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"Kidachi", ein Zwergmutant von Pharbitis Nil, reagiert nichtgegen ß-Indolylessigs?ure, ist aber dagegen sehr empfindlichgegen Gibberellin. 0.0005 µg per Pflanze kann eine statistischgesicherte Streckungsfrderung hervorrufen. Die Reihenfolge f?rdie Wirkung der einzelnen Gibberelline ist As>A1>A4>A2. Ein Testverfahren f?r Gibberellin wurde an dieser Pflanze ausgearbeitetund einige quantitative Bestimmungen von Gibberellin-?hnlichenSubstanzen in unreifen Samen wurden ausgef?hrt. Die Logarithmen f?r Wachstums?berschuss der Sprossachse oberhalbder Kotyledonen und die Logarithmen f?r Gibberellin-Konzentrationstehen in einem geradlinigen Verh?ltnis.  相似文献   
Changes in photosynthetic activity of a marine diatom duringalgal growth were studied with a typical culture medium formarine algae, ASP-2 (l). As the algal specimen, Phaeodactylumtricornutum was used for the experiments. Nitzschia closteriumand Chaetoceros sp. were also supplementarily used. Photosynthetic and p-benzoquinone Hill activities remarkablychanged with time during algalgrowth; with maximum activityfound in cells at log phase. A rapid decrease occurred in theinterphase from the log to stationary phase. The activity changewas not accompanied by variation in photosynthetic pigment content. The low concentration of phosphorus source was suggested asthe main cause for the change. On supply of extra inorganicphosphate, the time length for holding high photosynthetic activitybecame longer; or, the activity of the cells at stationary phaserecovered at least partly even in the dark. Dark recovery wasnot accompanied by either algal growth or an increase in thecontent of photosynthetic pigments. Inactivation of photosynthesis in the stationary growth phaseand activation by added phosphate in the dark were inferredto be due to changes in activities of both the CO2-fixing andelectron transfer systems. The observed activity change maynot be attributable to a deficiency in inorganic phosphate asthe substrate for photophosphorylation. Similar changes in photosynthetic activity were also observedwith Nitzschia closterium and Chaetoceros sp. (Received January 30, 1971; )  相似文献   
We developed 10 microsatellite loci from genomic DNA of a dioecious clonal plant, Dioscorea japonica. Out of 384 clones, 148 contained microsatellite repeats. Polymerase chain reaction primer pairs were designed for 95 of these clones from their sequence data, of which, 10 pairs produced successful amplification. Thirty‐eight individuals were genotyped for allelic diversity. We detected three to nine alleles per locus, and the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.461 to 0.851.  相似文献   
The suitability of the OGUR-ROSEN method for RNA extractionfrom sweet potato root tissue was investigated. The PCA extractfrom the freshly sliced tissue was colorless and showed a typicalspectrum of RNA. However, as the slices were incubated for 1to 3 days (wounded tissues), extract from them was brownishand revealed no typical spectrum of RNA. When wounded tissuewas treated with acetone containing isoascorbic acid and theresultant acetone powder was treated with PCA, extract indicatedthe spectrum very close to that of RNA. Interfering substancesstill remaining were removed satisfactorily with charcoal whichadsorbed RNA selectively. Thus, RNA could be assayed as theOD260-difference between PCA extract from the acetone powderand a fraction of the extract non-adsorbable on charcoal. Timecourse analysis of RNA contents during incubation of the tissueslices disclosed a remarkable increase in the total RNA in theinitial stage of incubation. 1This paper constitutes part 81 of Phytopathological Chemistryof Sweet Potato with Black Rot and Injury (Received September 5, 1969; )  相似文献   
A cell-free preparation of hydrogenase was obtained from acetone-driedcells of Anabaena cylindrica. This preparation was capable ofcatalyzing the reduction of various redox dyes by molecularhydrogen and evolution of hydrogen from reduced methyl viologen.PMS, methylene blue, DPIP and toluidine blue were effective,in this order, as hydrogen acceptors. Ferricyanide, p-quinone,phenosafranine and neutral red were not reduced by the presentpreparation. PPNR obtained from this alga was effective on neitherreduction of NAD and NADP by hydrogen nor stimulation of hydrogenuptake with methylene blue and PMS. Coupled with hydrogenasereaction, there occurred reduction of nitrate to ammonia whenmethylene blue was added to the reaction mixture. 1Present address: Department of Zoology, University of Texas,Austin, Texas, U.S.A.  相似文献   
Abstract Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) is a valuable tree species in Japan. The present natural distribution is limited to small scattered areas in temperate moist regions, and most of these areas are surrounded by vast artificial plantations. We studied natural populations of C. japonica in an effort to determine the amount and distribution of genetic diversity using 12 allozyme markers. The amount of genetic variation within the species is high (HT=0.196) but most is found within populations with little among populations (GST=0.034) despite their isolated distribution. This pattern of genetic diversity is inferred to be the consequence of the following: (1) the distribution of this species in the past was wider and more continuous than it is now; (2) a high rate of gene flow occurs, perhaps including gene flow between natural populations and plantations; and (3) the long lifespan. However, the distribution of allele frequencies at the 6Pg-1 in northern populations on the side near the Sea of Japan is clearly different from those in other populations. This observation is inferred to result from founding events.  相似文献   
Cytochrome c reducing substance (CRS), a redox substance discoveredin photoreactive lamellar fragments, was purified by Sephadexcolumn chromatography. Chromatographic behaviours of CRS ofAnabaena and spinach were essentially the same. Purified CRSof Anabaena showed an absorption spectrum having one absorptionmaximum around 260 mµ. The absorption peak disappearedon addition of excess amount of borohydride. Similar absorptionchange on borohydride addition was observed with spinach CRSpreparation. Purified preparations of Anabaena and spinach CRS supportedphotophosphorylation in spinach broken chloroplasts. The phosphorylationwas found to couple the electron flow from water to molecularoxygen. 1This work was supported by grant GM-11300 from the NationalInstitute of Health, U. S. A. 2Present address: Institute of Applied Microbiology, The Universityof Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.  相似文献   
Fifteen microsatellite markers were developed from a microsatellite‐enriched library and characterized using 32 Chamaecyparis obtusa individuals. The number of alleles ranged from two to 27 per locus, with observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.281 to 0.906. The polymorphism information content (PIC) was also calculated for each marker and the average was 0.796 ± 0.024. These microsatellite markers will be useful for investigating population genetics, reproductive ecology, tree improvement and constructing linkage maps of the species.  相似文献   
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