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利用聚合酶链反应和荧光(6-FAM)自动化检测技术对广东地区汉族106例无亲缘关系样本进行MICA基因外显子5和MICB基因内含子1微卫星基因座多态性及其单体型分布调查。根据群体资料估算两者间的单体型频率、连锁不平衡参数、相对连锁不平衡参数。结果显示,广州地区汉族人群MICA和MICB微卫星基因座基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡法则,共检出MICA微卫星基因座 5个等位基因, MICB微卫星基因座14个等位基因。其中MICA A5基因频率最高(0.2877),A4基因频率最低(0.1321)。MICB CA14等位基因频率最高(0.3255),CA19、CA28等位基因频率最低(0.0047),未检出CA27。21种MICA-MICB单体型频率大于1%(连锁不平衡参数>0), 其中单体型A5-CA14 (16.73%), A5.1-CA18 (8.75%), A4-CA26(3.76%),A9-CA15(3.66%)和A6-CA21(2.61%)为强连锁常见单体型(χ2>3.84, P<0.05)。广州地区汉族人群MICA和MICB微卫星基因座多态性和单体型分布有其自身特点,MICA和MICB微卫星基因座适合做为遗传标志,用于人类学、遗传疾病基因连锁分析、法医学亲子鉴定和个体识别等研究领域。Abstract: This study is to investigate genetic polymorphisms and haplotypes of microsatellite locus in the exon 5 of the MICA gene and intron 1 of the MICB gene based on 106 samples of Guangzhou Han Population by polymerase chain reaction and fluorescent technique (6-FAM). The corresponding haplotype frequencies, linkage disequilibria values and relative linkage disequilibria values were estimated based on population data. The results show that the genotype distributions of MICA and MICB microsatellite meet Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in Guangdong Han population. In total, 5 alleles of MICA microsatellite locus and 14 alleles of MICB microsatellite locus were observed. MICA A5 was the most common allele (0.2877), whereas A4 was the least popular one (0.1321). MICB CA14 was the most common allele (0.3255), and CA19 and CA28 were the least popular ones (0.0047). CA27 was not observed. Twenty-one kinds of MICA-MICB haplotypes occurred at frequencies of more than 1% (linkage disequilibria value>0). The common MICA-MICB haplotypes were A5-CA14(16.73%), A5.1- CA18 (8.75%), A4- CA26(3.76%),A9-CA15(3.66%) and A6-CA21(2.61%)(χ2>3.84, P<0.05), and they were strong linkage disequilibria. The polymorphisms and haplotypes distributions of MICA and MICB microsatellite locus in Guangzhou Han population have their own genetic characteristics. The microsatellite locus of the exon5 of the MICA gene and intron 1 of the MICB gene could be used as the genetic markers in the studies of anthropology, linkage analysis of genetic disease genes, individual identification and paternity test in forensic medicine.  相似文献   
A novel ribosome-inactivating protein designated Moschatin from the mature seeds of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) has been successively purified to homogeneity, using ammonium sulfate precipitation, CM-cellulose 52 column chromatography, Blue Sepharose CL-6B Affinity column chromatography and FPLC size-exclusion column chromatography. Moschatin is a type 1 RIP with a pI of 9.4 and molecular weight of~29 kD. It is a rRNA N-glycosidase and potently blocked the protein synthesis in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate with a IC_(50) of 0.26 nM. Using the anti-human melanoma McAb Ng76, a novel immunotoxin Moschatin-Ng76 was prepared successfully and it efficiently inhibited the growth of targeted melanoma cells M_(21) with a IC_(50) of 0.04 nM, 1500 times lower than that of free Moschatin. The results implied that Moschatin could be used as a new potential anticancer agent.  相似文献   
The Drosophila homolog of schizophrenia susceptibility gene dysbindin(Ddysb)affects a range of behaviors through regulation of multiple neurotransmitter signals,including dopamine activity.To gain insights into mechanisms underlying Ddysb-dependent regulation of dopamine signal,we investigated interaction between Ddysb and Ebony,the Drosophilaβ-alanyl-monoamine synthase involved in dopamine recycling.We found that Ddysb was capable of regulating expression of Ebony in a bi-directional manner and its subcellular distribution.Such regulation is confined to glial cells.The expression level of ebony and its accumulation in glial soma depend positively on Ddysb activity,whereas its distribution in glial processes is bound to be reduced in response to any alterations of Ddysb from the normal control level,either an increase or decrease.An optimal binding ratio between Dysb and Ebony might contribute to such non-linear effects.Thus,Ddysb-dependent regulation of Ebony could be one of the mechanisms that mediate dopamine signal.  相似文献   
采用原位杂交和RNA点杂交方法,观察了一种新的端粒相关锌指基因TASL30在早期人胚与50种器官组织中的mRNA表达。结果表明,TASL30基因在早期人胚神经管中有明显表达,其中在神经管的头端表达最强,而在人的50种器官组织中均未检测到该基因的明显表达。另外通过G-显带和染色体原位杂交,将TASL30基因定位于人染色体12q24~qter。 Abstract:By means of in situ hybridization and RNA dot blot,mRNA expression of a telomereic-associated zinc finger gene(TASL30 )was observed.The results showed that TASL30 gene was expressed in significant amount in neural tube of early human embryo and the cephalic expression level was the highest,but none of recognizable positive signal was detected in 50 human tissues.By G-banding and chromosome in situ hybridization,TASL30 gene was located in chromosome 12q24~qter.  相似文献   
The woodpecker does not suffer head/eye impact injuries while drumming on a tree trunk with high acceleration(more than 1000×g) and high frequency.The mechanism that protects the woodpecker’s head has aroused the interest of ornithologists,biologists and scientists in the areas of mechanical engineering,material science and electronics engineering.This article reviews the literature on the biomechanisms and materials responsible for protecting the woodpecker from head impact injury and their applications in engineering and human protection.  相似文献   
真菌菌核是相关真菌在特殊环境下由营养体菌丝交织和聚集形成的具有抵御恶劣环境能力的休眠结构,在真菌生活史及病原真菌的病害循环中具有重要的生物学和生态学意义。许多引起严重植物病害的病原真菌能够形成菌核,这类真菌通过菌核度过逆境。菌核在适宜条件下萌发形成子囊盘和孢子或菌丝,造成植物的侵染。本文从形成菌核的真菌种类、生物学特性、黑色素及分子生物学等方面进行综述,旨在为深入研究真菌菌核及其在真菌学、植物病理学及药用真菌学等领域应用提供研究思路和参考依据。  相似文献   
Phytoremediation has gained increased attention as a cost-effective method for the remediation of heavy metal-contaminated sites. Because some plants possess a range of potential mechanisms that may be involved in the detoxification of heavy metals, they manage to survive under metal stresses. High tolerance to heavy metal toxicity could rely either on reduced uptake or increased plant internal sequestration,which is manifested by an interaction between a genotype and its environment. The growing application of molecular genetic technologies has led to increased understanding of mechanisms of heavy metal tolerance/accumulation in plants and, subsequently, many transgenic plants with increased heavy metal resistance,as well as increased uptake of heavy metals, have been developed for the purpose of phytoremediation. In the present review, our major objective is to concisely evaluate the progress made so far in understanding the molecular/cellular mechanisms and genetic basis that control the uptake and detoxification of metals by plants.  相似文献   
To investigate the inhibitory effect of the Bcl-XL small interfering RNA(siRNA)on BcI-XLgene expression in the human gastric cancer cell line MGC-803,green fluorescent protein(GFP)siRNAwas constructed and transfected into MGC-803 ceils,together with GFP expression vector pTrace SV40.GFP expression levels were observed using fluorescence microscopy.Bcl-XL siRNA and negative siRNAwere then constructed and stably transfected into MGC-803 cells.RT-PCR and immunofluorescence wereused to detect the expression of Bcl-XL.Spontaneous apoptosis was detected by acridine orange(AO)andflow cytometry.Results were as follows:(1)48 h after GFP expression vector and GFP siRNA co-transfection,the expression level of GFP in the GFP siRNA group was much lower than the negative siRNA group,according to fluorescence microscopy results.The mRNA and protein levels of Bcl-XL in Bcl-XL siRNAstable transfectants were reduced to almost background level compared with negative siRNA transfectantsor untreated cells.(2)Changes in nucleus morphology was observed by AO staining nucleic and flowcytometry analysis,which showed that stable Bcl-XL siRNA transfectants have an increased spontaneousapoptosis (21.17%+1.26% vs.1.19%+0.18% and 1.56%+0.15% respectively,P<0.05 vs.negative siRNAor untreated control),siRNA targeting GFP or Bcl-XL genes can specifically suppress GFP or BcI-XLexpression in MGC-803 cells,and Bcl-XL siRNA can increase spontaneous apoptosis.Bcl-XL siRNA maybe a beneficial agent against human gastric adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   
Genetic polymorphisms in human genes can influence the risk for HIV-1 infection and disease progression, although the reported effects of these alleles have been inconsistent. This review highlights the recent discoveries on global and Chinese genetic polymorphisms and their association with HIV-1 transmission and disease progression.  相似文献   
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