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It was well known that beta-amyloid (Abeta) and tau protein play an important role in pathological procedure of Alzheimer's disease (AD), a senile dementia. The growth inhibitory factor (GIF, also named metallothionein-3, MT-3) had been demonstrated to inhibit the outgrowth of cortex neurons in the medium with extract of the AD patient brain. In our experiments, it was found that the neurons of cortex and the PC12 (pheochromocytoma) cells could be protected from the cytotoxicity of beta-amyloid 25-35 in presence of GIF and its domains. Additionally, GIF can scavenge the hydroxyl radical efficiently in CytC-VitC radical producing system and its alpha-domain shown more effective potentials than its beta-domain. The electron paramagnetic resonance spectra also show that the alpha-domain has more potential ability for eliminating reactive oxygen free radicals than its beta-domain. The results suggest that GIF could act as an efficient scavenger against free radicals in vitro and the alpha-domain in GIF molecule shows more potential in protecting against reactive oxygen species injury than the beta-domain.  相似文献   
Ninety-one lakes distributed along the Tatra Mountains (most of lakes > 1 ha and 65% of lakes > 0.01 ha) were sampled and analysed for ionic and nutrient composition in September 2004 (15 years after reduction in acid deposition). Eighty-one lakes were in alpine zone and ten lakes in Norway spruce forest. The results were compared to similar lake surveys from 1994 (the beginning of water recovery from acidification) and 1984 (maximum acidification). Atmospheric deposition of SO 4 2? and inorganic N decreased 57% and 35%, respectively, in this region from the late 1980s to 2000. Lake water concentrations of SO 4 2? and NO 3 ? have decreased both by ~50% on average (to 23 and 19 μmol L?1, respectively, in 2004) since 1984. While the decrease in SO 4 2? concentrations was stable throughout 1984–2004, most of the NO 3 ? decrease occurred from 1994 to 2004. The declines in SO 4 2? and NO 3 ? concentrations depended on catchment coverage with vegetation, being most rapid for SO 4 2? in forest lakes and for NO 3 ? in rocky lakes. Concentrations of the sum of base cations (dominated by Ca2+) significantly decreased between 1984 and 2004, with the highest change in rocky lakes. Most of this decline occurred between 1994 and 2004. Acid neutralising capacity (ANC) did not change in the 1984–1994 period, but increased on average by 29 μmol L?1 between 1994 and 2004, with the highest change in rocky lakes. Over the last decade, the proportion of lakes with ANC > 150 μmol L?1 increased from 15% to 21% and that of ANC < 20 μmol L?1 decreased from 37% to 20%. The highest decline in H+ and Al concentrations occurred in the most acid lakes. On a regional basis, no significant change was observed for total phosphorus, total organic nitrogen, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the 1994–2004 period. However, these parameters increased in forest lakes, which exhibited an increasing trend in DOC concentrations, inversely related (P < 0.001) to their decreasing ionic strength (30% on average in 1994–2004).  相似文献   
Background, Aim and Scope Land use by agriculture, forestry, mining, house-building or industry leads to substantial impacts, particularly on biodiversity and on soil quality as a supplier of life support functions. Unfortunately there is no widely accepted assessment method so far for land use impacts. This paper presents an attempt, within the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative, to provide a framework for the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) of land use. Materials and Methods: This framework builds from previous documents, particularly the SETAC book on LCIA (Lindeijer et al. 2002), developing essential issues such as the reference for occupation impacts; the impact pathways to be included in the analysis; the units of measure in the impact mechanism (land use interventions to impacts); the ways to deal with impacts in the future; and bio-geographical differentiation. Results: The paper describes the selected impact pathways, linking the land use elementary flows (occupation; transformation) and parameters (intensity) registered in the inventory (LCI) to the midpoint impact indicators and to the relevant damage categories (natural environment and natural resources). An impact occurs when the land properties are modified (transformation) and also when the current man-made properties are maintained (occupation). Discussion: The size of impact is the difference between the effect on land quality from the studied case of land use and a suitable reference land use on the same area (dynamic reference situation). The impact depends not only on the type of land use (including coverage and intensity) but is also heavily influenced by the bio-geographical conditions of the area. The time lag between the land use intervention and the impact may be large; thus land use impacts should be calculated over a reasonable time period after the actual land use finishes, at least until a new steady state in land quality is reached. Conclusions: Guidance is provided on the definition of the dynamic reference situation and on methods and time frame to assess the impacts occurring after the actual land use. Including the occupation impacts acknowledges that humans are not the sole users of land. Recommendations and Perspectives: The main damages affected by land use that should be considered by any method to assess land use impacts in LCIA are: biodiversity (existence value); biotic production potential (including soil fertility and use value of biodiversity); ecological soil quality (including life support functions of soil other than biotic production potential). Bio-geographical differentiation is required for land use impacts, because the same intervention may have different consequences depending on the sensitivity and inherent land quality of the environment where it occurs. For the moment, an indication of how such task could be done and likely bio-geographical parameters to be considered are suggested. The recommendation of indicators for the suggested impact categories is a matter of future research.  相似文献   
Cyanobacterial communities of the splash zone of two Croatian islands, Veruda and Ugljan, were surveyed. At each island, we studied eight localities with different aspects. From all 336 samples, a total of 42 cyanobacterial species, one green alga, and one red alga were found. In both islands Hyella spp. and Gloeocapsopsis crepidinum dominated and Entophysalis deusta, Solentia spp., Kyrtuthrix dalmatica and Mastigocoleus testarum were found frequently. Multivariate statistical analysis of species composition shows that the vertical gradient is the strongest determinant of species composition and that there are statistically significant but not very pronounced differences in species composition between the two islands. Species composition among individual sites within islands differed slightly, and between localities decreased rather slowly with the distance of individual samples (i.e. the similarity distance decay was very slow), showing that even close samples can have quite different species composition. The species accumulation curves do not reach their asymptote, indicating that many samples are needed to reasonably cover the species richness of a site. This study highlights the importance of in-depth species counts and high density sampling along vertical gradients for satisfactory cyanobacterial community assessments in marine coastal splash zones.  相似文献   
Shoots of micropropagated Gentiana acaulis, G. cruciata, G. lutea, and G. purpurea were inoculated with suspensions of Agrobacterium rhizogenes cells, strains ATCC 15834 or A4M70GUS. Adventitious roots appeared at the sites of inoculation in all 4 species. Root tips were excised and cultured on growth regulator-free media for 2-6 years. They exhibited very high branching and plagiotropism. Spontaneous bud initiation occurred in roots of G. cruciata. Roots of G. lutea, G. acaulis and G. purpurea were cultured on media with high kinetin concentration, which induced the formation of friable callus tissues. Only in G. purpurea were these calluses organogenic. Regenerated shoots of G. cruciata and G. purpurea gave rise to plants, that displayed the typical phenotypes of A. rhizogenes-transformed plants: short internodes and rolled leaves. In the roots of G. acaulis and G. cruciata, transformed with A. rhizogenes A4M70GUS, a positive reaction with X-gluc indicated the activity of β-glucuronidase. The DNA extracted from hairy roots and from the roots of transgenic plants hybridized with the appropriate genomic probes in Southern blotting. This is taken as evidence of the stable genetic transformation in the 4 Gentiana species. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Inoculation of leguminous seeds with selected rhizobial strains is practised in agriculture to ameliorate the plant yield by enhanced root nodulation and nitrogen uptake of the plant. However, effective symbiosis between legumes and rhizobia does not only depend on the capacity of nitrogen fixation but also on the entire nitrogen turnover in the rhizosphere. We investigated the influence of seed inoculation with two indigenous Sinorhizobium meliloti strains exhibiting different efficiency concerning plant growth promotion on nitrogen turnover processes in the rhizosphere during the growth of alfalfa. Quantification of six target genes (bacterial amoA, nirK, nirS, nosZ, nifH and archaeal amoA) within the nitrogen cycle was performed in rhizosphere samples before nodule formation, at bud development and at the late flowering stage. The results clearly demonstrated that effectiveness of rhizobial inocula is related to abundance of nifH genes in the late flowering phase of alfalfa. Moreover, other genes involved in nitrogen turnover had been affected by the inocula, e.g. higher numbers of amoA copies were observed during flowering when the more effective strain had been inoculated. However, the respective gene abundances differed overall to a greater extent between the three plant development stages than between the inoculation variants.  相似文献   
Ohne ZusammenfassungDie vorliegenden Versuehe wurden während meines kurzen Aufenthalts im Pflanzenphysiologisehen Institut der Universität Wien ausgeführt. Herrn Prof. Dr. Karl Höfler und Herrn Dr. H. Kinzel danke ich sehönstens auch an dieser Stelle für die Untersfützung während der Arbeit.  相似文献   
In the years 1976–1981 we studied chromosome counts and karyotypic formulae of the following 29 species of plants from 41 localities (of these 6 from Bohemia, 32 from Moravia, 3 from Slovakia):Batrachium baudotii (Godron) F. W. Schultz,Chenopodium rubrum L.,C. polyspermum L.,C. murale L.,C. ficifolium Sm.,C. opulifolium Schrader ex DC. inLam. et DC.,C. strictum Roth [subsp.strictum, subsp.glaucophyllum (Aellen)Aellen inJust etAellen, subsp.striatiforme Uotila],Arenaria grandiflora L.,Illecebrum verticillatum L.,Spergula morisonii Boreau inDuchartre,Spergularia marginata (DC. inLam. et DC.)Kittel S. marina (L.)Griseb.,S. rubra (L.) J. etC. Presl,Silene conica L.,Sisymbrium loeselii L.,S. volgense Bieb. exE. Fourn.,S. orientale L. [subsp. orientale, subsp.macroloma (A. Pomel)Dvo?ák],S. officinale (L.)Scop.,Descurainia sophia (L.)Webb exPrantl inEngler etPrantl,Nasturtium officinale R. Br. inAiton,Barbarea arcuata (Opiz inPresl J. et C.)Reichenb.,Lunaria annua L.,Soldanella montana Willd.,S. carpatica Vierh. inUrban etGraebner,Lotus tenuis Waldst. etKit. exWilld.,L. uliginosus Schkuhr,Trigonella monspeliaca L.,Geranium sibiricum L.,Lactuca tatarica (L.)C. A. Meyer.  相似文献   
We consider adaptive robust methods for lung cancer that are also dose-reactive, wherein the treatment is modified after each treatment session to account for the dose delivered in prior treatment sessions. Such methods are of interest because they potentially allow for errors in the delivered dose to be corrected as the treatment progresses, thereby ensuring that the tumor receives a sufficient dose at the end of the treatment. We show through a computational study with real lung cancer patient data that while dose reaction is beneficial with respect to the final dose distribution, it may lead to exaggerated daily underdose and overdose relative to non-reactive methods that grows as the treatment progresses. However, by combining dose reaction with a mechanism for updating an estimate of the uncertainty, the magnitude of this growth can be mitigated substantially. The key finding of this paper is that reacting to dose errors – an adaptation strategy that is both simple and intuitively appealing – may backfire and lead to treatments that are clinically unacceptable.  相似文献   
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