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The genetic basis of symbiosis, mucoid structure and melanin biosynthesis in a local isolate ofRhizobium cicer was investigated. The strain was a very effective symbiont and produced substantial amounts of exopolysaccharides and melanin. It harbored three high-molar-mass plasmids of 55, 80 and 130 kb, respectively. Thirty-one melanin production-negative (Mep) derivatives were obtained through plasmid curing. The plasmid patterns of cured derivatives indicated that the loss of 55 and/or 80 kb plasmids was sufficient for obtaining Mep phenotype. The specific involvement of 55-kb plasmid in melanin production was confirmed upon re-introduction of this plasmid into one of the Mep derivatives. Further investigation also indicated that the 130-kb plasmid might be necessary for both mucoidal appearance and symbiotic functions.  相似文献   
Two questions are addressed: 'How many species of fungi can occur on a single host palm?' and 'What are the implications of this for global estimates of fungal diversity?' Fungal diversity estimates found in the literature are reviewed. Data on the numbers of fungi occurring on the above-ground tissues of six individual palms in the genus Licuala in Australia and Brunei Darussalam (Borneo) are provided. A total of 189 species of fungi were isolated and/or collected from the six palms. In addition, 53 'morphospecies' of mycelia sterilia were isolated, giving a total of 242 taxa from the 2672 isolates/collections made. The three palms in Australia (sampled once) yielded 100 species (each palm supporting an average of 54.7 taxa), while the three palms in Brunei Darussalam (sampled three times) yielded 172 species in total (approximately 111.3 taxa each). The magnitude of global fungal diversity, estimated at 1.5 million species, is discussed. Our results indicate that 33 to 1 would be a more accurate estimate (than 5.7 to 1) of the ratio of host specific fungal to palm species in the tropics. We therefore propose that global estimates of fungal diversity, based on temperate studies, require revision upwards.  相似文献   
Cationic triarylmethane dyes (TAM(+))s which are used as colorants in industry and as frequent tools and reagents in analytical, cell biological and biomedical research have been recently characterized as reversible inhibitors of human butyrylcholinesterase. In this study, the inhibitory effects of two TAM(+)s, malachite green (MG) and methyl green (MeG) on five human BChE mutants (A277V, P285L, H77L, A328F and F329A) were studied spectrophotometrically at 25°C in 50mM MOPS buffer pH 8, using butyrylthiocholine as substrate. The kinetic results obtained with mutant enzymes were compared to those obtained with recombinant wild type BChE. MG and MeG were found to act as competitive/linear mixed inhibitors of recombinant wild type BChE and all BChE mutants except the F329A mutant. Both dyes caused complex nonlinear inhibition of F329A mutant, pointing to multisite binding. K(i) values for MG and MeG, estimated by nonlinear regression analysis, were 3.8 and 27 μM, respectively, as compared to the 50- to 150-fold lower values observed with recombinant wild type BChE. The observed significant differences in kinetic pattern and K(i) values between recombinant wild type BChE and F329A mutant suggest that phenylalanine at position 329 in human BChE is a critical residue in MG and MeG binding to enzyme.  相似文献   
We applied the leaf‐height‐seed (LHS) ecology strategy scheme (a combination of three ecologically important traits: specific leaf area (SLA), seed mass and plant height) intraspecifically to two widespread European forest herbs along a latitudinal gradient. The aims of this study were to quantify LHS trait variation, disentangle the environmental factors affecting these traits and compare the within‐species LHS trait relationships with latitude to previously established cross‐species comparisons. We measured LHS traits in 41 Anemone nemorosa and 44 Milium effusum populations along a 1900–2300 km latitudinal gradient from N France to N Sweden. We then applied multilevel models to identify the effects of regional (temperature, latitude) and local (soil fertility and acidity, overstorey canopy cover) environmental factors on LHS traits. Both species displayed a significant 4% increase in plant height with every degree northward shift (almost a two‐fold plant height difference between the southernmost and northernmost populations). Neither seed mass nor SLA showed a significant latitudinal cline. Temperature had a large effect on the three LHS traits of Anemone. Latitude, canopy cover and soil nutrients were related to the SLA and plant height of Milium. None of the investigated variables appeared to be related to the seed mass of Milium. The variation in LHS traits indicates that the ecological strategy determined by the position of each population in this three‐factor triangle is not constant along the latitudinal gradient. The significant increase in plant height suggests greater competitive abilities for both species in the northernmost populations. We also found that the studied environmental factors affected the LHS traits of the two species on various scales: spring‐flowering Anemone was affected more by temperature, whereas early‐summer flowering Milium was affected more by local and other latitude‐related factors. Finally, previously reported cross‐species correlations between LHS traits and latitude were generally unsupported by our within‐species approach.  相似文献   
We developed a biocompatible and highly efficient approach for functionalization of bacterial cell wall with magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs). Three Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1 chromosomally based bioreporters, which were genetically engineered to express bioluminescence in response to salicylate, toluene/xylene and alkanes, were functionalized with 18 ± 3 nm iron oxide MNPs to acquire magnetic function. The efficiency of MNPs functionalization of Acinetobacter bioreporters was 99.96 ± 0.01%. The MNPs‐functionalized bioreporters (MFBs) can be remotely controlled and collected by an external magnetic field. The MFBs were all viable and functional as good as the native cells in terms of sensitivity, specificity and quantitative response. More importantly, we demonstrated that salicylate sensing MFBs can be applied to sediments and garden soils, and semi‐quantitatively detect salicylate in those samples by discriminably recovering MFBs with a permanent magnet. The magnetically functionalized cells are especially useful to complex environments in which the indigenous cells, particles and impurities may interfere with direct measurement of bioreporter cells and conventional filtration is not applicable to distinguish and harvest bioreporters. The approach described here provides a powerful tool to remotely control and selectively manipulate MNPs‐functionalized cells in water and soils. It would have a potential in the application of environmental microbiology, such as bioremediation enhancement and environment monitoring and assessment.  相似文献   
In a search for novel compounds with analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity, a series of regioisomeric 1-(3-pyridazinyl)-3-arylpyrazole (5af, 6af) and 1-(3-pyridazinyl)-5-arylpyrazole (7af, 8af) derivatives were synthesized. The structure of these regioisomers was confirmed by spectral techniques. The compounds were preliminarily screened at 8 μM concentration for their inhibitory activity against cyclooxygenase enzymes, COX-1 and COX-2, using a human whole blood test. The tested derivatives showed inhibitory activity for both enzymes and are worthy of further investigation for developing better leads.  相似文献   
Resting seeds of several plant species, including barley grains, have been reported to contain aspartic proteinase (EC 3.4.23) activity. Here, the expression of the Hordeum vulgare L. aspartic proteinase (HvAP) was studied in developing and germinating grains by activity measurements as well as by immunocytochemical and in-situ hybridization techniques. Southern blotting suggests the presence of one to two HvAP-encoding genes in the barley genome, while Northern analysis reveals a single 2.1-kb mRNA in grains and vegetative tissues. Western blotting with antibodies to HvAP shows the same subunit structure in different grain parts. In developing grains, HvAP is produced in the embryo, aleurone layer, testa and pericarp, but in the starchy endosperm HvAP is present only in the crushed and depleted area adjacent to the scutellum. During seed maturation, HvAP-encoding mRNA remains in the aleurone layer and in the embryo, but the enzyme disappears from the aleurone cells. The enzyme, however, remains in the degenerating tissues of the testa and pericarp as well as in resting embryo and scutellum. During the first three days of germination, the enzyme reappears in the aleurone layer cells but is not secreted into the starchy endosperm. The HvAP is also expressed in the flowers, stem, leaves, and roots of barley. The wide localization of HvAP in diverse tissues suggests that it may have several functions appropriate to the needs of different tissues.Abbreviations DAA days after anthesis - DTT dithiothreitol - HvAP Hordeum vulgare aspartic proteinase Both authors have contributed equally to this workWe thank Mart Saarma, Pia Runeberg-Roos, Alan Schulman and Yrjö Helariutta for helpful discussions during the study, Tiina Arna and Sari Makkonen for their help in proteinase activity experiments as well as Jaana Korhonen (Department of Pathology, University of Helsinki), Salla Marttila and Ilkka Porali (Department of Biology, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland) for their advice on microscopical techniques. We also thank Liisa Pyhälä and Leena Liesirova for the production of the antibodies to HvAP at the National Public Health Institute, Helsinki. This study was supported by grants from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Academy of Finland.  相似文献   
The potential to adapt to novel environmental conditions is a key area of interest for evolutionary biology. However, the role of multiple selection pressures on adaptive responses has rarely been investigated in natural populations. In Sweden, the natterjack toad Bufo calamita inhabits two separate distribution areas, one in southernmost Sweden and one on the west coast. We characterized the larval habitat in terms of pond size and salinity in the two areas, and found that the western populations are more affected by both desiccation risk and pond salinity than the southern populations. In a common garden experiment manipulating salinity and temperature, we found that toads from the west coast populations were locally adapted to shorter pond duration as indicated by their higher development and growth rates. However, despite being subjected to higher salinity stress in nature, west coast toads had a poorer performance in saline treatments. We found that survival in the saline treatments in the west coast populations was positively affected by larger body mass and longer larval period. Furthermore, we found negative genetic correlations between body mass and growth rate and their plastic responses to salinity. These results implicate that the occurrence of multiple environmental stressors needs to be accounted for when assessing the adaptive potential of organisms and suggest that genetic correlations may play a role in constraining adaptation of natural populations.  相似文献   
A 150‐year‐long record of intrinsic water‐use efficiency (Wi) was derived from community‐level carbon isotope discrimination (13Δ) in the herbage of the unfertilized, unlimed control treatment (plot 3) of the Park Grass Experiment at Rothamsted (England) between 1857 and 2007. 13Δ during spring growth (first cut harvested in June) averaged 21.0‰ (±0.5‰ SD) and has not shown a long‐term trend (P=0.5) since 1857. 13Δ of summer/autumn growth (second cut harvested between September and November) increased from 21.3‰ to 22.0‰ (P < 0.001) between 1875 and 2007. Wi during spring growth has therefore increased by 33% since the beginning of the experiment, and Wi of summer/autumn growth has increased by 18%. The variation in 13Δ was mainly related to weather conditions. Plant available soil water explained 51% and 40% of the variation in spring growth 13Δ and summer/autumn growth 13Δ, respectively. In the 1857–2007 period yields have not increased, suggesting that community‐level photosynthesis has not increased either. Therefore, the increased Wi probably resulted from a decreased stomatal conductance. Vapour pressure deficit (VPD) during spring growth (March–June) has not changed since 1915, meaning that instantaneous water‐use efficiency (Wt) in spring time has increased and transpiration has probably decreased, provided that leaf temperature followed air temperature. Conversely, VPD in the months between the first and second cut has increased by 0.07 kPa since 1915, offsetting the effect of increased Wi on Wt during summer and early autumn. Our results suggest that vegetation has adjusted physiologically to elevated CO2 by decreasing stomatal conductance in this nutrient‐limited grassland.  相似文献   
Sphingosine kinases phosphorylate sphingosine to sphingosine 1?phosphate (S1P), which functions as a signaling molecule. We have previously shown that sphingosine kinase 2 (Sphk2) is important for insulin secretion. To obtain a better understanding of the role of Sphk2 in glucose and lipid metabolism, we have characterized 20- and 52-week old Sphk2?/? mice using glucose and insulin tolerance tests and by analyzing metabolic gene expression in adipose tissue. A detailed metabolic characterization of these mice revealed that aging Sphk2?/? mice are protected from metabolic decline and obesity compared to WT mice. Specifically, we found that 52-week old male Sphk2?/? mice had decreased weight and fat mass, and increased glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity compared to control mice. Indirect calorimetry studies demonstrated an increased energy expenditure and food intake in 52-week old male Sphk2?/? versus control mice. Furthermore, expression of adiponectin gene in adipose tissue was increased and the plasma levels of adiponectin elevated in aged Sphk2?/? mice compared to WT. Analysis of lipid metabolic gene expression in adipose tissue showed increased expression of the Atgl gene, which was associated with increased Atgl protein levels. Atgl encodes for the adipocyte triglyceride lipase, which catalyzes the rate-limiting step of lipolysis. In summary, these data suggest that mice lacking the Sphk2 gene are protected from obesity and insulin resistance during aging. The beneficial metabolic effects observed in aged Sphk2?/? mice may be in part due to enhanced lipolysis by Atgl and increased levels of adiponectin, which has lipid- and glucose-lowering effects.  相似文献   
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