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Cryptomys darlingi occurs in the mesic Miombo woodland of north-eastem Zimbabwe. It occurs in colonies of up to nine individuals, in which reproduction is limited to one of the largest males and the largest female in the colony.
Reproduction and details of colony size and number of breeding animals in a colony are described for five complete field-captured colonies.
In captivity, mating is not confined to a particular season, and up to three litters of pups are orn per annum. The reproductive female initiates the pre-copulatory behaviour. The gestation lengti is 56–61 days ( n = 2 ). The new-born pups are altricial and litter size is small = 1.7 ± 0.5 ( n = 6). In this case, the pups first left the nest 10 days after birth, began to eat solids when 14 days old, and were fully weaned at five weeks. They began to spar with each other when 36–40 days old, but did not disperse and were incorporated into the colony. This suggests that the Mashona mole-rat colonies are composed of a founding pair and at least three successive litters of pups.  相似文献   
The plasmid pCR1 has been constructed to express a wheat -amylase enzyme in Kluyveromyces lactis strains. The contruct is based on the vector pCXJ-kan1, which has been derived from pDK1, a native plasmid of K. lactis var. drosophilarum containing the essential regions for plasmid replication and stability. Contruct pCR1 produces an -amylase by DNA isolated from a wheat cDNA clone and is controlled by a Saccharomyces cerevisia PGK promoter. Correspondence to: C. Russell  相似文献   
A non-detergent photosystem II preparation, named BS, has been characterized by countercurrent distribution, light saturation curves, absorption spectra and fluorescence at room and at low temperature (–196°C). The BS fraction is prepared by a sonication-phase partitioning procedure (Svensson P and Albertsson P-Å, Photosynth Res 20: 249–259, 1989) which removes the stroma lamellae and the margins from the grana and leaves the appressed partition region intact in the form of vesicles. These are closed structures of inside-out conformation. They have a chlorophyll a/b ratio of 1.8–2.0, have a high oxygen evolving capacity (295 mol O2 per mg chl h), are depleted in P700 and enriched in the cytochrome b/f complex. They have about 2 Photosystem II reaction centers per 1 cytochrome b/f complex.The plastoquinone pool available for PS II in the BS vesicles is 6–7 quinones per reaction center, about the same as for the whole thylakoid. It is concluded, therefore, that the plastoquinone of the stroma lamellae is not available to the PS II in the grana and that plastoquinone does not act as a long range electron transport shuttler between the grana and stroma lamellae.Compared with Photosystem II particles prepared by detergent (Triton X-100) treatment, the BS vesicles retain more cytochrome b/f complex and are more homogenous in their surface properties, as revealed by countercurrent distribution, and they have a more efficient energy transfer from the antenna pigments to the reaction center.Abbreviations DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - Fv variable fluorescence - LHC light-harvesting complex - PpBQ phenyl-p-benzoquinone - PQ plastoquinone pool - P700 reaction center of PS I - PS I, PS II Photosystem I, II - QA first bound plastoquinone accepter - RC reaction centre  相似文献   
Photosystem II (PS II) particles isolated from spinach in the presence of 10 M CuSO4 contained 1.2 copper/300 Chl that was resistant to EDTA. When CuSO4 was not added during the isolation, PS II particles contained variable amounts of copper resistant to EDTA (0.1–1.1 copper/300 Chl). No correlation was found between copper content and oxygen evolving capacity of the PS II particles. To identify the copper binding protein, we developed a fractionation procedure which included solubilisation of PS II particles followed by precipitation with polyethylene glycol. A 22-fold purification of copper with respect to protein was achieved for a 28 kDa protein. Partial amino acid sequence of a 13 kDa fragment, obtained after V8 (endo Glu-C) protease treatment, showed identity with CP 26 over a 14 amino acid stretch. EPR measurements on the purified protein suggest oxygen and/or nitrogen as ligands for copper but tend to exclude sulfur. We conclude that the 28 kDa apoprotein of CP 26 from spinach binds one copper per molecule of CP 26. A possible function for this copper protein in the xanthophyll cycle is discussed.Abbreviations CP 26 and CP 29 chlorophyll a/b protein complex 26 and 29 - LHC II light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex of Photosystem II - SB14 sulfobetaine 14 A preliminary report of these results was presented at the IX Int. Congress on Photosynthesis, Nagoya, Japan, 1992.  相似文献   
Total DNA was isolated from 10 species of microalgae, including representatives of the Chlorophyceae (Chlorella ellipsoidea, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and Monoraphidium minutum), Bacillariophyceae (Cyclotella cryptica, Navicula saprophila, Nitzschia pusilla, and Phaeodactylum tricornutum), Charophyceae (Stichococcus sp.), Dinophyceae (Crypthecodinium cohnii), and Prasinophyceae (Tetraselmis suecica). Control samples of Escherichia coli and calf thymus DNA were also analyzed. The nucleoside base composition of each DNA sample was determined by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. All samples contained 5-methyldeoxycytidine, although at widely varying levels. In M. minutum, about one-third of the cytidine residues were methylated. Restriction analysis supported this high degree of methylation in M. minutum and suggested that methylation is biased toward 5′-CG dinucleotides. The guanosine + cytosine (GC) contents of the green algae were, with the exception of Stichococcus sp., consistently higher than those of the diatoms. Monoraphidium minutum exhibited an extremely high GC content of 71%. Such a value is rare among eukaryotic organisms and might indicate an unusual codon usage. This work is important for developing strategies for transformation and gene cloning in these algae.  相似文献   
Two species of diatoms were genetically transformed by introducing plasmid vectors containing the Escherichia coli neomycin phosphotransferase II (npt II ) gene. Expression of the bacterial npt II gene in the diatoms was achieved using the putative promoter and terminator sequences from the acetyl-CoA carboxylase gene from the centric diatom Cyclotella cryptica T13L Reimann, Lewin, and Guillard. The vectors were introduced into C. cryptica and the pennate diatom Navicula saprophila NAVIC1 Lange-Bertalot and Bonik by microprojectile bombardment. Putative transformants were selected based on their ability to grow in the presence of the antibiotic G418, and production of the neomycin phosphotransferase protein by the transformed cells was confirmed by western blotting. The foreign DNA integrated into one or more random sites within the genome of the transformed algal cells, often in the form of tandem repeats. This is the first report of reproducible, stable genetic transformation of a chlorophyll c -containing alga .  相似文献   
The parathyroid hormone (PTH) release and cytosolic Ca2+ activity were determined in normal bovine parathyroid cells and parathyroid cells obtained from patients with hyperparathyroidism (HPT). There was a sigmoid relation between the cytosolic Ca2+ activity and the extracellular calcium concentration between 0.5 and 6.0 mmol/l. The PTH release was inhibited in parallel with the rise in the cytosolic Ca2+ activity. Both the hormone release and the cytosolic Ca2+ activity were lower in cells from human adenomas and hyperplastic glands~ and in comparison with the bovine preparations these ceils had higher set points for the cytosolic Ca2+ activity and PTH release. There was a close correlation between the individual set points for the cytosolic Ca2+ activity and PTH release in a material containing both normal and pathological cells. The results indicate that the abnormal PTH release characteristic of HPT is due to a defective regulation of the cytosolic Ca2+ activity.  相似文献   
Production of Verrucarol   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Verrucarol was obtained from a simple procedure that involved the hydrolysis of a crude extract of a culture of Myrothecium verrucaria ATCC 24571.  相似文献   
Twenty-five lactic streptococcal bacteriophages were differentiated by DNA homology into four species. Complete correlation was found between DNA homology groups and morphological characteristics of the phages except that two phage types, which differed in only the presence or absence of a collar, were one species by DNA homology. These findings were supported by serological data and differences in DNA molecular weights of the proposed species. The complete lack of homology between these phage species indicates that they are unlikely to have a recent common phage ancestor and that one morphological type of phage has not been derived by mutation from a phage of another morphological type.  相似文献   
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