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应用于基因治疗的重组体腺病毒的构建方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用于基因治疗的重组体腺病毒的构建方法程金科林晨张雪艳吴(中国协和医科大学,中国医学科学院肿瘤研究所,北京100021)DevelopmentofAdenovirusRecombinantsforGeneTherapyChengJinkeLinCh...  相似文献   
上海市区女性肺癌的家族聚集性研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
我们利用在上海市区所开展的一项关于女性肺癌的较大规模人群基础上的病例对照研究资料,分析和评价了一级亲属患肺癌史者其在肺癌发生中的作用。文中重点分析了女性非吸烟者肺癌的材料。结果表明,先证者家系一级亲属患肺癌的风险性是对照组家系一级亲属的近3倍(OR=2.80,95% CI1.68-4.67)。对非吸烟先证者家系而言,比数比为2.62(95%CI1.52-4.5 2)。其中,腺癌、鳞癌、其他类和不明分类的肺癌的OR分别为2.79(95%CI 1.53-5.10)、3.88 (95%CI1.42-10.63)、1.26(95%CI0.27-6.01)、2.52 (95%CI1.16-5.49)。按年龄组分层分析的结果显示,35-59岁组与60-69岁组的比数比分别为4.01 (95%CI1.71-8.97)、 1.89(95%CI0.89-3.98)。非吸烟女性研究对象经多因素非条件logistic回归模型的分析后,比数比OR为2.71(95%CI1.54-4.76),有高度统计学意义。在该多变量回归模型的基础上估计的调整人群归因风险度为5.31%。 Abstract:The data set of a large population-based case-control study of female lung cancer conducted in Shanghai urban was used to investigate the contribution of lung cancer in first-degree relatives to lung cancer risk.The analysis in the paper is emphasized on non-smoking women.The results indicates that the risk of first-degree relatives with lung cancer is increased about 30fold(OR=2.80,95% CI:1.68-4.67),and for non-smoking probands the OR is 2.62(95% CI:1.52-4.52).The odds ratios of adeno-carcinoma,squamous cell carcinoma,others unknown of lung cancer are 2.79(95% CI:1.53-5.10),3.88(95% CI:1.42-10.63),1.26(95% CI:0.27-6.01),2.52(95% CI:1.16-5.49),respectively.For cases of age groups of 35 to 59 and 60 to 69 years of probands,with ORs of 4.01(95% CI:1.79-8.97)and 1.89(95% CI:0.89-3.98)respectively.The odds ratio from multivariable unconditional logistic regression is 2.71(95% CI:1.54-4.76).The estimation of adjusted population attributable risk is 5.31% based on the multivariable logistic regression model analysis.  相似文献   
We have developed a sensitive and rapid lateral-flow immunoassay (LFIA) for WSSV, using colloidal gold as an indicator. The fusion protein, VP (19 28), was expressed in E. coli, purified and used to prepare polyclonal antibodies. The purified anti-VP (19 28) IgG were conjugated with colloidal gold. Unconjugated anti-VP (19 28) IgG and goat anti-rabbit IgG were immobilized on nitrocellulose membranes. After assembly, three groups (5 individual animals in each group) of shrimp samples were tested which included healthy, moribund and dead shrimps. For each group, three different tissues (body juices, gills and hepatopancreas) were tested at the same time. In parallel, all the samples were also analyzed using PCR for comparison. Out of 45 samples tested, 30 were detected as positive while 15 were classified as negative. The results of LFIA correlate with those obtained by the PCR analysis, indicating that these two detection methods have the same efficacy in the limited number of samples tested in this preliminary study.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTI0NHepatocellularcarcinoma(HCC)is0ne0fthem0stc0mm0nhumanmalignancies,causinganestimatedl,250,OOOdeatht0llperyearworldwide[1].Thep0orprognosisencounteredintreatment0fsuchcarcinomaismainlycausedbylatediagn0sisandinsufficiency0feffectivestrategies,especiallyforadvanced-stagedpatients.However,recentknowledge0fpathogenesisofHCCatm0lecularlevelprovidesanalternativeappr0achwhenc0nsideringgenetherapyastreatmelltf0rHCC.Am0ngthevari0usgenetherapystrategiesincancer)itwaJsrep0rtedthatth…  相似文献   
采用Giemas染色、C-带、Ag-NORs、荧光染色和复制带显带的技术对黄颡鱼染色体进行了研究。结果表明, 黄颡鱼只有部分的染色体呈现阳性C-带, 可分为三类, 其中NORs区是染色最深、染色面积最大的区域, 为深染居间C-带。其Ag-NORs位于m5q末端。CMA3染色显示 NORs区呈现出明亮的荧光。中复制染色体上着丝粒区、端粒区和居间区浅染。发现核仁缢痕、深染居间C-带、Ag-NORs、CMA3明亮区和中复制带浅染NORs区位置基本一致, C-带阳性区和中复制带浅染区具有对应性。 Abstract Metaphase chromosomes of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco were analyzed by means of Giemsa staining, C-banding, Ag-NORs, fluorochrome staining and replication banding. Only parts of chromosomes showed C-band positive, the C-band heterochromatin was located in three regions. The NORs-bearing chromosomes had the largest and strongest C-bands. The long arms of chromosome pair 5 were the regions showing positive labeling with Ag-staining. Fluorochrome CMA3positively stained the NORs. In mid-period, negative replication bands were located in the centromere, the terminal and interstitial regions of the chromosomes. The distributions of secondary ?constri-ctions, positive C-bands, Ag-NORs, positive fluorescence bands and negative replication bands of mid-period were coincident.  相似文献   
In addition to rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars, there are three wild rice species, namely O.rufipogon Griff, O. officinalis Wall and O. granulata Baill, in Yunnan Province, China. Each species has different subtypes and ecological distributions. Yunnan wild rice species are excellent genetic resources for developing new rice cultivars. The nutritional components of the husked seeds of wild rice have not been investigated thus far. Herein, we report on the contents of total protein, starch, amylose, 17 amino acids, and five macro and five trace mineral elements in husked seeds from three wild rice species and six O. sativa cultivars. The mean (± SD) protein content in the husked rice of O. rufipogon, O. officinalis, and O. granulata was (14.5 ± 0.6)%, (16.3 ± 1. 1)%, and (15.3 ± 0.5)%, respectively. O. officinalis Ⅲ originating from Gengma had the highest protein content (19.3%). In contrast, the average protein content of six O. sativa cultivars was only 9.15%. The total content of 17 amino acids of three wild rice species was 30%-50% higher than that of the six cultivars. Tyrosine, lysine, and valine content in the three wild rice species was 34%-209% higher than that of the cultivars. However, the difference in total starch content among different O. sativa varieties or types of wild rice species was very small. The average amylose content of O. rufipogon, O. officinalis,and O. granulata was 12.0%, 9.7%, and 11.3%, respectively, much lower than that of the indica and japonica varieties (14.37%-17.17%) but much higher than that of the glutinous rice cultivars (3.89%). The sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and ferrite content in the three wild rice species was 30%-158% higher than that of the six cultivars. The considerable difference in some nutritional components among wild rice species and O. sativa cultivars represents a wide biodiversity of Yunnan Oryza species. Based on the results of the present study, it is predicted that some good genetic traits, especially high protein and ideal amylose content, of Yunnan wild rice species may be useful in improving the nutritional value of rice. This is the first report regarding the amino acid, mineral element, protein and amylose content of husked seeds of some Yunnan wild rice species that have important genetic characteristics for rice quality and nutritional value.  相似文献   
运用RT-PCR方法检测了体外培养的大鼠成骨样细胞Ros 17/2.8在17β雌二醇(E2)刺激前后细胞中一些细胞因子的mRNA水平。发现在E2刺激后,细胞中白血病抑制因子(LIF)的mRNA水平明显上升,且呈现E2浓度依赖的特点。该结果提示,LIF可能参与替代性治疗过程中雌二醇对于骨质硫松症的缓解作用。这为进一步研究细胞因子与骨质疏松症的相关性,阐明细胞因子在骨代谢中的作用打下了基础,并将有利于发展治疗骨代谢疾病的药物。 Abstract With RT-PCR techniques,we examined the expression pattern of some cytokines in rat osteoblast-like cell line ROS 17/2.8, which was stimulated with 17 β-estradiol. After treatment, the obvious increase of LIF(Leukaemia Inhibitory Factor)mRNA level in the cell was observed. It indicates that LIF may involve in the estrogen replacement treatment of osteoporosis. This work will found the base for clarifying the relationship between expression of cytokines and bone remoldeling, and may even facilitate the developement of drug for bone metabolism abnormality.  相似文献   
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