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Data on the morphology of the egg, mature larva (L3) and pupa of Squamapion elongatum (Germar, 1817) are presented. The development cycle of this species lasts 51–54 days: a 12-day egg period, a 30-day larval period, and a 12-day pupal period, on average. The larvae are attacked by parasitic hymenopterans of the superfamily Chalcidoidea.  相似文献   
We present the results of a plant macroremain study of the late Neolithic lakeshore settlement Stare gmajne (SG) at Ljubljansko barje, Slovenia, with cultural horizons that ended around 3330 and 3110 cal. b.c., as obtained by dendrochronological and radiocarbon dating of the most frequent construction timbers of Quercus sp. (oak) and Fraxinus sp. (ash). Fourteen systematically taken samples were investigated, using standard methods for studying waterlogged plant remains, which had been developed during lake dwelling research north of the Alps. Most of the remains were preserved in a waterlogged state, and we identified a total of 93 taxa. The most important cultivated plants were Triticum dicoccum (emmer), Hordeum vulgare (six-rowed naked barley), T. monococcum (einkorn), Linum usitatissimum (flax) and Papaver somniferum (opium poppy). The numerous possibly gathered plants also included Trapa natans (water chestnut) and Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris (wild grapevine). Chenopodium album (goosefoot) and Brassica rapa (turnip) with seeds/fruits rich in oil and starch were probably gathered as well. Comparisons of the Stare gmajne results with contemporary north Alpine sites (NA) showed, among other things, that Triticum durum/turgidum (tetraploid naked wheat), frequent at NA, was not found at SG. Trapa natans (water chestnut) was rare and Vitis (grapevine) was not found at NA. The observed differences in the wild plant spectra may have ecological causes, for example a warmer climate south of the Alps, but differences in cultivar spectra are more likely for cultural-historical reasons.  相似文献   
We produced human growth hormone (hGH), a protein that stimulates growth and cell reproduction, in genetically engineered soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] seeds. Utilising the alpha prime (α') subunit of β-conglycinin tissue-specific promoter from soybean and the α-Coixin signal peptide from Coix lacryma-jobi, we obtained transgenic soybean lines that expressed the mature form of hGH in their seeds. Expression levels of bioactive hGH up to 2.9% of the total soluble seed protein content (corresponding to approximately 9?g?kg(-1)) were measured in mature dry soybean seeds. The results of ultrastructural immunocytochemistry assays indicated that the recombinant hGH in seed cotyledonary cells was efficiently directed to protein storage vacuoles. Specific bioassays demonstrated that the hGH expressed in the soybean seeds was fully active. The recombinant hGH protein sequence was confirmed by mass spectrometry characterisation. These results demonstrate that the utilisation of tissue-specific regulatory sequences is an attractive and viable option for achieving high-yield production of recombinant proteins in stable transgenic soybean seeds.  相似文献   
During the wheat milling process, the bran fractionation is related to its mechanical properties, which are measured using tensile tests on hand-isolated tissues. However, the dissection of wheat tissues implies a soaking stage in water that can modify tissue properties. New methodologies are required to evaluate wheat tissue properties directly on native grains. The aim of this work was to estimate wheat grain tissue cohesion by the ionization effectiveness via laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) technique. Isolated bran tissues and wheat grains were submitted to LIBS analysis using a pulsed argon fluoride (193 nm, 15 ns, 1 Hz, 2 J cm−2) excimer laser and a compact optic fiber spectrometer (HR2000). The first approach was to correlate the ratios of ionic to atomic emission lines (MgII/MgI and CaII/CaI) of isolated tissues to their mechanical measurements. The energy needed to rupture the tissue was correlated to MgII/MgI (R 2 = 0.72). Secondly, native grains were irradiated and chemometrics was applied to discriminate tissue spectra. The aleurone layer isolated after the soaking step presented a higher MgII/MgI than the aleurone layer from native grains, indicating a possible water effect on the tissue cohesion. In conclusion, the LIBS technique may be a potential method for rapid structural analysis of vegetal material allowing wheat population screening of both compositional and mechanical properties.  相似文献   
The Fagaceae is one of the most important plant families in European forest ecosystems, and it includes several genera distributed in the Northern hemisphere. In this work we studied the genome organization and evolution within the family, by karyotyping and physically mapping rDNA in ten European and Asian species of the genera Fagus, Quercus, and Castanea. All of the species studied had a chromosome number of 2n=2x=24, except for the first report of a single individual of Quercus suber which proved to be triploid (2n=3x=36). The rDNA physical mapping revealed several patterns: the dominant one is present in European and Asian Quercus subgenus Quercus, and in Castanea sativa and Castanea crenata, consisting of two 18S–25S rDNA loci (one subterminal major and one pericentromeric minor) and one 5S rDNA pericentromeric locus. In Fagus sylvatica and in Quercus sessilifolia, different patterns were observed: four terminal 18S–25S rDNA loci and two 5S rDNA pericentromeric loci in the former, and five 18S–25S rDNA loci (three terminal and two intercalary) and one 5S rDNA pericentromeric locus in the latter. In Castanea mollissima a distinct rDNA distribution pattern with two intercalary 18S–25S rDNA loci and two 5S rDNA was found. These findings suggest rDNA loci restructuring during Castanea evolution, and variability of 18S–25S loci between Quercus and Cyclobalanopsis subgenera.  相似文献   


Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles, the major carriers of cholesterol in the human circulation, have a key role in cholesterol physiology and in the development of atherosclerosis. The most prominent structural components in LDL are the core-forming cholesteryl esters (CE) and the particle-encircling single copy of a huge, non-exchangeable protein, the apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100). The shape of native LDL particles and the conformation of native apoB-100 on the particles remain incompletely characterized at the physiological human body temperature (37°C).

Methodology/Principal Findings

To study native LDL particles, we applied cryo-electron microscopy to calculate 3D reconstructions of LDL particles in their hydrated state. Images of the particles vitrified at 6°C and 37°C resulted in reconstructions at ∼16 Å resolution at both temperatures. 3D variance map analysis revealed rigid and flexible domains of lipids and apoB-100 at both temperatures. The reconstructions showed less variability at 6°C than at 37°C, which reflected increased order of the core CE molecules, rather than decreased mobility of the apoB-100. Compact molecular packing of the core and order in a lipid-binding domain of apoB-100 were observed at 6°C, but not at 37°C. At 37°C we were able to highlight features in the LDL particles that are not clearly separable in 3D maps at 6°C. Segmentation of apoB-100 density, fitting of lipovitellin X-ray structure, and antibody mapping, jointly revealed the approximate locations of the individual domains of apoB-100 on the surface of native LDL particles.


Our study provides molecular background for further understanding of the link between structure and function of native LDL particles at physiological body temperature.  相似文献   
In developing muscle cells environmental stimuli transmitted by purines binding to the specific receptors are crucial proliferation regulators. C2C12 myoblasts express numerous purinergic receptors representing both main classes: P2X and P2Y. Among P2Y receptors we have found the expression of P2Y(1), P2Y(2), P2Y(4), P2Y(6) and P2Y(12) family members while among P2X receptors P2X(4), P2X(5) and P2X(7) were discovered. We have been able to show that activation of those receptors is responsible for ERK class kinase activity, responsible for regulation of cell proliferation pathway. We have also demonstrated that this activity is calcium dependent suggesting Ca(2+) ions as secondary messenger between receptor and kinase regulatory system. More specifically, we do suspect that in C2C12 myoblasts calcium channels of P2X receptors, particularly P2X(5) play the main role in proliferation regulation. In further development of myoblasts into myotubes, when proliferation is gradually inhibited, the pattern of P2 receptors is changed. This phenomenon is followed by diminishing of the P2Y(2)-dependent Ca(2+) signaling, while the mRNA expression of P2Y(2) receptor reminds still on the high level. Moreover, P2X(2) receptor mRNA, absent in myoblasts appears in myotubes. These data show that differentiation of C2C12 cell line satellite myoblasts is accompanied by changes in P2 receptors expression pattern.  相似文献   


Sudden death has been considered the main cause of death in patients with Chagas heart disease. Nevertheless, this information comes from a period before the introduction of drugs that changed the natural history of heart failure. We sought to study the mode of death of patients with heart failure caused by Chagas heart disease, comparing with non-Chagas cardiomyopathy.

Methods and results

We examined the REMADHE trial and grouped patients according to etiology (Chagas vs non-Chagas) and mode of death. The primary end-point was all-cause, heart failure and sudden death mortality; 342 patients were analyzed and 185 (54.1%) died. Death occurred in 56.4% Chagas patients and 53.7% non-Chagas patients. The cumulative incidence of all-cause mortality and heart failure mortality was significantly higher in Chagas patients compared to non-Chagas. There was no difference in the cumulative incidence of sudden death mortality between the two groups. In the Cox regression model, Chagas etiology (HR 2.76; CI 1.34–5.69; p = 0.006), LVEDD (left ventricular end diastolic diameter) (HR 1.07; CI 1.04–1.10; p<0.001), creatinine clearance (HR 0.98; CI 0.97–0.99; p = 0.006) and use of amiodarone (HR 3.05; CI 1.47–6.34; p = 0.003) were independently associated with heart failure mortality. LVEDD (HR 1.04; CI 1.01–1.07; p = 0.005) and use of beta-blocker (HR 0.52; CI 0.34–0.94; p = 0.014) were independently associated with sudden death mortality.


In severe Chagas heart disease, progressive heart failure is the most important mode of death. These data challenge the current understanding of Chagas heart disease and may have implications in the selection of treatment choices, considering the mode of death.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrails.gov NCT00505050 (REMADHE)  相似文献   
Producers of cereulide, the emetic toxin of Bacillus cereus, are known to constitute a specific subset within this species. We investigated physiological and genetic properties of 24 strains of B. cereus including two high cereulide producers (600–1,800 ng cereulide mg−1 wet weight biomass), seven average producers (180–600 ng cereulide mg−1 wet weight biomass), four low cereulide producers (20–160 ng cereulide mg−1 wet weight biomass) and 11 non-producers representing isolates from food, food poisoning, human gut and environment. The 13 cereulide producers possessed 16S rRNA gene sequences identical to each other and identical to that of B. anthracis strains Ames, Sterne from GenBank and strain NC 08234–02, but showed diversity in the adk gene (two sequence types), in ribopatterns obtained with EcoRI and PvuII (three types of patterns), in tyrosin decomposition, haemolysis and lecithin hydrolysis (two phenotypes). The cereulide-producing isolates from the human gut represented two ribopatterns of which one was novel to cereulide-producing B. cereus and two phenotypes. We conclude that the cereulide-producing B. cereus are genetically and biochemically more diverse than hitherto thought.  相似文献   
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