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随着改革开放的不断深入,我国的市场经济取得了快速发展,这给企业带来了严峻的考验,企业所面临的竞争压力与日俱增,人才的需求量出现了供不应求的状态。但是,由于有部分企业,其薪酬福利体系不合理,导致高技术人员频频跳槽,给企业的发展带来严重的影响,在很大程度上制约了企业的经济发展。  相似文献   
蜜蜂蜂毒(honeybee venom)作为重要的蜂产品之一,其中的很多蛋白在抗炎、抗癌、抗菌、抗辐射和杀虫等方面具有很好的效果.20世纪40年代以来,国内外在蜂毒活性成分分析、作用机理、重要基因克隆和毒蛋白功能等方面进行广泛地研究,取得了重要的进展.本文的目的是总结蜜蜂蜂毒主要成分磷脂酶A2、透明质酸酶、蜂毒肽、蜂毒明肽、肥大细胞脱粒肽和镇静肽等毒蛋白的基因结构、生化特性及功能等方面的研究进展,为蜂毒基因的研究和利用提供一定的理论基础.  相似文献   
目的 研究正常山羊腰椎间盘软骨终板营养途径.方法 选取健康24月龄山羊8只,每只山羊观察4个腰椎间盘,共32个腰椎间盘.麻醉后,行磁共振动态增强扫描,观察感兴趣区的信号变化特点.分别测量增强前及增强后0 min、5 min、10 min、30 rain、1 h、1.5 h、2 h,2.5 h、3 h、3.5 h感兴趣区信号强度值,分析时间-信号强度曲线及峰值出现时间.结果 椎体磁共振信号强度在0 min时达到高峰后迅速下降;软骨终板区在30 min时缓慢达到第一高峰后轻度下降,于2 h上升达到第二高峰;髓核在5 min内为负值,之后缓慢上升于2 h达到高峰,随后逐渐下降.结论 正常山羊腰椎椎间盘主要通过软骨终板途径进行营养代谢.  相似文献   
池婷  徐驰  刘茂松  张明娟  杨雪姣 《生态学杂志》2013,24(10):2725-2730
对宁夏干旱区的沙枣 芨芨草群落进行调查,分析土壤有机碳含量与地下生物量、土壤水分等因子的关系,以及土壤有机碳的积累机制.结果表明: 在沙枣-芨芨草群落中,随着土层深度的增加,土壤有机碳含量逐渐减少,且在水平和垂直方向上的变化格局较为平缓.不同区位土壤有机碳含量与其影响因子的相关性具有明显差异.0~30 cm层中,土壤有机碳含量与土壤含水量呈显著负相关;60~150 cm层中,土壤有机碳含量与根系生物量及土壤含水率呈显著正相关.经偏回归分析,0~30 cm层土壤中芨芨草根系生物量密度对土壤有机碳含量具有显著贡献;60~150 cm层中土壤有机碳格局主要受沙枣根系和土壤含水率的影响;而30~60 cm层土壤有机碳含量与根系生物量密度和土壤含水率的关系不显著.在沙枣 芨芨草群落内,不同层次、不同区位的土壤有机碳积累机制具有明显的差异.  相似文献   
根据文献报道和实际调查对华南地区的有毒鹅膏种类进行统计分析,确认了21种常见有毒鹅膏菌,包括急性肝脏损害型的剧毒鹅膏、急性肾脏损害型和神经精神型的毒鹅膏各7种。对2000-2019年20年间发生的有毒鹅膏中毒事件进行统计分析显示,华南地区有毒鹅膏中毒事件共发生45起,163人中毒,60人死亡,病死率为36.8%;毒鹅膏的中毒事件主要发生在3-9月,其中3月份最多。致命鹅膏Amanita exitialis引起的中毒起数、中毒人数和中毒死亡率均占中毒事件总数的70%左右,是华南毒蘑菇中毒的“头号杀手”。本研究对华南地区毒蘑菇中毒的科学精准防控、有效减少中毒事件的发生、以及降低中毒死亡率具有重要意义。  相似文献   
目的:通过分析福建省医疗机构科技论文被国际权威检索工具MEDLINE收录情况,以评价福建省各医疗机构的科研水平和学术地位.方法:应用文献计量学和数理统计方法对2001-2010年MEDLINE收录的福建省医疗机构科技论文进行统计分析.结果:近10年MEDLINE一共收录福建省医疗机构科技论文1385篇,包括中文文献908篇,英文文献477篇,国内刊物发表文献1085篇,国外刊物发表文献300篇,其中美国、英格兰、荷兰位列国外出版刊物前三;发文机构中,福建医科大学附属协和医院、南京军区福州总医院、福建医科大学附属第一医院位列前三;发文地区分布主要集中在福厦泉漳医疗事业发达地区,地区分布不均衡;论文合作率达98.3%,论文合作度达5.21.结论:近10年来,福建省医疗机构科研水平发展总体处在上升的趋势,但地区分布不平衡,且外文文献和国外刊物发文文献所占比例较少.  相似文献   
Cystatins are cysteine proteinase inhibitors,We found two expression sequence tags (ESTs),CA463109 and AV042522,from a mouse testis library using Digital differential display (DDD).By electricalhybridization,a novel gene,Cymgl(GenBank accession No.AY600990),which has a full length of 0.78 kb,and contains four exons and three introns,was cloned from a mouse testis eDNA library.The gene is locatedin the 2G3 area of chromosome 2.The full eDNA encompasses the entire open reading frame,encoding 141amino acid residues.The protein has a cysteine protease inhibitor domain that is related to the family 2cystatins but lacks critical consensus sites important for cysteine protease inhibition.These characteristicsare seen in the CRES subfamily,which are related to the family 2 cystatins and are expressed specifically inthe male reproductive tract.CYMG1 has a 44%(48/108)identity with mouse CRES and 30%(42/140)identity with mouse cystatin C.Northern blot analysis showed that the Cymgl is specifically expressed inadult mouse testes.Cell location studies showed that the GFP-tagged CYMG 1 protein was localized in thecytoplasm of HeLa cells,lmmunohistochemistry revealed that the CYMG1 protein was expressed in mousetestes spermatogonium,spermatocytes,round spermatids,elongating spermatids and spermatozoa.RT-PCRresults also showed that Cymgl was expressed in mouse testes and spermatogonium.The Cymgl expressionlevel varied in different developmental stages:it was low 1 week postpartum,steadily increased 2 to 5 weekspostpartum,and was highest 7 weeks postpartum.The expression level at 5 weeks postpartum was main-tained during 13 to 57 weeks postpartum.The Cymgl expression level in the testes over different develop-mental stages correlates with the mouse spermatogenesis and sexual maturation process.All these indicatethat Cymgl might play an important role in mouse spermatogenesis and sexual maturation. Cystatins are cysteine proteinase inhibitors,We found two expression sequence tags(ESTs),CA463109 and AV042522,from a mouse testis library using Digital differential display (DDD).By electricalhybridization,a novel gene,Cymgl(GenBank accession No.AY600990),which has a full length of 0.78 kb,and contains four exons and three introns,was cloned from a mouse testis eDNA library.The gene is locatedin the 2G3 area of chromosome 2.The full eDNA encompasses the entire open reading frame,encoding 141amino acid residues.The protein has a cysteine protease inhibitor domain that is related to the family 2cystatins but lacks critical consensus sites important for cysteine protease inhibition.These characteristicsare seen in the CRES subfamily,which are related to the family 2 cystatins and are expressed specifically inthe male reproductive tract.CYMG1 has a 44%(48/108)identity with mouse CRES and 30%(42/140)identity with mouse cystatin C.Northern blot analysis showed that the Cymgl is specifically expressed inadult mouse testes.Cell location studies showed that the GFP-tagged CYMG 1 protein was localized in thecytoplasm of HeLa cells,lmmunohistochemistry revealed that the CYMG1 protein was expressed in mousetestes spermatogonium,spermatocytes,round spermatids,elongating spermatids and spermatozoa.RT-PCRresults also showed that Cymgl was expressed in mouse testes and spermatogonium.The Cymgl expressionlevel varied in different developmental stages:it was low 1 week postpartum,steadily increased 2 to 5 weekspostpartum,and was highest 7 weeks postpartum.The expression level at 5 weeks postpartum was main-tained during 13 to 57 weeks postpartum.The Cymgl expression level in the testes over different develop-mental stages correlates with the mouse spermatogenesis and sexual maturation process.All these indicatethat Cymgl might play an important role in mouse spermatogenesis and sexual maturation.  相似文献   
2004年8—9月在若尔盖湿地国家自然保护区采用样方法对高原林蛙(Ranakukunoris)、倭蛙(Nanoranapleskei)和岷山蟾蜍(Bufominshanicus)的生境选择性进行了研究。先设置16个50m×50m的样地,再在每个样地内分25个10m×10m的样方,测量每个样方中的12个生境因子(牧场性质、草本高度、草本盖度、牛粪数量、鼠兔洞口数量、鼢鼠土堆数量、地表温度、地表湿度、土壤温度、离小型水体距离、离大型水体距离、离道路距离)。结果表明:这3种两栖类均偏好离溪流、水塘等小型水体距离较近(≤100m)、离河流、湖泊等大型水体距离较远(>1000m)、适度放牧(牛粪数量1~20)以及无鼠兔(Ochotonasp·)洞口的生境。通过比较,发现高原林蛙和倭蛙显著选择夏牧场、草本高度5·1~10·0cm、离小型水体0~50m的生境,显著不选择鼢鼠土堆太多(>10)的生境;岷山蟾蜍对牧场性质、离道路距离无显著选择性,显著选择草本高度>20·0cm、离小型水体51~100m的生境,不选择无鼢鼠土堆的生境;高原林蛙显著选择离道路>50m的生境;倭蛙显著选择离道路0~50m的生境。3种两栖类在生境选择上产生了一定的分离,表明各自有着特殊的生境需求。判别分析表明,牧场性质、草本高度、地表湿度、土壤温度、鼢鼠土堆数量、离大或小型水体距离、离道路距离是区别3种两栖类生境选择的重要参数。  相似文献   
One means to improve the selectivity of cancer therapyis by directing foreign protein with activity againsttherapeutic targets that displays different expression levelon malignant cells from normal cells. There have hadsubstantial efforts to rationally de…  相似文献   
对非环境专业《环境微生物学》教学体系进行了系统研究,制定了教学大纲、明确了教学目的、选定了教材、确定了教学内容。在教学计划具体实施中以理论课教学、实验课教学、资料查询、课程报告、课堂讨论和工厂参观等教学环节相结合,使学生系统地掌握环境微生物学的基本原理和方法,同时注重对学生进行全方位科学素质培养。  相似文献   
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