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The braconid subfamily Doryctinae (Hymenoptera) is a cosmopolitan, species‐rich group of parasitoid wasps whose known species richness and morphological diversity is mainly concentrated in the Neotropical region. Among the doryctine taxa that are endemic to this region, there is a group of six genera (the Pedinotus genus group) that are mainly characterized by having lateral, posteriorly converging or subparallel grooves on the second metasomal tergite (including Gymnobracon Szépligeti, Hybodoryctes Szépligeti, Lamquetia Braet et van Achterberg, Osmophila Szépligeti, Pedinotus Szépligeti and Trigonophasmus Enderlein). Most of these genera were described more than a century ago, and thus their limits and diagnostic morphological features are not well defined. We present an analysis of the phylogenetic relationships among various representative species of five of the six genera belonging to the Pedinotus genus group based on one mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I) and two nuclear (28S, Wingless) gene markers. We also estimated the timing of origin and diversification within the group and investigated the external morphology of the genera involved in order to determine reliable identification characters. The group as a whole, whilst being recovered as monophyletic with the inclusion of Acanthorhogas Szépligeti, was not statistically supported. However, the respective monophyly of all of the morphologically supported genera are confirmed, as are the intergeneric relationships (Gymnobracon, Trigonophasmus) ((Acanthorhogas, Osmophila) (Lamquetia, Pedinotus)). We propose that the pattern of sublateral grooves or depressions appears to be a useful systematic character for recognition of an endemic Neotropical radiation that could have originated c. 41–27 Ma. We redescribe six of the seven genera that we recognize for the Pedinotus genus group and provide a key to enable their identification.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to detect if hypothalamic-pituitary maturation was accompanied by significant proliferation changes in differentiated pituitary cell pools. For this purpose, pituitary corticotroph (Ct), mammotroph (Mt) and somatotroph (St) proliferation activities were scanned in intact female rats during the postnatal (P) period (1–35 postnatal days). The techniques of tritiated thymidine labelling, immunostaining and autoradiography were combined to visualize DNA synthesis of hormone containing cells. Immunoreactive cell densities were measured using image analysis, and double labelled cells were counted. Corticotroph proliferation activity increased significantly on day P12, followed by an increase in the Ct proportion on days P13–14. This is the first observation of a spontaneous change of corticotroph proliferation at the end of the stress nonresponsive period. The mammotroph density and proliferation rate increased gradually during postnatal maturation, until the Mt pool overran other cell types of the female hypophysis on day 35. The somatotroph pool was the most numerous until day P20; the proliferation rate remained constant while St proportions increased reaching a plateau between days P13 and 20, then decreased to the adult level. Each cell type examined showed a characteristic, individual density and proliferation pattern.  相似文献   
Platyrrhini (New World monkeys, NWm) are a group of primates characterized by behavioral and reproductive traits that are otherwise uncommon among primates, including social monogamy, direct paternal care, and twin births. As a consequence, the study of Platyrrhine primates is an invaluable tool for the discovery of the genetic repertoire underlying these taxon‐specific traits. Recently, high conservation of vasopressin (AVP) sequence, in contrast with high variability of oxytocin (OXT), has been described in NWm. AVP and OXT functions are possible due to interaction with their receptors: AVPR1a, AVPR1b, AVPR2, and OXTR; and the variability in this system is associated with the traits mentioned above. Understanding the variability in the receptors is thus fundamental to understand the function and evolution of the system as a whole. Here we describe the variability of AVPR1b coding region in 20 NWm species, which is well‐known to influence behavioral traits such as aggression, anxiety, and stress control in placental mammals. Our results indicate that 4% of AVPR1b sites may be under positive selection and a significant number of sites under relaxed selective constraint. Considering the known role of AVPR1b, we suggest that some of the changes described here for the Platyrrhini may be a part of the genetic repertoire connected with the complex network of neuroendocrine mechanisms of AVP–OXT system in the modulation of the HPA axis. Thus, these changes may have promoted the emergence of social behaviors such as direct paternal care in socially monogamous species that are also characterized by small body size and twin births.  相似文献   
In arid environments, direct facilitation (microhabitat amelioration) and indirect facilitation (‘associational resistance’ via protection from herbivory) among plants of different species may act simultaneously. Little is known about their relative effects. One way to disentangle the effects is by evaluating spatial associations. We examined the relative importance of these two mechanisms of facilitation in the semiarid Chaco vegetation of north‐central Argentina, through an eight‐way observational study in which we quantified the degree of spatial association between saplings of each of two key tree species, Schinopsis lorentzii (Anacardiaceae) and Aspidosperma quebracho‐blanco (Apocynaceae), with shrub neighbours either possessing spines or without spines and in both an ungrazed site and a site with a long history of cattle grazing. We analysed data across 400 subparcels at each site with spatial analysis by distance indices. Saplings of both tree species showed positive spatial associations with spiny shrubs in the grazed site but not in the ungrazed site, and never with non‐spiny shrubs. This result suggests that spiny shrubs may indeed provide associational resistance for saplings of key tree species in grazed habitats in these dry subtropical forests, that is, that indirect facilitation may predominate over direct facilitation. If confirmed by experimental studies, this result can have implications for the silvopastoral management of rapidly expanding ranches in the semiarid Chaco, where current practice includes the near elimination of native shrubs.  相似文献   
Leprosy and hepatitis B virus (HBV) are highly endemic in some regions of the state of Mato Grosso, in central Brazil. The association of leprosy with HBV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) was assessed using a seroprevalence study and 191 leprosy outpatients were included. Demographic data and the clinical classification of leprosy were recorded. Evidence of previous HBV infection was present in 53 patients (27.7%, 95% confidence interval: 21.9-34.5) and two (1%) were HBsAg positive. Five (2.6%) had antibodies to HCV. The prevalence of previous exposure to HBV was higher than expected for an adult population in central Brazil. In contrast, the prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies was not much higher regarding the age range of participants. HBV markers were associated with a higher number of sex partners and the use of injections without proper sterilisation of the syringes. The number of HBV carriers was small, suggesting that there was no increased likelihood of chronification among these patients.  相似文献   
The late Cretaceous hadrosaurids were the most specialized and diverse clade of ornithopod dinosaurs. Parsimony and Bayesian methods were implemented to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships of all hadrosaurid species. Traditional and geometric morphometrics were applied to discover patterns of variation containing phylogenetic information. In total, 286 phylogenetically informative characters (196 cranial and 90 postcranial) were defined and documented: the most extensive character data set ever constructed for hadrosaurid dinosaurs. Of these, 136 characters were used for the first time in phylogenetic analysis of these ornithopods, and 93 were modified from those of other authors. Parsimony and the Bayesian analysis (using the Mk model without the gamma parameter) confirmed the split of hadrosaurids into Saurolophinae and Lambeosaurinae. Saurolophines included a major clade composed of the ProsaurolophusSaurolophus and the KritosaurusGryposaurusSecernosaurus subclades. Edmontosaurus and Shantungosaurus were recovered outside the major clade of saurolophines. The Brachylophosaurus clade was recovered as the most basal clade of saurolophines in the parsimony analysis, whereas following the Bayesian analysis it was recovered as the sister clade to the KritosaurusGryposaurus–Secernosaurus clade. These two analyses resulted in a Lambeosaurinae composed of a succession of Eurasian sister taxa to two major clades: the Parasaurolophus clade and the Hypacrosaurs altispinusCorythosaurus clade. In contrast, the Bayesian analysis using the Mk model with the gamma parameter included, resulted in an unbalanced hadrosauroid tree, with a paraphyletic Saurolophinae, and with the Prosaurolophus clade, Edmontosaurus, and Shantungosaurus as successively closer sister taxa to Lambeosaurinae. Based on the strict reduced consensus tree derived from the parsimony analysis, Hadrosauridae was redefined as the clade stemming from the most recent common ancestor of Hadrosaurus foulkii and Parasaurolophus walkeri. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 159 , 435–502.  相似文献   
Argania spinosa (the argan tree) is a slow-growing tree endemic of Morocco, growing on semi-arid areas where no other tree species can live. With the aim of predicting temporal changes in A. spinosa woodlands under a probable increase in aridity, we set off to investigate these questions: how do A. spinosa physiological attributes respond to variations in climatic conditions and seasonality, and which is the set of attributes that most affects tree response to environmental conditions? In three study sites, Beni Snassen (North), High-Atlas (Mountain) and Admine Forest in Agadir (Coastal), gas exchange measurements, photochemical efficiency, leaf water potential and different leaf attributes were monitored in February, July and November of 2006. The Mountain site presents the most continental climate. Trees in this site were the most stressed in summer, having the lowest midday leaf water potential values, photochemical efficiency and assimilation rates. We found a Ψmd threshold around -4 MPa, below which stomatal conductance responds linearly to Ψmd. Plants from the North area never reached this threshold during the study period. Although leaf pigments presented a clear seasonal pattern, leaves from Coastal trees exhibit the highest content for each season. The three study sites were separated by two discriminate functions obtained by canonical discriminant analysis. In summer, the Mountain population is separated from the other sites mainly by assimilation rate and Fv/Fm, while in winter transpiration rates and chlorophyll content are the main discriminant variables. Our study shows that A. spinosa trees adjust their physiological status and leaf attributes to environmental conditions allowing plants to thrive under a dry climate. Under a scenario of global change, the distribution of the argan tree likely shifts to milder areas.  相似文献   

5′-O-MMTr-cytosine arabinoside was prepared on a large scale from 5′-O-MMTr-cytidine with diphenyl carbonate via 5′-protected cytidine-2′,3′-carbonate-aracytidine-2′,2-anhydro derivative at a 67 % yield. The synthesis of 1,2-L-dipalmitoyl-snglycerol, 1,2-L-distearoyl-sn-glycerol and 1,2-L-dioleoyl-sn-glycerol described here using 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (FMOC) group for protection of 3-position of glycerol which can be selectively removed by Et3N treatment on the overall 60–70 % yield based on 1.2,-isopropilidene-sn-glycerol. These glycerols were phosphorylated first with 2-chlorophenyl-phosphoro-bis-triazolide quantitatively1 in order to avoid acyl migration, then the glycerophosphate intermediates were condensed with 2′,3′,N4-trileulinyl-l-β-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine in the presence of 2-mesytilenesulphonyl chloride (MsCl) and 1 -methylimidazole (Melm)-which was used in the coupling of nucleotides2-? in an 85–95 % yield compared with the low yielding diester method of Ryu3. Deblocking was carried out in two steps with tetrabutylammonium fluoride (TBAF) and hydrazine hydrate, producing target compouns (14a, 14b, 14c) at a 50 % yield.  相似文献   
Summary Human erythrocytes were labeled with stearic acid spin labels, and no change was detected in membrane fluidity under hyperosmotic stress, going from isotonicity to about 3000 mOsm. Intact erythrocytes labeled with an androstane spin label and submitted to simulation of freezing show the onset of irreversible structural breakdown occurring in a saline solution at 2,000 mOsm. Ghosts labeled with maleimide spin label (4-maleimide-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinooxyl) when submitted to solutions of increasing osmolalities (pH 7.4), exhibit protein conformational changes that are irreversible after a simulated freeze-thaw cycle. After sonication of maleimide spin-labeled ghosts, membrane buried sulfhydryl groups become exposed. Such preparations showed behavior similar to the unsonicated when in saline hyperosmolal medium (pH 7.4). Such results suggest the ionic strength of the medium as the determining factor of the detected conformational changes. Maleimide spin-labeled ghosts in 300 mOsm saline solution (pH 7.4) were treated with ascorbic acid (spin destruction of nitroxides), and the kinetic analysis indicates that 65% of the labeled sites are located at the external interface of the membrane or in hydrophilic channels. Deformation and rearrangements of membrane components in solutions of increasing osmolalities apparently are related to protein conformational changes, on the outside surface of erythrocyte membranes, with a significant amount being structurally dissociated of lipids.  相似文献   
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