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基因靶位操作的原理与策略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基因靶位操作(genetargeting)是80年代发展起来的一项重要分子生物学技术,是通过外源DNA与染色体DNA间的同源重组,定点修饰、改造基因组特定位点的技术。1同源重组同源重组是基因靶位操作技术的分子生物学基础。DNA同源重组在基因转化和遗传...  相似文献   
Cadmium (Cd) is one of the important pollutants of soil and the genotoxicity of Cd-contaminated soil was studied in combination with imidacloprid. The single cell gel electro-phoresis or comet assay was used to quantify DNA strand breaks as a measure of DNA damage induced by Cd and imidacloprid contamination in soil. The soil was artificially contaminated by Cd (0.0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mg·kg-1 dry soil) or Cd (0.0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mg·kg-1 dry soil) and imidacloprid (0.5 mg-kg~1 dry soil). Roots of Vicia faba were exposed to the contaminated soil for 2 h at 25℃and were used in the comet assay. DNA damage was measured as the values of percentage of nuclei with tails, tail length, tail DNA, tail moment (TM), and Olive tail moment (OTM). DNA damages of root tips of Vicia faba increased after Cd treatment and there were dose-related increases in DNA damage measured as these parameters. However, the addition of imidacloprid further increased the DNA damage. These data confirmed the genotoxic effect of Cd  相似文献   
为探讨人源驱动蛋白MKLP1在有丝分裂和胞质分裂中的作用,以E.coliRNaseⅢ制备MKLP1的3′UTResiRNA转染HeLa细胞,通过定量RTPCR、Western印迹检测MKLP1esiRNA对MKLP1基因的沉默效率.再利用FACS分析、免疫荧光染色和活细胞成像分析检测MKLP1表达缺失后在有丝分裂和胞质分裂不同时期的细胞形态学、细胞分裂指数、细胞百分数,动态观察有丝分裂和胞质分裂期间的表型改变,以系统分析MKLP1的功能.最后通过挽救实验验证MKLP1esiRNA的作用特异性.实验显示MKLP1esiRNA转染HeLa细胞能够有效地特异性消除MKLP1的表达,并被异位表达的MKLP1所挽救.MKLP1蛋白在有丝分裂后期和末期前期位于纺锤体中间带,在末期后期和胞质分裂的最后阶段集中于中间体的中心处.MKLP1表达缺失使中间体正确形成和胞质分裂的完成受到严重抑制,造成大量双多核细胞堆积.结果表明,MKLP1在胞质分裂中间体形成和有丝分裂末期前期向后期过渡过程中起关键作用,是纺锤体中间体中间带相关蛋白,为胞质分裂所必需.  相似文献   
生物园是为生物系教学服务的场地,是理论联系实际的活的实验室,也是教师们进行科学研究和同学们进行实际操作的必需的地方,它在提高生物学教学质量方面起着很重要的作用.最近各师范院校及部份中学均纷纷建立了生物园.为了帮助各校在建立生物园的过程中考虑农具的设置问题,兹将我校生物园常用的主要农具介绍如下,供作参考. 一.果树方面的农具 (一)定植果树的农具: 铁锹:定值时用作挖穴之用. 定植板:果树栽培为百年大计,为了使定植之果  相似文献   
过硬单胚培养十一项特殊的技术,运用此技术可以从果蝇单个原肠胚(同一基因型)中提取细胞进行体外培养,科观察到各种细胞的分化过程,从而能研究导致发生异常或致死突变的机制。通过反复摸索实验,我们在本实验室的条件下,建立了黑腹果蝇(D. melanogaster)单胚培养技术,并对野生型(Canton special, CS.)果蝇的单胚细胞进行体外培养,观察到了各种细胞,如肌肉细胞、神经细胞、脂肪细胞、以及成虫盘等的分化及其发生规律性,为今后研究突变奠定了基础。实验过程中,我们采用了载玻片法和培养皿法。两种方法各有特点及利弊,本文一并进行讨论。Abstract:We can culture the cells of single gastrula (the gene type of cells is same) in vitro,we now have cstablished the technique of single embryo culture in Drosophila.We have seen the differentiated state of myocytes, neurocytes,hemocyte cells,epithelical cells and imagical disk by this technique.  相似文献   
1IntroductionAlligatorsinensisisakindofvaluablebutrareanimalwhichisdistributedonlyinChi-na.Chinesealligatorsliveinreservoirsandpondsinthehillsidesbetweenthemiddleandup-perreachesoftheYangtzeRiver.Historically,thedistributionareaoftheChinesealligatorsreached34.5millionhectaresandthenumberreachedthelevelofbeing"tooeasytogetanddisgust"duringtheWesternHanDynasty(206B.C.-24A.D.).Withtheinterruptionofhumanactivities,thedistributionareaofA.sinensisisdecreasingcontinuouslyandthenumberisreducinggr…  相似文献   
Nerve conduit is one of strategies for spine cord injury(SCI)treatment.Recently,studies showed that biomaterials could guide the neurite growth and promote axon regeneration at the injury site.However,the scaffold by itself was difficult to meet the need of SCI functional recovery.The basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF)administration significantly promotes functional recovery after organ injuries.Here,using a rat model of T9 hemisected SCI,we aimed at assessing the repair capacity of implantation of collagen scaffold(CS)modified by collagen binding bFGF(CBD-bFGF).The results showed that CS combined with CBD-bFGF treatment improved survival rates after the lateral hemisection SCI.The CS/CBD-bFGF group showed more significant improvements in motor than the simply CS-implanted and untreated control group,when evaluated by the 21-point Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan(BBB)score and footprint analysis.Both hematoxylin and eosin(H&E)and immunohistochemical staining of neurofilament(NF)and glial fibrillary acidic protein(GFAP)demonstrated that fibers were guided to grow through the implants.These findings indicated that administration of CS modified with CBD-bFGF could promote spinal cord regeneration and functional recovery.  相似文献   
High risk populations and HIV-1 infection in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
China is currently experiencing one of the most rapidly expanding HIV epidemics in the world. Although the overall prevalence rate is still low, with a population of 1.3 billion, high-risk factors which have contributed to the HIV/AIDS epidemics worldwide continue to prevail in China, including a high rate of injecting drug use and needle sharing, commercial sex with low rates of condom use, and concurrent sex with both commercial sex workers and noncommercial casual or steady sex partners. In addition, there are increasing “double risk” populations overlapping drug users and sex workers, as well as increasing rates of STDs and HIV among high-risk populations. Sexual transmission, therefore, may serve as a bridge connecting high-risk populations with general populations. There is an urgent need to prevent the spread of HIV from these high-risk oooulations into the general oooulation of China.  相似文献   
Superficial fungi are the etiologic pathogens of various dermatophytoses, such as tinea capitis, tinea corporis, tinea inguinalis, tinea manus, tinea unguium and tinea pedis. These widespread infections affect up to 25% of the worlds population, a percentage that has continued to increase in recent years. T. rubrum is the most common superficial fungus, accounting for at least 60% of all infections of this type. T. rubrum can induce dermatophytoses in different parts of the hu-man skin, and ca…  相似文献   
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