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On the basis of the literature and original data, heart rate variability (HRV) in weightlifters has been studied. The results showed that the distribution mode (a parameter of mathematical analysis that is equal to the most frequent length of RR intervals) indicates the intensity of physical exercise. Specific changes in the autonomic balance in athletes as dependent on their degree of training and sports qualification are important characteristics of adaptations to physical loads. For example, the degree of training of weightlifters is reflected by the level of the respiratory component as an index of the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system. Adaptation to physical exercise leads to an increase in the power of the spectrum of neurohumoral modulation and to changes in the ratio between the levels of the total spectral power of HRV.  相似文献   
Previous spaceflight reports attribute changes in plant ultrastructure to microgravity, but it was thought that the changes might result from growth in uncontrolled environments during spaceflight. To test this possibility, potato explants were examined (a leaf, axillary bud, and small stem segment) grown in the ASTROCULTURETM plant growth unit, which provided a controlled environment. During the 16 d flight of space shuttle Columbia (STS-73), the axillary bud of each explant developed into a mature tuber. Upon return to Earth, tuber slices were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Results showed that the cell ultrastructure of flight-grown tubers could not be distinguished from that of tuber cells grown in the same growth unit on the ground. No differences were observed in cellular features such as protein crystals, plastids with starch grains, mitochondria, rough ER, or plasmodesmata. Cell wall structure, including underlying microtubules, was typical of ground-grown plants. Because cell walls of tubers formed in space were not required to provide support against the force due to gravity, it was hypothesized that these walls might exhibit differences in wall components as compared with walls formed in Earth-grown tubers. Wall components were immunolocalized at the TEM level using monoclonal antibodies JIM 5 and JIM 7, which recognize epitopes of pectins, molecules thought to contribute to wall rigidity and cell adhesion. No difference in presence, abundance or distribution of these pectin epitopes was seen between space- and Earth-grown tubers. This evidence indicates that for the parameters studied, microgravity does not affect the cellular structure of plants grown under controlled environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Galactose oxidase (GO) belongs to a class of proteins that self-catalyze assembly of their redox-active cofactors from active site amino acids. Generation of enzymatically active GO appears to require at least four sequential post-translational modifications: cleavage of a secretion signal sequence, copper-dependent cleavage of an N-terminal pro sequence, copper-dependent formation of a C228-Y272 thioether bond, and generation of the Y272 radical. The last two processes were investigated using a truncated protein (termed premat-GO) lacking the pro sequence and purified under copper-free conditions. Reactions of premat-GO with Cu(II) were investigated using optical, EPR, and resonance Raman spectroscopy, SDS-PAGE, and X-ray crystallography. Premat-GO reacted anaerobically with excess Cu(II) to efficiently form the thioether bond but not the Y272 radical. A potential C228-copper coordinated intermediate (lambda max = 406 nm) in the processing reaction, which had not yet formed the C228-Y272 cross-link, was identified from the absorption spectrum. A copper-thiolate protein complex, with copper coordinated to C228, H496, and H581, was also observed in a 3 min anaerobic soak by X-ray crystallography, whereas a 24 h soak revealed the C228-Y272 thioether bond. In solution, addition of oxygenated buffer to premat-GO preincubated with excess Cu(II) generated the Y272 radical state. On the basis of these data, a mechanism for the formation of the C228-Y272 bond and tyrosyl radical generation is proposed. The 406 nm complex is demonstrated to be a catalytically competent processing intermediate under anaerobic conditions. We propose a potential mechanism which is in common with aerobic processing by Cu(II) until the step at which the second electron acceptor is required.  相似文献   
The electromagnetic fields excited by circular loop antennas in a magnetized plasma in the whistler frequency range are simulated by the finite-difference time-domain method. The spatial structure of quasi-monochromatic fields excited in the near- and far-field zones by an antenna with a harmonic current, as well as the dynamics of the electromagnetic field excited by an antenna with a current in the form of a single video pulse, is studied. Simulations performed for a uniform plasma and uniform ambient magnetic field agree well with the results of theoretical analysis and model laboratory experiments performed on large-scale plasma devices.  相似文献   
The C terminus is responsible for all of the agonist activity of C5a at human C5a receptors (C5aRs). In this report we have mapped the ligand binding site on the C5aR using a series of agonist and antagonist peptide mimics of the C terminus of C5a as well as receptors mutated at putative interaction sites (Ile(116), Arg(175,) Arg(206), Glu(199), Asp(282), and Val(286)). Agonist peptide 1 (Phe-Lys-Pro-d-cyclohexylalanine-cyclohexylalanine-d-Arg) can be converted to an antagonist by substituting the bulkier Trp for cyclohexylalanine at position 5 (peptide 2). Conversely, mutation of C5aR transmembrane residue Ile(116) to the smaller Ala (I116A) makes the receptor respond to peptide 2 as an agonist (Gerber, B. O., Meng, E. C., Dotsch, V., Baranski, T. J., and Bourne, H. R. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 3394-3400). However, a potent cyclic hexapeptide antagonist, Phe-cyclo-[Orn-Pro-d-cyclohexylalanine-Trp-Arg] (peptide 3), derived from peptide 2 and which binds to the same receptor site, remains a full antagonist at I116AC5aR. This suggests that although the residue at position 5 might bind near to Ile(116), the latter is not essential for either activation or antagonism. Arg(206) and Arg(175) both appear to interact with the C-terminal carboxylate of C5a agonist peptides, suggesting a dynamic binding mechanism that may be a part of a receptor activation switch. Asp(282) has been previously shown to interact with the side chain of the C-terminal Arg residue, and Glu(199) may also interact with this side chain in both C5a and peptide mimics. Using these interactions to orient NMR-derived ligand structures in the binding site of C5aR, a new model of the interaction between peptide antagonists and the C5aR is presented.  相似文献   
Insulin is a 6 kDa peptide hormone that activates several metabolic processes and cellular growth. Germination studies showed that insulin, vanadyl sulphate (an insulin mimetic compound), tyrphostin (an inhibitor of insulin receptor kinase activity), pinitol (a chiro inositol analogue) and glucose were able to accelerate Canavalia ensiformis (Jack bean) seedling radicle and epicotyl development. Immunofluorescence microscopy analysis showed that proteins binding to insulin, insulin receptor and phosphoserine antibodies are localized in an internal layer of the C. ensiformis seed coat. These results and others previously reported from our laboratory suggest that insulin, insulin receptor and phosphoserine proteins could be components of signalling pathways akin to those present in animals.  相似文献   
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