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We report the use of Ni2+ and Co2+ on free-hand sections of soybean (Glycine max L.) and Bidens sp to localize polygalacturonates. In soybean only the hourglass cells of the seedcoat stain intensely. In the pod the epidermis of the outer pod wall and a few layers of subepidermal cells stain lightly, while that part of the funiculus adjacent to the seedcoat palisade epidermal cells stains heavily and the neck of the funiculus close to the pod also stains. In Bidens stem sections, the walls of the collenchyma stain most intensely.  相似文献   
A new hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:putrescine hydroxycinnamoyltransferase (PHT) was detected in two variant lines of Nicotiana tabacum L. (TX1, TX4) accumulating markedly different levels of caffeoylputrescine. The enzyme accepted only the aliphatic diamines putrescine, cadaverine and 1,3-diaminopropane at a ratio of 100:33:8. Caffeoyl- and feruloyl-CoAs were the best acyl donors. The apparent Km-values for caffeoyl-CoA and putrescine were near 3 and 10 micromolar, respectively, at the pH-optimum of 10.0. PHT activity was quite similar in low producing TX1 and high producing TX4 cells, while some other biosynthetic enzymes (phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, ornithine decarboxylase) were greatly enhanced in TX4 cells, suggesting that PHT does not catalyze the rate-limiting step in hydroxycinnamoylputrescine formation.  相似文献   
Evidence for a phytochrome-mediated phototropism in etiolated pea seedlings   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
Entirely etiolated pea seedlings (Pisum sativum, L. cv Alaska) were tested for a phototropic response to short pulses of unilateral blue light. They responded with small curvatures resembling in fluence-dependence and kinetics of development a phytochrome-mediated phototropic response previously described in maize mesocotyls. Irradiations from above with saturating red or far-red light, either immediately before or after the unilateral phototropic stimulus, strongly reduced or eliminated subsequent positive phototropic curvature. Only blue light from above, however, entirely eliminated curvature at all fluences of stimulus. It is concluded that the phototropism is primarily a result of phytochrome action.  相似文献   
Leaves of the submerged aquatic Elodea canadensis Michx. exhibit a light induced polar pH reaction. In this study, the effects of light intensity and dissolved inorganic carbon concentration on this polar reaction were examined. At a light intensity of 100 watts per square meter the leaf showed a polar pH response when the dissolved inorganic carbon concentration was less than about 1 millimolar. The polar reaction was suppressed at a higher dissolved inorganic carbon concentration. This suppression was not due to the buffering capacity of bicarbonate. Because another weak acid, acetate, did not inhibit the polarity, but even had a small stimulatory effect, the effect of bicarbonate is also not due to acidification of the cytoplasm. The suppression of the polar reaction by CO2/HCO3 was relieved when the light intensity was increased. Apparently there is competition for product(s) of the photosynthetic light reactions between processes generating the polar reaction and the carbon fixation reactions. The possibility that the redox state of the cell regulates the generation of the polar reaction is discussed.  相似文献   
Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Seminole pods removed from the plant continued their development when incubated in suitable conditions. Seeds continued to grow and develop and pods and seeds passed through an apparently normal developmental sequence to dryness. Seed growth was at the expense of pod dry weight (DW) reserves. Losses of pod DW paralleled DW gains by seeds in detached pods and in pod cylinders containing a seed. The transfer activity was apparent only within the period 10 to 30 days after anthesis (DAA) with maximal activity between 15 to 20 DAA. This period corresponds to maximum pod growth and the attainment of maximal DW. Seeds are in only the early phase of seed growth at this time. No DW transfer was observed at developmental stages beyond 30 to 35 DAA when normal senescence DW losses in pods became evident and seeds were in the later phase of seed fill. Pods or pod cylinders remained green and succulent over the transfer period, later passing through yellowing and drying phases characteristic of normal development. DW transfer was dependent on funicle integrity and was readily detectable in pod cylinders after 7 days incubation. The DW transfer activity may contribute to continuing nutrition of seeds under conditions where the normal assimilate supply to seeds becomes limiting. Defoliation and water stress treatments applied to Phaseolus plants reduced seed yields but allowed persistence of seed maturation processes such that all seeds developing to dryness were capable of germination.  相似文献   
This study employed in vitro seed culture to determine how C and N supply influence the growth (i.e. starch accumulation) and protein composition of maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm. Immature kernels were grown to maturity on liquid medium containing various concentrations of C (sucrose at 234 millimolar [low] and 468 millimolar [high]) and N (amino acid mixture ranging in N from 0 to 144 millimolar). Low C supply limited starch, but not N, accumulation in the endosperm. With high C, endosperm starch and protein content increased concomitantly as N supply increased from 0 to 13.4 millimolar. Endosperm growth was unaffected by additional N until concentrations exceeding approximately 72 millimolar reduced starch accumulation. A similar inhibition of starch deposition occurred with lower N concentrations when kernels were grown with low C. Endosperm total N content reached a point of saturation with approximately 36 millimolar N in the medium, regardless of C supply. Zein synthesis in the endosperm responded positively across all N levels, while glutelin content remained static and albumin/globulin proteins were reduced in amount when N supply was greater than 36 millimolar. A reciprocal, inverse relationship was observed in mature endosperm tissue between the concentrations of free amino acids and soluble sugars. Our data suggest that under N stress starch and protein accumulation in the endosperm are interdependent, at least in appearance, but are independent otherwise.  相似文献   
The characteristics of fusicoccin binding were investigated in microsomes from 24-h-old radish (Raphanus sativus L.) seedlings. The time course of fusicoccin binding depended on fusicoccin concentration: equilibrium was reached much faster at 10 nanomolar fusicoccin than at 0.3 nanomolar fusicoccin. Scatchard analysis of equilibrium binding as a function of fusicoccin concentration indicated a single class of receptor sites with a Kd of 1.8 nanomolar and a site density of 6.3 picomoles per milligram protein. Similar values (Kd 1.7 nanomolar and site density 7 picomoles per milligram protein) were obtained from the analysis of the dependence of equilibrium binding on membrane concentration at fixed fusicoccin concentrations. Fusicoccin binding comigrated with the plasma membrane H+-ATPase in an equilibrium sucrose density gradient: both activities formed a sharp peak (1.18 grams per milliliter) clearly distinct from that of markers of other membranes which all peaked at lower densities. The saturation profiles of fusicoccin binding and of fusicoccin-induced activation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase, measured under identical conditions, were similar, supporting the view that fusicoccin-induced activation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase is mediated by fusicoccin binding to its plasma membrane receptor.  相似文献   
An enriched IgG serum fraction obtained from rabbits immunized against pea chloroplast fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) was used, coupled to colloidal gold (15 nanometer particles) goat anti-rabbit IgG, to analyze by electron microscopy the location of photosynthetic FBPase in pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaf ultrathin sections. In accordance with earlier biochemical studies on distribution of FBPase activity, the enzyme was visualized both in the stromal space and bound to the chloroplast membranes. Some gold particles also appear in the cytoplasm, which can be related to the presence in the cytosol of a high molecular weight precursor of this nuclear coded enzyme.  相似文献   
Mudd SH  Datko AH 《Plant physiology》1989,90(1):306-310
The results of experiments in which intact plants of Lemna paucicostata were labeled with either l-[3H3C]methionine, l-[14CH3]methionine, or [1,2-14C]ethanolamine support the conclusion that growth in concentrations of choline of 3.0 micromolar or above brings about marked decreases in the rate of biosynthesis of methylated forms of ethanolamine (normally present chiefly as phosphatidylcholine, with lesser amounts of choline and phosphocholine). The in vivo locus of the block is at the committing step in the biosynthetic sequence at which phosphoethanolamine is methylated by S-adenosylmethionine to form phosphomethylethanolamine. The block is highly specific: flow of methyl groups originating in methionine continues into S-adenosylmethionine, S-methylmethionine, the methyl moieties of pectin methyl ester, and other methylated metabolites. When choline uptake is less than the total that would be synthesized by control plants, phosphoethanolamine methylation is down-regulated to balance the uptake; total plant content of choline and its derivatives remains essentially constant. At maximum down-regulation, phosphoethanolamine methylation continues at 5 to 10% of normal. A specific decrease in the total available activity of AdoMet: phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase, as well as feedback inhibition of this enzyme by phosphocholine, and prevention of accumulation of phosphoethanolamine by down-regulation of ethanolamine synthesis may each contribute to effective control of phosphoethanolamine methylation. This down-regulation may necessitate major changes in S-adenosylmethionine metabolism. Such changes are discussed.  相似文献   
The first step of chloroplast protein import is binding of a precursor protein to the surface of the organelle. Precursor binding for the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase to isolated pea chloroplasts was investigated using a receptor-ligand binding assay. Translocation of precursors was blocked by conducting the binding assays at 0°C. Binding of precursor was judged to be receptor mediated by the following criteria: (a) precursor binding was saturable at between 1500 and 3500 molecules per chloroplast; (b) binding is a high affinity interaction with a dissociation constant of 6 to 10 nanomoles; (c) binding is physiologically productive since most of the bound precursors could be imported from the bound state; and (d) precursor binding was sensitive to both protease and the sulfhydryl modifying reagent N-ethylmaleimide. The effects of these two reagents differed in that protease reduced the total number of binding sites from the surface of chloroplasts but had little effect on binding affinity, whereas N-ethylmaleimide reduced the binding affinity but had little or no effect on receptor density.  相似文献   
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