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The annual dynamics of live and dead fine roots for trees and the field layer species and live/dead ratios were investigated at a coniferous fern forest (Picea abies L. Karts) in Sweden. Our methods of estimating the average amount of fine roots involved the periodic sampling of fine roots in sequential cores on four sampling occasions. The highest live/dead ratio was found in the upper part of the humus layer for both tree and field-layer species and decreased with depth. Most tree fine roots on the four sampling occasions were found in the mineral soil horizon, where 86, 81, 85 and 89% of <1 mm and 89, 88, 89 and 92% of <2 mm diameter of the total amounts of live fine roots in the soil profile were found. The mean amounts of live fine roots of tree species for the total soil profile on the four sampling occasions was 317, 150, 139 and 248 g m?2 for <1 mm and 410, 225, 224 and 351 g m?2 for <2 mm diameter fine roots. The related amount of dead fine roots was 226, 321, 176 and 299 g m?2 and 294, 424, 282 and 381 g m?2, respectively. Average amounts of live and dead fine-roots and live/dead ratios from other Picea abies forest ecosystems were within the range of our estimates. The production of fine roots, <1 and <2 mm in diameter, estimated from the annual increments in live fine roots, was 207 and 303 g m?2. The related accumulation of dead fine roots was 257 and 345 g m?2, The turnover rate of tree fine roots <1 mm in diameter in the total soil profile amounted to 0.7 yr?1 for live and 0.8 yr?1 for dead fine roots. The related turnover rates for tree fine roots <2 mm were 0.4 yr?1 and 0.7 yr?1. Our data, although based on minimum estimates of the annual fluxes of live and dead fine roots, suggests a carbon flow to the forest soil from dead fine-roots even more substantial than from the needle litter fall. Fine-root data from several Picea abies forest ecosystems, suggest high turnover rates of both live and dead tree fine-roots.  相似文献   
The relationship between the timing of emergence from spawning gravel and growth after emergence was investigated in farmed Oncorhynchus mykiss. A relationship between the time of emergence and growth became evident after 6 months of rearing, where individuals with an intermediate emergence time had grown larger compared with early and late emerging individuals.  相似文献   
Summary N-acetylated and tertiary indolamines, some of which are possible neurotransmitter candidates in the CNS, cannot be visualized with the standard Falck-Hillarp histofluorescence method and very little is known about their cellular localization. The present investigation demonstrates that glyoxylic acid (GA), formaldehyde (FA) in combination with aluminum ions (the ALFA method) and trifluoroacetic acid anhydride (TFAA) are capable of forming fluorescent compounds from N-acetylated (e.g. melatonin and N-acetyl-5-hydroxytryptamine) and tertiary (e.g. bufotenin) indolamines in histochemical protein models. With GA and FA-aluminum more vigorous reaction conditions were required for demonstration of these compounds compared to those needed for optimal visualization of primary catecholand indolamines (prolonged reaction time and higher concentration of GA and FA and aluminum ions). The fluorophore formation from N-acetylated and tertiary indolamines, which represents a new reaction principle in amine fluorescence histochemistry, is proposed to proceed as follows. In the first step, the indole reacts in 2-position with the reagent. The intermediate formed is dehydrated in the second step, yielding a strongly fluorescent 2-methylene derivative, which either per se or as the corresponding autoxidized dimer constitutes the main fluorophore. TFAA and related anhydrides represent new and potent reagents for histochemical visualization of N-acetylated indolamines such as melatonin. In contrast to the GA and ALFA reactions the optimal formation of fluorphores with TFAA required only mild reaction conditions (2–10 min at 0–20° C). The main fluorophore formed from melatonin has been identified and the reaction with TFAA is proposed to proceed as follows. An unstable intermediate, the isoimidinium carboxylate, is formed in the first step and this compound is then cyclized to form the fluorophore, 6-methoxy-1-methyl-3,4-dihydro--carboline. The GA and ALFA methods are already widely used for visualization of catecholamine systems. The fluorescence microscopical and microspectrofluorometric analysis did not, however, veveal any specific structures containing N-acetylated or tertiary indolamines in the rat CNS. The TFAA reaction was highly specific for N-acetylated indolamines when applied to protein models. However, in tissue a disturbing background fluorescence appeared, which under all reaction conditions tested, developed concomitantly with the specific fluorescence from melatonin. The problem with this background reaction has to be solved before the TFAA reaction can be applied for demonstration of N-acetylated indolamines in tissue.  相似文献   
We have previously characterized a cDNA that encodes a fulllength human UDP-GalNAc:polypeptide, N-acetyl galactosaminyltransferase(GalNAc-transferase) (J.A. Meurer et al., J. Biochem., 118,568–574, 1995). The present report describes the characterizationof the corresponding human GalNAc-transferase gene and a relatedpseudogene. Two human genomic libraries,  相似文献   
Dominant bacterial strains present in stool (with particular emphasis onE. coli strains) were examined in 4 groups of healthy infants: breast-fed and bottle-fed, colonized withE. coli O83, and control (non-colonized) breast-fed and bottle-fed newborns. The presence of fimbriae was examined by hemagglutination, the P-fimbriae-bearing strains were tested by the PPA latex test. In addition, adherence to cell line HT-29 and serotyping was performed in selected strains. TheE. coli strain O83 was found to possess type 1 fimbriae. Fewer bacterial strains possessing type 1 fimbriae were found inE. coli O83-colonized infants (except the O83 serotype) than in control infants. TheE. coli O83 strain colonized significantly better the breast-fed than the bottle-fed infants; its higher adherence activity was demonstrated even in cell line HT-29. Finally, colonization withE. coli O83 influenced the character of microbial intestinal flora: the frequency of positiveE. coli isolates was significantly higher in colonized (both breast- and bottle-fed) than noncolonized infants.  相似文献   
Prorenin was isolated by immunoprecipitation from the culture medium of Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with a human prorenin cDNA. The N-linked oligosaccharide structures on the in vivo [3H]mannose-labeled, purified protein were characterized using a combination of serial lectin affinity chromatography, high-pressure liquid chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography, and size-exclusion chromatography and treatment with specific glycosidases and methylation analysis. Approximately 61% of the oligosaccharides on the molecule are complex type, in the form of tetraantennary (2%), 2,6-branched triantennary (13%), 2,4-branched triantennary (3%), and biantennary (43%) structures. The majority of all complex type structures are core-fucosylated. Sialic acids are linked at the C-3 position of terminal galactose, and the degree of sialylation of the bi- and triantennary structures varies between nonsialylated and fully sialylated; no tetraatennary structure contains more than three sialic acid residues. Recombinant prorenin contains 4% hybrid-type structures, all of which carry a terminal sialic acid residue. The remaining 35% of the structures on the molecule are high mannose type, composed of 5, 6, or 7 mannose residues. Approximately 6% of the high mannose type structures and 10% of the hybrid structures are phosphorylated, as judged by their susceptibility to treatment with alkaline phosphatase. Compositional analysis of an unlabeled preparation of the protein suggested the presence of approximately 1.4 oligosaccharide units per molecule.  相似文献   
Habitat choice by juvenile cod (Gadus morhua L.) on sandy bottoms with different vegetation types was studied in laboratory. The experiment was conducted day and night in flow-through tanks on two different size-classes of cod (7–13 and 17–28 cm TL). Four habitats, typical of shallow soft bottoms on the Swedish west coast:Fucus vesiculosus, Zostera marina, Cladophora sp. and bare sand, were set up pair-wise in six combinations. The main difference between habitats in this study was vegetation structure, since all parameters except vegetation type was considered equal for both sides of the experimental tanks and natural prey was eliminated. The results showed a difference in habitat utilization by juvenile cod between day (light) and night (dark). During day time the fishes showed a significant preference for vegetation, while nocturnally no significant choice of habitat was made. Both size-classes preferredFucus, considered the most complex habitat in this study, when this was available. The smaller size-class seemed to be able to utilize the other vegetation types as well, always preferring vegetation over sand. Larger juvenile cod, on the other hand, appeared to be restricted toFucus. This difference in habitat choice by the two size-classes might be due to a greater dependence on shelter from predation by the smaller juveniles, causing them to associate more strongly with vegetation. The larger juveniles avoidedCladophora, since they might have difficulties in entering the compact structure of this filamentous algae. Availability of vegetation at day time, as a predation refuge, as well as of open sandy areas for feeding during night, thus seems to be important for juvenile cod. It is concluded that eutrophication-induced changes in habitat structure, such as increased dominance by filamentous algae, could alter the availability of predation refuges and foraging habitats for juvenile cod.  相似文献   
Abstract Indigenous ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in a clay loam soil were extremely difficult to release from soil particles compared to most heterotrophic bacteria; less than 1% of indigenous AOB (estimated as potential ammonia oxidation rate) were extractable by the dispersion-density-gradient centrifugation technique. This is at least 10-fold less than the extractability of heterotrophic bacteria. Urea applications to the same soil induced a 5-fold increase in the potential ammonia oxidation rate, and this resulted in a much higher percentage (8%) extractability of AOB. Thus, the newly grown AOB in the urea-treated soil were less strongly attached to the soil particles. The contrast suggests that the strong attachment of indigenous AOB is a gradual process taking place due to a long residence time (infrequent/slow cell division) compared to heterotrophic organisms. However, the contrast could also reflect differences in species composition of the original AOB community and those growing in response to urea inputs. Specific detection of AOB in extinction dilution cultures was done by PCR and sequencing of the products. Considerable diversity was found within the genus Nitrosospira, but severe problems with the specificity of the primers were observed. Two allegedly AOB specific PCR primers pairs were used: one specific for Nitrosospira (SPIRA) and one which should encompass all AOB within the β-Proteobacteria (GAOB). Only 33% of the cultures that gave PCR products with GAOB also gave products with the SPIRA primer pair, suggesting the presence of AOB other than Nitrosospira. However, the phylogeny based on the sequencing placed all the cultures in various clusters of the Nitrosospira clade, suggesting that the SPIRA primers do not match all members of the Nitrosospira genus. The cultures obtained from the urea-treated soil were different from the others in giving PCR products only with the SPIRA primers and not with the GAOB. Since sequencing also here confirmed the presence of Nitrosospira, these observations suggest that the GAOB primers do not match all AOB species. Received: 15 September 1999; Accepted: 8 November 1999; Online Publication: 28 April 2000  相似文献   
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