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As a further contribution to the synthesis of an insulin analogue with a stable A7-B7 interchain bond, the synthesis of A(8-21) by solution methods, and of B(9-25) as well as [7-(2,7-diaminosuberic acid)]B(1-8) by solid phase methods is described. In the latter compound, the amino group of the diaminosuberic acid residue was acylated with A(1-6), and the resulting "U-peptide" sequentially elongated with the C-terminal A- and finally B-chain sequences. The conversion of the product into the disulfide moiety gave a mixture which could not be resolved by currently available methods. However, the low biological activity of the crude product indicates that the A7-B7 disulfide bond is not crucially important for the activity of insulin.  相似文献   
The primary structures of alpha- and beta-chains from the hemoglobin of the Beach Marten (Martes foina, Carnivora) are presented. The globin chains were separated on CM-cellulose in 8M urea buffer. The amino-acid sequences were established by automatic liquid- and gas-phase Edman degradation of the intact chains and the tryptic peptides from oxidized chains. Comparison of the sequences with human hemoglobin shows 21 exchanges in the alpha- and 12 in the beta-chains. The differences concerning heme and interchain contact sites as well as the substitution alpha 77 (EF6)Pro----Ala are discussed. The latter is observed for the first time in a mammalian hemoglobin. The sequences are compared with those of other Carnivora. The beta-chains of Martes foina and Pteronura brasiliensis (Giant Otter) are found to be identical, but their alpha-chains differ in 7 positions. The surprising small numbers of exchanges between the hemoglobin from Beach marten and that from Lesser and Greater Panda are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The restriction of oxygen transfer in Ca-alginate beads used for the immobilization of microbial cells was applied to a coupled reductive and oxidative microbial degradation of the xenobiotic 4-chloro-2-nitrophenol (CNP). The conversion of CNP by Enterobacter cloacae under anaerobic conditions led to the formation of 4-chloro-2-aminophenol (CAP, 81%) and 4-chloro-2-acetaminophenol (CAAP, 16%) after 50 h incubation. CAP, the main reduction product, was further degraded under aerobic conditions by Alcaligenes sp. TK-2, a hybrid strain isolated by conjugative in-vivo gene transfer. Whereas both degradation steps excluded one another in homogeneous systems with free cells, a coupled reductive and oxidative degradation of CNP was observed in one aerated reactor system after co-immobilization of both strains in Ca alginate. The diameter of the alginate beads used for immobilization was recognized as one main factor determining the properties of this mixed culture system. Offprint requests to: H.-J. Rehm  相似文献   
The evidence supporting a role for direct neurogenic control of renal function was investigated in twenty anaesthetized dogs. Unilateral renal sympathectomy was induced by 0.5 mg/kg/min of lidocain infusion into the left renal artery and the kidney function changes were compared to those observed in the right non infused kidney. The renal parameters were similar in the kidneys during the control periods. 0.5 mg/kg/min of lidocain infusion into the left renal artery resulted in significant reductions of the RBF, GFR, urine and sodium excretion in the left kidney. The intrarenal lidocain infusion induced a small decrease of the arterial blood pressure but this can not explain the changes observed in the left kidney. The modifications of the right kidney function during lidocain infusion were significantly less than those observed in the left kidney. Comparing the measured RBF and the renal blood flow calculated by the CPAH in the left kidney during the lidocain infusion, we have found a marked difference, when the decrease of the calculated RBF was greater. We believe that effects of pharmacological denervation can be best explained by the intrarenal hemodinamically mediated changes. The sympathectomy produces a considerable vasoconstriction in the renal cortical vascular bed, subsequently it decreases the RBF, GFR renal sodium and water excretion. But the lidocain blocks the sympathetic nerves influencing the renal medullary vessels and the renal medullary blood flow increases. These observations are not consistent with the notion that renal nerves are at least partially responsible for the natriuresis accompanying salt loading.  相似文献   
The mitogenic response of human lymphocytes was found to be markedly reduced in weightlessness conditions as compared to normal gravity. One possible explanation is that due to the non-existent sedimentation in space the lymphocytes could not adhere and spread on a substratum. Thus, we investigated the effect of substratum adhesiveness on lymphocyte responsiveness by reducing and blocking cell adhesion with poly-HEMA in a simple on-ground system. Lymphocyte adhesiveness was assessed by measuring the proportion of non-adhesive, slightly, and strongly adhesive 51Cr-radiolabelled cells on uncoated and poly-HEMA coated plastic. The amount of cell spreading on surfaces with varying adhesiveness was determined by measuring the area of cells. Cells grown on medium and thick poly-HEMA films were rounded in shape. By contrast, on tissue culture plastic, they showed clear signs of spreading. The mitogenic response of lymphocytes grown on thick poly-HEMA films was reduced by up to 68% of the control (tissue culture plastic). Interferon-gamma production was virtually nil when the cells were grown on the least adhesive substratum. These results show that activated lymphocytes need to anchor and spread prior to achieving an optimal proliferation response. We conclude that decreased lymphocyte adhesion could contribute to the depressed in vitro lymphocyte responsiveness found in the microgravity conditions of space flight.  相似文献   
Interferons have, in addition to their antiviral effects, been shown to possess several non-antiviral activities. In this study, an in vitro bioassay for interferon alpha (IFN-alpha) preparations based on their antiproliferative effect in cultured Daudi cells has been developed. Briefly, about 10(5) cells per ml treated with different concentrations of IFN were incubated under standard culture conditions for 3 days. Two different end points, i.e. incorporation of [3H]thymidine and final cell density, were used and responses were evaluated according to established pharmacopoeial principles for quantification of biomolecules. Both methods gave similar results. However, measurement of final cell density yielded the most precise results. The proposed assay, with an effective assay range of 1-10 IU/ml (approximately 0.2-2 x 10(-12)M, had a high sensitivity and precision as well as a good reproducibility. Compared with antiviral assays, it is less resource demanding. In conclusion, the in vitro bioassay described is well suited for potency determinations of IFN-alpha and probably also IFN-beta preparations.  相似文献   
The fusion of viruses with cells and liposomes is reviewed with focus on the analysis of the final extents and kinetics of fusion.Influenza virus andSendai virus exhibit 100% of fusion capacity with cells at pH 5 and pH 7.5, respectively. On the other hand, there may be in certain cases, a limit on the number of virions that can fuse with a single cell, that is significantly below the limit on binding. It still remains to be resolved whether this limit reflects a limited number of possible fusion sites, or a saturation limit on the amount of viral glycoproteins that can be incorporated in the cellular membrane, like the case of virus fusion with pure phospholipid vesicles, in which the fusion products were shown to consist of a single virus and several liposomes. Both viruses demonstrate incomplete fusion activity towards liposomes of a variety of compositions. In the case ofSendai virus, fusion inactive virions bind essentially irreversibly to liposomes. Yet, preliminary results revealed that such bound, unfused virions can be released by sucrose gradient centrifugation. The separated unfused virions subsequently fuse when incubated with a “fresh” batch of liposomes. We conclude, therefore, that the fraction of initially bound unfused virions does not consist of dective particles, but rather of particles bound to liposomes via “inactive” sites. Details of the low pH inactivation of fusion capacity ofinfluenza virus towards cells and liposomes are presented. This inactivation is caused by protonation and exposure of the hydrophobic segment of HA2, and affects primarily the fusion rate constants. Some degree of inactivation also occurs when virions are bound to cellular membranes.  相似文献   
Aerial photography with a balloon-suspended camera is a suitable tool for surveying aquatic vegetation and for measuring water movements. Examples from the lake Lunzer Untersee (Austria) are given.  相似文献   
Résumé Les variations d'abondance des 2 cochenillesPhenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero etFerrisia virgata Cockerell et des 2 prédateurs CoccinellidaeHyperaspis senegalensis hottentotta Mulsant etExochomus flaviventris Mader sont étudiées dans une parcelle de manioc. La colonisation de cette dernière parE. flaviventris est précoce, en présence de faibles niveaux numériques des 2 proies, mais avec une dominance deF. virgata; celle d'H. s. hottentotta intervient un mois plus tard en relation semble-t-il avec la présence d'une population deP. manihoti abondante et jeune. Nos observations font ressortir une dynamique des populations propre à chaque espèce de coccinelle, conditionnée par l'abondance de l'une ou l'autre des proies, la structure des colonies de chaque cochenille et les conditions climatiques (température) qui interviennent en synergie. Ainsi, la réponse numérique deH. s. hottentotta, plus forte que celle d'E. flaviventris, semble en relation plus étroite avecP. manihoti. PourE. flaviventris il appara?t difficile de séparer ce qui revient à chaque espèce de cochenille:F. virgata joue sans doute un r?le important pour son implantation dans les champs, puis sa raréfaction, mais c'est probablementP. manihoti qui permet l'augmentation de ses effectifs.   相似文献   
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