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Genetic and biochemical evidence suggests there are at least three DNA polymerases required for replication in eukaryotic cells. However, Drosophila embryonic cells have a very short duration S phase which is regulated differently. To address the question of whether embryos utilize different DNA polymerases, we employed Mono Q anion exchange chromatography to resolve the DNA polymerase activities. Two types of DNA polymerase, DNA polymerase delta and DNA polymerase alpha, were distinguished by: 1. copurification of DNA primase or 3'-5'exonuclease activities; 2. immunoblot analysis with alpha-specific polyclonal antisera; 3. sensitivity to aphidicolin and BuPdGTP; and 4. processivity measurements with and without Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen. These observations suggest that Drosophila embryos, similar to nonembryonic cells, have both alpha- and delta-type DNA polymerases.  相似文献   
Suspension cultures of soybean line SB-1 have been grown using maltose as an carbon-energy source. The very slow growth in medium containing maltose has been used to select rapidly growing variants. These appear to arise as a series of sequential genetic changes (mutations?). These variant strains are stable when grown in sucrose medium for 100 generations and appear to be able to transport maltose actively into the cell.  相似文献   
Chinese hamster ovary cells, selected in mitosis and plated into medium containing hydroxyurea, can progress through G1 and enter S phase although bulk DNA synthesis is prevented. As the cells progress through G1 in the presence of hydroxyurea, ornithine decarboxylase activity remains low while general protein synthesis appears unaffected. After hydroxyurea is removed, ornithine decarboxylase activity increases, but only after approximately 20% of the DNA has been replicated. These results suggest that ornithine decarboxylase induction is not essential for cellular progression into S phase but is required for the completion of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   
在1.5L搅拌式发酵罐中,使用葡萄糖质量浓度分别为120、200、280g/L的培养基进行酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae连续发酵生成酒精的动力学研究。研究发现,当培养基中葡萄糖浓度为200和280g/L时,发酵液中残糖浓度、酒精浓度以及菌体生物量从小幅度波动的准稳态发展到大幅度波动的振荡状态。提出了伴有周期性振荡现象准稳态过程的概念,并针对该过程,建立了兼有底物和产物抑制的酵母细胞生长和产物酒精生成动力学模型。  相似文献   
土壤碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)是参与植物光合作用和影响生态系统初级生产力的主要元素。甘南高原是黄河流域重要的生态屏障,为了解该区不同林分土壤养分状况的差异,选取该区4种典型林分:云杉林、华北落叶松林、巴山冷杉林以及岷江冷杉糙皮桦混交林为研究对象,研究土壤C、N、P化学计量特征。结果表明:(1)岷江冷杉及糙皮桦混交林土壤C、N含量最高,云杉林土壤N、P含量最低。不同林分间P含量差异显著(P<0.05),不同土层间C、N含量差异均显著(P<0.05)。(2)云杉林土壤C : N值显著高于其他林分,岷江冷杉及糙皮桦混交林土壤N : P及C : P高于其他林分。(3)海拔、土壤pH、容重与土壤含水量是影响土壤养分的重要因素。土壤C含量与N、P含量均显著相关(P<0.05)。总体来说,不同林分土壤化学计量特征具有显著差异,混交林土壤养分状况较纯林好,未来森林管理和植被建设中,可以通过选择合适的树种和提高树种多样性有效改善森林土壤质量。  相似文献   
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