病甲患者(经上海瑞金医院测定血浆FVⅢ:C和vWF:Ag诊断,其中无亲缘关系患者65例,按FVⅢ:C水平分为轻、中、重三型。FVⅢ:C< 2%为重型,共47例;FVⅢ:C 2%-5%为中型,共9例;FVⅢ:C5%-25%为轻型,共1 7例)进行FVⅢ基因突变检测。共检出内含子22倒位23例,均为重型,约占重型的49%,与国外报道相似。余下50例(其中无亲缘关系者45)用PCR-DGG E分析所有外显子及其侧翼内含子序列,发现异常条带则进行DNA测序。在17例患者中检出突变13种,其中无义突变5种,均为重型;错义突变6种,除1例外都是轻中型;小缺失2例,都是重型;其中,AA466Lys(AAG)-Thr(ACG)、719Tyr(TAC)-Stop(TAG)、AA826 Asp(GAC)-Glu(GAA)、312Ile(ATC)-xxC及AA1551-1552del(AGAA)为新发现的突变。有亲缘关系的患者都有相同的基因突变,而在无亲缘关系患者未发现相同突变。基因突变与临床表现基本相符。 Abstract:We use Southern blotting,PCR,denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE)and DNA sequencing to detect gene mutations of haemophilia A in Chinese population.73 cases(47 severe)(FVIII:C<2%),9 moderate(FVIII:C 2%~5%),17 mild(FVIII:C 5%~25%)of haemophilia A were first screened with Southern blotting,23 were found to be the intron 22 inversion type,all being severe cases.The remaining 50 cases without intron 22 in version were examined with PCR-DGGE.Genomic DNA were amplified using GC-clamped primers covering all the exons and all flanking intron regions.Abnormal bands were sequenced.13 different mutations were identified,including 5 nonsense mutations,6 missense mutations and 2 small deletions.5 mutations,AA466Lys(AAG)-Thr(ACG),AA719Tyr(TAC)-Stop(TAG),AA826Asp(GAC)-Glu(GAA),AA312Ile(ATC)-xxC and AA1551-1552del(AGAA)have not been reported before.Generally the genetic defects correspond to the clinical conditions.  相似文献   
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