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Parasitic infections by Leishmania parasites remains a severe public health problem, especially in developing countries where it is highly endemic. Chemotherapy still remains a first option for the treatment of those diseases, despite the fact that available drugs exhibit a variety of shortcomings. Thus, innovative, less toxic more affordable and effective antileishmanial agents are urgently needed. The marine environment holds an immeasurable bio- and chemical diversity, being a valuable source of natural products with therapeutic potential. As invertebrates comprise about 60 % of all marine organisms, bioprospecting this class of organisms for antileishmanial properties may unravel unique and selective hit molecules. In this context, this review covers results on the literature of marine invertebrate extracts and pure compounds evaluated against Leishmania parasites mainly by in vitro methods. It comprises results obtained from the phyla Porifera, Cnidaria, Bryozoa (Ectoprota), Mollusca, Echinodermata, Annelida, Cetnophora, Platyhelminthes, sub phyla Crustacea (phylum Arthropoda) and Tunicata (phylum Chordata). Moreover, structure–activity relationships and possible mechanisms of action are mentioned, whenever available information is provided. About 70 species of marine invertebrates belonging to seven different phyla are included in this work. Besides a variety of crude extracts, a total of 140 pure compounds was tested against different Leishmania species. Although the research on the antileishmanial potential of marine invertebrates is in its early beginnings, promising results have been achieved that encourage further research. As more extracts and compounds are being screened, the possibility of finding active and selective antileishmanial molecules increases, rising new hope in the search for new treatments against leishmaniases.  相似文献   
When recombinant DNA technology was developed more than 40 years ago, no one could have imagined the impact it would have on both society and the scientific community. In the field of genetic engineering, the most important tool developed was the plasmid vector. This technology has been continuously expanding and undergoing adaptations. Here, we provide a detailed view following the evolution of vectors built throughout the years destined to study microorganisms and their peculiarities, including those whose genomes can only be revealed through metagenomics. We remark how synthetic biology became a turning point in designing these genetic tools to create meaningful innovations. We have placed special focus on the tools for engineering bacteria and fungi (both yeast and filamentous fungi) and those available to construct metagenomic libraries. Based on this overview, future goals would include the development of modular vectors bearing standardized parts and orthogonally designed circuits, a task not fully addressed thus far. Finally, we present some challenges that should be overcome to enable the next generation of vector design and ways to address it.  相似文献   
A new Early Triassic marine fauna is described from an exotic block (olistolith) from the Ad Daffah conglomerate in eastern Oman (Batain), which provides new insights into the ecology and diversity during the early aftermath of the Permian–Triassic Boundary mass extinction. Based on conodont quantitative biochronology, we assign a middle Griesbachian age to the upper part of this boulder. It was derived from an offshore seamount and yielded both nektonic and benthic faunas, including conodonts, ammonoids, gastropods and crinoid ossicles in mass abundance. This demonstrates that despite the stratigraphically near extinction at the Permian–Triassic Boundary, Crinoidea produced enough biomass to form crinoidal limestone as early as middle Griesbachian time. Baudicrinus, previously placed in Dadocrinidae, is now placed in Holocrinidae; therefore, Dadocrinidae are absent in the Early Triassic, and Holocrinidae remains the most basal crown‐group articulates, originating during the middle Griesbachian in the Tethyan Realm. Abundant gastropods assigned to Naticopsis reached a shell size larger than 20 mm and provide another example against any generalized Lilliput effect during the Griesbachian. Whereas the benthic biomass was as high as to allow the resumption of small carbonate factories, the taxonomic diversity of the benthos remained low compared to post‐Early Triassic times. This slow benthic taxonomic recovery is here attributed to low competition within impoverished post‐extinction faunas.  相似文献   
Legume plants, in association with rhizobia, are gaining increasing interest for heavy metal rhizoremediation. This symbiotic interaction combines the advantages of rhizoremediation and soil nitrogen enrichment. In metal polluted soils, Ochrobactrum cytisi can elicit non‐fixing nodules on legumes, including Medicago sativa. Nodulation kinetics was much slower when M. sativa plants were inoculated with O. cytisi Azn6.2 compared with the natural symbiont Ensifer meliloti 1021 and nodules were ineffective in nitrogen fixation. A competition experiment was performed using alfalfa grown on heavy metals, and co‐inoculated with equal amounts of the metal‐sensitive E. meliloti 1021 and the metal‐resistant O. cytisi Azn6.2. When plants were inoculated in non‐polluted substrates, all nodules were formed by E. meliloti 1021. Nevertheless, under increasing metal concentrations, the number of nodules occupied by O. cytisi grew. At the highest metal concentration, all nodules were elicited by O. cytisi, suggesting that the resistant species can take the place of the natural symbiont. This fact has important ecological and environmental implications when proposing legume–rhizobia symbioses for rhizoremediation and highlights the need of selecting highly resistant rhizobia in order to be competitive in polluted soils.  相似文献   
The Goitered Gazelle, Gazella subgutturosa, is the most widespread gazelle species in the Middle East and central Asia inhabiting desert and semi-desert habitats. Today it is threatened and its geographic range and population size have experienced significant decline in the last decades. In Iran, the remnant populations are confined to fragmented habitats. We aimed to characterise genetic diversity and phylogenetic status of the populations of Goitered Gazelle in Central Iran and to evaluate the potential effect of a historic population bottleneck on the genetic variation of today’s population. We used noninvasive sampling to uncover structure and level of genetic variation in a fragment of the cytochrome-b gene from 170 samples. Genealogical analyses were performed using HKY+I model and phylogenetic trees reconstructed using Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood. We found extremely low levels of genetic variation, with altogether only five haplotypes in samples from different populations. Overall haplotype diversity was 0.081 and nucleotide diversity 0.0003. The mean observed mismatch between any two sequences was 0.093 with the largest peak for small numbers. The mismatch distribution fit the model of population expansion and suggested that gazelles had experienced a sudden expansion. An unrooted median-joining network analysis of mtDNA haplotypes showed a star-like structure which few mutations steps separating the haplotypes from other regions. Our findings strengthen the urgency of preserving the species’ genetic diversity to prevent local extinction.  相似文献   
Phosphate chelators are frequently used in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). New iron-based chelators remain understudied and offer a promising therapeutic option for the control of bone and mineral disorders of chronic kidney disease (BMD-CKD). We assessed the effect of the phosphorus chelator, chitosan-iron III (CH-FeCl), compared to calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in BMD-CKD and the potential iron overload in uremic rats. Thirty-two animals were divided into four groups, namely the control, CKD, CKD/CH-FeCl, and CKD/CaCO3 groups. CKD was induced by adding 0.75% (4 weeks) and 0.1% (3 weeks) adenine to the diet. The chelators were administered from week 3 through week 7. The renal function, BMD-CKD markers, and histomorphometry of the femur were assessed at week 7. The CKD group showed a significant increase in creatinine (83.9 ± 18.6 vs. 41.5 ± 22.1 µmol/L; P = 0.001), phosphate (3.5 ± 0.8 vs. 2.2 ± 0.2 mmol/L; P = 0.001), fractional excretion of phosphorus (FEP) (0.71 ± 0.2 vs. 0.2 ± 0.17; P = 0.0001), and FGF23 (81.36 ± 37.16 pg/mL vs. 7.42 ± 1.96; P = 0.011) compared to the control group. There was no accumulation of serum or bone iron after the use of CH-FeCl. The use of chelators reduced the FEP (control: 0.71 ± 0.20; CKD/CH-FeCl: 0.40 ± 0.16; CKD/CaCO3 0.34 ± 0.15; P = 0.001), without changes in the serum FGF23 and parathyroid hormone levels. Histomorphometry revealed the presence of bone disease with high remodeling in the uremic animals without changes with the use of chelators. The CH-FeCl chelator was efficient in reducing the FEP without iron accumulation, thereby paving the way for the use of this class of chelators in clinical settings in the future.  相似文献   
Effect of Metal-Rich Sludge Amendments on the Soil Microbial Community   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of heavy-metal-containing sewage sludge on the soil microbial community were studied in two agricultural soils of different textures, which had been contaminated separately with three predominantly single metals (Cu, Zn, and Ni) at two different levels more than 20 years ago. We compared three community-based microbiological measurements, namely, phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis to reveal changes in species composition, the Biolog system to indicate metabolic fingerprints of microbial communities, and the thymidine incorporation technique to measure bacterial community tolerance. In the Luddington soil, bacterial community tolerance increased in all metal treatments compared to an unpolluted-sludge-treated control soil. Community tolerance to specific metals increased the most when the same metal was added to the soil; for example, tolerance to Cu increased most in Cu-polluted treatments. A dose-response effect was also evident. There were also indications of cotolerance to metals whose concentration had not been elevated by the sludge treatment. The PLFA pattern changed in all metal treatments, but the interpretation was complicated by the soil moisture content, which also affected the results. The Biolog measurements indicated similar effects of metals and moisture to the PLFA measurements, but due to high variation between replicates, no significant differences compared to the uncontaminated control were found. In the Lee Valley soil, significant increases in community tolerance were found for the high levels of Cu and Zn, while the PLFA pattern was significantly altered for the soils with high levels of Cu, Ni, and Zn. No effects on the Biolog measurements were found in this soil.  相似文献   
The aim of this review is to identify problems, find general patterns, and extract recommendations for successful biomanipulation. An important conclusion is that the pelagic food chain from fish to algae may not be the only process affected by a biomanipulation. Instead, this process should be viewed as the “trigger” for secondary processes, such as establishment of submerged macrophytes, reduced internal loading of nutrients, and reduced resuspension of particles from the sediment. However, fish reduction also leads to a high recruitment of young-of-the-year (YOY) fish, which feed extensively on zooplankton. This expansion of YOY the first years after fish reduction is probably a major reason for less successful biomanipulations. Recent, large-scale biomanipulations have made it possible to update earlier recommendations regarding when, where, and how biomanipulation should be performed. More applicable recommendations include (1) the reduction in the biomass of planktivorous fish should be 75% or more; (2) the fish reduction should be performed efficiently and rapidly (within 1–3 years); (3) efforts should be made to reduce the number of benthic feeding fish; (4) the recruitment of YOY fish should be reduced; (5) the conditions for establishment of submerged macrophytes should be improved; and (6) the external input of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) should be reduced as much as possible before the biomanipulation. Recent biomanipulations have shown that, correctly performed, the method also achieves results in large, relatively deep and eutrophic lakes, at least in a 5-year perspective. Although repeated measures may be necessary, the general conclusion is that biomanipulation is not only possible, but also a relatively inexpensive and attractive method for management of eutrophic lakes, and in particular as a follow-up measure to reduced nutrient load. Received 14 April 1998; accepted 31 August 1998  相似文献   
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