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The 5'-end region of cspA mRNA contains a Cold Box sequence conserved among several cold-shock mRNAs. This region forms a stable stem-loop structure followed by an AU-rich sequence. Here we show that the Cold Box region is essential for the normal scale of cspA mRNA induction after cold shock because a deletion of the stem-loop significantly destabilizes the mRNA and reduces the cold shock-induced cspA mRNA amount by approximately 50%. The AU-rich track, however, slightly destabilizes the mRNA. The integrity of the stem is essential for the stabilizing function, whereas that of the loop sequence is less important. Overexpression of a mutant cspA mRNA devoid of both the AUG initiation codon and the coding sequence results in a severe growth inhibition at low temperature along with a derepression of the chromosomal cspA expression. Furthermore, the overexpressed RNA is stably associated with the 30 S and 70 S ribosomes. Our results demonstrate that the AUG initiation codon and the coding region containing the downstream box are not required for cspA mRNA to bind ribosomes and that the 5'-untranslated region by itself has a remarkable affinity to ribosomes at low temperature.  相似文献   
我们在前文中报道由整合的F'质粒所发动的大肠杆菌染色体的复制依赖于recA基因。本文报道有关recA、recB、recC以及lexA等在染色体复制中的作用,实验结果说明,recA基因通过同源重组途径而不是通过SOS途径参与复制,而且recA基因和Chi热点无关。实验结果还说明,RecBC酶的依赖于ATP的双链DNA外切核酸酶活性和recA基因的作用无关。  相似文献   
肝再生的调控及原癌基因表达   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
肝脏再生过程中受到多种体液因素的调控。肝细胞生长因子(HGF)、肝刺激因子(HSS)等对肝细胞有促分裂作用;转化生长因子β1(TGFβ1)等则具有抑制作用。此外,肝再生还需要去甲肾上腺素(NE)、胰岛素等辅助分裂原的存在,共同调节肝再生。肝细胞分裂增殖与原癌基因表达密切相关。肝细胞从静息期进入细胞周期,以及在整个细胞周期中,某些原癌基因有特征性的表达。  相似文献   
噪声在环境中广泛存在,城市化的迅速发展也使野生动物接触到人为噪声的机会增大。越来越多的证据表明,人为噪声在许多方面影响着人类的健康以及野生动物的生存。对这些研究进行总结发现,噪声会改变动物的生理状态,使其处在较高的应激水平,进而影响动物的抗氧化能力和免疫能力,甚至使雏鸟的端粒缩短。人为噪声的存在还会影响动物的学习和认知能力,干扰动物觅食、交流等行为。这些因素累积就可能会降低动物后代的存活率,改变物种丰度,对动物的生存造成威胁。对人为噪声带来的非听觉影响的研究,有助于更全面地了解噪声的潜在危害,采取更为积极的缓解应对措施。  相似文献   
多数重要的功能基因属于多基因家族,这些家族成员间存在功能冗余,高效的多基因干扰体系对研究多基因家族成员的生物学功能及其分子调控机制具有重要意义。对pCAMBIA1301载体改造,构建了适用于植物的多基因干扰体系pCAMBIA1301m和pCAMBIA1301s。使用该多基因干扰体系构建了四基因的干扰载体pCAMBIA1301m:35S∷SlPP2C1-2-3-4,4个目标基因为来源于番茄PP2C家族A组的PP2C1PP2C2PP2C3PP2C4,并通过遗传转化导入番茄,用GUS染色和PCR检测转基因阳性植株,再利用RT-qPCR技术检测T1和T2代转基因植株中目标基因的干扰效率,用T2代种子分析转基因番茄对ABA敏感性。结果表明,应用该干扰体系成功获得了四基因干扰的转基因植株35S∷SlPP2C1-2-3-4。在转基因番茄中4个目标基因的表达量显著低于野生型,其干扰效率均高于70%,转基因番茄种子萌发具有强烈的ABA不敏感性。多基因干扰体系能高效地同时沉默多个目标基因。  相似文献   
本文记述长蝽科显脉长蝽属两新种。此属是一个小属,全世界已知20余种,过去在我国只记载一种,现又发现两个新种。文中所用长度单位为毫米。  相似文献   
目的: 未折叠蛋白质反应UPR是酵母最重要蛋白质质量控制机制之一,研究UPR响应规律有助于优化异源蛋白分泌途径合成和应对酸醇等胁迫因子的细胞自我保护。方法: 选择实验室菌株W303-1A和工业菌株An-a,以UPRE启动子控制下的Lac Z为报告基因,利用CRISPR/Cas9技术构建得到指示菌株W303-1A (leu 2::UPRE-lac Z)和An-a (leu 2::UPRE- lac Z),分别简称WZ和AZ。结果: 生长曲线测定显示WZ和AZ与亲本菌株的生长接近;添加下述试剂孵育4h后测定β-半乳糖苷酶酶活:1μg/ml衣霉素、8%(v/v)乙醇、0.3%(v/v)乙酸、5%(v/v)乙醇+0.1%(v/v)乙酸;菌株AZ的比酶活分别是对照值的8.2、26.4、1.1和7.9倍,而菌株WZ则分别为12.6、2.4、1.0和1.0倍;进一步以YEplac195为载体表达β-葡萄糖苷酶,AZ和WZ转化子在2%纤维二糖中生长24h的β-葡萄糖苷酶酶活值分别为0.35和6.12U/ml,相应的LacZ则分别为对照值的3.1和5.4倍。结论: 两个菌株显示了在抑制物和异源蛋白表达UPR响应和调控能力上的显著差异,为其改造利用提供了方向;研究也为分析抑制物耐受性和异源蛋白表达关键制约因素、优化酵母ER和UPR信号通路的调控奠定了初步方法基础。  相似文献   
The asexual nature of the first cortical reorganization of conjugation in Stylonychia was analyzed by comparing the effect of amputation performed at different stages of early conjugation to that performed on vegetative cells at different stages of the cell cycle. Amputation of vegetative cells delineated a point of commitment to binary fission at 0.51–0.57 of the cell cycle. Cells amputated before this point were induced to undergo the regenerative mode of asexual development, but those amputated after this point continued with binary fission. In parallel, during conjugation a similar commitment was made around the time of formation of tight mating-pairs: early conjugants amputated around this time might undergo regeneration, and those operated on after this stage continued with the first cortical reorganization as in typical conjugants. The two mates of a pair might differ in their response to amputation, suggesting that the timing of commitment to the first cortical reorganization is not related to the events of conjugation, but rather is individually determined in the vegetative cycle of the cells before they pair up in mating. These observations provide support for the notion that the first cortical reorganization of conjugants is homologous to the asexual mode of cortical development in dividers, according to the theory of developmental heterochrony in the sexual reproduction of hypotrichs. The timing of commitment to the first cortical reorganization was found to temporally correlate with the entrance of the micronuclei into meiosis. Since the first cortical reorganization can proceed without the micronucleus, this raises the possibility that initiation of micronuclear meiosis is closely coupled with, and may be determined by, the commitment to the first cortical reorganization.  相似文献   
中国虫草一新记录种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】对一个寄生鳞翅目幼虫的虫草标本Dxhir140901进行分类鉴定。【方法】采用形态学比较和基于ITS1-5.8S-ITS2rDNA的系统发育与进化网络分析进行鉴定。【结果】形态学观察:标本的分离菌株形态显示其为典型的被毛孢属真菌,具有两型产孢结构:A型产孢细胞柱状,(1.8?6.3) μm×1.8 μm;B型产孢细胞锥形,基部柱状,向上逐渐变细无明显颈部,基部宽3?3.8 μm,长21?63 μm,颈部宽1.8?2.0 μm,菌丝末端可直接形成产孢细胞;孢子橘瓣形或卵形,(8.1?10.8) μm×(2.7?5.4) μm,具粘液,黏液层厚1.8?2.7 μm。系统发育分析结果显示该菌株与巨针线形虫草Ophiocordyceps macroacicularis聚为一支,支持率为98%,进化网络分析也支持上述结果。【结论】通过与O. macroacicularis的形态比较和分子系统学分析结果,Dxhir140901及其分离株Gzuifr-hir140901为巨针线形虫草Ophiocordyceps macroacicularis S. Ban, T. Sakane & Nakagiri的无性阶段,该种为中国新记录种。  相似文献   
对九龙江森林公园次生常绿阔叶林粗木质残体(CWD)进行量化研究,了解亚热带典型次生林CWD的本底数据。以九龙江森林公园典型天然次生林中的6个20m×20m的标准样地为对象,调查并分析样地内不同分解等级CWD的生物量、碳储量和养分特征变化。九龙江森林公园亚热带典型次生林的CWD储量在2.8—30.4t/hm~2之间,碳储量在6.10—6.75t/hm~2之间,大量营养元素(N、P、K、 Ca、 Mg)含量相对稳定,化学计量变化不显著,微量营养元素中Pb与Cd元素含量随着分解等级的增加而增加。九龙江森林公园亚热带典型次生林的CWD储量在亚热带常绿阔叶林中处于中等水平,CWD主要以分解中后期的倒木为主,反映出该次生林处于中幼龄林阶段,具有较高的碳储量,养分含量相对稳定,并表现出Pb与Cd在CWD中积累的现象,在中度分解和重度分解的CWD中Pb含量分别增加了62.65%和69.88%,Cd含量则分别增加了33.33%和100%,其内在机理有待进一步深入研究。研究结果有助于进一步了解CWD如何参与森林生态系统养分循环、重金属积累等生态过程,比较不同林分干扰历史下CWD储量、分布及养分特征的异质性...  相似文献   
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