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Rhipicephalus sanguineus Latreille (1806) (Ixodida: Ixodidae) is considered to be the most widely distributed tick and to have a vast range of habitats and hosts, including livestock, pets and wildlife. In addition to morphological differences, recent investigations using approaches based on molecular genetic markers have revealed the existence of different R. sanguineus lineages in different geographic regions. In this study, 475 ticks collected from dogs in the western Iberian peninsula were studied both morphologically and genetically, using 12S and 16S rDNA and COI gene markers in order to clarify the controversy over the systematic status of R. sanguineus sensu lato in Western Europe, and to compare the present data with those sourced from studies conducted in other regions of the world. Despite the high morphometric variability, particularly on spiracles in both genders and in female genitalia, data obtained with different genetic molecular markers show very low variability, suggesting the existence of a unique species. In addition, the phylogenetic analysis showed genetic uniformity, supporting the existence of a well‐defined clade consisting of R. sanguineus s.l. specimens from Western Europe that are distinct from R. sanguineus s.l. from Africa. Furthermore, these data corroborate the existence of a polymorphic species in Western Europe, which requires to be consensually redescribed in view of its medical and veterinary importance in pathogen transmission.  相似文献   
Gas exchange patterns of adult male Pterostichus niger Schaller after hydration (i.e. given access to food and water) are compared in dry air [5–7% relative humidity (RH)] and moist air (90–97% RH) by means of flow‐through CO2 respirometry combined with infrared probe actography. Of thirty beetles examined, slightly more than 50% showed continuous gas exchange and are not considered further. Of the remaining beetles, the majority (approximately 71%) display a pattern of cyclic gas exchange in both dry and moist air (i.e. CO2 gas is released in bursts, with a low level of CO2 release during the interburst periods). A minority of the beetles (four out of 30) are found to exhibit discontinuous gas exchange in both dry and moist air; this is characterized by three clearly separated states of the spiracles: closed (C), flutter (F) and open (O) phases. The pattern of cyclic gas exchange is associated with weak abdominal pulsations. After switching from moist to dry air, a small modulation of the discontinuous gas exchange cycles (maximum mean CO2 production rate) occurs, providing no clear support for the hygric theory of discontinuous gas exchange in this species (i.e. that it serves to restrict respiratory water loss).  相似文献   
1. Comparative studies on insect life histories are facilitated by the increasing availability of reliable phylogenies but are hampered by the scarcity of comparable data. Fortunately, morphological proxies of some life‐history traits can be measured on preserved specimens. 2. This study compared values of size‐related life‐history traits among a tropical (Ugandan) and a temperate (Estonian) assemblage of geometrid moths. 3. A comparative analysis based on an originally derived phylogeny revealed that tropical moths were, on average, larger than temperate ones. Tropical moths also had somewhat lower relative abdomen masses than temperate ones. This indicates that the tropical rather than the temperate moths tend to use an income (rather than capital) breeding strategy. Nevertheless, no difference was found in a related index of pro‐ovigeny. When body size was accounted for, tropical moths were found to lay smaller eggs than temperate ones. 4. The differences between the two compared areas are consistent with selection on higher mobility of the moths imposed by the more diverse tropical vegetation. Relatively larger eggs of temperate moths may constitute an adaptation to overcome the presumably stronger quantitative defences of their host plants. 5. Overall, however, we conclude that the differences in ecologically relevant size‐related traits are relatively low among moth assemblages of a tropical and a temperate forest region, indicating that these environments may not impose radically different selective pressures on insect life histories.  相似文献   
Larentiinae are the second largest subfamily of Geometridae, with more than 6200 described species. Despite recent advances in molecular systematics of geometrid moths, phylogenetic relationships between the numerous subgroups of Larentiinae are poorly known. In this study we present the most comprehensive attempt to date to resolve the phylogeny of Larentiinae, having sampled at least one species from all currently recognized 23 tribes. Fragments of one mitochondrial (COI) and eight nuclear (EF‐1α, WGL, GAPDH, RPS5, IDH, MDH, CAD and 28S) genes were sequenced, for a total of 6939 bp. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses resulted in identical well‐resolved phylogenetic trees, which had maximum or near‐maximum support values at most nodes. Almost all conventionally recognized tribes represented by more than one genus were found to be monophyletic. Close to the root of Larentiinae, six tribes branch off the main lineage one after another, with Dyspteridini being sister to all other members of the subfamily. The rest of larentiines are divided into two very diverse lineages, comprising eight and at least ten tribes, respectively. There were just three findings incongruent with the conventional tribal subdivision of the subfamily. First, the genera Collix Guenée and Anticollix Prout formed a separate, previously unrecognized but well‐supported clade at the tribe level. Second, the Palaearctic genus Pelurga Hübner was placed apart from Larentia Treitschke and Mesoleuca Hübner, which were the other members of Larentiini in this analysis. Third, Cataclysmini appeared together with genera belonging to Xanthorhoini, leaving the latter paraphyletic. The Neotropic genus Oligopleura Herrich‐Schäffer is shown to belong to the tribe Euphyiini ( comb.n. ) according to both molecular data and male genital morphology. The results and the tribal classification of Larentiinae are discussed with reference to the principal publications since the end of the 19th Century. We conclude that the current tribal classification of Larentiinae is not controversial from the phylogenetic point of view and that its increasing complexity has merely reflected the accumulation of information, mainly through different methods of biosystematic study having become available for researchers. Our results indicate that diurnal lifestyle, accompanied by conspicuous coloration, has evolved independently in several subgroups of Larentiinae.  相似文献   
A study was performed on saplings of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) growing at the free air humidity manipulation site, which was established to investigate the effect of increased air humidity on tree performance and canopy functioning. The aim of the experiment was to simulate the impact of the increasing atmospheric humidity on forest ecosystems predicted for northern Europe. Artificially elevated relative humidity (RH), which causes transpirational flux to decrease, diminished nutrient supply to the foliage; leaf nitrogen content, phosphorus content and P:N ratio decreased. The changes in leaf nutritional status brought about a considerable decline in both photosynthetic capacity (A max, V cmax, J max) and tree growth rate. The manipulation induced diverse changes in tree hydraulic architecture and other functional traits. Different segments of the soil-to-leaf water transport pathway responded differently: leaf hydraulic conductance (K L) decreased, while hydraulic conductance of root systems (K R) and leaf-specific conductivity of stem-wood increased in response to elevated RH. Humidification caused the Huber values of stems to increase, thus reflecting changes in allocation patterns; relatively more resources were allocated to vascular tissue and less to foliage. The elevated RH induced substantial changes in specific leaf area (increased), branch- (decreased) and stem-wood density (decreased). The observed responses suggest that the expected climate-change-induced increase in the growth rate of trees at northern latitudes (boreal areas) due to the earlier start of the growing season in spring or higher carbon assimilation rate could be smaller or null if temperature rise is accompanied by a rise in atmospheric absolute humidity.  相似文献   
A two stage, exponential feeding strategy with mixed glycerol/methanol substrate was used in a fed-batch recombinant Pichia pastorisfermentation. The feeding strategy was developed using a simple model based on mass balances, Monod-type growth kinetics, and constant specific heterologous protein production rate. The model accurately predicted cell growth, and demonstrated the usefulness of a rational, model-based approach for improving the productivity of recombinant P. pastoris fermentation.  相似文献   
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