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P?i vývoji listu p?enice se zmen?uje stupeň inhibice dýchání fluoridem, monojodacetátem a malonátem a poměr mezi radioaktivitami14CO2 uvolněného z glukosy-6-14C a glukosy-l-14C (C6/C1), co? svěd?í o zvět?ování podílu pentosovího cyklu v celkové respiraci. Tato změna v?ak neni zp?sobena absolutním zvět?ením aktivity pentosového eyklu u star?ích list?, nýbr? p?edev?ím poklesem aktivity glykolytického systému. Naproti tomu u list? oddělených od obilky se pri sní?ení vlhkosti atmosféry méní poměr mezi dýchacími cestami v d?sledku aktivace pentosového cyklu. Na základě disproporce mezi procentem glykolytického podílu respirace vypo?tenym ze sní?ení poměru C6/C1 p?i inhibici dýchání fluoridem a procentem inhibice dý chání fluoridem bylo diskutováno o mo?ných p?íoinách vysokých poměr? C6/C1 u mladých list?, u nich? byly v některých p?ípadech zji?těny hodnoty těchto poměr? dokonce vy??í ne? jedna.  相似文献   
U r?zně starých list? v listové r??ici 90 a? 110 denních rostlin Nicotiana sanderae hort. byly sledovány rozdály v intensitě ?isté fotosynthesy a v obsahu chlorofylu (a + b). Ke stanovení intensity fotosynthesy bylo pou?ito dvou odli?ných metod, a to váhového stanovení p?ír?stku su?iny podle Barto?e, KubÍna a ?et-lÍka (1960) a gazometrického stanovení infra?erveným analyzátorem CO2. Nejvy??í intensitu fotosynthesy i nejvy??í obsah chlorofylu (vzhledem k plo?e listové) mají mladé, ale ji? dob?e rozvinuté listy, tj. t?etí a? ?tvrté od vrcholu (prvním listem se rozumí list o plo?e asi 20 cm2). Tyto listy nazýváme ?fotosyntheticky dospělými“. Listy nejmlad?í a zejména pak listy star?í mají intensitu fotosynthesy i obsah chlorofylu ni??í; u nejstar?ích list? je intensita fotosynthesy prakticky nulová. Intensita fotosynthesy i obsah chlorofylu se během vývoje mění: jejich momentální rozdíly u list? v genetické spirále jsou z?ejmě shodné s jejich změnami v ontogenesi listu. Pokles intensity fotosynthesy p?i stárnutí list? je rychlej?í ne? pokles obsahu chlorofylu. P?i ur?itém obsahu chlorofylu (tj. asi 2,25 a? 2,45 mg/dm2) klesá intensita ?isté fotosynthesy k nule. Intensita fotosynthesy je v lineárním vztahu k mno?ství chlorofylu (p?i p?epo?tu na plo?nou jednotku), a to nezávisle na poloze listu v genetické spirále. Obě pou?ité metody ke stanovení intensity fotosynthesy poskytly obdobné výsledky.  相似文献   
V práci jsem zji?tovala, zda podmínky kultívace ?as ovlivńují ?espira?ní metabolismus. Rasy Chlorella pyrenoidosa (82), Scenedesmus obliquus (125) a Euglena gracilis (259) byly pěstovány ve t?epané a stojaté kultu?e. T?epáním kultur je podstatně ovlivněn respira?ní metabolismus ?as. T?épané kultury mají na rozdíl od stojatých sní?enou spot?ebu O2 a vět?inou odli?né RQ. Je mo?né, ?e zji?těné rozdíly jsou podmíněny zrychleným vývojem a stárnutím t?epaných kultur. Je tedy t?epání jako zp?sob kultivace významným faktorem, který je nutno respektovat p?i pěstování experimentálního materiálu. Namě?ené hodnoty respira?ního kvocientu okolo 1,3 svěd?í pro to, ?e anaerobní glykolytické pochody mohou probíhat i za dokonalého p?ístupu vzduchu do media. Kultura Scenedesmus obliquus (125) má pravděpodobně málo p?izp?sobivý metabolismus a na změny prost?edí nereaguje tak citlivě jako Euglena gracilis nebo Chlorella pyrenoidosa.  相似文献   
Summary In monogenic, recessive chloroplast mutants of maize which contain chlorophylls, and lycopene or -carotene but no normal carotenoids, great variability in the size of plastids was associated with a number of ultrastructural abnormalities. In the mutant accumulating lycopene some plastids contain dense bundles of lamellae, whereas the chloroplasts of the -carotene mutant show poor thylakoid development. Neither of the mutants was able to form normal grana.A comparison of chlorophyll/carotenoid ratios in different chloroplast fractions of normal and mutant leaves showed that plastids of small size and delicate structure contain relatively less chlorophyll than fully differentiated chloroplasts.  相似文献   
Growth cones, the motile apparatus at the ends of elongating axons, are sites of extensive and dynamic membrane-cytoskeletal interaction and insertion of new membrane into the growing axon. One of the most abundant proteins in growth cone membranes is a protein designated GAP-43, whose synthesis increases dramatically in most neurons during periods of axon development or regeneration. We have begun to explore the role of GAP-43 in growth cone membrane functions by asking how the protein interacts with those membranes. Membrane-washing experiments indicate that mature GAP-43 is tightly bound to growth cone membranes, and partitioning of Triton X-114-solubilized GAP-43 between detergent-enriched and detergent-depleted phases indicates considerable hydrophobicity. The hydrophobic behavior of the protein is modulated by divalent cations, particularly zinc and calcium. In vivo labeling of GAP-43 in neonatal rat brain with [35S]methionine shows that GAP-43 is initially synthesized as a soluble protein that becomes attached to membranes posttranslationally. In tissue culture, both rat cerebral cortex cells and neuron-like PC12 cells actively incorporate [3H]palmitic acid into GAP-43. Isolated growth cones detached from their cell bodies also incorporate labeled fatty acid into GAP-43, suggesting active turnover of the fatty acid moieties on the mature protein. Hydrolysis of ester-like bonds with neutral hydroxylamine removes the bound fatty acid and exposes new thiol groups on GAP-43, suggesting that fatty acid is attached to the protein's only two cysteine residues, located in a short hydrophobic domain at the amino terminus. Modulation of the protein's hydrophobic behavior by divalent cations suggests that other domains, containing large numbers of negatively charged residues, might also contribute to GAP-43-membrane interactions. Our observations suggest a dynamic and reversible interaction of GAP-43 with growth cone membranes.  相似文献   
本文分析了温州蜜柑丰产园不同发育阶段的果实氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、铁、锰、锌、铜、硼的含量。矿质元素在果实中的动态变化规律与叶片中的变化规律显然不同。一是含量比叶片低;二是浓度的最高峰期出现比叶片早。果实发育前中期元素含量变化较复杂,9月以后趋向稳定。对可否以9月至10月上旬作为采果样时期以进行营养诊断作了讨论。  相似文献   
The genes (mdh) encoding malate dehydrogenase (MDH) from the mesophile Chlorobium vibrioforme and the moderate thermophile C. tepidum were cloned and sequenced, and the complete amino acid sequences were deduced. When the region upstream of mdh was analyzed, a sequence with high homology to an operon encoding ribosomal proteins from Escherichia coli was found. Each mdh gene consists of a 930-bp open reading frame and encodes 310 amino acid residues, corresponding to a subunit weight of 33,200 Da for the dimeric enzyme. The amino acid sequence identity of the two MDHs is 86%. Homology searches using the primary structures of the two MDHs revealed significant sequence similarity to lactate dehydrogenases. A hybrid mdh was constructed from the 3' part of mdh from C. tepidum and the 5' part of mdh from C. vibrioforme. The thermostabilities of the hybrid enzyme and of MDH from C. vibrioforme and C. tepidum were compared.  相似文献   
Gibberella fujikuroi (Fusarium moniliforme) is a complex group of plant pathogens. Some strains produce gibberellic acid and other gibberellins that promote growth and regulate various stages in plant development.The paper describes the research effort directed to development of genetic tools for this species. Furthermore the main features of the gibberellin biosynthetic pathway as established in Gibberella are described.Abbreviations AMO 1618 2-isopropyl-4-(trimethylammonium chloride)-5-methylphenylpiperidine-1-carboxylate - hydroxykaurenoic acid ent-kaur-16-en-7-ol-19-oic acid - kaurenal ent-kaur-16-en-19-al - kaurene ent-kaur-16-ene - kaurenoic acid ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid - kaurenol ent-kaur-16-en-19-ol - paclobutrazol 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1,2,4-triazol-lyl)pentan-3-ol - pefurazoate pent-4-enyl-N-furfuryl-N-imidazol-1-ylcarbonyl-DL-homoa laninate - tetcyclacis 5-(4-chlorophenyl)-3,4,5,9,10-pentaazatetracyclo-5,4,102.6,O8.11-dodeca-3,9-diene - triarimol -(2,4-dichlorophenyl)--phenyl-5-pyrimidine methyl alcohol  相似文献   
An Azotobacter vinelandii mannuronan C-5-epimerase gene was cloned in Escherichia coli. This enzyme catalyzes the Ca(2+)-dependent epimerization of D-mannuronic acid residues in alginate to the corresponding epimer L-guluronic acid. The epimerase gene was identified by screening a bacteriophage EMBL3 gene library of A. vinelandii DNA with a synthetic oligonucleotide probe. The sequence of this probe was deduced after determination of the N-terminal amino acid sequence of a previously reported extracellular mannuronan C-5-epimerase from A. vinelandii. A DNA fragment hybridizing against the probe was subcloned in a plasmid vector in E. coli, and the corresponding recombinant plasmid expressed intracellular mannuronan C-5-epimerase in this host. The nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding the epimerase was determined, and the sequence data showed that the molecular mass of the deduced protein is 103 kDa. A module consisting of about 150 amino acids was repeated tandemly four times in the C-terminal part of the deduced protein. Each of the four repeats contained four to six tandemly oriented nonameric repeats. The sequences in these motifs are similar to the Ca(2+)-binding domains of functionally unrelated secreted proteins reported previously in other bacteria. The reaction product of the recombinant epimerase was analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and the results showed that the guluronic acid residues were distributed in blocks along the polysaccharide chain. Such a nonrandom distribution pattern, which is important for the commercial use of alginate, has previously also been identified in the reaction product of the corresponding enzyme isolated from A. vinelandii.  相似文献   
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