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蝙蝠自然感染乙型脑炎病毒的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
张海林  国正鸣 《病毒学报》1990,6(3):269-271
为探讨横断山区蚤类物种丰富度与区系沿纬度梯度变化的基本规律以及影响它们分布的主要生态因子,作者就云南西部横断山区21o-28oN的8个纬度梯度带目前所知分布的9科45属153种(亚种)蚤类的水平分布资料进行了综合整理和统计分析。结果表明:(1)这一区域蚤类科、属、种丰富度,特有种丰富度和特有度,以及东洋界和古北界区系成分物种丰富度沿纬度梯度的变化,都呈现了随纬度增加先增高后降低的单峰分布格局,最大峰值出现在25o-27oN之间,研究认为,形成物种密度高峰的主要因素是两大区系分界线和交错区的边缘效应;(2)东洋和古北两大区系成分构成比的水平分布格局截然不同,前者随纬度的增加递减,后者则随纬度的增加呈递增的趋势,两区系成分过渡或交错区的跨度在23o-29oN之间,并在25o-27oN形成交汇和分异的中心;(3)聚类分析结果表明,横断山8个纬度梯度带的蚤类总体上归为3个主要地域区系类型,反映出纬度、地理气候环境等因素对蚤类区系及物种分布的影响,以及蚤类区系和物种组成沿纬度梯度的水平分布格局与地理和气候环境的统一性;(4)蚤类的属、种β多样性沿纬度梯度的水平分布基本呈现双峰格局,峰值反映出蚤类的组成及分布在不同纬度梯度、气候带之间的过渡与转变,说明β多样性的水平分布格局与纬度梯度的气候、环境变化程度的关系密切,以及过渡区的边缘效应对两区系物种丰富度高峰的形成具有重要影响;(5)横断山区蚤类物种丰富度与区系的水平分布与垂直分布的规律和格局基本相同,显示了具有同源性的水平地带性与垂直地带性对蚤类空间分布格局所产生的类似影响,证实了横断山区蚤类物种丰富度与区系的水平分布格局理应出现近似于它们垂直分布的一般规律与格局的推论;(6)横断山25o-27oN的区域形成了两大区系物种交汇和分异的中心,由于边缘效应和复杂的地理景观,这里蚤类科、属、种、特有种都具有较高多样性,据此作者推断,这里可能是我国横断山区多物种保存、分布和分化的核心区。  相似文献   
在云南省西南边境9县市捕获伊蚊属雌性成蚊16种19367只,用细胞法和乳鼠法分离病毒。从185批6491只白纹伊蚊中分离到病毒2株,从50批1605只剌扰伊蚊中分离到病毒2株,从23批772只窄翅伊蚊中分离到病毒2株,从4批103只阿萨姆伊蚊中分离到病毒1株。其它12种共10396只伊蚊的病毒分离物为阴性。分离到的7株病毒经免疫荧光、酶免疫、血凝抑制和中和试验鉴定,均为乙型脑炎病毒(JEvirus)。白纹伊蚊是野外竹林的优势蚊种。分析认为白纹伊蚊在当地乙型脑炎病毒保存和传播中起重要作用,刺扰伊蚊、窄翅伊蚊和阿萨姆伊蚊亦可参与该病毒的传播。  相似文献   
1979年7月至1980年3月,作者在云南云龙县的功果采集到蚊类标本一批,发现伊蚊属纷蚊亚属(Finlaya)一新种,特记述如下。 功果伊蚊Aedes (Finlaya) gonguoensis,新种 雌蚊 中型黑色蚊虫,翅长3.5—4.2毫米。 头部 头顶前部平覆深褐宽鳞,中央区和后部具白弯鳞;头顶后部和后头有黑色窄竖鳞,并杂有少数白竖鳞;有眶白鳞线;头侧大部平覆白色宽鳞,仅前部有一褐鳞区。触角梗节内侧有淡色鳞。唇基光裸;喙约为前股的1.1倍长,一致暗黑色;触须约为喙  相似文献   
Opuntia Milpa Alta is a cactus cultivated, domesticated, hybridized and selected from the plant Opuntia ficus-indica by Mexican agricultural experts, which can be used as fruit and vegetable. Opuntia Milpa Alta leaves and fruit are superior to wild varieties and suitable for storage and transportation. In 1998, Opuntia Milpa Alta was introduced to China from Mexico by the Quality Product Development Center of the Ministry of Agriculture of China. Up to now, the Opuntia Milpa Alta has been cultivated on a certain scale in China. This study aims to identify the research progress and development trends of Opuntia Milpa Alta in China. Papers published between 1998 to 2019 from two major Chinese academic databases (CNKI and Wangfang) with a topic search related to Opuntia Milpa Alta were collected. The research progress and development trends were analyzed based on CiteSpace software of text mining and visualization. The analysis found that Opuntia Milpa Alta has gone through three obvious research phases after being introduced to China. In the first phase, the researchers paid attention to its cultivation method. Subsequently, researchers began to use extraction methods to extract some of its components, such as polysaccharides and flavonoids. Finally, these extracted ingredients began to be used in some biomedical research.  相似文献   
Background: Self-sustained oscillations are a ubiquitous and vital phenomenon in living systems. From primitive single-cellular bacteria to the most sophisticated organisms, periodicities have been observed in a broad spectrum of biological processes such as neuron firing, heart beats, cell cycles, circadian rhythms, etc. Defects in these oscillators can cause diseases from insomnia to cancer. Elucidating their fundamental mechanisms is of great significance to diseases, and yet challenging, due to the complexity and diversity of these oscillators. Results: Approaches in quantitative systems biology and synthetic biology have been most effective by simplifying the systems to contain only the most essential regulators. Here, we will review major progress that has been made in understanding biological oscillators using these approaches. The quantitative systems biology approach allows for identification of the essential components of an oscillator in an endogenous system. The synthetic biology approach makes use of the knowledge to design the simplest, de novo oscillators in both live cells and cell-free systems. These synthetic oscillators are tractable to further detailed analysis and manipulations. Conclusion: With the recent development of biological and computational tools, both approaches have made significant achievements.  相似文献   
中国植被图第三次学术工作会议于1985年3月上旬在北京召开。来自全国30个省、区、市(台湾暂缺)的代表、著名的植物生态学家和地植物学家以及许多中青年科学工作者共76名出席了会议。此外,总参测绘局也派代表参加了会议。可谓植物生态学、地植物学界的一次盛会。这次会议共收到论文34篇,其中植被图例系统22篇,其它12篇。此外,还有许多幅图件。会议的第一天,中国植被图主编侯学煜教授参加大会,在开幕式上作了重要讲话,并将大会委托给会议领导小组主持。会议期间,到会代表分别在大会和小组会,汇报本省、区、市植被制图经验、进展情况、存在问题和今后的打算。到目前为止,大部分省、区、市已基本完成植被图的野外补充调查工作,有的省区还结合其它科研任务,收集到大量的植被资料。在此基础上,部分省区已完成1/100万的植被图或典型地区图,有的已完成草图编  相似文献   
大理苍山洱海自然保护区的小型兽类   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
1992-1995年间,我们对苍山洱海自然保护区的小型兽类进行了生态区系的调查,共获标本35种1600余只,参考以往的有关资料,已知当地小兽5目12科30属53种。通过8种主要生态环境的调查结果看出,小兽的物种多样性指数最高为针阔混交林,最低为农耕区,但密度最高为农耕区,最低为高山灌丛草甸。  相似文献   
云南高黎贡山蚤类的生态区系   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
本文报道了1985年以来对我甸横断山南端高黎贡山东、西坡蚤类生态区系的调查及研究结果。共发现蚤类5科23属47种(亚种)。文中对该山脉蚤类在不同森林植物带的群落结构、种的多样性及均匀度,各种蚤的栖境幅度、宿主多样性进行了陈述和比较,并对蚤类的区系特征、特有种的区系划分等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Liao Z  Huang Z  Hu H  Zhang Y  Tan Y 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(17):7953-7958
This study has focused on the pretreatment of cassava stillage residue (CSR) by mechanical activation (MA) using a self-designed stirring ball mill. The changes in surface morphology, functional groups and crystalline structure of pretreated CSR were examined by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) under reasonable conditions. The results showed that MA could significantly damage the crystal structure of CSR, resulting in the variation of surface morphology, the increase of amorphous region ratio and hydrogen bond energy, and the decrease in crystallinity and crystalline size. But no new functional groups generated during milling, and the crystal type of cellulose in CSR still belonged to cellulose I after MA.  相似文献   
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