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Human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) are presumed to have robust DNA repair pathways to ensure genome stability. PSCs likely need to protect against mutations that would otherwise be propagated throughout all tissues of the developing embryo. How these cells respond to genotoxic stress has only recently begun to be investigated. Although PSCs appear to respond to certain forms of damage more efficiently than somatic cells, some DNA damage response pathways such as the replication stress response may be lacking. Not all DNA repair pathways, including the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) pathway, have been well characterized in PSCs to date. MMR maintains genomic stability by repairing DNA polymerase errors. MMR is also involved in the induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in response to certain exogenous DNA-damaging agents. Here, we examined MMR function in PSCs. We have demonstrated that PSCs contain a robust MMR pathway and are highly sensitive to DNA alkylation damage in an MMR-dependent manner. Interestingly, the nature of this alkylation response differs from that previously reported in somatic cell types. In somatic cells, a permanent G2/M cell cycle arrest is induced in the second cell cycle after DNA damage. The PSCs, however, directly undergo apoptosis in the first cell cycle. This response reveals that PSCs rely on apoptotic cell death as an important defense to avoid mutation accumulation. Our results also suggest an alternative molecular mechanism by which the MMR pathway can induce a response to DNA damage that may have implications for tumorigenesis.  相似文献   
The activity and stability of several enzymes from the facultative thermophile Bacillus flavothermus, grown within the mesophilic and thermophilic region at 34 degrees C, 43 degrees C, 52 degrees C and 70 degrees C, have been examined. While the temperature optima and maxima of all enzymes tested were found to remain unchanged at all growth temperatures, it was demonstrated that the heat stability of the proteins increased with ten perature, however, not uniformly for all enzymes. One exception was acetate kinase and the intrinsic stability of pyruvate kinase was found to increase only slightly. With all other proteins tested (alanine dehydrogenase, isocitric dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutamate-oxalacetate and glutamate-pyruvate transaminase and myokinase) the intrinsic stability was found to increase to about 55 degrees C, but stayed unaltered at higher growth temperatures. Except for acetate kinase and myokinase, the enzymes could be stabilized by their respective substrates and the heat stability of the ES-complexes was found also to depend on the growth temperature of the cells. These data lead to the conclusion that the enzymes undergo a transition from heat-labile to thermostable within the growth temperature range between 44 degrees C and 51 degrees C while the thermal characteristics are not changed below and beyond this crucial region.  相似文献   
Summary Re-examination of the colorimetric fatty acid determination with copper nitrate, followed by complex formation with DIECA has shown that the method is not reliable if applied as described by Duncombe (1962, 1963): The Cu concentration is too high, the DIECA concentration much too low and the wavelength chosen (440 m) is suitable only for very low fatty acid concentrations.According to the results reported here the following alterations have to be adopted: The concentration of the copper nitrate solution should be 3%, a 0.5% solution of DIECA in butanol has to be used and measurements should be done at 492 m. The method described here offers the opportunity to determine fatty acid concentrations in the semi-micro range by measuring the filtered chloroform phase directly at 691 m, covering a range between 175 g/ml to 1.2 mg/ml. If the concentration turns out to be lower than 200 g F. A./ml, the same sample can be used for a micro-determination (up to 200 g/ml) at 492 m, after formation of the yellowish-brown complex by addition of 0.1 ml 0.5% butanolic DIECA solution to 1.0 ml of the chloroform phase.The method has been applied to determine the amount of free F. A. in cutin layers and cutin powder, revealing that the latter contains 5.6 times more free F. A. than the intact material. The free F. A. within the polymer seem to serve as interconnections for the main units of the cutin polylipid.  相似文献   
Scanning electron microscopy revealed great morphological diversity in biofilms from several largely unexplored subterranean thermal Alpine springs, which contain radium 226 and radon 222. A culture-independent molecular analysis of microbial communities on rocks and in the water of one spring, the "Franz-Josef-Quelle" in Bad Gastein, Austria, was performed. Four hundred fifteen clones were analyzed. One hundred thirty-two sequences were affiliated with 14 bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and 283 with four archaeal OTUs. Rarefaction analysis indicated a high diversity of bacterial sequences, while archaeal sequences were less diverse. The majority of the cloned archaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences belonged to the soil-freshwater-subsurface (1.1b) crenarchaeotic group; other representatives belonged to the freshwater-wastewater-soil (1.3b) group, except one clone, which was related to a group of uncultivated Euryarchaeota. These findings support recent reports that Crenarchaeota are not restricted to high-temperature environments. Most of the bacterial sequences were related to the Proteobacteria (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta), Bacteroidetes, and Planctomycetes. One OTU was allied with Nitrospina sp. (delta-Proteobacteria) and three others grouped with Nitrospira. Statistical analyses suggested high diversity based on 16S rRNA gene analyses; the rarefaction plot of archaeal clones showed a plateau. Since Crenarchaeota have been implicated recently in the nitrogen cycle, the spring environment was probed for the presence of the ammonia monooxygenase subunit A (amoA) gene. Sequences were obtained which were related to crenarchaeotic amoA genes from marine and soil habitats. The data suggested that nitrification processes are occurring in the subterranean environment and that ammonia may possibly be an energy source for the resident communities.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Untersuchungen zur Mobilität der aufgenommenen Kieselsäure in Bakterien zeigen, daß die Kieselsäure in Abwesenheit von Glucose rasch wieder gegen Phosphat ausgetauscht werden kann. Wenn jedoch die Aufnahme der Kieselsäure aus glucosehaltigen Si-Lösungen erfolgte, so ergibt sich, daß nur ein geringer Teil dieser Kieselsäure durch Inkubation in Phosphatlösungen wieder ausgetauscht werden kann. Dieser Si-Anteil wird jedoch bei Inkubation der Zellen in Carbonatlösung vollständig ausgeschieden. Die Möglichkeit, daß diese Kieselsäure in Form von C–Si-Bindungen in der Zelle vorliegt, wird diskutiert. Weitere Untersuchungen zu diesen Fragen sind im Gange.
Summary Studies on the mobility of silicon in bacterial cells show, that Si is readily excanged against phosphate if the cells are incubated in absence of glucose. However if the bacteria are preincubated in silicate solutions in the presence of glucose, the silicon taken up is not mobile any more during incubation in phosphate solutions. The element is extruded completely by incubating the cells in carbonate solutions. Evidence has been made that silicon is deposited within the cells as organic compound in which C–Si-bonds are formed.
Soil legacy effects are commonly highlighted as drivers of plant community dynamics and species co‐existence. However, experimental evidence for soil legacy effects of conditioning plant communities on responding plant communities under natural conditions is lacking. We conditioned 192 grassland plots using six different plant communities with different ratios of grasses and forbs and for different durations. Soil microbial legacies were evident for soil fungi, but not for soil bacteria, while soil abiotic parameters did not significantly change in response to conditioning. The soil legacies affected the composition of the succeeding vegetation. Plant communities with different ratios of grasses and forbs left soil legacies that negatively affected succeeding plants of the same functional type. We conclude that fungal‐mediated soil legacy effects play a significant role in vegetation assembly of natural plant communities.  相似文献   
Objective-oriented factory planning is a prerequisite for the economic operation of a factory. As intensive discussions in the literature as well as practical findings in factories over the years show, transformability and logistics are among the key objectives of a factory. It is striking, however, that both objectives have not so far been related to each other. Based on these findings, a method for evaluating the actual as well as the target transformability of a factory has been developed. It allows the user to assess whether the factory possesses adequate and economic transformability. In order to make the method more manageable for users in practice, a software tool is presented, and a benchmarking has been derived from the data collected by evaluating factory transformability. In addition, it has been found that transformability can influence logistics. A procedure will be presented that allows major means of adjustment to be found that improve the logistics objectives of a factory by using transformability. Finally, the outlook for future developments is discussed.  相似文献   
Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) is associated with defective complement regulation. Disease-associated mutations have been described in the genes encoding the complement regulators complement factor H, membrane cofactor protein, factor B, and factor I. In this study, we show in two independent cohorts of aHUS patients that deletion of two closely related genes, complement factor H-related 1 (CFHR1) and complement factor H-related 3 (CFHR3), increases the risk of aHUS. Amplification analysis and sequencing of genomic DNA of three affected individuals revealed a chromosomal deletion of approximately 84 kb in the RCA gene cluster, resulting in loss of the genes coding for CFHR1 and CFHR3, but leaving the genomic structure of factor H intact. The CFHR1 and CFHR3 genes are flanked by long homologous repeats with long interspersed nuclear elements (retrotransposons) and we suggest that nonallelic homologous recombination between these repeats results in the loss of the two genes. Impaired protection of erythrocytes from complement activation is observed in the serum of aHUS patients deficient in CFHR1 and CFHR3, thus suggesting a regulatory role for CFHR1 and CFHR3 in complement activation. The identification of CFHR1/CFHR3 deficiency in aHUS patients may lead to the design of new diagnostic approaches, such as enhanced testing for these genes.  相似文献   
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