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湿地生态旅游是要在保护的前提下对湿地进行合理利用, 因此开发湿地生态旅游对湿地保护具有重要的现实意义。通过对新疆赛里木湖的实地考察与资料收集, 确定湖泊湿地生态旅游资源评价指标, 采用层次分析法(AHP)对赛里木湖国家湿地公园生态旅游资源进行综合评价, 得分66.88 分。结果表明: 赛里木湖湿地生态旅游资源属三级旅游资源, 适宜加大旅游开发投入, 且生态环境与旅游资源价值是赛里木湖生态旅游发展的关键点。  相似文献   
Discovery of laryngeal carcinoma by serum proteomic pattern analysis   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
Laryngealcarcinomaisthemostcommonma-lignancyamongtheheadandneckcarcinomas.Theincidenceoflaryngealcanceraccountsforapproxi-mately5%ofmalignanttumorsinthepopulationofdevelopedcountries[1].Laryngealcarcinomahasthreesubtypes,whichincludesupraglottis,glottisandsub-glottis.Amongthem,glottisisthemostcommononeandaffectsmorethan50%ofallthelaryngealcancerpatients.Thoughlaryngoscopyisthemainstayforla-ryngealcancerdetectionbecauseofitsgeneralavail-ability,diagnosisisconfirmedbybiopsyofthepri-marylesion.E…  相似文献   
基于比较形态学对曾归入圆痕叶蝉亚科铬黄圆痕叶蝉属Chromagallia的8个有效种(C. saucia (St?l), C. flavofasciata (St?l), C. longistilata (Coelho & Dutra), C. carvalhoi Gon?alves et al., C. lamasi Gon?alves et al., C. lanceolata Gon?alves et al., C. paraguayensis Gon?alves et al.和C. zanolae Gon?alves et al.)进行了订正,明确了该属的范围仅限于具有黄斑的3个种(C. flavofasciata (St?l), C. longistilata (Coelho & Dutra) 和C. rodriguesoi sp. nov.),对该属进行了重新描述,并修订了鉴别特征。此外,对模式种C. flavofasciata 进行了重新描记,首次提供了C. longistilata的雌性生殖器图,并作了描记。把曾归入铬黄圆痕叶蝉属Chromagallia具有红斑的6个种移出并新建了2个新属:RubragalliaNeorubragallia,其中Rubragallia 包括R. saucia (St?l) n. comb.和R. paraguayensis (Gon?alves et al.) n. comb., Neorubragallia包括N. lamasi (Gon?alves et al.) n. comb., N. lanceolata (Gon?alves et al.) n. comb., N. zanolae (Gon?alves et al.) n. comb., N. carvalhoi (Gon?alves et al.) n. comb. 和N. mervini sp. nov.。文中提供了3个属的分种检索表,并对不同种的分类地位及3个属的划分进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Postural reactions in healthy individuals in the seated position have previously been described and have been shown to depend on the direction of the perturbation; however the neck response following forward and backward translations has not been compared. The overall objective of the present study was to compare neck and trunk kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic (EMG) stabilization patterns of seated healthy individuals to forward and backward translations. Ten healthy individuals, seated on a chair fixed onto a movable platform, were exposed to forward and backward translations (distance = 0.15 m, peak acceleration = 1.2 m/s2). The head and trunk kinematics as well as the EMG activity of 16 neck and trunk muscles were recorded. Neck and trunk angular displacements were computed in the sagittal plane. The centers of mass (COMs) of the head (HEAD), upper thorax (UPTX), lower thorax (LOWTX) and abdomen (ABDO) segments were also computed. Moments of force at the C7-T1 and L5-S1 levels were calculated using a top-down, inverse dynamics approach. Forward translations provoked greater overall COM peak displacements. The first peak of moment of force was also reached earlier following forward translations which may have played a role in preventing the trunk from leaning backwards. These responses can be explained by the higher postural threat imposed by a forward translation.  相似文献   
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE), encoded by the Ace gene, is the primary target of organophosphates (OPs) and carbamates (CBs) in insects. Ace mutations have been identified in OP and CB resistant strains of Musca domestica. In this study, the Ace gene was partially amplified and sequenced at amino acid positions 260, 342, and 407 to determine the frequencies of these mutations in housefly samples collected from farms and garbage disposal sites of 16 provinces in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions of Turkey. In addition, the percent remaining AChE activities in these samples were assayed by using three OPs (malaoxon, paraoxon, and dichlorvos) and one CB (carbaryl) compound as inhibitors. In all the analyzed samples, 13 different combinations at the three amino acid positions were identified and the L/V260-A/G342-F/Y407 combination was found in the highest frequency. No susceptible individual was detected. The highest mean percent remaining AChE activities were detected in the individuals having the L260-A/G342-F/Y407 genotype when malaoxon and paraoxon were used as inhibitors and in the individuals with the L260-A342-F/Y407 combination when dichlorvos and carbaryl were used as inhibitors. The obtained data were heterogeneous and there was no exact correlation between the molecular genetic background and the resistance phenotypes of the flies. The findings of this study at the molecular and biochemical levels indicate the presence of significant control problems in the field.  相似文献   
Little is known about the identities and functions of extracellular signaling molecules that work in concert with neuronal activity to regulate refinement and maintenance of the mouse olfactory sensory map. We show that expression of a dominant negative retinoic acid receptor (RAR) in olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) increased the number of glomeruli that incorrectly contained OSN axons expressing different odorant receptors. This phenotype became apparent postnatally, coincided with increased cell death, and was preceded by increased Neuropilin-1 and reduced Kirrel-2 expressions. Kirrel-2-mediated cell adhesion influences odorant receptor-specific axonal convergence and is regulated by odorant receptor signaling via the olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) ion channel. Accordingly, we found that inhibited RAR function correlated with reduced CNG channel expression. Naris occlusion experiments and analysis of CNG channel-deficient mice further indicated that RAR-regulated CNG channel levels influenced the intrinsic neuronal activity required for cell survival in the absence of odor stimulation. Finally, we showed that CNG channel activity regulated expression of the retinoic acid-degrading enzyme Cyp26B1. Combined, these results identify a novel homeostatic feedback mechanism involving retinoic acid metabolism and CNG channel activity, which influences glomerular homogeneity and maintenance of precisely connected OSNs.  相似文献   
【目的】比较体内外增殖禽多杀性巴氏杆菌荚膜蛋白、天然粘附蛋白Cp39和重组粘附蛋白rCp39对小鼠的交叉保护作用。【方法】用NaCl提取法制备鸡胚尿囊液和DSA培养基增殖的C48-3株荚膜蛋白,并用电洗脱方法纯化Cp39蛋白,将rCp39蛋白以可溶形式表达在大肠杆菌BL21后,用Amylose Resin亲和层析柱纯化。分别以100μg剂量的鸡胚尿囊液增殖菌体荚膜蛋白、DSA培养基培养菌体荚膜蛋白、纯化的Cp39蛋白和rCp39蛋白通过皮下注射各试验组小鼠,生理盐水为对照组,第二次免疫后2周分别以A:1型菌C48-3株(6.7×102cfu)和A:3型菌C51-3株(1.1×103cfu)进行攻毒试验。采集免疫后小鼠血清,用ELISA法检测抗体水平,并计算免疫保护率,来评价4种抗原对小鼠的交叉保护效果。【结果】SDS-PAGE结果显示,体内外增殖禽多杀性巴氏杆菌荚膜蛋白的条带和分子量相似,且体内外表达的Cp39蛋白的分子量相同;ELISA结果表明Cp39免疫组小鼠和rCp39免疫组小鼠血清rCp39蛋白特异性抗体的水平显著高于其他两组(P0.05);保护试验表明,体外增殖菌体荚膜蛋白免疫组小鼠对同源C48-3株和异源C51-3株攻毒的保护率分别为100%和60%,鸡胚尿囊液增殖菌体荚膜蛋白免疫组小鼠、Cp39免疫组小鼠和rCp39免疫组小鼠对同源C48-3株和异源C51-3株攻毒的保护率分别为100%和80%。【结论】粘附蛋白Cp39是禽多杀性巴氏杆菌荚膜蛋白中的主要交叉保护抗原,可以作为禽霍乱亚单位疫苗。  相似文献   
Habitat fragmentation has been cited as one of the critical reasons for biodiversity loss. Establishing connected nature reserve networks is an effective way to reduce habit fragmentation. However, the resources devoted to nature reserves have always been scarce. Therefore it is important to allocate our scarce resources in an optimal way. The optimal design of a reserve network which is effective both ecologically and economically has become an important research topic in the reserve design literature. The problem of optimal selection of a subset from a larger group of potential habitat sites is solved using either heuristic or formal optimization methods. The heuristic methods, although flexible and computationally fast, can not guarantee the solution is optimal therefore may lead to scarce resources being used in an ineffective way. The formal optimization methods, on the other hand, guarantees the solution is optimal, but it has been argued that it would be difficult to model site selection process using optimization models, especially when spatial attributes of the reserve have to be taken into account. This paper presents a linear integer programming model for the design of a minimal connected reserve network using a graph theory approach. A connected tree is determined corresponding to a connected reserve. Computational performance of the model is tested using datasets randomly generated by the software GAMS. Results show that the model can solve a connected reserve design problem which includes 100 potential sites and 30 species in a reasonable period of time. As an empirical application, the model is applied to the protection of endangered and threatened bird species in the Cache River basin area in Illinois, US. Two connected reserve networks are determined for 13 bird species.  相似文献   
Leishmania pathogenesis is primarily studied using the disease-inducing promastigote stage of Leishmania major. Despite many efforts, all attempts so far have failed to culture the disease-relevant multiplying amastigote stage of L. major. Here, we established a stably growing axenic L. major amastigote culture system that was characterized genetically, morphologically, and by stage-specific DsRed protein expression. We found parasite stage-specific disease development in resistant C57BL/6 mice. Human neutrophils, as first host cells for promastigotes, do not take up amastigotes. In human macrophages, we observed an amastigote-specific complement receptor 3-mediated, endocytotic entry mechanism, whereas promastigotes are taken up by complement receptor 1-mediated phagocytosis. Promastigote infection of macrophages induced the inflammatory mediators TNF, CCL3, and CCL4, whereas amastigote infection was silent and resulted in significantly increased parasite numbers: from 7.1 ± 1.4 (after 3 h) to 20.1 ± 7.9 parasites/cell (after 96 h). Our study identifies Leishmania stage-specific disease development, host cell preference, entry mechanism, and immune evasion. Since the amastigote stage is the disease-propagating form found in the infected mammalian host, the newly developed L. major axenic cultures will serve as an important tool in better understanding the amastigote-driven immune response in leishmaniasis.  相似文献   
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