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Revel M  Aviv 《FEBS letters》1970,9(4):213-217
1956年暑假南京大学傅贻训先生由青岛带回一些由尖吻黄盖鲽(Pseudopleuronectes her-zensteini)和舌鳎(Cynoglossusrobustus)采得的寄生线虫,经鉴定后是牙鲆逆盲肠线虫(Contracaecum(Erschovicaecum)paralichthydisYamaguti)。该种系 Yamaguti 于1941在日本牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)的胃内发现,原始的描述较简单,附图亦较少,且缺少雄虫的  相似文献   


Few data are available on the prevalence of erosive and severe esophagitis in Western countries.


To retrospectively determine the prevalence and the factors predicting erosive esophagitis and severe esophagitis in a large series of endoscopies in Spain.


Retrospective observational study. A multivariate analysis was performed to determine variables predicting severe esophagitis.


Databases of 29 Spanish endoscopy units.


Patients submitted to a diagnostic endoscopy during the year 2005.


Retrospective review of the databases.

Main Outcome Measurements

Esophagitis severity (graded according to the Los Angeles classification) and associated endoscopic findings.


Esophagitis was observed in 8.7% of the 93,699 endoscopies reviewed. Severe esophagitis (LA grade C or D) accounted for 22.5% of cases of the disease and was found in 1.9% of all endoscopies. Incidences of esophagitis and those of severe esophagitis were 86.2 and 18.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year respectively. Male sex (OR 1.89) and advanced age (OR 4.2 for patients in the fourth age quartile) were the only variables associated with severe esophagitis. Associated peptic ulcer was present in 8.8% of cases.


Retrospective study, no data on individual proton pump inhibitors use.


Severe esophagitis is an infrequent finding in Spain. It occurs predominantly in males and in older individuals. Peptic ulcer disease is frequently associated with erosive esophagitis.  相似文献   
In this study, a survey of miRNAs using the next-generation sequencing data was performed at subgenomic level. After analyzing shotgun sequences from chromosome 4A of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), a total of 68 different miRNAs were predicted in silico, of which 37 were identified in wheat for the first time. The long arm of the chromosome was found to harbor a higher variety (51) and representation (3,928) of miRNAs compared with the short arm (49; 2,226). Out of the 68 miRNAs, 32 were detected to be common to both arms, revealing the presence of separate miRNA clusters in the two chromosome arms. The differences in degree of representation of the different miRNAs were found to be highly variable, ranging 592-fold, which may have an effect on target regulation. Targets were retrieved for 62 (out of 68) of wheat-specific, newly identified miRNAs indicated that fundamental aspects of plant morphology such as height and flowering were predicted to be affected. In silico expression blast analysis indicated 24 (out of 68) were found to give hits to expressed sequences. This is the first report of species- and chromosome-specific miRNAs.  相似文献   
通过三个具体应用实例,介绍了非损伤微测技术在感觉与神经系统研究领域的应用.  相似文献   
恶性肿瘤细胞具有迅速增殖和分化阻滞的特点。胚胎性癌细胞(简称EC细胞)是恶性畸胎瘤的干细胞,具有恶性生长和未分化早期胚胎细胞的性质。就发育潜能而言,F9 EC细胞曾被认为是无能的;但近年来不少证据表明,这类细胞可被维生素A酸(简称RA)诱导而分化为内胚层样细胞和其他细胞。用生化和免疫学  相似文献   
开花是植物生长发育的重要过程。CCT家族基因在植物中广泛存在, 参与植物花期的调控过程。该文从粗山羊草(Aegilops tauschii)全基因组中分离出26个CCT基因, 它们分布于7对染色体上, 按照排列顺序将其命名为AetCCT1-26。AetCCT蛋白分子量介于14.9 kDa (AetCCT3)-83.2 kDa (AetCCT12)之间, 其中有25个蛋白包含完整的CCT保守结构域。系统发育分析显示, 12对粗山羊草/乌拉尔图小麦(Triticum urartu) CCT蛋白和9对粗山羊草/水稻(Oryza sativa) CCT蛋白为直系同源蛋白。通过公共数据的数字表达分析表明, AetCCT具有组织特异性和组成型2种表达形式, 其中AetCCT3AetCCT4AetCCT7AetCCT9等9个基因在大部分组织中都有表达, 而AetCCT15AetCCT21AetCCT25等基因分别在种子、叶和根等少数组织中特异表达。AetCCT家族可以响应不同外源激素, 施用激素24小时和72小时后各成员对激素响应整体表现一致, 但不同成员对于不同激素的响应存在差异, 表明该家族成员在功能和行使方式等方面具有一定的多样性, 可能参与不同生长发育过程。光照条件影响AetCCT的表达, 说明光照和春化作用是影响与调控该家族基因表达的重要因素。研究结果有助于探索小麦(T. aestivum)进化、驯化和演变的规律, 以及认识重要农艺性状的形成与互作网络。  相似文献   
竹节虫的断足再生观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
胡光 《四川动物》2000,19(1):48-48,F003
竹节虫的断足再生现象,是生物学上很有趣的问题。蔡邦华先生(1956)指出:“腿节与转节间有缝,使足易于脱落。”[1]忻介六等(1985)说,断足在蜕皮时又能长出,但明显短小。[2]戚永和等(1992)发现金平巨树Tirachideawestwoodi(WoodMason)的雌虫或雄虫常会缺少一只或两只足,有些个体则在断足的基部长出了细弱弯曲的“肢芽”,并能够逐渐发育成一只完整的足,但是,看上去比原有那只弱小一些。[3]GOBedford(1978)援引JTSalmon(1955)的文章,竹节虫若虫的附肢,蜕皮时可能被损坏(或实验性损坏),在随后的…  相似文献   
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