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Abstract: To estimate wolf (Canis lupus) kill rates from fine-scale movement patterns, we followed adult wolves in 3 territories of the Scandinavian wolf population using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) during the winters of 2001–2003. The resulting 6 datasets of 62–84 study days gave a total of 8,747 hourly GPS positions. We visited clusters of positions in the field on average 8.8 days after positioning and found moose (Alces alces) killed by wolves during the study period on 74 (8%) of the 953 clusters. The number of positions and visits to a cluster, their interaction, and the proportion of afternoon positions were significant fixed effects in mixed logistic-regression models predicting the probability of a cluster containing a wolf-killed moose. The models, however, displayed a poor goodness-of-fit and were not a suitable tool for estimating kill rates from positioning data alone. They might be used to reduce fieldwork by excluding unlikely clusters, although the reduction was not substantial. We discuss proximate factors (i.e., human disturbance and access to prey) as well as ultimate factors (i.e., social organization, intra-guild dominance, and litter size) as potential causes of the observed high temporal and spatial variation in prey-handling. For similar future kill-rate studies, we recommend increasing field efforts and shortening positioning intervals.  相似文献   
Abstract: We document a new record dispersal for wolves worldwide. The natal straight-line dispersal distance of a Global Positioning System-collared female wolf from the Scandinavian population was 1,092 km from southeast Norway to northeast Finland, with a multistage actual travel distance of >10,000 km. Natural gene flow to the isolated, inbred Scandinavian wolf population may occur if survival of dispersers is improved.  相似文献   
The Δ‐distance maps can detect local remodeling that is difficult to accurately determine using superimpositions. Transmembrane segments (TMSs) 11 in both LacY and XylE of the major facilitator superfamily uniquely contribute the greatest amount of mobile surface area in the outward‐occluded state and undergo analogous movements. The intracellular part of TMS11 moves away from the C‐terminal domain and into the substrate cavity during the conformational change from the outward‐occluded to the inward‐occluded state. A difference was noted between LacY and XylE when they assumed the inward open state after releasing a substrate to the inside in which TMS11 of LacY moved further into the substrate release space, whereas in XylE, TMS11 slightly retracted into the C‐terminal domain. Independent movement of the N‐terminal half of TMS11 suggests that it is flexible in the middle. Repeat‐swapped homology modeling was used to discover that a loop connecting TMSs 10 and 11 in LacY probably moves during the transition between the unavailable outward‐open state and the outward‐occluded state. TMSs 11 and the other elements displaying a notable domain‐independent movement colocalize with the interdomain linker, suggesting that these elements could drive the alternating access movement between the domain halves. Preliminary evidence indicates that analogous movements occur in other members of the major facilitator superfamily. Proteins 2015; 83:735–745. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
DNA capture coupled with next generation sequencing is highly suitable for the study of ancient pathogens. Screening for pathogens can, however, be meticulous when assays are restricted to the enrichment of single organisms, which is common practice. Here, we report on an array-based DNA capture screening technique for the parallel detection of nearly 100 pathogens that could have potentially left behind molecular signatures in preserved ancient tissues. We demonstrate the sensitivity of our method through evaluation of its performance with a library known to harbour ancient Mycobacterium leprae DNA. This rapid and economical technique will be highly useful for the identification of historical diseases that are difficult to characterize based on archaeological information alone.  相似文献   
Both the length of the growing season and the intensity of herbivory often vary along climatic gradients, which may result in divergent selection on plant phenology, and on resistance and tolerance to herbivory. In Sweden, the length of the growing season and the number of insect herbivore species feeding on the perennial herb Lythrum salicaria decrease from south to north. Previous common‐garden experiments have shown that northern L. salicaria populations develop aboveground shoots earlier in the summer and finish growth before southern populations do. We tested the hypotheses that resistance and tolerance to damage vary with latitude in L. salicaria and are positively related to the intensity of herbivory in natural populations. We quantified resistance and tolerance of populations sampled along a latitudinal gradient by scoring damage from natural herbivores and fitness in a common‐garden experiment in the field and by documenting oviposition and feeding preference by specialist leaf beetles in a glasshouse experiment. Plant resistance decreased with latitude of origin, whereas plant tolerance increased. Oviposition and feeding preference in the glasshouse and leaf damage in the common‐garden experiment were negatively related to damage in the source populations. The latitudinal variation in resistance was thus consistent with reduced selection from herbivores towards the northern range margin of L. salicaria. Variation in tolerance may be related to differences in the timing of damage in relation to the seasonal pattern of plant growth, as northern genotypes have developed further than southern have when herbivores emerge in early summer.  相似文献   
Group I introns are genetic insertion elements that invade host genomes in a wide range of organisms. In metazoans, however, group I introns are extremely rare, so far only identified within mitogenomes of hexacorals and some sponges. We sequenced the complete mitogenome of the cold-water scleractinian coral Lophelia pertusa, the dominating deep sea reef-building coral species in the North Atlantic Ocean. The mitogenome (16,150 bp) has the same gene content but organized in a unique gene order compared to that of other known scleractinian corals. A complex group I intron (6460 bp) inserted in the ND5 gene (position 717) was found to host seven essential mitochondrial protein genes and one ribosomal RNA gene. Phylogenetic analysis supports a vertical inheritance pattern of the ND5-717 intron among hexacoral mitogenomes with no examples of intron loss. Structural assessments of the Lophelia intron revealed an unusual organization that lacks the universally conserved ωG at the 3′ end, as well as a highly compact RNA core structure with overlapping ribozyme and protein coding capacities. Based on phylogenetic and structural analyses we reconstructed the evolutionary history of ND5-717, from its ancestral protist origin, through intron loss in some early metazoan lineages, and into a compulsory feature with functional implications in hexacorals.  相似文献   


MicroRNA (miRNA) expression is broadly altered in cancer, but few studies have investigated miRNA deregulation in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Epigenetic mechanisms are involved in the regulation of >30 miRNA genes in a range of tissues, and we aimed to investigate this further in OSCC.


TaqMan® qRT-PCR arrays and individual assays were used to profile miRNA expression in a panel of 25 tumors with matched adjacent tissues from patients with OSCC, and 8 control paired oral stroma and epithelium from healthy volunteers. Associated DNA methylation changes of candidate epigenetically deregulated miRNA genes were measured in the same samples using the MassArray® mass spectrometry platform. MiRNA expression and DNA methylation changes were also investigated in FACS sorted CD44high oral cancer stem cells from primary tumor samples (CSCs), and in oral rinse and saliva from 15 OSCC patients and 7 healthy volunteers.


MiRNA expression patterns were consistent in healthy oral epithelium and stroma, but broadly altered in both tumor and adjacent tissue from OSCC patients. MiR-375 is repressed and miR-127 activated in OSCC, and we confirm previous reports of miR-137 hypermethylation in oral cancer. The miR-200 s/miR-205 were epigenetically activated in tumors vs normal tissues, but repressed in the absence of DNA hypermethylation specifically in CD44high oral CSCs. Aberrant miR-375 and miR-200a expression and miR-200c-141 methylation could be detected in and distinguish OSCC patient oral rinse and saliva from healthy volunteers, suggesting a potential clinical application for OSCC specific miRNA signatures in oral fluids.


MiRNA expression and DNA methylation changes are a common event in OSCC, and we suggest miR-375, miR-127, miR-137, the miR-200 family and miR-205 as promising candidates for future investigations. Although overall activated in OSCC, miR-200/miR-205 suppression in oral CSCs indicate that cell specific silencing of these miRNAs may drive tumor expansion and progression.  相似文献   
Anna Jakobsson  Jon Ågren 《Oecologia》2014,175(1):199-208
Marginal grassland fragments, such as road verges and field margins, may act as important supplemental habitats for grassland plants in the modern agricultural landscape. However, abundance of pollinators in such fragments has been found to decline with distance to larger natural and semi-natural habitats, and this could have corresponding effects on plant pollination. In this study, we performed a field experiment on road verges with three insect-pollinated grassland herbs to examine the relationship between distance to semi-natural grassland and plant reproductive success in two landscapes with contrasting farming intensities. In Lychnis viscaria and Lotus corniculatus, seed production tended to decrease with increasing distance to semi-natural grassland, but only in the landscape with high farming intensity. Seed production in Armeria maritima spp. maritima decreased with distance in both landscapes. Although many studies have investigated effects of natural habitat on crop pollination, little is known about the impact on pollination in native plants. The results from this study indicate that management of semi-natural grasslands improves not only biodiversity within the actual grassland but also pollination of native plants in the surrounding agricultural landscape.  相似文献   

Key message

Identification of novel resistance QTL against wheat aphids. First QTL-resistance report for R. padi in wheat and chromosome 2DL for S. graminum . These sources have potential use in wheat breeding.


The aphids Rhopalosiphum padi and Schizaphis graminum are important pests of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Characterization of the genetic bases of resistance sources is crucial to facilitate the development of resistant wheat cultivars to these insects. We examined 140 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the cross of Seri M82 wheat (susceptible) with the synthetic hexaploid wheat CWI76364 (resistant). RILs were phenotyped for R. padi antibiosis and tolerance traits. Phenotyping of S. graminum resistance was based on leaf chlorosis in a greenhouse screening and the number of S. graminum/tiller in the field. RILs were also scored for pubescence. Using a sequence-based genotyping method, we located genomic regions associated with these resistance traits. A quantitative trait locus (QTL) for R. padi antibiosis (QRp.slu.4BL) that explained 10.2 % of phenotypic variation was found in chromosome 4BL and located 14.6 cM apart from the pubescence locus. We found no association between plant pubescence and the resistance traits. We found two QTLs for R. padi tolerance (QRp.slu.5AL and QRp.slu.5BL) in chromosomes 5AL and 5BL, with an epistatic interaction between a locus in chromosome 3AL (EnQRp.slu.5AL) and QRp.slu.5AL. These genomic regions explained about 35 % of the phenotypic variation. We re-mapped a previously reported gene for S. graminum resistance (putatively Gba) in 7DL and found a novel QTL associated with the number of aphids/tiller (QGb.slu-2DL) in chromosome 2DL. This is the first report on the genetic mapping of R. padi resistance in wheat and the first report where chromosome 2DL is shown to be associated with S. graminum resistance.  相似文献   
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