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IFN-alphabeta is the only established treatment for viral hepatitis; however, more than 60% of patients are poorly responsive. Because viral hepatitis is associated with inflammation, we hypothesized that inflammation may attenuate the efficacy of IFN therapy. To test this hypothesis, the effect of IL-1beta, one of the major proinflammatory cytokines, on IFN signaling pathway in the liver was examined. Administration of IL-1beta in vivo attenuated IFN-alphabeta-induced STAT1 tyrosine phosphorylation in the liver but not in the spleen. The inhibitory action of IL-1beta in vivo was not affected by depleting hepatic Kupffer cells, suggesting that IL-1beta may directly target IFN-alphabeta signaling in hepatocytes. Indeed, pretreatment of human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells with IL-1beta suppressed IFN-alphabeta-induced antiviral activity and antiviral protein MxA mRNA expression. Furthermore, IL-1beta attenuated IFN-alphabeta-induced STAT1 binding and tyrosine phosphorylation without affecting the level of STAT1 protein. This inhibitory effect can be reversed by pretreatment with either proteasome inhibitors or transfection of dominant negative NF-kappaB inducing kinase mutants. Taken together, these findings suggest that IL-1beta attenuates IFN-alphabeta-induced STAT1 activation by a proteasome-dependent mechanism. In view of high levels of IL-1beta in the serum or within the liver of patients with chronic liver diseases, attenuation of IFN-alphabeta signaling in the liver by IL-1beta could be one of the mechanisms underlying the resistance to IFN therapy in chronic hepatitis C, and IL-1beta could be a potential therapeutic target for improving the efficacy of IFN therapy.  相似文献   
Wang P  Cai RR  Feng YM  Zhang YS 《IUBMB life》2000,49(4):321-325
Single-chain insulin/IGF-1 hybrid-[Ins/IGF-1(C)], single-chain porcine insulin precursor-(PIP), and B10Asp PIP were prepared by protein engineering. Their growth-promoting activities in mouse breast cancer cell line GR2H6 are 10, 0.2, and 2 times that of insulin, respectively, and 29%, 0.6%, and 6% of that of IGF-1, indicating that the C domain and 9Glu of IGF-1 are important for its growth-promoting activity. Given these results and previous reports, we propose that the C domain, 9Glu, and 23Phe-26Asn beta bend are involved in the growth-promoting functional region of IGF-1.  相似文献   
海马脑片抗癫痫药物研究的离体模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立离体海马脑片癫痫样放电模型并用于抗癫痫药物研究。方法:在豚鼠海马脑片上灌流青霉素建立颠阗痫样放电的离体模型。并用此模型对抗癫痫药物苯巴比妥钠和苯妥英钠两种药物在不同浓度下对癫痫样放电的对抗作用进行了定量分析,结果:在海马脑片上灌流致痫药物可建立一个较好的离体组织癫痫样放电模型,苯的对抗作用进行了定量分析,结果:在海马脑片上灌流致痫药物可建立一个较好的离体组织癫痫样放电模型。苯巴比妥和苯妥英钠在一定浓度下均有显著对抗癫痫样放电的作用,且与整体实验的结果相一致。结论:本实验建立有离体脑片模型具有实验手段简单,方法灵活,易于建立药物量效关系等优点,可用于抗癫痫药物筛选和研究。  相似文献   
Binding of different regulatory subunits and methylation of the catalytic (C) subunit carboxy-terminal leucine 309 are two important mechanisms by which protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) can be regulated. In this study, both genetic and biochemical approaches were used to investigate regulation of regulatory subunit binding by C subunit methylation. Monoclonal antibodies selectively recognizing unmethylated C subunit were used to quantitate the methylation status of wild-type and mutant C subunits. Analysis of 13 C subunit mutants showed that both carboxy-terminal and active site residues are important for maintaining methylation in vivo. Severe impairment of methylation invariably led to a dramatic decrease in Balpha subunit binding but not of striatin, SG2NA, or polyomavirus middle tumor antigen (MT) binding. In fact, most unmethylated C subunit mutants showed enhanced binding to striatin and SG2NA. Certain carboxy-terminal mutations decreased Balpha subunit binding without greatly affecting methylation, indicating that Balpha subunit binding is not required for a high steady-state level of C subunit methylation. Demethylation of PP2A in cell lysates with recombinant PP2A methylesterase greatly decreased the amount of C subunit that could be coimmunoprecipitated via the Balpha subunit but not the amount that could be coimmunoprecipitated with Aalpha subunit or MT. When C subunit methylation levels were greatly reduced in vivo, Balpha subunits were found complexed exclusively to methylated C subunits, whereas striatin and SG2NA in the same cells bound both methylated and unmethylated C subunits. Thus, C subunit methylation is critical for assembly of PP2A heterotrimers containing Balpha subunit but not for formation of heterotrimers containing MT, striatin, or SG2NA. These findings suggest that methylation may be able to selectively regulate the association of certain regulatory subunits with the A/C heterodimer.  相似文献   
Feng ZP 《Biopolymers》2001,58(5):491-499
A new representation of protein sequence is devoted in this paper, in which each protein can be represented by a 20-dimensional (20D) vector of unit length. Inspired by the principle of superposition of state in quantum mechanics, the squares of the 20 components of the vector correspond to the amino acid composition. Using the new representation of the primary sequence and Bayes Discriminant Algorithm, the subcellular location of prokaryotic proteins was predicted. The overall predictive accuracy in the jackknife test can be 3% higher than the result of using amino acid composition directly for the database of sequence identity is less than 90%, but 5% higher when sequence identity is less than 80%. The higher predictive accuracy indicates that the current measure of extracting the information from the primary sequence is efficient. Since the subcellular location restricting a protein's possible function, the present method should also be a useful measure for the systematic analysis of genome data. The program used in this paper is available on request.  相似文献   
人工湿地系统对污水磷的净化效果   总被引:118,自引:0,他引:118  
建立以亚热带湿生、水生植物为主的十二套下流行一上流-上行流人工湿地系统作为处理城镇生活污水的对策。以其中四套研究其在不同的水力负荷及气候条件下对污水中磷的去除效果。人工湿地系统随处理运行时间的推移趋于稳定,对污水中的总磷、无机磷显示较好的净化效率,平均去除率在冬季达到40%以上,夏季达到60%以上,出水达到国家地面水Ⅲ级标准。水生植物在系统中起到明显作用,有植物系统的除磷效率及稳定性均高于无植物对照,其中2号茭白-石菖蒲系统的效果最好,总磷平均去除率为65%。4号9蔗-苔草系统在高水力负荷下的净效果优于2号。水力负荷的增加对系统的净效果没有明显影响。  相似文献   
神经退化性疾病生物能量代谢和氧化应激研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
衰老是导致几种常见的神经系统退化性疾病的主要危险因素,包括帕金森氏病(Parkinson’s disease PD),肌萎缩性侧索硬化(Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,ALS),早老性痴呆(Alzheimer’s disease AD)和亨廷顿氏病(Huntington’s disease HD)。最近研究表明,神经退化性疾病涉及到线粒体缺陷,氧化应激等因素。在脑和其它组织中,老化可导致线粒体功能的损伤和氧化损伤的增强。PD病人中,已发现线粒体复合酶体Ⅰ活性降低,氧化损伤增加和抗氧化系统活性的改变。在几例家族性ALS病人中,也发现Cu、Zn超氧化物歧化酶(Cu,Zn SOD)基因的突变,导致Cu、Zn超氧化物歧化酶活性减低;散发的ALS病人氧化损伤增高。在HD病人中已发现能量代谢异常  相似文献   
一例智力低下患者7q~ 标记染色体的来源鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以人类染色体显微切割、PCR技术构建的现有人类染色体特异性和染色体区带特异性探针池作为绘画探针,采用正向染色体绘画技术,结合染色体筛查方法,查明了一例7q~ 标记染色体患者的染色体附加片段来源于3q26→3qter。确定该患者的核型为46,XX,-7, der(7)t(7;3)(7pter→7q32::3q26→3qter)。应用这个策略,能够快速有效地鉴定标记染色体的来源。  相似文献   
Helicobacter bilis and H. hepaticus, both urease-positive intestinal helicobacters of mice, have been shown experimentally to induce proliferative typhlocolitis in scid mice. We recently isolated a urease-negative Helicobacter sp. (H. sp.) that also induced proliferative typhlocolitis in pilot studies in scid mice. To determine the pathogenic potential of H. sp. in immunocompromised and immunocompetent mice, 5-week old male A/J or Tac:Icr:Ha(ICR)-scidfRF mice were inoculated by intraperitoneal (IP) injection with approximately 3 x 10(7) colony-forming units (CFU) of H. sp. Mice were necropsied at various time points postinoculation (PI). Sham-inoculated mice had no clinical, gross, or histopathological lesions. In contrast, scid mice inoculated IP with H. sp. had severe hemorrhagic diarrhea and decreased weight gain at 2, 7, and 18 weeks postinoculation (PI), with severe proliferative typhlocolitis, phlebothrombosis, and hepatitis. A/J mice had no clinical signs, but had mild to moderate proliferative typhlocolitis and moderate to marked cholangiohepatitis at 7 and 24 weeks PI. A/J mice infected with H. sp. developed robust immune responses of a predominant Th1 type. This report demonstrates that infection with a urease-negative helicobacter can cause inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and hepatitis in scid and immunocompetent A/J mice. These results provide a new model of IBD and cholangio-hepatitis associated with a specific urease-negative, novel H. species.  相似文献   
The techniques of restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI) and electroporation (EP) were applied for the first time to improving the blastospore transformation of fungal biocontrol agent Beauveria bassiana for higher frequency. The blastospores from < or =24 h incubation in glucose-mineral medium after shaking conidia for 48 h in Subouraud dextrose broth were found most competent for integrating 1 microg plasmid DNA vectoring the phosphinothricin (PPT) resistance gene bar in 360 microL reaction system containing 100 U HindIII or XbaI. Such blastospores were also most suitable for EP transformation at the optimized field strength of 10 kV cm(-1). The optimized REMI and EP generated averagely 39 and 53 transformants microg(-1) plasmid DNA whereas polyethylene glycol (PEG) integration yielded only 22. All transformants grew well on Czapek's agar containing 400 microg PPT mL(-1) after three rounds of cultivation on the same agar excluding PPT but their parental strain showed no resistance. The target gene inserted into the genomes of 10 transformants randomly taken from REMI or EP transformation was consistently detected by both PCR and Southern blotting. Compared to the PEG integration, REMI and EP enhanced the frequency of the blastospore transformation by 73 and 137%, respectively.  相似文献   
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