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The apple rootstock,A106(Malus sieboldii),had 17 bivalents in pollen mother cells at meiotic metaphase 1,and 17 chromosomes in a haploid pollen cell.Karyotypes were prepared from root-tip cells with 2n=34 chromosomes,Seven out of 82 karyotypes(8.5%) showed one pari of satellites at the end of the short arm of chromosome 3.C-bands were shown on 6 pairs of chromosomes 2,4,6,8,14,and 16 near the telomeric regions of short arms.Probes for three ripening-related genes from Malus x domestica:endopolygalacturonase(EPG,0.6kb),ACC oxidase(1.2kb),and ACC synthase(2kb)were hybridized in situ to metaphase chromosomes of A106.Hybridization sites for the EPG gene were observed on the long arm of chromosome 14 in 15 out of 16 replicate spreads and proximal to the centromere of chromosomes 6 and 11.For the ACC oxidase gene,hylridization sites were observed in the telomeric region of the short arm of chromosomes 5 and 11 in 87% and 81% of 16 spreads respectively,proxiaml to the centromere of chromosome 1 in 81% of the spreads,and on the long arm of chromosome 13 in 50% of the spreads. Physical mapping of three fruit ripening genes in an apple rootstock A106.Twenty five spreads were studied for the ACC synthase gene and hybridization sites were observed in the telomeric region of the short arm of chromosome 12 in 96% of the spreads.chromosomes 9 and 10 in 76% of the spreads,and chromosome 17 in 56% of the spreads.  相似文献   
The nuclear matrix of diplomonad Giardia lamblia was detected for the first time with DGD embedmentsectioning-embedment free electron microscopy after a series of specific extractions.The result showed that archaezoa Giardia Lamblia already possessed nuclear matrix within its two nuclei.The finest fibrils of the nuclear matrix of Giardia lamblia were measured to be about 11 to 13 nm in thickness.However,the nuclear lamina and nucleolus have never been observed.These results seem to suggest that nuclear matrix is an indispensable intranuclear structural component even in the primitive nucleus.  相似文献   
SUNTONG  YADICHEN 《Cell research》1994,4(2):135-143
The DNaseI hypersensitive site 2 (HS2) of human β-globin locus control region(LCR) is required for the high level expression of human β-globin genes.In the present study,a stage-specific protein factor (LPF-β) was identified in the nuclear extract prepared from mouse fetal liver at d 18 of gestation,which could bind to the HS2 region of human β-globin LCR.We also found that the shift band of LPF-β factor could be competed by human β-globin promoter.However,it couldn‘t be competed by human ε-globin promoter or by human ^Aγ-globin promoter.Furthermore,our data demonstrated that the binding-sequence of LPF-β factor is 5‘CACACCCTA 3‘,which is located at the HS2 region of β-LCR(from-10845 to-10853 bp)and human β-globin promoter(from-92 to -84 bp).We speculated that these regions containing the CACCC box in both the human β-globin promoter and HS2 might function as stage selector elements in the regulation of human β-globin switching and the LPF-β factor might be a stage-specific protein factor involved in the regulation of human β-globin gene expression.  相似文献   
生物学是当代科学研究的热点和前沿,它与人类面临的“环境”、“人口”、“粮食”、“能源”四大危机具有密切关系。为了提高国民素质,在基础教育中普及生物知识是非常必要的,但由于追求升学考试等现实问题,使生物学科在中学理科中的位置面临很严重的问题(与发达  相似文献   
笼养间蜂猴的繁殖   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1989年至今,对15只(10,5)成年间蜂猴在人工饲养条件下的繁殖进行观察,结果为:1.间蜂猴的繁殖有明显的季节性;2.发情周期为49.67d(SD=1.25),在此期间,雌性外生殖器红肿,变大;雄性阴囊胀大;3.交配以背腹相贴为主;4.怀孕期为188d;5.哺乳期为108d(SD=4.12);6.均为一胎二仔。  相似文献   
受铬渣渗水污染17年的3个鱼塘,至今藻类群落结构已多样化发展,除了绿藻门(Chlorophyta)为优势类群,占所有藻类属数61.1%外,还有硅藻门(Bacillarlophyta)占16.7%,蓝藻门(Cyanophyta)占11%,隐藻门(Crytophyta)和裸藻(Euglenophyta)各占5.6%。3个鱼塘藻类群落中的 Shannon—Weaver 多样性指数,与水体铬污染大致成负相关关系.S—W 多性指效,虽然冬、夏有差异,但冬天2号塘可升至3左右鉴于铬渣渗水污染的3个鱼塘,经过17年以后铬元素浓度已显著降低,量分别为0.0044mg/L,0.0056mg/L 和0.0069mg/L,已降至允许的范围,因此,作者认为该地区铬渣严重污染的水体有明显(?),已恢复至轻度污染的程度.  相似文献   
集约化养猪场排出大量污水对外界环境所造成的污染已广泛引起人们关注.本文采用漂白Ⅱ号溶液(Chlorine Water Ⅱ)对猪场污水怍脱色与脱臭及去除 COD 的探讨.试验结果表明:漂泊Ⅱ号溶液对污水脱色,脱臭及降解 COD 的效果均比较理想.漂白Ⅱ号溶液用量为1%时,可除臭65%,降低 COD50%,并把原来污水由黑色变为淡黄色;漂白Ⅱ号溶液用量为2%时,可除臭90%,降低 COD 量65%,并把原来污水由黑色变为黄色.  相似文献   
毛叶茶生理生态学特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛叶茶的叶片水分状况随季节变化。比较不同生态条件对毛叶茶水分状况的影响,茶园阴地(有遮荫树)生长的毛叶茶蒸腾强度,叶片萎蔫速度、叶片实际水分亏缺的日变化幅度不大,叶片保水能力较强.毛叶茶叶片的蒸腾强度最大值是在下午2时左右.光合作用的研究结果表明,毛叶茶属耐荫植物类型,阴地生长的毛叶茶光合作用具有适应弱光的特点,植株生长状况良好,群体结构合理,单株产量较高,株叶面积与单株产量的相关性显著.  相似文献   
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