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Summary We have analysed the distribution of the ΔF508 mutation and the haplotypes of cystic fibrosis (CF) bearing chromosomes among the Israeli CF population. The population was classified according to its ethnic origin and included 3 groups, Ashkenazi Jews, Sephardic/Oriental Jews and Arabs. Haplotype B (KM19 allele 2, XV2c allele 1) was found to be the predominant haplotype in all groups but in each of them the haplotype distribution was different. The ΔF508 mutation was present in all groups and accounts for 32% of the CF mutations. It was mainly associated with the B haplotype but only one third of the CF chromosomes with this haplotype carry the ΔF508 mutation. This work is dedicated to Dr. Ruth Voss who initiated the CF study in Israel and was tragically killed in a car accident on 7 August 1988  相似文献   
Summary This paper presents the first report of a mammalian internal organ with a lower temperature than its abdominal surrounds. Heterocephalus glaber, the naked mole-rat, is a poikilothermic mammal that leads a strictly subterranean existence and consumes a high proportion of fibre in its diet. The fermentation chamber in these animals appears to absorb rather than generate heat and the temperature in it was consistently 1.2±0.5°C (n=17) lower than rectal temperature. A caecum with a lower temperature than its abdominal surrounds provides an internal heat sink which could be advantageous for metabolic heat dissipation in the plugged humid burrows in which the naked mole-rat permanently resides.Abbreviations RH relative humidity - T b body temperature - T c caecal temperature - T i intraperitoneal temperature - T r rectal temperature  相似文献   
Summary We report on kidney structure and function in subterranean mammals of four chromosomal species (2n=52, 54, 58 and 60) belonging to the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies, in relation to their speciation and adaptive radiation from mesic (2n=52) to xeric (2n=60) environments in Israel. Structural variables measured involved: (1) Relative Medullary Thickness, (RMT); (2) Relative Kidney Weight. (RKW); and (3) Percentage of Kidney out of Body Weight (PKW). Functional variables involved: (i) Urine Solid Concentration, (USC); and (ii) Urine Osmotic Concentration (UOC). The results for chromosomal species 2n=52, 54, 58 and 60 indicated nonsignificant increase southward for RMT, but displayed significant increase along the same transect for RKW, PKW, and USC. The UOC was significantly lower in mesic 2n=52 as compared to the other three species when experimental animals were fed in the laboratory on regular carrot food. However, protein stress food (soybean) and salt stress of 0.45 mol NaCl, caused significant, three and a half fold increase of UOC in 2n=52, 54 and 58; but four and a half fold increase in 2n=60, significantly higher than in the other three species. We conclude that both structurally and functionally, the kidneys differentiated adaptively during the Pleistocene evolution of S. ehrenbergi in Israel, in accordance with aridity stress and halophyte food resources towards the desert. Nevertheless, Spalax generally shows clear upper limits in kidney structural and functional capacities, preventing it from colonizing the true desert, south of the 100 mm isohyete.  相似文献   
Summary Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is a regulatory neuropeptide involved in a wide variety of functions, among them vasodilation, smooth muscle relaxation, sweat secretion, gastrointestinal peristalsis, and pancreatic function. A deficient VIP-innervation of sweat glands was recently described as a possible pathogenic factor in sweating of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. To investigate a possible role for a defective VIP-gene in cystic fibrosis, we have used a panel of rodent-human hybrid cells, retaining defined complements of human chromosomes to localize the VIP-gene to the human chromosome region 6p216qter. As the CF gene was recently mapped to chromosome 7, we conclude that the VIP-gene is not the primary gene defect in this disease.  相似文献   
Ammonium trichloro(dioxoethylene-o,o')tellurate (AS101) is an organotellurium compound with pleiotropic functions that has been associated with antitumoral, immunomodulatory and antineurodegenerative activities. Tellurium compounds with a +4 oxidation state, such as AS101, react uniquely with thiols, forming disulfide molecules. In light of this, we tested whether AS101 can react with the amino acid homocysteine both in vitro and in vivo. AS101 conferred protection against homocysteine-induced apoptosis of HL-60 cells. The protective mechanism of AS101 against homocysteine toxicity was directly mediated by its chemical reactivity, whereby AS101 reacted with homocysteine to form homocystine, the less toxic disulfide form of homocysteine. Moreover, AS101 was shown here to reduce the levels of total homocysteine in an in vivo model of hyperhomocysteinemia. As a result, AS101 also prevented sperm cells from undergoing homocysteine-induced DNA fragmentation. Taken together, our results suggest that the organotellurium compound AS101 may be of clinical value in reducing total circulatory homocysteine levels.  相似文献   
Fluid shear stress and the vascular endothelium: for better and for worse   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
As blood flows, the vascular wall is constantly subjected to physical forces, which regulate important physiological blood vessel responses, as well as being implicated in the development of arterial wall pathologies. Changes in blood flow, thus generating altered hemodynamic forces are responsible for acute vessel tone regulation, the development of blood vessel structure during embryogenesis and early growth, as well as chronic remodeling and generation of adult blood vessels. The complex interaction of biomechanical forces, and more specifically shear stress, derived by the flow of blood and the vascular endothelium raise many yet to be answered questions:How are mechanical forces transduced by endothelial cells into a biological response, and is there a "shear stress receptor"?Are "mechanical receptors" and the final signaling pathways they evoke similar to other stimulus-response transduction systems?How do vascular endothelial cells differ in their response to physiological or pathological shear stresses?Can shear stress receptors or shear stress responsive genes serve as novel targets for the design of diagnostic and therapeutic modalities for cardiovascular pathologies?The current review attempts to bring together recent findings on the in vivo and in vitro responses of the vascular endothelium to shear stress and to address some of the questions raised above.  相似文献   
PUF proteins bind mRNAs and regulate their translation, stability, and localization. Each PUF protein binds a selective group of mRNAs, enabling their coordinate control. We focus here on the specificity of Puf2p and Puf1p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which copurify with overlapping groups of mRNAs. We applied an RNA-adapted version of the DRIM algorithm to identify putative binding sequences for both proteins. We first identified a novel motif in the 3' UTRs of mRNAs previously shown to associate with Puf2p. This motif consisted of two UAAU tetranucleotides separated by a 3-nt linker sequence, which we refer to as the dual UAAU motif. The dual UAAU motif was necessary for binding to Puf2p, as judged by gel shift, yeast three-hybrid, and coimmunoprecipitation from yeast lysates. The UAAU tetranucleotides are required for optimal binding, while the identity and length of the linker sequences are less critical. Puf1p also binds the dual UAAU sequence, consistent with the prior observation that it associates with similar populations of mRNAs. In contrast, three other canonical yeast PUF proteins fail to bind the Puf2p recognition site. The dual UAAU motif is distinct from previously known PUF protein binding sites, which invariably possess a UGU trinucleotide. This study expands the repertoire of cis elements bound by PUF proteins and suggests new modes by which PUF proteins recognize their mRNA targets.  相似文献   
A frequency‐domain (FD) analysis of fluorescence lifetime (FLT) is a unique and rapid method for cellular and intracellular classifications that can serve for medical diagnostics purposes. Nevertheless, its data analysis process demands nonlinear fitting algorithms that may distort the resolution of the FLT data and hence diminish the classification ability of the method. This research suggests a sample classification technique that is unaffected by the analysis process as it is based on the squared distance (D2) between the raw frequency response data (FRD). In addition, it presents the theory behind this technique and its validation in two simulated data sets of six groups with similar widely and closely spaced FLT data as well as in experimental data of 43 samples from bacterial and viral infected and non‐infected patients. In the two simulated tests, the classification accuracy was above 95% for all six groups. In the experimental data, the classification of 41 out of 43 samples matched earlier report and 29 out of 31 agreed with preliminary physician diagnosis. The D2 approach has the potential to promote FD‐time resolved fluorescence measurements as a medical diagnostic technique with high specifity and high sensitivity for many of today's conventional diagnostic procedures.   相似文献   
During eukaryotic translation, mRNAs may form intra-molecular interactions between distant domains. The 5′-cap and the polyA tail were shown to interact through their associated proteins, and this can induce physical compaction of the mRNA in vitro. However, the stability of this intra-molecular association in translating mRNAs and whether additional contacts exist in vivo are largely unknown. To explore this, we applied a novel approach in which several endogenous polysomal mRNAs from Saccharomyces cerevisiae were cleaved near their stop codon and the resulting 3′-UTR fragments were tested either for co-sedimentation or co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) with their ORFs. In all cases a significant fraction of the 3′-UTR fragments sedimented similarly to their ORF-containing fragments, yet the extent of co-sedimentation differed between mRNAs. Similar observations were obtained by a co-IP assay. Interestingly, various treatments that are expected to interfere with the cap to polyA interactions had no effect on the co-sedimentation pattern. Moreover, the 3′-UTR appeared to co-sediment with different regions from within the ORF. Taken together, these results indicate extensive physical associations between 3′-UTRs and their ORFs that vary between genes. This implies that polyribosomal mRNAs are in a compact configuration in vivo.  相似文献   
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